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Workplace Automation with Power Automate: A Guide for Small Businesses

The day of a small business owner often starts before sunrise and stretches long after sunset. Whether managing employees, sourcing materials, defining or servicing new products, serving customers, or keeping up with a mountain of administrative work, their to-do list always seems to continue. Running a small business can be a Herculean task in today's competitive landscape. Financial constraints are often the first stumbling block. Every dollar counts, and there is a constant need to maximize the use of each penny. Wastage and inefficiencies, therefore, are luxuries that small businesses can ill afford.

Secondly, time management poses a significant challenge . With multiple responsibilities pulling the business owner in different directions, ensuring that the most pressing tasks get addressed effectively is a constant battle. Faced with a never-ending barrage of tasks, owners often wish for more hours in a day. Last but not least, there's the challenge of staffing . For many small businesses, 'all hands on deck' isn't just a saying; It's a daily reality. When the team is limited, ensuring consistent productivity becomes a task unto itself. Meeting customers' needs while ensuring the business is growing and evolving can feel like an impossible balancing act. Each of these challenges, individually and collectively, can significantly impact the success and sustainability of a small business. Wouldn't it be a game-changer if there was a way to tackle these challenges head-on, freeing up the time, resources, and people required to drive growth and innovation? The solution is closer than you may think. Read on to find out how easy-to-access technology might be the key to transforming how small businesses operate.

The Burden of Repetitive Tasks

Often, the tasks that seem the smallest can take up the most time . Think about your average workday. How much is consumed by checking emails, entering data, scheduling appointments, or generating reports? These repetitive tasks are an unavoidable part of running a business. Still, they also represent a significant drain on resources and human energy.

Repetitive tasks can be characterized by their predictability. They are usually simple, routine, and follow a strict sequence or pattern. That's precisely why they can be a burden. They demand attention and time better spent on tasks requiring creativity, strategic thinking, and human interaction. For a small business owner, every minute spent on these routine tasks is not spent on growing the business, innovating, or connecting with customers.

a software company plans to use power automate

Power Automate is a service provided by Microsoft that enables businesses to automate tasks and business processes. It's part of the Microsoft Power Platform, a suite of tools designed to help companies to analyze data, build solutions, automate processes, and create virtual agents.

The central idea behind Power Automate is simple yet transformative: automating repetitive, time-consuming tasks to free up your valuable time and resources . Whether it's routine data entry, generating reports, managing emails, or scheduling appointments, Power Automate can handle it all. It allows you and your team to focus on the tasks that need your human touch, which drive growth and innovation in your business.

What sets Power Automate apart is its user-friendly interface and the versatility of its features. Even if you're not a tech expert, you can quickly grasp how Power Automate works and start making it work for your business. And with a wide range of connectors, Power Automate can seamlessly integrate with the software and apps you already use in your business, like Outlook, Excel, SharePoint, and more.

Case Study: Small Businesses and Power Automate

To truly understand Power Automates' impact on a small business, let's look at some real-world examples.

Our first case is a local parts workshop that faced the challenge of managing its inventory and keeping track of customer orders. By implementing Power Automate, the workshop was able to automate these processes. The software now keeps track of inventory levels in real-time. It automatically generates reports that allow the owner to make informed decisions about reordering supplies.

Furthermore, it automates confirming customer orders, ensuring everything runs smoothly. As a result, the workshop has seen improved efficiency, reduced waste, and enhanced customer satisfaction.


The second case is a small consulting firm burdened with scheduling appointments, tracking billable hours, and generating invoices.

With Power Automate, the firm was able to automate these tasks. Now, the tool integrates with the firm's calendar to schedule and manage appointments. 

It also tracks billable hours automatically and generates invoices at the end of each billing period.  Using Power Automate freed up valuable time for the consultants, increased the accuracy of their billing, and improved their cash flow.

Finally, consider the case of a retail store that had to manage a loyalty rewards program for its customers. Before Power Automate, managing the program was time-consuming and required manual data entry. 

However, after implementing Power Automate, the store was able to automate the process of updating customer reward points and sending out personalized offers. Power Automate made the process more efficient and improved customer engagement without there being need to hire a developer.

In each of these cases, Power Automate handled repetitive tasks that were previously managed manually. The results speak for themselves - improved efficiency, cost savings, increased accuracy, and the ability for business owners and their employees to focus on what they do best.

By using Power Automate, these small businesses could transform their operations and achieve a new level of success. This could be the future for your business as well.

Implementation of Power Automate for Small Businesses

You've heard examples of how other small businesses have used Power Automate to improve efficiency and save time. To explore how you can bring these benefits to your own business, here's your guide to get you started with Power Automate:

  • Define Your Needs : Before diving into Power Automate, it's important to identify the repetitive tasks that are eating up your time. Start by documenting your daily processes, noting which ones are repetitive and time-consuming.
  • Explore Power Automate : Visit the Power Automate website and familiarize yourself with its features. The Collab365 Academy offers various resources, including how-to videos, a quick start challenge for beginners and lots of articles and use cases to help you understand how to use the platform.
  • Choose the Right Plan : Power Automate offers different plans tailored to various business needs. Choose the one that aligns with your business requirements and budget. You can get a free Microsoft 365 licence to try it (and other Power Platform tools) out for Free. You can also invest into the Microsoft 365 tooling for as little as $5 per month with a Business Basics Licence . 
  • Build and Learn about your First Flow : 'Flows' are the backbone of Power Automate. They define the automation process from start to finish. Begin by creating a simple flow for a task you want to automate. Power Automate provides templates for common tasks, which can be a helpful starting point. They work generally within a few clicks of a mouse and with connection to the Microsoft 365 account you have. 
  • Use it, Test it and Optimize : After creating your flow, test it to ensure it works as expected. Over time, you can refine and optimize your flows to better suit your business processes.
  • Expand It and Evolve : Once you are comfortable with Power Automate, start to automate more complex tasks and processes. The platform is versatile and scalable, growing with your business.

Remember, implementing Power Automate is not just about picking up skills and automating tasks; it's about learning how the tool can work for you. Solving YOUR specific problems can and ultimately transforming the way your business operates. 

Our  BLUE  model (Build it, Learn It, Use It, Enhance It) underpins all of the training at the  Collab365 Academy and provides tangible examples you can work through to solve real world problems from your business.

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All training involves a learning curve, so be patient and persistent. Use the available resources at the Academy and more widely, and don't hesitate to seek help if needed. We have a team of coaches at the Academy willing to help.

We also have over 8000 members who share a desire to use these tools in the same way. So we recommend you take time to interact and ask questions in the Academy Forum. It will boost your learning. 

In the end, the time and effort invested in learning and implementing Power Automate will pay off in the form of saved time, reduced costs, and a more efficient business operation.

Overcoming Concerns about Automation

Embracing automation can bring with it a set of concerns. One of the most common fears is job loss due to automation.

As a small business owner, you value your employees and their contributions to your business, and the last thing you want is to put their jobs at risk. However, it's essential to understand that automation, particularly with a tool like Power Automate, is not about replacing human workers but enhancing their productivity and removing daily waste, which means more fulfilled and focused people in your business.

concerned about automation

With Power Automate, routine, time-consuming tasks are automated, freeing your employees to focus on tasks requiring human judgment, creativity, and personal interaction. This means your employees can contribute more effectively to your business, increasing growth and success.

Training and upskilling your employees to work in an environment with automated processes is another crucial factor. By learning to work with Power Automate, your employees can improve their skills and increase their value to your business and the broader job market. Remember, the goal is to work with technology, not against it.

Finally, understanding the role of employees in an automated environment is key. Even with automation, people are essential in maintaining and improving business operations. They bring unique insights that can help optimize computerized processes. They can oversee processes to ensure everything is running smoothly.

In short, automation should be seen as a tool to improve your business, not as a threat. By embracing it and preparing people in your business for it, you can maximize its benefits while minimising potential drawbacks.

Actionable Steps to Start Your Automation Journey

Interested in the possibilities that Power Automate offers? Here are three actionable steps to kickstart your automation journey:

  • Identify One Repetitive Task : Look at your daily operations and choose one task that is repetitive and time-consuming. This task should be something that doesn't require critical thinking or creativity, such as data entry, scheduling, or generating reports.
  • Explore Power Automate : Get a Microsoft 365 Licence (or a free trial) and head to make.powerautomate.com .  Familiarize yourself with the features and functionalities of Power Automate. Start by looking through the Templates to create a 'flow' for the task you identified earlier. Use these templates gives a helping hand to help you get started.
  • Dive Into Collab365 Academy : Collab365 Academy is a treasure trove of information and resources on Power Automate. You'll find in-depth tutorials, challenges, live sessions, and a workshop designed specifically for beginners (plus ones for more advanced makers). The beginners workshop will guide you through the process of automating your first task and provide you with the knowledge and skills to further explore Power Automate for your business.

Remember, the goal of this first experiment is not just to automate a task but to start changing the way you approach repetitive tasks in your business. As you get more comfortable with Power Automate, you can start automating more complex tasks and processes, saving you even more time and resources.

Sound interesting? Then it's time to embrace the power of automation and take your small business to new heights!

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A Detailed Guide to Microsoft Power Automate Pricing Plans

Want to crack Power Automate pricing? If your answer is a nod, then you are in the right place. 

Here, in this post, you will get insights into MS Power Automate pricing and more. Keep reading to learn about them.

Let’s begin with an introduction to Power Automate.

 Table of Content

What is microsoft power automate.

We are living in a world where things have gone digital. Businesses are making all possible efforts to stay on top of their game. For that, they are adopting advanced digital solutions like Microsoft Power Automate .

Microsoft Power Automate is a cloud-based workflow automation platform that empowers organizations to streamline repetitive tasks and complex processes. It allows businesses to connect their favorite apps and services, automate data transfer, and improve overall efficiency.

Microsoft 365 Power Automate shines with its ability to connect to virtually any app thanks to hundreds of built-in connectors and support for third-party APIs. This lets you automate tasks across your entire business ecosystem, including D365 Business Central and other Microsoft 365 apps. By creating intelligent workflows, you can streamline processes and dramatically boost productivity.

Power Automate goes beyond basic automation. It offers features like process mining to help you identify opportunities for improvement, Copilot for creating workflows with natural language, and robotic process automation (RPA) for automating repetitive tasks on your desktop. These features are available in various pricing plans to fit your specific needs.

Microsoft Power Automate Pricing Plans

For businesses, it is crucial to learn about pricing details before signing up for any software solution. Microsoft Power Automate pricing plans are broadly categorized into two categories: 

  • Power Automate Premium 
  • Power Automate Process

Besides, you can even sign up for a trial to explore its capabilities and features.

The prices mentioned below are indicative and thus should not be considered exact as they are dependent on various factors such as organization, region, currency, country, and so on. Plus, there are Microsoft 365 Power Automate add-on licensing options available as well that can impact the final pricing.

Now, let’s explore Power Automate pricing plans, one by one:

1. Power Automate Premium 

Power Automate premium pricing is available at USD 15 per user/month. It lets users handle both new and legacy apps by letting them create and run unlimited cloud flows with digital process automating (DPA), plus work on legacy apps with desktop flows through robotic process automation (RPA) in attended mode. 

Microsoft Power Automate desktop pricing includes full Process Mining on desktops and a limited amount of Process Mining data space (50 MB that can be shared up to 100GB per tenant).

Also, Power Automate Premium gives access to AI tools to help with tasks like form processing, object detection, making predictions, classification, and recognition of text and lets a user run an attended RPA bot on a computer.

Remember, to run an RPA bot in an unattended mode, you need to add an extra Power Automate Hosted Process license.

2. Power Automate Process 

Power Automate premium pricing is available at USD 150 per bot/month. It lets you use an autonomous or self-running bot for tasks that don't need a person, or for a critical task that everyone in the company can use without each person needing their own license.

This license also allows you to use AI Builder for things like form processing, object detection, making predictions, sorting texts, and spotting details.

When setting up autonomous or self-running bots, keep the following points in mind:

  • If you want the same task to run at the same time in different places, you need an additional unattended bot for each one.
  • These bots can work on your own computer, a remote desktop, or in a virtual environment or cloud setup. However, this license doesn't cover the cost of those setups. The Microsoft 365 Power Automate Hosted Process license does include a virtual machine by Microsoft for this.

When setting up business processes, keep the following points in mind:

  • Each top-level main task flow needs its own license. But, if one task triggers another, you don't need extra licenses for those follow-up tasks.
  • You can set tasks to start every minute, no matter the license type. There's no limit to how often tasks can run, as long as the connector tool you're using allows it.

Power Automate Add-ons

There are three main Power Automate Add-ons:

  • Hosted RPA: It is priced at USD 215 per bot/month and is available as an add-on for Power Automate Premium.
  • AI Builder: This add-on of AI Builder Power Automate is available at the pricing of USD 500 per unit/month. It is available for existing Power Automate, Power Apps , or paid subscription plans for Dynamics 365.
  • Process Mining: It is priced at USD 5000 per tenant/month and is available for Power Automate Premium.

For what all these add-ons cover, take a glance at the following table:

a software company plans to use power automate

Source: Microsoft

Impact of Connectors Integration on Power Automate Pricing Plans

Speaking of Microsoft Power Automate premium connectors pricing, users can use them under both plans. However, the only difference would be the database capacity and file capacity of Microsoft Dataverse for these plans.

In the case of Power Automate Premium, you will have 250 MB database capacity and 2 GB file capacity, whereas the Power Automate Process plan will offer 50 MB database capacity and 200 MB file capacity.

Pre-built connectors that come with Microsoft 365 Power Automate are hugely powerful. Users can integrate these connectors with multiple Microsoft and third-party software programs. Hence, you can use connectors to perform specific operations in one application and still follow a certain trigger in other applications.

Also Read: Power Apps with Business Central

Are Power Automate Pricing Plans Worth Considering?

Every business requires automation today to thrive and remain competitive. Whenever an organization decides to invest in such automation tools, it thinks about ROI. But it can only be discovered if organizations look closely into it. Talking to certified Microsoft Power Automate consultants can clear all your doubts and help you make a major decision for the benefit of your business in the long run. 

By utilizing Power Automate, several organizations are getting great ROI. After going through the pricing plans and features mentioned above, you can choose the ideal plans that can cater to your specific organizational automation needs.

If you want to leverage Microsoft Power Automate to make your daily operations more efficient, just let us know. We, Dynamics Square, are a Microsoft Solutions Partner that helps organizations automate manual processes to save time and let them focus on what is more important for their business.


Samar Malik is a senior SaaS writer with an experience of 7+ years. With a list of numerous posts ranking on SERP, he is working with the sole motto of making SaaS technology more human. His deep knowledge of technology and engaging writing style shed light on its complexities, helping readers worldwide gain a deeper understanding.


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Microsoft Power Automate: how to use Cloud Flows for process automation

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The key to scalable workflow automation.

As a part of the Microsoft 365 suite, Microsoft Power Automate offers enterprises an ambitious promise – to automate business processes through robotic process automation ( RPA ), digital process automation (DPA), and AI capabilities, as well as task and process mining. This is a big deal in a world where words ‘automation’ and ‘efficiency’ are almost interchangeable. According to a recent survey , 96% of technology leaders consider process automation their top priority during digital transformation. And yet, many struggle to find the right tools to move in that direction. In this article, we’ll explore one of the main areas where Power Automate is of great help – DPA, and how enterprises can use Cloud Flows to optimize a wide range of business processes.

What is Microsoft Power Automate and how does it work?

Microsoft Power Automate, formerly known as Microsoft Flow, is a cloud-based service that enables users to build automated workflows across a vast array of applications and platforms. It is a key component within Microsoft Power Platform , designed to reduce manual intervention in repetitive and time-consuming processes.

In a nutshell, Power Automate functions with a trigger-action-based model. Users define a specific trigger event (such as a new file upload, arrival of an email, or a scheduled time) that initiates a sequence of automated actions. These actions can range from simple data transfers to complex multi-step processes across different systems.

The basics of Power Automate

The platform’s visual interface and pre-built connectors for more than a thousand popular services make it accessible to both developers and non-technical users. This allows organizations to easily create customized workflows that:

  • Orchestrate approvals. Replace manual, time-consuming approval processes with automated workflows that route documents, items, or actions for digital sign-off.
  • Synchronize updates. Eliminate manual data entry and support consistency and automate the flow of updates between connected systems.
  • Generate notifications. Keep stakeholders informed with timely alerts triggered by specific events or conditions.

Power Automate is adaptable to various use cases. For example, it can automate mundane tasks like data entry or streamline complex customer onboarding flows for an improved user experience. One particularly valuable application is its ability to digitize paper-based processes. In this way, companies can switch from traditional paper-based processes to efficient digital workflows and eliminate the need for physical documents and manual handoffs.

Power Automate’s ability to connect with numerous services and systems expands its potential further, whether you want to optimize social media management, improve inventory workflows, or hone approval processes for documents and expenses. As you identify time-consuming processes within your organization, consider it to be a tool that frees up valuable resources and drives greater efficiency across all departments.

Here is a sketch of its several vital use cases across telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, and finance:

Industry Area of improvement Use case
Customer support automation Automate responses to frequently asked questions, route complex issues to appropriate teams, and notify customers of service outages based on network data.
Network monitoring and alerting Monitor network performance in real-time, trigger alerts for potential issues, and initiate automated troubleshooting procedures for faster resolution.
Regulatory compliance management Improve documentation workflows for clinical trials and drug development, and track approvals throughout the process.
Supply chain management Oversee inventory levels, automate purchase orders when stock dips, or monitor shipments for potential delays so as to keep the supply chain running smoothly.
Risk management and fraud detection Monitor transactions for anomalies, flag suspicious activity based on predefined rules, and automate notifications for further investigation.
Automated financial reporting

What are the key components of a Power Automate Cloud Flow?

The key components of Power Automate flows are:

1. Triggers

A trigger is the event that starts your Cloud Flow. Power Automate offers a vast variety of triggers, including:

  • Scheduled triggers that run a flow at a specific time or interval (e.g., every day at 9 AM).
  • Automatic triggers that react to events in other apps or services (e.g., a new email arrives, a file is created in SharePoint).
  • Instant triggers that are initiated by a user.

Actions are the steps your flow will perform after the trigger. Here’s what they can do:

  • Manipulate data: copy files, update spreadsheets, or generate reports.
  • Communicate: send emails, post on social media, create tasks in a planner.
  • Make decisions: deliver and wait for the decision of an Approver or Approvers.
  • Connect to services: leverage hundreds of pre-built connectors for popular services like Salesforce, Dropbox, Twitter, and more.

3. Conditions (Optional)

Conditions allow users to introduce decision-making into their flows. They check if certain criteria are met and adjust the flow’s behavior accordingly. For example, a condition could check if an invoice amount is above a certain threshold before sending it to a manager for approval.

Apart from that, Power Automate serves as a space for creating different types of flows. Here is their brief recap:

Automated flow Triggered by a specific event. The flow runs automatically whenever the event occurs. Reactions to changes in a system [e.g., new file in SharePoint, an email arrives].
Instant flow Manually triggered by the user with a click of a button (in the app or mobile device). On-demand tasks (e.g., sending a pre-written email, creating a task in your to-do list).
Scheduled flow Runs at a designated time or interval (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly). Regular reporting or data aggregation or periodic reminders or notifications.

Automated flows are best for tasks that need to happen instantly in response to events or changes. These flows handle behind-the-scenes tasks without any user interaction. Meanwhile, instant flows excel when users need on-demand actions, and scheduled flows are used for time-based automation.

How to integrate Power Automate with other Microsoft tools

One of Power Automate’s key strengths is its integration with the broader Microsoft ecosystem. It plays nicely with a wide range of popular Microsoft applications and services and noticeably expands its automation capabilities. The solution has a vast library of built-in connectors that can interact with various Microsoft services like SharePoint , OneDrive, Outlook, Teams, or Dynamics 365 . Here’s a look at some key integrations and how they can enhance your workflows:

Microsoft 365 (including Outlook, Teams, Excel, and SharePoint)

Power Automate easily connects with core Microsoft 365 apps. Easily automate tasks like:

  • Sending follow-up emails based on Outlook calendar events.
  • Adding form responses directly into Excel spreadsheets.
  • Creating SharePoint list items from incoming emails.
  • Posting notifications and updates to Microsoft Teams channels.

Dynamics 365

Bring Power Automate to optimize your business processes within Dynamics 365. For example, automatically create new leads in your CRM system based on website form submissions, or update customer records based on interactions from other platforms.

Azure Services

Power Automate can interact with various Azure services, such as Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps, or Azure Cognitive Service for Language. This integration extends possibilities as it allows users to execute custom code or create complex workflows that span on-premises and cloud environments.

Power Platform

As part of the Microsoft Power Platform, Power Automate works alongside Power BI, Power Apps, Power Pages, and Copilot Studio. The platform makes it possible to build solutions that meld together automation, data analysis, custom app development, and conversational AI chatbots.

With this multitude of possibilities, teams can optimize processes across the entire organization. Moreover, abundant features and capabilities empower employees to create more intricate and impactful workflows that span different departments.

How to automate workflows efficiently with Power Automate

Power Automate provides a convenient platform for automating workflows efficiently, but it is essential to approach it strategically. The key lies in identifying the right processes for automation, based on their complexity, frequency, and potential impact on productivity. Simple, repetitive tasks like data entry or file transfers are often low-hanging fruit, but more complex processes may require careful planning and iterative optimization.

The solution can be further augmented through the integration with Microsoft Copilot , a new AI copilot tool from Microsoft. Copilot leverages large language models (LLMs) and can understand and generate human-like responses, which makes it a powerful assistant for various tasks, including workflow automation. Copilot can help users describe their desired workflow in human language and generate the corresponding Power Automate steps and logic.

Also, there is an opportunity to employ process mining . This technology analyzes the digital traces left behind in event logs across your systems, piecing them together to create a detailed visual map of your processes as they truly unfold. This map highlights where bottlenecks form, where unnecessary redundancies exist, or where processes deviate from their intended design. According to the Economist , process mining is one of the most promising technologies for business automation.

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Templates for a quick Cloud workflow setup

Templates in Power Automate resemble blueprints or starting points for common scenarios where automation is helpful. They are pre-built workflows with the essential structure already laid out for users.

Templates dramatically reduce setup time. You can tweak an existing template and have effective automation running in minutes instead of hours spent building from scratch. They are particularly valuable for testing ideas or addressing immediate pain points. Let’s look at some common templates and how they work in Power Automate Cloud:

Templates for a quick Cloud workflow setup

As you can see, many of these templates focus on Microsoft Teams or Outlook. They monitor for specific keywords or triggers (like a message marked as important) and then schedule a reminder task or email to follow up after a set period, as in the Follow up on a message scenario.

To name another example, Save a message to OneNote is great for capturing important project information or meeting notes. This template can be triggered when a particular email arrives or when you flag a message. It automatically creates a page in your OneNote notebook and extracts relevant content.

Markedly, customization comes as an essential feature of templates. While they provide the foundation, you can adjust triggers, change actions, and tailor them to fit your exact needs. For example, you might tweak a template to include additional steps like updating a CRM system or sending a notification to a colleague.

How to maximize efficiency through Power Automate flows

Here are some insightful tips to make your business workflows more efficient and effective:

Target workflows that eat up lots of time, are prone to errors, or hinder collaboration.
Visualize your existing workflow: even a simple flowchart can uncover unnecessary steps or hidden dependencies.
Minimize unnecessary executions. If possible, use specific trigger conditions (e.g., a new file with a specific naming convention) instead of broad ones (e.g., a new file in a folder) to reduce false starts.
For critical automation, use proper Application Lifecycle Management with environments, which will give you benefits like changes tracking and safety rollbacks.
Learn how to use expressions within Power Automate to extract specific data or make calculations.

The reasons why implementing Power Automate is beneficial

Power Automate optimizes the flow of information across your Microsoft ecosystem and allows enterprises to restructure processes in a more effective way. This automation translates into tangible advantages.

Benefits of Power Automate

Businesses choose Power Automate for many reasons that boil down to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and empowered employees. Here’s a detailed breakdown of other key advantages this solution brings to the table:

Better productivity with automated repetitive tasks

Multiple business processes have gaps when employees are waiting for another department’s input or spend time on mundane tasks. Power Automate can bridge these gaps and propel automation in workflows across teams.

Reduced context switching

Employees often juggle multiple tools and tasks. With Power Automate integrating systems, data can flow automatically, which reduces the need to constantly switch between apps.

Agility and speed

Power Automate’s low-code nature means ideas can be implemented quickly and tested. Track the iteration speed and impact of a few such experiments – this quantifies how much faster a business can adapt to changing needs.

Exploring the features and capabilities of Microsoft Power Automate

As we mentioned before, Power Automate provides tools for creating workflows across multiple Microsoft services. Users can trigger workflows based on events, schedules, or manual actions. Within workflows, Power Automate offers hundreds of pre-built actions for common tasks. Its intuitive interface and low-code approach make it accessible even for those without extensive programming knowledge. Whether you’re looking to automate simple tasks or streamline complex processes, Power Automate empowers your teams to transform how they work.

Automate time-consuming tasks with RPA in Power Automate

Power Automate’s RPA can take those repetitive desktop tasks off your hands. First, pinpoint the tasks you do over and over, like data entry across programs or filling out forms with similar info. Next, use Power Automate Desktop to record yourself performing the task; the software will meticulously capture your clicks, keystrokes, and navigation. Power Automate will then transform your actions into a reusable flow, allowing you to customize it with the data and instruct it on how to handle unexpected situations. Finally, you can schedule your flow to run automatically or trigger it based on specific events.

Use Power Automate connectors to integrate other services

Connectors resemble bridges; they help Power Automate flows exchange data with various external tools and platforms. When you build a flow, you can choose the specific connector you need. This connector provides actions and triggers. Imagine a flow that uses a Dropbox connector – it could be triggered by a new file upload in Dropbox and then use an Outlook connector to send an email notification. Connectors empower Power Automate to expand its reach and automate tasks across a vast ecosystem of services.

How to get started with Power Automate: a step-by-step guide

How to set up your first cloud flow in power automate cloud.

Here, we will take a closer look at how users can create a new flow with a template that allows them to send approvals and follow ups via Teams. This is a scheduled type of flow.

How to get started with Power Automate

Type information in the following fields (title for your approval, email address of the approver, and email address of the requester). Verify that the schedule interval matches your needs. Edit it if necessary (e.g., change from daily to weekly):

set up your first Cloud Flow

After that, your first flow is ready! You can share, edit, and run it whenever you like. There is also an opportunity to track its usage with the section of Analytics , turn it off, or delete it completely:

How to set up your first Cloud Flow

There are several vital considerations for the journey towards the first flow. At first, explore the wide range of Power Automate templates for inspiration and building blocks. Documentation and community forums offer great resources for learning and troubleshooting if you have some questions in the process. Once you understand the flows, customize them further – add more conditions, actions, or integrate them with other systems.

Consulting for Microsoft Power Automate implementation

Benefits of consulting before power automate and microsoft 365 integration.

Skilled professionals understand that Power Automate can be an agent of change within a company and know how to adjust it to a specific business context. They usually prevent enterprises from making simple automation unnecessarily complex and help match the solution’s complexity to the actual problem.

Besides, Microsoft 365 experts share valuable insights that go beyond the obvious. They can help translate vague improvement ideas like “saving time” into tangible metrics (e.g., “reducing turnaround time by 25%” or “eliminating 80% of data entry errors”).

In addition, with their assistance, it is possible to uncover inefficiencies that should have been considered in the past. For example, a seemingly simple approval flow might involve several handoffs and delays that were not immediately apparent to the team doing the work.

A Microsoft 365 team that is familiar with various industries might find that a process you consider “unique” actually has parallels elsewhere. Top-notch expertise allows specialists to suggest pre-built components or adaptable templates, which can substantially save development time.

How to increase ROI with expert guidance

In the context of Power Automate and Microsoft 365 integration, here’s how expert guidance can increase your return on investment (ROI) as they make it possible to:

  • Tap into the automation

Experts help you identify the high-value flows where automation has the most noticeable impact. They focus on areas that lead to improved efficiency, cost savings, or revenue generation.

  • Avoid common pitfalls Seasoned specialists have experience with common integration challenges and know how to avoid them. They experience prevents costly rework or delays caused by technical errors, security misconfigurations, or neglected dependencies between systems.

Finally, Microsoft 365 pros plan for future growth when designing automations. They consider how a company’s needs might evolve and make sure a Power Automate setup is adaptable to handle the increased workloads or changing requirements.

Final thoughts

Among a wide range of workflow automation software, Power Automate is an accessible and powerful tool. Its intuitive interface, coupled with the vast ecosystem of Microsoft 365 and external connectors, empowers businesses of all sizes to optimize processes. From telecommunications and pharma industries to finance, intelligent document processing and automation are the pillars of growth and transformation, and this trend is only set to accelerate.

Do you have questions about process automation? Let’s connect .

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A Beginner’s Guide to Microsoft Power Automate (2024)

  • March 9, 2023

a software company plans to use power automate

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, it’s crucial to be as efficient as possible to keep up with the demands of work and life.

Microsoft Power Automate , previously known as Microsoft Flow, is a powerful cloud-based service created by Microsoft that provides a solution for automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, streamlining workflows, improving productivity and freeing up time for more important activities.

If you’re new to Power Automate, this beginner’s guide will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to the platform and its features.

We’ll be covering some common use-cases of the Power Automate platform, types of flow, the basics of creating flows, triggering events, and how you can integrate it with other common day-to-day applications and services, drawbacks, and more.

By the end of this blog post, you’ll have the knowledge and skills you need to kick-start your Power Automate journey and elevate your productivity to new heights.

What is Microsoft Power Automate?

Microsoft Power Automate (previously known as Microsoft Flow) is a cloud-based automation and workflow platform that enables users to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, integrate with other third-party applications and services, streamline business processes, and connect to various data sources.

It simplifies your daily routine by reducing the number of manual tasks you have to perform again and again.

Power Automate is a no-code or low-code platform, meaning you don’t need to write any code to automate your processes and workflows. With its visual, drag-and-drop interface, Power Automate makes it easy for anyone, regardless of technical ability, to create custom workflows, known as flows, that can be triggered by events, scheduled, or manually initiated.

Power Automate leverages connectors to interconnect applications and facilitates communication and task execution. With a vast collection of over 900 connectors and more , and with the list constantly expanding, you have the flexibility to integrate with a diverse range of popular tools and services that you will be using in your day-to-day lives.

It is part of the Microsoft Power Platform and works seamlessly with other Microsoft products such as SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, Power BI, and Dynamics 365 and is available to all users who hold an Office 365 license.

It is available on desktop and you can also download and use the Power Automate mobile app for Android, iOS, or Windows Phone.

With its wide range of capabilities, Power Automate can help organizations increase efficiency, reduce errors, and improve collaboration.

What are some common use-cases of Power Automate?

Microsoft Power Automate has a wide range of use cases and can be applied to many different industries and scenarios. Some common examples include:

Automating repetitive tasks

Power Automate streamlines everyday tasks by automating repetitive processes, freeing up time and increasing efficiency.

For example, tasks such as sending emails, copying and pasting data, updating data in Excel, uploading attachments in OneDrive, automating data entry, and more can be done effortlessly.

Streamlining workflows and processes

Power Automate optimizes and simplifies workflows and processes by providing seamless integration and automation capabilities, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency.

For example, tasks such as approvals, project management, document management, and more.

Sending notifications and alerts

Power Automate facilitates timely communication by sending automated notifications and alerts, ensuring important information is never missed or overlooked.

For example, tasks such as customer service automation, reminders, updates, escalations, tracking brand’s social media mentions, and much more.

Synchronizing data between different systems

Power Automate can also be used to synchronize files between different applications. It eliminates manual data entry and ensures data accuracy by seamlessly synchronizing data between different systems and applications, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

For example, when a new customer signs up for your product, create a record in your CRM and send them a welcome email.

Automating HR processes

Power Automate can streamline HR processes by automating tasks such as onboarding, benefits enrollment, time off requests, and performance evaluations, increasing efficiency and improving the employee experience.

For example, setting up a flow to automatically send an email to new hires with all the necessary onboarding information and documents, reducing the manual effort required by HR staff and facilitating a wonderful onboarding experience for new employees.

By leveraging Power Automate workflows, businesses can save time, reduce errors, and improve productivity across various areas of their operations.

Which industries can benefit by using Power Automate?

Power Automate is a tool that can be used by businesses of all sizes and industries. Let’s explore which industries can benefit the most from using Power Automate.

Power Automate can revolutionize the Healthcare industry by automating tasks such as patient scheduling, appointment reminders, billing, lab result notifications, patient record updates, medication reminders, and more enhancing the quality of patient care and improving overall operational efficiency.

It can transform the Education industry by automating administrative tasks such as class schedules, grading, and student attendance tracking, freeing up time for teachers and improving the student experience.

Power Automate can enhance the Finance industry by automating tasks such as invoicing, payment processing, financial reporting, and expense reporting, streamlining financial operations and increasing efficiency. It can also be used to integrate different systems, such as accounting systems and billing systems.

Power Automate can be used to automate various processes, such as software testing, deployment, and incident management. It can also be used to integrate different systems, such as help desk systems and project management tools. This can help to streamline the IT process, making it a valuable tool for the technology industry.

The retail industry can greatly benefit from using Power Automate. Power Automate can be used to automate various processes, such as inventory management, order fulfillment, and customer service. It can also be used to integrate different systems, such as point of sale (POS) systems and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This can help to streamline the retail process, reduce errors, and increase efficiency.


It has the potential to boost the productivity of the manufacturing industry in several ways, including inventory management, production scheduling, and quality control. By automating these tasks, it can improve supply chain management and provide real-time updates based on production data, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and cost savings.

Power Automate can be used to automate various processes, such as email marketing campaigns, lead management, and social media management. It can also be used to integrate different systems, such as marketing automation tools and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This can help to streamline the marketing process, reduce errors, and increase efficiency.

Microsoft Power Automate can also help in improving efficiency in areas such as budget management, procurement, and citizen services. For example, Power Automate can be used to automate the process of citizen service requests, allowing for faster customer response times and improved citizen satisfaction.

Power Automate is a versatile tool that can be used by businesses across various industries to automate their processes, integrate systems, reduce errors, and increase efficiency. These are just some of the industries that can benefit from using Power Automate.

Discover various real-world examples shared by Microsoft on this link . Enjoy browsing through these case studies to learn how Power Automate is making a difference for businesses all over the world.

How does Microsoft Power Automate Work?

Microsoft Power Automate simplifies processes and tasks by generating automated workflows, called flows, that enhance operational efficiency.

Users can easily create workflows through a highly visual and user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. These workflows can then be triggered by specific events or conditions.

Power Automate operates on the principle of triggers and actions.

A trigger initiates a workflow, for instance, receiving an email in your Outlook account. An action is the subsequent step that takes place once the trigger has been activated, like posting the Outlook message on Microsoft Teams or Slack.

Workflows can consist of one or more actions. Users have the option to either create a new flow from scratch or choose from pre-existing templates.

In addition to the powerful automation capabilities of Microsoft Power Automate, the integration of Copilot can take your workflow automation to the next level.

Copilot, powered by AI, assists in creating more efficient and intelligent flows, enabling you to automate complex tasks with ease. By leveraging Copilot’s suggestions, you can optimize your processes and ensure that your automation is aligned with best practices, ultimately enhancing your overall productivity.

Read more – How to use Microsoft Copilot in Power Automate?

What are the Power Automate Flow Types?

Microsoft Power Automate provides three types of flows based on how the flow is created. They are Cloud Flows, Desktop Flows, and Business Process Flows.

three types of flow in power automate

Cloud Flows

Cloud Flows are created when you want your automation function to be triggered either automatically, instantly, or via a schedule. Under Cloud flows, it is possible to create three different types of flows.

Automated Cloud Flows

With Automated Cloud Flows, you can create an automation triggered by any specific event defined by the user.

For example, when a new email is received in your Outlook inbox, any attachments that come with it could automatically be downloaded and saved to a specified folder in your OneDrive account, thereby removing the need for you to manually download and save each attachment.

automated cloud flow in power automate

Instant Cloud Flows

With Instant Cloud Flows, you can start an automation with a click of a button. These flows can be triggered manually from either a mobile device or computer, allowing for convenient automation when required.

For instance, you could use Instant Cloud flows to send a reminder to your sales team regarding an important prospect’s trial that is due to end soon.

Instant cloud flow in Power Automate

Scheduled Cloud Flows

With Scheduled Cloud Flows, you can create an automation that runs upon a schedule. These flows run on a recurring schedule, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.

For example, daily or weekly upload of documents to SharePoint or a simple flow that sends a daily summary email to the team with the key highlights and updates. 

Scheduled cloud flow in Power Automate

Desktop Flows

Desktop Flows in Power Automate are a type of flow that runs on a user’s local computer instead of in the cloud.

These flows allow users to automate tasks and processes that are performed on the desktop, such as moving files, opening and closing applications, or sending emails with the help of Microsoft Power Automate for Desktop.

Desktop flows expand the robotic process automation (RPA) functionality within Power Automate and provide the ability to automate all repetitive desktop-based processes.

Desktop flow in Power Automate

Business Process Flows

Business Process Flows in Power Automate are a series of steps that automate a business process, reducing manual labor and errors, and increasing efficiency and consistency.

These flows automate business processes, such as customer onboarding, sales process, or purchase order approval.

How to create a Power Automate Flow?

In Microsoft Power automate, there are three methods to launch a flow:

1. Start from a blank.

2. Use an existing template.

3. Pick a connector.

In the sections below, we will provide a detailed explanation of how to create a flow using a few examples.

Creating a Cloud Flow from scratch

1. Sign into Power Automate.

2. Go to the ‘Create’ tab and select ‘Automated cloud flow’ option from blank.

automated cloud flow option from blank

3. Provide a name for the flow in the ‘Add a name or we’ll generate one field’.

4. Type Gmail in the ‘Search all triggers’ field.

5. Choose Gmail – When a new email arrives.

choosing gmail as trigger in power automate

6. Click on the ‘Create’ button at the bottom of the screen.

7. If you haven’t already connected your Gmail account with Power Automate, select Sign into Gmail, and then enter your credentials.

Specify your action

1. Select New step.

selecting new step for an action to happen

2. In the box that shows different Search connectors and actions, choose the one you’re looking for.

For this example, we’re looking to integrate Gmail and Google Drive so that each time an email arrives in your Gmail inbox, the attachments will automatically be saved to a folder in your Google Drive.

3. Select ‘Google Drive’ as the connector, and if prompted, choose the ‘Sign in to Google Drive’ option and enter your login credentials.

4. In the ‘Actions’ tab, choose the ‘Create file’ option.

creating attachments in Google Drive

5. Provide the necessary details such as ‘Folder path’, ‘File name’, and ‘File content’. You can also make use of the dynamic content for the email body, which can include the sender’s email, email subject line, and other customizable content to suit your requirements.

google drive and gmail integration in power automate

6. After doing the required steps, click on the ‘Save’ button to save the automation.


7. On the top bar, click Flow Checker to check for any errors or warnings. If there are none, proceed to the ‘Test’ option and send a test email to your Gmail address to see if the automation is working correctly.

8. To monitor the progress of your flow, go to “My Flows” and choose the flow you created. At the bottom, there will be a tab displaying the 28-day run history. If the status is marked as “succeeded,” then your flow has been working without any errors.

tracking flow status in power automate

In Microsoft Power Automate, there is a feature called ‘Peek code’ that allows you to view and edit the underlying code or JSON representation of an action or flow in Power Automate.

When you use the ‘Peek code’ option, you can see the code that Power Automate is generating behind the scenes to automate your workflow.

This can be helpful if you want to make more advanced customizations to your flows, or if you want to learn more about how Power Automate works.

However, note that making changes to the code using ‘Peek code’ can be risky and should be done with caution, as any changes made to the code could potentially break the flow. 

It is recommended that you have a good understanding of JSON and the structure of Power Automate flows before attempting to make changes using ‘Peek code’. It’s advisable to have a developer’s assistance when you use this option.

peek code feature in power automate

Creating a Cloud Flow from existing templates

Microsoft Power Automate has a vast collection of templates.

For this example, we’ll create a flow using pre-existing templates such that whenever an email comes to your Outlook account, you will receive a notification in your Microsoft Teams ‘it-support’ channel.

1. Sign into Power Automate, and then select Templates from the left-side navigation menu.

power automate templates

2.In the templates section, search for all available Outlook templates in Power Automate by entering ‘Outlook’ in the search box. Alternatively, you can search for templates related to both Outlook and Microsoft Teams by entering ‘Outlook Microsoft Teams’ in the search box.

outlook templates in power automate

3. If you haven’t already connected your Teams and Outlook account with Power Automate, you should sign into them, and then enter your credentials. Connect your accounts, and when two green ticks appear in front of the connectors, you can proceed to ‘Create Flow’.

connecting outlook and teams connector

4. Select continue.

5. In the next screen, you’ll see the flow details on the screen. Click on the edit option to see the workflow.

6. Here, you can enter important information such as the Team ID, Channel information, and Message.

flow steps between Outlook and Teams

7. After doing all the required steps for ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ conditions, click on the ‘Save’ button to save the automation.

Once the flow is created, you can test it to ensure that it is functioning correctly.

8. On the top bar, click Flow Checker to check for any errors or warnings. If there are none, proceed to the ‘Test’ option and see if the automation is working correctly.

Creating a Cloud Flow using Desk365 Connector

You can also create a cloud flow using a connector. For this example, we will see how to use the Desk365 connector and how to establish automated workflows connecting Desk365 with other third-party applications such as Asana.

1. Sign into Power Automate, and then select Connectors from the left-side navigation menu.

choosing connectors option in Power Automate

2. Go to the ‘Data’ menu and select the ‘Connections’ tab from the menu to view your existing connections or create a new one. If you haven’t yet connected the Desk365 connector, you can establish the connection by providing your API Key and clicking on the ‘Create’ button.

enter Desk365 api key

Once the connection is created, you will see it listed under the ‘Connections’ tab in Power Automate.

3. Navigate to the ‘Connectors’ tab and enter ‘Desk365’ in the search box and choose the Desk365 connector from the search results.

searching for Desk365 connector in the connectors search box

For this example, we’re going to add a task in Asana when a ticket is updated in Desk365. When a ticket status is changed to ‘Move to Asana’ in Desk365, a task gets added in Asana with the ticket details.

4. Select ‘When a ticket is updated’ trigger.

selecting 'when a ticket is updated' trigger in Desk365

5. Enter ‘Move to Asana’ in the Status field of the trigger.

using move to asana as the status in ticket is updated trigger condition

6. Click on ‘+ New Step’.

7. Enter Asana in the Search connectors and actions box.

8. Select ‘Create Task (V2)’ action.

choosing create a task in Asana as the action step

If you haven’t already connected to your Asana account, you should sign into them, and then enter your credentials.

9. Enter your workspace ID and project ID.

10. Place the cursor in the ‘Task name’ field and select ‘Subject’ from the dynamic content and type ‘{{Desk365-‘ and then select ‘Ticket Number’ and type ‘}}’. Similarly, place the cursor in the description field and select ‘Description Text’ from the dynamic content.

adding required details for a task to get created in Asana

11. Again, click on ‘New Step’ and enter Desk365 in the Search connectors and actions box.

12. Select ‘Update a ticket’ action. Place the cursor in the ‘Ticket Number’ field and select Ticket Number from the suggestions displayed.

13. Place the cursor in the ‘Status’ field and select ‘Moved to Asana’ from the dropdown (You need to create another status like ‘Moved to Asana’ by going to Settings > Admin > Ticket Fields in Desk365).

update ticket in Desk365 once a task gets created in Asana

15. Click on the ‘Save’ button.

That’s it. Whenever a ticket is updated and status is marked as ‘Move to Asana’ in the ticket, a task gets created in Asana with the required details provided by the user.

Sign up for a 21-day free trial of Microsoft Teams Ticketing System and test out the Desk365 connector by creating your own cloud flows.

Who can use Microsoft Power Automate?

Power Automate is a tool that can be utilized by anyone, regardless of coding skills, to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks that were previously done manually. This means that both coders and non-coders can benefit from its capabilities to automate tasks, integrate data, and streamline business processes.

Microsoft Power Automate is designed for a wide range of users, including:

Business users

Power Automate provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy for business users to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as data transfer, email and message communication, document generation, and more. They can create workflows to streamline business processes and increase efficiency.

IT professionals

Power Automate provides IT professionals with a way to automate tasks such as provisioning users, managing SharePoint permissions, monitoring system alerts, integrating applications, and more, making it a useful tool for managing and maintaining the technology infrastructure of an organization.

Developers can use Power Automate to create custom workflows that integrate with various applications and services. They can use the Power Automate API to automate tasks such as creating new users in Active Directory, managing SharePoint lists, or triggering workflows based on custom events.

Power Automate can significantly enhance team productivity by automating time-consuming and repetitive tasks, freeing up team members to focus on more high-value work. Moreover, it can improve communication and collaboration among team members by providing real-time updates, notifications, and alerts, enabling team members to stay on top of their tasks and work together more seamlessly.


Freelancers often have to perform repetitive tasks, such as sending follow-up emails or invoices, which can be automated using Power Automate. It can integrate with a wide range of tools and services, such as Office 365, Trello, Asana, Dropbox etc. enabling freelancers to automate tasks across multiple platforms which helps freelancers save time and increase their productivity.

Power Automate is designed to be accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of technical proficiency, making it a versatile tool for organizations looking to automate their operations.

What are some drawbacks of using Microsoft Power Automate?

While Microsoft Power Automate offers many benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider:

While Microsoft Power Automate provides a free plan, it has limited features, and users may need to upgrade to a paid plan to access premium features. The cost of the premium plan can be high for small businesses, and it may not be worth the investment if the business does not have a high volume of workflows.

Integration limitations

While Power Automate integrates with hundreds of Microsoft and third-party services, there may be limitations in terms of the data and functionality that can be integrated with certain systems.

Complex workflows

For more complex workflows, Power Automate may require a significant amount of time and effort to set up and maintain. Users may find it challenging to create workflows that involve multiple conditional statements or complex data manipulation. In such cases, they may require the assistance of a coding expert to develop more sophisticated workflows.

Dependence on external systems

Microsoft Power Automate is dependent on external services and applications to create workflows. If any of these services are unavailable or experience downtime, it may disrupt the workflow. Users need to ensure that they have a backup plan in place to mitigate the risk of disruption.

Challenging for first-time users

It has a lot of features and capabilities, which can be overwhelming for first-time users. It can take some time to learn how to use the tool effectively and efficiently. Automating complex workflows, debugging and error handling can be challenging, especially for users who are not familiar with programming concepts.

Need Office 365

The requirement of having an Office 365 subscription can be a limitation for some users who want to use Power Automate. This means that in order to use Power Automate, users must first have an Office 365 subscription, which can be an added cost for some organizations or individuals.

Potential security risks

Microsoft Power Automate connects with multiple services and applications, making it vulnerable to security risks. Users need to ensure that they configure the service correctly to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data. Power Automate also stores data in the cloud, which may raise concerns about data privacy.

Data Backup remains only for 30 Days

The limitation of data backup staying for 30 days in Power Automate can be a concern for some users, particularly those who need to retain data for longer periods. This means that after 30 days, the data stored in Power Automate may be lost, unless users take action to preserve it.

Microsoft Power Automate offers several benefits, such as saving time and effort, simplifying complex and time-consuming processes, and increasing productivity. However, it also has some drawbacks, including potential security risks, dependency on external services, and more. Before incorporating Microsoft Power Automate into their business operations, users should carefully consider these potential drawbacks.

How much does Power Automate cost?

One of the most common questions that arise when considering Power Automate is how much it costs. The pricing of Microsoft Power Automate platform varies depending on the plan and the services and features that are required.

You can choose from a range of pricing plans to meet your specific needs.

1. Free Plan

Microsoft offers a free plan of Power Automate that includes basic automation features, such as the ability to create flows and integrate with Microsoft services. It has access to a limited set of connectors and doesn’t offer the ability to use premium connectors. It’s ideal for individuals or small teams who want to automate their simple tasks without incurring any costs.

2. Per User Plan

The Per User plan is designed for businesses with more advanced automation needs. This plan is designed for individual users and businesses who want to streamline their processes and is priced at $15 per user per month. It allows users to create and run an unlimited number of flows and access premium connectors that are not available in the free plan.

3. Per Flow Plan

The Per Flow plan is designed for businesses that require a high volume of automation. This plan is best suited for large enterprises with complex automation needs. It allows users to create and run an unlimited number of flows, access to a wide range of connectors, and premium features such as AI Builder and Approvals. The cost of the Per Flow Plan is $500 per month for 5 flows.

4. Per User with Attended RPA Plan

The Per User with Attended RPA Plan is a paid plan that offers advanced features and capabilities. This plan is designed for businesses that need to automate repetitive tasks that require human intervention. With this plan, you can create attended RPA workflows that run on a user’s desktop. This plan includes all the features of the Per User Plan, as well as access to desktop flows and AI Builder. It costs $40 per user per month and comes with 5,000 AI Builder service credits per month, making it easier for individuals or organizations to use.

5. Per User with Unattended RPA Plan

If you need to automate complex, high-volume tasks that don’t require human intervention, the Per User with Unattended RPA Plan might be a better fit. This plan lets you create unattended RPA workflows that run on virtual machines in the cloud. You’ll also get access to all the features of the Per User Plan, as well as additional security and compliance features. The cost of the Per User with Unattended RPA Plan is $150 per bot per month, with a minimum purchase of 5 licenses.

6. Pay-As-You-Go Plans

This plan allows users to pay for their usage on a per-flow basis, as opposed to committing to a fixed number of flows per month. This is a more cost-effective option for businesses that do not have a consistent workflow or do not want to commit to a monthly subscription.

You can find detailed information about Power automate pricing on the Microsoft Power Automate pricing page here .

power automate pricing

In conclusion, the cost of Power Automate varies depending on the plan you choose and the level of automation your business requires.

The Free plan is great for individuals or small businesses with basic automation needs, while the Per User and Per Flow plans are better suited for larger businesses with more complex automation requirements.

Regardless of the plan you choose, Power Automate is an excellent tool that can help streamline your processes and increase efficiency.

Power Automate is an incredibly powerful tool that can help automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows. With its user-friendly interface and extensive library of pre-built connectors, anyone can start automating their work processes with Power Automate.

This beginner’s guide has covered the fundamentals of Power Automate, including how to create flows, connectors, and triggers.

Users can create workflows quickly and efficiently by following the best practices outlined in this blog post. And with the ability to troubleshoot and debug workflows, users can ensure that their automated processes are running smoothly and efficiently.

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Why should I use Power Automate?

Part of the "Getting the most out of Office 365" series

Power Automate (formerly Microsoft Flow) is part of Microsoft's Power Platform and offers a fantastic solution for automating your processes, integrating your systems and achieving new levels of efficiency. Using Power Automate, you can:

  • Build a workflow that can be triggered to run on a schedule or when a specific event occurs
  • Boost productivity by digitising your manual processes
  • Integrate your systems using connectors to make your data available where it's needed
  • Ensure essential tasks are completed by implementing formalised business processes
  • Scale infinitely with the power of the cloud 
  • Leverage AI technologies as part of your processes

Power Automate is the solution you need to bring digital transformation to your organisation, increasing efficiencies and reducing redundancy.

a software company plans to use power automate

Typical use cases for Power Automate

Power Automate can prove to be very useful in a number of scenarios, for example:

  • Replace that manual multi-step process that can take hours, with a one-click button triggered workflow. Saving time and eradicating human error
  • Are you having to collate data from multiple spreadsheets, copy and pasting to a master spreadsheet. Leverage Power Automate to extract data from any data source (including Excel files), process that data and then put it where it needs to go.
  • Need a reminder when client agreements are up for renewal or when your web domain is due to expire? Set up a reminder workflow and never miss the date again.
  • Need to approve expense requests over a certain value? Set up a flow attached to a SharePoint list and validate the expense amount before triggering an Approval flow if required.
  • Need to send a notification email when something happens? Set up an event trigger and send an email to all who need to know
  • Integrate a Flow with your Power Apps or other full code solutions. A flow can be trigger by simply calling a URL. 
  • Need to kick off a process when a file is approved. Generate image thumbnails? Generate a PDF? Package files up in a Zip? All this can be done with Power Automate.
  • Need multiple people to approve a contract, or new blog post, or new sales presentation? Set up an Approval Flow and configure it to require 1, 2 or all participants to approve.

Is this available to me?

Power Automate is available to all licensed Office 365 users. However users are only able to leverage connectors for which they are licensed. This means that you can build flows to work with other Office 365 services that you (or the consumers of the flow) have a license to use. For example, if your Office 365 license gives you access to SharePoint Online, then you can leverage it within a Power Automate flow. Another example would be if you have an applicable license for Dynamics, then you will be able to bring Dynamics data into your flows. 

Some connectors are considered "premium" in which case an additional license will be required by users where these are utilised.  

The current licensing model (which is always subject to change 😉) enables you to license Power Automate either on a "per-user", or "per-flow" basis. One gotcha here though is that if you go down the per-flow route, you have to purchase a minimum of 5 flows to get started. The Per-flow plan is typically best-suited to department or organisational-level flows, whereas the Per-user plan is targeted as lesser used Flows, by few users. 

Either way, careful consideration should be given in the design stage to decide on the value of including premum connectors in your Power Automate solutions.

There is another plan available, the "Per User with attended RPA plan". This plan allows individual users to create unlimited flows for automating legacy applications through Robotic Process Automation. But we'll talk about that in another article.

How can Fuse Help?

Fuse are Microsoft cloud experts and can help guide you on your journey adopting Power Automate and the Power Platform in general. This could include:

  • Helping you with the art of the possible
  • Understanding licenses and cost implications
  • Augmenting your Power Automate solutions with full-code integrations
  • Help customise or extend a flow template to meet your exact requirements
  • Building your Power Automate solutions according to best practise
  • Helping you access your on-prem data in a secure way 

In any case we'd be happy to discuss your situation and be a helping hand, so get in touch.

About the author

James Strugnell

James Strugnell

Head of Development

Your business might need more than just Microsoft packages, and this is where James’s expertise and experience comes to the fore. He is responsible for the custom development of online solutions that increase your productivity, efficiency and collaboration between staff. This includes the development of bespoke software as well as tailoring Microsoft’s suite of products so that your needs are met.

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Overview of the different types of flows

  • 9 contributors

Power Automate is a service that you can use to automate repetitive tasks to bring efficiencies to any organizations.

You can create cloud flows , desktop flows , or business process flows .

Check out this video about the different types of flows.

Cloud flows

Create a cloud flow when you want your automation to be triggered either automatically, instantly, or via a schedule.

Create an automation that is triggered by an event such as arrival of an email from a specific person, or a mention of your company in social media. for cloud or on-premises services connect your accounts and enable them to talk to each other.
Start an automation with a click of a button. You can automate for repetitive tasks from your Desktop or Mobile devices. For example, instantly send a reminder to the team with a push of a button from your mobile device. Wide range of tasks such as requesting an approval, an action in Teams or SharePoint.
Schedule an automation such as daily data upload to SharePoint or a database. Tasks that need to be automated on a schedule.

Desktop flows

Use desktop flows to automate tasks on the Web or the desktop.

Business process flows

Business process flows provide a guide for people to get work done. They provide a streamlined user experience that leads people through the processes their organization has defined for interactions that need to be advanced to a conclusion of some kind. This user experience can be tailored so that people with different security roles can have an experience that best suits the work they do.

  • Read guidance to determining which automation method (flow type) to use
  • Get started with cloud flows .
  • Get started with desktop flows .
  • Get started with business process flows in conditions in advanced mode.

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Additional resources


  1. Microsoft Power Automate in 2024: A complete Guide to Automation

    a software company plans to use power automate

  2. Microsoft Power Automate Software Reviews, Demo & Pricing

    a software company plans to use power automate

  3. Microsoft Power Automate

    a software company plans to use power automate

  4. Dynamics 365

    a software company plans to use power automate

  5. Microsoft Power Automate & Power Flow for your business

    a software company plans to use power automate

  6. Power Automate Guide 101

    a software company plans to use power automate


  1. Power Automate Tutorial for Beginners

  2. Automate Your Business with Microsoft Power Automate

  3. D365 Business Central: new possibilities of user tasks automation with Power Automate and Dataverse

  4. Power Automate Tutorial For Beginners

  5. Combine emails and send a summariser using power automate flow

  6. Looping Though and Organizing Data by Value Using Power Automate


  1. Types of Power Automate licenses

    In this article. Organizations gain rights to use Power Automate via licenses (paid or trial) that are available either as standalone plans or as seeded plans.. Standalone plans. Customers who need to create fully flexible, general-purpose workflows with either business process automation or Robotic process automation (RPA) capabilities, should consider purchasing standalone Power Automate ...

  2. Exam PL-900 topic 1 question 152 discussion

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  3. Microsoft Power Automate

    Power Automate can be used on a large variety of devices and browsers. For the best results on a mobile device, use the Power Automate mobile app for iOS, Android, and Windows. For browsers, use the most up-to-date version compatible with your operating system: Microsoft Edge, Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. The Power Automate for desktop app is ...

  4. Power Automate Pricing

    Explore comprehensive pricing options for Microsoft Power Automate - the automation software for intelligent process optimization across your organization. ... Find the right plan for your business . Enhance your plan with add-ons . Learn about features included in your other Microsoft licenses . Download the guide.

  5. Get started with Power Automate

    Learning for every level: Discover learning modules you can take to learn how to use Power Automate. More to explore in Power Automate: Discover all that Power Automate has to offer such as video how-tos and the Power Automate Community forum. What's new: Learn about upcoming events as well as new and updated product features. 6 - Ask a chatbot ...

  6. Power Platform Practice Questions Flashcards

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  7. Automate a business process using Power Automate

    Module. 8 Units. With the process advisor capability in Power Automate, you can record existing business processes and analyze them to increase efficacy by tracking completion times and mapping various actions that are involved. The first step to automating a solution is knowing the process, and process advisor helps simplify that task. Overview.

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    a. Business process flow b. Power Automate c. Power BI d. Business rule 1. If a customer is travelling with a person under the age of 18, a field must display to collect date of birth for the under 18 traveler only 2. Ensure that all travel agents use the same process with all customers 3. Send a confirmation email to customers after ...

  9. Templates

    Ready-to-use, customizable workflows offering a wide range of automation possibilities. Streamline processes, automate repetitive tasks, and connect apps with prebuilt, customizable templates. Learn more Explore templates in Power Automate

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    See detailed pricing plans for Microsoft Power Automate. Compare costs with competitors and find out if they offer a free version, free trial or demo. 0. App comparison. ... The software is easy to deploy in the company from the first day and benefits are seen almost immediately. Power automate cuts out a lot of manual effort.

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    Power Automate Process. $150.00 1 Bot. Licenses a single "automation" bot that can be used for unattended desktop automation ( RPA), or a digital process automation (DPA) flow that can be accessed by unlimited users in the organization. Cloud flows (DPA) Desktop flows (RPA) in unattended mode.

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    You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.

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  24. Frequently asked questions

    Power Automate provides features that help line-of-business users create automated workflows. Logic Apps is an Azure service that provides the same great features of Power Automate, plus features such as integration with Azure Resource Manager and the Azure Portal, PowerShell and xPlat CLI, Visual Studio, and additional connectors.

  25. Overview of the types of flows in Power Automate

    In this article. Cloud flows. Desktop flows. Business process flows. Power Automate is a service that you can use to automate repetitive tasks to bring efficiencies to any organizations. You can create cloud flows, desktop flows, or business process flows. Check out this video about the different types of flows.