Test Grade Calculator

How to calculate test score, test grade calculator – how to use it, test grade calculator – advanced mode options.

This test grade calculator is a must if you're looking for a tool to help set a grading scale . Also known as test score calculator or teacher grader , this tool quickly finds the grade and percentage based on the number of points and wrong (or correct) answers. Moreover, you can change the default grading scale and set your own. Are you still wondering how to calculate test scores? Scroll down to find out – or simply experiment with this grading scale calculator.

If this test grade calculator is not the tool you're exactly looking for, check out our other grading calculators like the grade calculator .

Prefer watching rather than reading? We made a video for you! Check it out below:

To calculate the percentile test score, all you need to do is divide the earned points by the total points possible . In other words, you're simply finding the percentage of good answers:

percentage score = (#correct / #total) × 100

As #correct + #wrong = #total , we can write the equation also as:

percentage score = 100 × (#total - #wrong) / #total

Then, all you need to do is convert the percentage score into a letter grade . The default grading scale looks as in the table below:

Letter grade



























Below 60

If you don't like using the +/- grades, the scale may look like:

  • An A is 90% to 100%;
  • A B is 80% to 89%;
  • A C is 70% to 79%;
  • A D is 60% to 69%; and finally
  • F is 59% and below – and it's not a passing grade

Above, you can find the standard grading system for US schools and universities. However, the grading may vary among schools, classes, and teachers. Always check beforehand which system is used in your case.

Sometimes the border of passing score is not 60%, but, e.g., 50 or 65%. What then? We've got you covered – you can change the ranges of each grade! Read more about it in the last section of this article: Advanced mode options .

🙋 You might also be interested in our semester grade calculator and the final grade calculator .

Our test score calculator is a straightforward and intuitive tool!

Enter the number of questions/points/problems in the student's work (test, quiz, exam – anything). Assume you've prepared the test with 18 questions.

Type in the number the student got wrong . Instead – if you prefer – you can enter the number of gained points. Let's say our exemplary student failed to answer three questions.

Here we go! Teacher grader tool shows the percentage and grade for that score. For our example, the student scored 83.33% on a test, which corresponds to a B grade.

Underneath you'll find a full grading scale table . So to check the score for the next students, you can type in the number of questions they've got wrong – or just use this neat table.

That was a basic version of the test grade calculator. But our teacher grader is a much more versatile and flexible tool!

You can choose more options to customize this test score calculator. Just hit the Advanced mode button below the tool, and two more options will appear:

Increment by box – Here, you can change the look of the table you get as a result. The default value is 1, meaning the student can get an integer number of points. But sometimes it's possible to get, e.g., half-points – then you can use this box to declare the increment between the next scores.

Percentage scale – In this set of boxes, you can change the grading scale from the default one. For example, assume that the test was challenging and you'd like to change the scale so that getting 50% is already a passing grade (usually, it's 60% or even 65%). Change the last box, Grade D- ≥ value, from default 60% to 50% to reach the goal. You can also change the other ranges if you want to.

And what if I don't need +/- grades ? Well, then just ignore the signs 😄

How do I calculate my test grade?

To calculate your test grade:

  • Determine the total number of points available on the test.
  • Add up the number of points you earned on the test.
  • Divide the number of points you earned by the total number of points available.
  • Multiply the result by 100 to get a percentage score.

That's it! If you want to make this easier, you can use Omni's test grade calculator.

Is 27 out of 40 a passing grade?

This depends mainly on the grading scale that your teacher is using. If a passing score is defined as 60% (or a D-), then 27 out of 40 would correspond to a 67.5% (or a D+), which would be a passing grade. However, depending on your teacher’s scale, the passing score could be higher or lower.

What grade is 7 wrong out of 40?

This is a B-, or 82.5% . To get this result:

Use the following percentage score formula: percentage score = 100 × (#total - #wrong) / #total

Here, #total represents the total possible points, and #wrong , the number of incorrect answers.

Substitute your values: percentage score = 100 × (40 - 7) / 40 percentage score = 82.5%

Convert this percentage into a letter grade. In the default grading scale, 82.5% corresponds to a B-. However, grading varies — make sure to clarify with teachers beforehand.

Is 75 out of 80 an A?

Yes , a score of 75 out of 80 is an A according to the default grading scale. This corresponds to a percentage score of 93.75%.

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Practice Cam 16 Listening Test 02

Cambridge ielts listening

Questions 1 – 10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

●   Maximum size of photos is 30 cm, minimum size 4 cm.

●   Photos must not be in a ……………… or an album.

●   The cost for 360 photos is £……………… (including one disk).

●   Before the complete order is sent, ……………… is required.

●   Photos can be placed in a folder, e.g. with the name ……………… .

●   The ……………… and contrast can be improved if necessary.

●   Photos which are very fragile will be scanned by ……………… .

●   It may be possible to remove an object from a photo, or change the ……………… .

●   A photo which is not correctly in ……………… cannot be fixed.

●   Orders are completed within ……………… .

●   Send the photos in a box (not ………………).

Questions 11 – 15

Choose the correct letter, A , B or C .

Minster Park

11    Dartfield House school used to be

A    a tourist information centre.

B    a private home.

C    a local council building.

12    What is planned with regard to the lower school?

A    All buildings on the main site will be improved.

B    The lower school site will be used for new homes.

C    Additional school buildings will be constructed on the lower school site.

13    The catering has been changed because of

A    long queuing times.

B    changes to the school timetable.

C   dissatisfaction with the menus.

14    Parents are asked to

A    help their children to decide in advance which serving point to use.

B    make sure their children have enough money for food.

C    advise their children on healthy food to eat.

15    What does the speaker say about the existing canteen?

A    Food will still be served there.

B    Only staff will have access to it.

C    Pupils can take their food into it.

Questions 16-18

What comment does the speaker make about each of the following serving points in the Food Hall?

Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-D , next to Questions 16-18.

A   pupils help to plan menus

B   only vegetarian food

C   different food every week

D   daily change in menu

Food available at serving points in Food Hall

16    World Adventures

17    Street Life

18    Speedy Italian

Questions 19 and 20

Choose TWO letters, A-E .

Which TWO optional after-school lessons are new?

A   swimming

D   cycling

E   theatre sound and lighting

Questions 21-24

Assignment on sleep and dreams.

21   Luke read that one reason why we often forget dreams is that

A   our memories cannot cope with too much information.

B   we might other wise be confused about what is real.

C   we do not think they are important.

22   What do Luke and Susie agree about dreams predicting the future?

A   It may just be due to chance.

B   It only happens with certain types of event.

C   It happens more often than some people think.

23   Susie says that a study on pre-school children having a short nap in the day

A   had controversial results.

B   used faulty research methodology.

C   failed to reach any clear conclusions.

24   In their last assignment, both students had problems with

A   statistical analysis.

B   making an action plan.

C   self-assessment

Questions 25-30

Complete the flow chart below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Assignment plan

Decide on research question:

Is there a relationship between hours of sleep and number of dreams?

Decide on sample:

Twelve students from the ……………… department

Decide on methodology:


Decide on procedure:

Answers on ………………

Check ethical guidelines for working with ………………

Ensure that risk is assessed and ……………… is kept to a minimum

Analyse the results

Calculate the correlation and make a ………………

……………… the research

Questions 31 – 40

Health benefits of dance.

Recent findings:

●   All forms of dance produce various hormones associated with feelings of happiness.

●   Dancing with others has a more positive impact than dancing alone.

●   An experiment on university students suggested that dance increases 31 ……………… .

●   For those with mental illness, dance could be used as a form of 32 ……………… .

Benefits of dance for older people:

●   accessible for people with low levels of 33 ………………

●   reduces the risk of heart disease

●   better 34 ……………… reduces the risk of accidents

●   improves 35 ……………… function by making it work faster

●   improves participants’ general well-being

●   gives people more 36 ……………… to take exercise

●   can lessen the feeling of 37 ………………, very common in older people

Benefits of Zumba:

●   A study at The University of Wisconsin showed that doing Zumba for 40 minutes uses up as many 38 ……………… as other quite intense forms of exercise.

●   The American Journal of Health Behavior study showed that:

     –  women suffering from 39 ……………… benefited from doing Zumba.

     –  Zumba became a 40 ……………… for the participants.

Cam 16 Listening Test 01

Cam 16 listening test 03, answer cam 16 listening test 02.

3   payment

4   Grandparents

5   colour / color

7   background

9   ten / 10 days

10   plastic

19&20   B, C

25   history

27   humans / people

28   stress

30   evaluate

31   creativity

32   therapy

33   fitness

34   balance

36   motivation

37   isolation

38   calories

39   obesity

Audioscript Cam 16 Listening Test 02

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Assignment on Sleep and Dreams – IELTS Listening Answers

Haniya A

Updated On Feb 12, 2024


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Assignment on Sleep and Dreams – IELTS Listening Answers

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With focused practice, the IELTS Listening test can be your highest scoring module. Mastering strategies for the various question types is key for success. Using sample recordings and answers, like “Assignment on Sleep and Dreams,” is invaluable for preparation.

The Listening sample, ‘Assignment on Sleep and Dreams, is a part of Cambridge 16 Test 2. Since questions get repeated in the IELTS exam, these samples are ideal for practice. You will find detailed explanations of answers for this listening sample in this article. If you want more practice, try taking an  IELTS listening practice test .

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Assignment on Sleep and Dreams IELTS Listening Audio

Listen to the Audio for Assignment on Sleep and Dreams to Solve the Questions below.


There are 10 questions in the   Assignment on Sleep and Dreams Listening Answers , which showcase two of the question types that are common in such tests. It is:

  • Multiple-Choice Questions  (1 – 4)
  • Flowchart Completion (5 – 10)

Questions 1- 4

Assignment on Sleep and Dreams

1 Luke read that one reason why we often forget dreams is that

A our memories cannot cope with too much information.

B we might otherwise be confused about what is real.

C we do not think they are important.

2 What do Luke and Susie agree about dreams predicting the future?

A It may just be due to chance.

B It only happens with certain types of events.

C It happens more often than some people think.

3  Susie says that a study on pre-school children having a short nap in the day

A had controversial results.

B used faulty research methodology.

C failed to reach any clear conclusions.

4  In their last assignment, both students had problems with

A statistical analysis.

B making an action plan.

C self-assessment

Questions 5-10

Assignment Plan

Decide on research question:

Is there a relationship between hours of sleep and number of dreams?

Decide on sample:

Twelve students from the 5 ……………… department

Decide on methodology:


Decide on procedure:

Answers on 6 ………………

Check ethical guidelines for working with 7 ………………

Ensure that risk is assessed and 8 ……………… is kept to a minimum

Analyse the results

Calculate the correlation and make a 9 ………………

10 ……………… the research

Assignment on Sleep and Dreams IELTS Listening Audio Transcript 

Enhance your comprehension by downloading the  Assignment on Sleep and Dreams IELTS Listening Audio Transcript  , which has answer locations clearly indicated.

Assignment on Sleep and Dreams IELTS Listening Answers Key

1 B
2 A
3 C
4 C
5 history
6 paper
7 humans / people
8 stress
9 graph
10 evaluate

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Assignment on Sleep and Dreams – IELTS Listening Answers with Explanations

1 Answer:  B

Question Type:  Multiple- Choice Questions

Answer Explanation:   In the conversation, Luke expresses, “I mean, most of my dreams aren’t that interesting anyway, but what it said was that if we remembered everything, we might get mixed up about what actually happened and what we dreamed.” We can deduce from these statements that Luke read that a common reason for forgetting dreams is to avoid confusion between what is real and what is dreamed. Hence, the answer is B.

2  Answer:  A

Answer Explanation:  In the conversation, Susie mentions, “Yeah, many people have a story of it happening to them, but the explanation I’ve read is that for each dream that comes true, we have thousands that don’t.” It is evident from these statements that Luke and Susie share the view that dreams predicting the future may simply be a result of chance. Therefore, the accurate answer is C.

3 Answer:  C

Answer Explanation:  During the conversation, Susie mentions, “But most preschool children take a short nap during the day, don’t they? Some students conducted an experiment here last term to determine at what age kids should stop having naps. However, they didn’t really find a conclusive answer. They invested a significant amount of time in figuring out the most suitable methodology, but the results didn’t reveal any apparent patterns.” We can infer that Susie is stating that a study on preschool children taking short naps during the day did not yield clear conclusions. Therefore, the accurate answer is “C.”

4 Answer:  C

Answer Explanation:  In the conversation, Luke mentions, “Right. Anyway, let’s consider our assignment. Last time, I faced challenges in the final stage, where we had to explain and justify our perceived level of success.” These statements suggest that in their previous assignment, both students encountered difficulties in self-assessment. Consequently, the accurate answer is C.

5 Answer:  history

Question Type:  Flowchart Completion

Answer Explanation:  According to the conversation, Luke suggests, “Let’s involve individuals from a different department. How about history?” It is evident that twelve students from the history department will be included. Therefore, the accurate answer is “history.”

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6  Answer:  paper

Answer Explanation:  In the discussion, Susie points out that in this situation, using paper might be preferable since they will be completing it right after waking up. It is evident that the answers will be on the papers. Hence, the correct response is “papers.”

7  Answer:  humans/ people

Answer Explanation:  During the conversation, Luke says, “We need to consult the ethical guidelines for this type of research,” and Susie adds that special regulations apply because their experiment involves humans. It is apparent from these statements that one should verify ethical guidelines when conducting research involving humans or people. Thus, the accurate answer is “humans/people.”

8 Answer:  pass

Answer Explanation:  As per the discussion, Luke mentions, “Yes, I examined those for a different assignment I completed. There’s a dedicated portion on risk assessment and another segment on ensuring they don’t experience any undue stress.” Therefore, it is evident that they should guarantee the assessment of risks and minimize stress. Consequently, the accurate answer is “stress.”

9 Answer:  graph

Answer Explanation:   During the discussion, Susie mentions, “After gathering our data, we need to analyze it and determine the correlation between our two variables, which are time spent sleeping and the number of dreams. Subsequently, we should visually present our findings in a graph.” This indicates that the correct response is to perform the calculation with correlation and create a graph. Consequently, the accurate answer is “graph.”

10 Answer:  evaluate

Answer Explanation:  In the conversation, Luke states that one thing they need to do is “think about our research and evaluate it.” From this statement, it’s clear that Luke believes the research should be evaluated. Therefore, the correct answer that aligns with what Luke said is “evaluate.”

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Haniya A

Haniya Yashfeen A, a seasoned Senior Content Marketing Specialist in the IELTS domain, blends her passion for reading with a profound understanding of content marketing to craft engaging and informative content for a global audience seeking IELTS guidance. With a strong grasp of SEO principles, she effectively drives organic traffic and enhances online visibility, consistently delivering successful content campaigns.

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Cambridge IELTS 16 Listening Test 2 with Answers

Cambridge ielts 16 listening test 2.

Questions 1 – 10 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Copying photos to digital format

N ame of company: Picturerep

Requirements ● Maximum size of photos is 30 cm, minimum size 4 cm. ● Photos must not be in a 1 ……………… or an album.

Cost ● The cost for 360 photos is 2 £……………… (including one disk). ● Before the complete order is sent, 3 ……………… is required.

Services included in the price ● Photos can be placed in a folder, e.g. with the name 4 ……………… . ● The 5 ……………… and contrast can be improved if necessary. ● Photos which are very fragile will be scanned by 6 ……………… .

Special restore service (costs extra) ● It may be possible to remove an object from a photo, or change the 7 ……………… . ● A photo which is not correctly in 8 ……………… cannot be fixed.

Other information ● Orders are completed within 9 ……………… . ● Send the photos in a box (not 10 ……………… ).

Questions 11 – 15 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Minster Park

11 Dartfield House school used to be

A a tourist information centre. B a private home. C a local council building.

12 What is planned with regard to the lower school?

A All buildings on the main site will be improved. B The lower school site will be used for new homes. C Additional school buildings will be constructed on the lower school site.

13 The catering has been changed because of

A long queuing times. B changes to the school timetable. C dissatisfaction with the menus.

14 Parents are asked to

A help their children to decide in advance which serving point to use. B make sure their children have enough money for food. C advise their children on healthy food to eat.

15 What does the speaker say about the existing canteen?

A Food will still be served there. B Only staff will have access to it. C Pupils can take their food into it.

Questions 16-18 What comment does the speaker make about each of the following serving points in the Food Hall? Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-D, next to Questions 16-18.

A pupils help to plan menus B only vegetarian food C different food every week D daily change in menu

Food available at serving points in Food Hall

16 World Adventures 17 Street Life 18 Speedy Italian

Questions 19 and 20 Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO optional after-school lessons are new?

A swimming B piano C acting D cycling E theatre sound and lighting

Questions 21-24 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Assignment on sleep and dreams

21 Luke read that one reason why we often forget dreams is that

A our memories cannot cope with too much information. B we might other wise be confused about what is real. C we do not think they are important.

22 What do Luke and Susie agree about dreams predicting the future?

A It may just be due to chance. B It only happens with certain types of event. C It happens more often than some people think.

23 Susie says that a study on pre-school children having a short nap in the day

A had controversial results. B used faulty research methodology. C failed to reach any clear conclusions.

24 In their last assignment, both students had problems with

A statistical analysis. B making an action plan. C self-assessment

Questions 25-30 Complete the flow chart below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Assignment plan

Decide on research question: Is there a relationship between hours of sleep and number of dreams? ↓ Decide on sample: Twelve students from the 25 ……………… department ↓ Decide on methodology: Self-reporting ↓ Decide on procedure: Answers on 26 ……………… ↓ Check ethical guidelines for working with 27 ……………… Ensure that risk is assessed and 28 ……………… is kept to a minimum ↓ Analyse the results

Calculate the correlation and make a 29 ……………… ↓ 30 ……………… the research

Questions 31 – 40 Complete the notes below. Write  ONE WORD ONLY  for each answer.

Health benefits of dance

Recent findings: ●   All forms of dance produce various hormones associated with feelings of happiness. ●   Dancing with others has a more positive impact than dancing alone. ●   An experiment on university students suggested that dance increases  31  ……………… . ●   For those with mental illness, dance could be used as a form of  32  ……………… .

Benefits of dance for older people: ●   accessible for people with low levels of  33  ……………… ●   reduces the risk of heart disease ●   better  34  ……………… reduces the risk of accidents ●   improves  35  ……………… function by making it work faster ●   improves participants’ general well-being ●   gives people more  36  ……………… to take exercise ●   can lessen the feeling of  37  ………………, very common in older people

Benefits of Zumba: ●   A study at The University of Wisconsin showed that doing Zumba for 40 minutes uses up as many  38  ……………… as other quite intense forms of exercise. ●    The American Journal of Health Behavior  study showed that: –  women suffering from  39  ……………… benefited from doing Zumba. –  Zumba became a  40  ……………… for the participants.

Audio Transcript

Cambridge ielts 16 listening test 2 audio transcript, cambridge ielts 16 listening test 2 answers.

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1 frame 2 195 3 payment 4 Grandparents 5 colour / color 6 hand 7 background 8 focus 9 ten / 10 days 10 plastic 11 C 12 B 13 A 14 A 15 C 16 D 17 A 18 B 19&20 B, C

21 B 22 A 23 C 24 C 25 history 26 paper 27 humans / people 28 stress 29 graph 30 evaluate 31 creativity 32 therapy 33 fitness 34 balance 35 brain 36 motivation 37 isolation 38 calories 39 obesity 40 habit

Also Check:  Cambridge IELTS 16 Academic Reading 1 with Answers

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2 thoughts on “cambridge ielts 16 listening test 2 with answers”.

Avatar for mariya

In section 2 and 3 the qustion and the given audio clips are different thanks in advance to resolve the problem

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Thanks for informing us. We have updated the audio recordings. 🙂

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What is IELTS Score?

IELTS score between 1 and 9 for each part of the test – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. You can score whole (e.g., 5.0, 6.0, 7.0) or half (e.g., 5.5, 6.5, 7.5) bands in each part. Universities often demand an IELTS score of 6 or 7. They may also demand a minimum IELTS score in each of the 4 sections.

IELTS scoring system and band scale

The IELTS scoring system is very unique composed of 9 bands, measured in consistent manner and is internationally acclaimed and understood. The IELTS score ranges from 1 to 9 for each part of the test. The individual result from these four parts will produce an overall band score ... more →

How long does it take to do the IELTS test?

IELTS has four parts – Listening (30 minutes), Reading (60 minutes), Writing (60 minutes) and Speaking (11–14 minutes). The total test time is 2 hours and 45 minutes. The Listening, Reading and Writing tests are done in one sitting.

Is IELTS valid for 3 years now?

The IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) is valid for two years. At present, IELTS score is valid for a three year period for Australian General Skilled Migration (GSM) applications.

Is there any pass or fail in the IELTS exam?

There is no pass or no fail in the IELTS exam. Generally, when you take any test or exam then there can be the possibility of getting passed or failed. But here in this case, you will not get failed but you may be disqualified to continue your higher education in choice of college or university.

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Ielts listening test 16 – section 3.

This is the 3rd section of IELTS Listening practice test 16. Listen to the audio and answer all the questions. When you finish, check your answers and proceed to the next section of the test.

Questions 21 – 26

Choose the correct letter, A , B or C .

Reflective Journal Assignment

21. What should be firstly included in the reflective journal?

  • Topics he is going to talk about.
  • Study aims for the module.
  • Suggestions from others.

22. The woman has got

  • a lot of friends to help her.
  • several books that may be useful.
  • sufficient resources showing that she is a good technology user.

23. What was the man’s biggest achievement in the past?

  • He worked as a waiter in a restaurant.
  • He got an offer to lead a team.
  • He became a chairman of the Students Union.

24. The man decides to

  • do it by himself.
  • find a tutor.
  • listen to others.

25. What is the man’s attitude after the discussion?

  • He thinks it is useless.
  • He is looking forward to it.
  • He feels uncertain about it.

26. What should be shown in the man’s reflective journal?

  • Self-awareness.
  • Achievements.

Questions 27-30

What is the woman’s attitude towards the each of the following activities of study?

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the letters A – E next to questions 27 – 30 .

A define a problem B independent learning C develop study skills D gain confidence E find it difficult

27. Writing an essay 28. Taking exams 29. Making class notes 30. Taking presentation notes

Answers – Section 3

NB: A candidate gets 1 mark for each correct answer. But, the spelling must be correct. If you make a spelling mistake in the IELTS listening test , you will not get a mark for that question.

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Related IELTS Resources

Take a practice test to find out what is your current weakness in terms of IELTS scale and allow more time to improve your weak spots. The following IELTS resources will help you to develop your skills faster:

  • IELTS Listening Test
  • IELTS Reading Test
  • IELTS Writing Task 1
  • IELTS Writing Task 2
  • IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 & 3
  • IELTS Listening Exercises
  • IELTS Reading Exercises
  • IELTS Cue Card Exercises
  • How to Start IELTS Preparation
  • Tips – On the Day before IELTS Exam

IELTS Listening Test 16 – Section 2

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IELTS Listening Test 18 – Section 4

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IELTS Listening Test 18 – Section 3

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IELTS Listening Test 18 – Section 2

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Fulfilling Your Dreams

Cambridge - IELTS 16 Answer Key

Book 16 listening test 2 solution, part- 1 copying photos to digital format.

Answer key for Copying photos to digital format listening test

1. frame 2. 195 3. payment 4. Grandparents 5. Colour/ color

6. hand 7. background 8. focus 9. ten/ 10 days 10. plastic

Answer key for book 16, listening test 2, part 2

11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. C

16. D 17. A 18. B

19 & 20 in either order B C

Part- 3 Assignment on sleep and dreams

Answer key for Assignment on sleep and dreams listening test

21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. history

26. paper 27. humans / people 28. stress 29. graph 30. evaluate

Part- 4 Health benefits of dance

Answer key for Health benefits of dance listening test

31. creativity 32. therapy 33. fitness 34.balance 35. brain

36. motivation 37. isolation 38. calories 39. obesity 40. habit

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Note: The above content is copyrighted by Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English Language Assessment. We posted this content at the request of IELTS students.

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Understanding Assignments

What this handout is about.

The first step in any successful college writing venture is reading the assignment. While this sounds like a simple task, it can be a tough one. This handout will help you unravel your assignment and begin to craft an effective response. Much of the following advice will involve translating typical assignment terms and practices into meaningful clues to the type of writing your instructor expects. See our short video for more tips.

Basic beginnings

Regardless of the assignment, department, or instructor, adopting these two habits will serve you well :

  • Read the assignment carefully as soon as you receive it. Do not put this task off—reading the assignment at the beginning will save you time, stress, and problems later. An assignment can look pretty straightforward at first, particularly if the instructor has provided lots of information. That does not mean it will not take time and effort to complete; you may even have to learn a new skill to complete the assignment.
  • Ask the instructor about anything you do not understand. Do not hesitate to approach your instructor. Instructors would prefer to set you straight before you hand the paper in. That’s also when you will find their feedback most useful.

Assignment formats

Many assignments follow a basic format. Assignments often begin with an overview of the topic, include a central verb or verbs that describe the task, and offer some additional suggestions, questions, or prompts to get you started.

An Overview of Some Kind

The instructor might set the stage with some general discussion of the subject of the assignment, introduce the topic, or remind you of something pertinent that you have discussed in class. For example:

“Throughout history, gerbils have played a key role in politics,” or “In the last few weeks of class, we have focused on the evening wear of the housefly …”

The Task of the Assignment

Pay attention; this part tells you what to do when you write the paper. Look for the key verb or verbs in the sentence. Words like analyze, summarize, or compare direct you to think about your topic in a certain way. Also pay attention to words such as how, what, when, where, and why; these words guide your attention toward specific information. (See the section in this handout titled “Key Terms” for more information.)

“Analyze the effect that gerbils had on the Russian Revolution”, or “Suggest an interpretation of housefly undergarments that differs from Darwin’s.”

Additional Material to Think about

Here you will find some questions to use as springboards as you begin to think about the topic. Instructors usually include these questions as suggestions rather than requirements. Do not feel compelled to answer every question unless the instructor asks you to do so. Pay attention to the order of the questions. Sometimes they suggest the thinking process your instructor imagines you will need to follow to begin thinking about the topic.

“You may wish to consider the differing views held by Communist gerbils vs. Monarchist gerbils, or Can there be such a thing as ‘the housefly garment industry’ or is it just a home-based craft?”

These are the instructor’s comments about writing expectations:

“Be concise”, “Write effectively”, or “Argue furiously.”

Technical Details

These instructions usually indicate format rules or guidelines.

“Your paper must be typed in Palatino font on gray paper and must not exceed 600 pages. It is due on the anniversary of Mao Tse-tung’s death.”

The assignment’s parts may not appear in exactly this order, and each part may be very long or really short. Nonetheless, being aware of this standard pattern can help you understand what your instructor wants you to do.

Interpreting the assignment

Ask yourself a few basic questions as you read and jot down the answers on the assignment sheet:

Why did your instructor ask you to do this particular task?

Who is your audience.

  • What kind of evidence do you need to support your ideas?

What kind of writing style is acceptable?

  • What are the absolute rules of the paper?

Try to look at the question from the point of view of the instructor. Recognize that your instructor has a reason for giving you this assignment and for giving it to you at a particular point in the semester. In every assignment, the instructor has a challenge for you. This challenge could be anything from demonstrating an ability to think clearly to demonstrating an ability to use the library. See the assignment not as a vague suggestion of what to do but as an opportunity to show that you can handle the course material as directed. Paper assignments give you more than a topic to discuss—they ask you to do something with the topic. Keep reminding yourself of that. Be careful to avoid the other extreme as well: do not read more into the assignment than what is there.

Of course, your instructor has given you an assignment so that they will be able to assess your understanding of the course material and give you an appropriate grade. But there is more to it than that. Your instructor has tried to design a learning experience of some kind. Your instructor wants you to think about something in a particular way for a particular reason. If you read the course description at the beginning of your syllabus, review the assigned readings, and consider the assignment itself, you may begin to see the plan, purpose, or approach to the subject matter that your instructor has created for you. If you still aren’t sure of the assignment’s goals, try asking the instructor. For help with this, see our handout on getting feedback .

Given your instructor’s efforts, it helps to answer the question: What is my purpose in completing this assignment? Is it to gather research from a variety of outside sources and present a coherent picture? Is it to take material I have been learning in class and apply it to a new situation? Is it to prove a point one way or another? Key words from the assignment can help you figure this out. Look for key terms in the form of active verbs that tell you what to do.

Key Terms: Finding Those Active Verbs

Here are some common key words and definitions to help you think about assignment terms:

Information words Ask you to demonstrate what you know about the subject, such as who, what, when, where, how, and why.

  • define —give the subject’s meaning (according to someone or something). Sometimes you have to give more than one view on the subject’s meaning
  • describe —provide details about the subject by answering question words (such as who, what, when, where, how, and why); you might also give details related to the five senses (what you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell)
  • explain —give reasons why or examples of how something happened
  • illustrate —give descriptive examples of the subject and show how each is connected with the subject
  • summarize —briefly list the important ideas you learned about the subject
  • trace —outline how something has changed or developed from an earlier time to its current form
  • research —gather material from outside sources about the subject, often with the implication or requirement that you will analyze what you have found

Relation words Ask you to demonstrate how things are connected.

  • compare —show how two or more things are similar (and, sometimes, different)
  • contrast —show how two or more things are dissimilar
  • apply—use details that you’ve been given to demonstrate how an idea, theory, or concept works in a particular situation
  • cause —show how one event or series of events made something else happen
  • relate —show or describe the connections between things

Interpretation words Ask you to defend ideas of your own about the subject. Do not see these words as requesting opinion alone (unless the assignment specifically says so), but as requiring opinion that is supported by concrete evidence. Remember examples, principles, definitions, or concepts from class or research and use them in your interpretation.

  • assess —summarize your opinion of the subject and measure it against something
  • prove, justify —give reasons or examples to demonstrate how or why something is the truth
  • evaluate, respond —state your opinion of the subject as good, bad, or some combination of the two, with examples and reasons
  • support —give reasons or evidence for something you believe (be sure to state clearly what it is that you believe)
  • synthesize —put two or more things together that have not been put together in class or in your readings before; do not just summarize one and then the other and say that they are similar or different—you must provide a reason for putting them together that runs all the way through the paper
  • analyze —determine how individual parts create or relate to the whole, figure out how something works, what it might mean, or why it is important
  • argue —take a side and defend it with evidence against the other side

More Clues to Your Purpose As you read the assignment, think about what the teacher does in class:

  • What kinds of textbooks or coursepack did your instructor choose for the course—ones that provide background information, explain theories or perspectives, or argue a point of view?
  • In lecture, does your instructor ask your opinion, try to prove their point of view, or use keywords that show up again in the assignment?
  • What kinds of assignments are typical in this discipline? Social science classes often expect more research. Humanities classes thrive on interpretation and analysis.
  • How do the assignments, readings, and lectures work together in the course? Instructors spend time designing courses, sometimes even arguing with their peers about the most effective course materials. Figuring out the overall design to the course will help you understand what each assignment is meant to achieve.

Now, what about your reader? Most undergraduates think of their audience as the instructor. True, your instructor is a good person to keep in mind as you write. But for the purposes of a good paper, think of your audience as someone like your roommate: smart enough to understand a clear, logical argument, but not someone who already knows exactly what is going on in your particular paper. Remember, even if the instructor knows everything there is to know about your paper topic, they still have to read your paper and assess your understanding. In other words, teach the material to your reader.

Aiming a paper at your audience happens in two ways: you make decisions about the tone and the level of information you want to convey.

  • Tone means the “voice” of your paper. Should you be chatty, formal, or objective? Usually you will find some happy medium—you do not want to alienate your reader by sounding condescending or superior, but you do not want to, um, like, totally wig on the man, you know? Eschew ostentatious erudition: some students think the way to sound academic is to use big words. Be careful—you can sound ridiculous, especially if you use the wrong big words.
  • The level of information you use depends on who you think your audience is. If you imagine your audience as your instructor and they already know everything you have to say, you may find yourself leaving out key information that can cause your argument to be unconvincing and illogical. But you do not have to explain every single word or issue. If you are telling your roommate what happened on your favorite science fiction TV show last night, you do not say, “First a dark-haired white man of average height, wearing a suit and carrying a flashlight, walked into the room. Then a purple alien with fifteen arms and at least three eyes turned around. Then the man smiled slightly. In the background, you could hear a clock ticking. The room was fairly dark and had at least two windows that I saw.” You also do not say, “This guy found some aliens. The end.” Find some balance of useful details that support your main point.

You’ll find a much more detailed discussion of these concepts in our handout on audience .

The Grim Truth

With a few exceptions (including some lab and ethnography reports), you are probably being asked to make an argument. You must convince your audience. It is easy to forget this aim when you are researching and writing; as you become involved in your subject matter, you may become enmeshed in the details and focus on learning or simply telling the information you have found. You need to do more than just repeat what you have read. Your writing should have a point, and you should be able to say it in a sentence. Sometimes instructors call this sentence a “thesis” or a “claim.”

So, if your instructor tells you to write about some aspect of oral hygiene, you do not want to just list: “First, you brush your teeth with a soft brush and some peanut butter. Then, you floss with unwaxed, bologna-flavored string. Finally, gargle with bourbon.” Instead, you could say, “Of all the oral cleaning methods, sandblasting removes the most plaque. Therefore it should be recommended by the American Dental Association.” Or, “From an aesthetic perspective, moldy teeth can be quite charming. However, their joys are short-lived.”

Convincing the reader of your argument is the goal of academic writing. It doesn’t have to say “argument” anywhere in the assignment for you to need one. Look at the assignment and think about what kind of argument you could make about it instead of just seeing it as a checklist of information you have to present. For help with understanding the role of argument in academic writing, see our handout on argument .

What kind of evidence do you need?

There are many kinds of evidence, and what type of evidence will work for your assignment can depend on several factors–the discipline, the parameters of the assignment, and your instructor’s preference. Should you use statistics? Historical examples? Do you need to conduct your own experiment? Can you rely on personal experience? See our handout on evidence for suggestions on how to use evidence appropriately.

Make sure you are clear about this part of the assignment, because your use of evidence will be crucial in writing a successful paper. You are not just learning how to argue; you are learning how to argue with specific types of materials and ideas. Ask your instructor what counts as acceptable evidence. You can also ask a librarian for help. No matter what kind of evidence you use, be sure to cite it correctly—see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial .

You cannot always tell from the assignment just what sort of writing style your instructor expects. The instructor may be really laid back in class but still expect you to sound formal in writing. Or the instructor may be fairly formal in class and ask you to write a reflection paper where you need to use “I” and speak from your own experience.

Try to avoid false associations of a particular field with a style (“art historians like wacky creativity,” or “political scientists are boring and just give facts”) and look instead to the types of readings you have been given in class. No one expects you to write like Plato—just use the readings as a guide for what is standard or preferable to your instructor. When in doubt, ask your instructor about the level of formality they expect.

No matter what field you are writing for or what facts you are including, if you do not write so that your reader can understand your main idea, you have wasted your time. So make clarity your main goal. For specific help with style, see our handout on style .

Technical details about the assignment

The technical information you are given in an assignment always seems like the easy part. This section can actually give you lots of little hints about approaching the task. Find out if elements such as page length and citation format (see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial ) are negotiable. Some professors do not have strong preferences as long as you are consistent and fully answer the assignment. Some professors are very specific and will deduct big points for deviations.

Usually, the page length tells you something important: The instructor thinks the size of the paper is appropriate to the assignment’s parameters. In plain English, your instructor is telling you how many pages it should take for you to answer the question as fully as you are expected to. So if an assignment is two pages long, you cannot pad your paper with examples or reword your main idea several times. Hit your one point early, defend it with the clearest example, and finish quickly. If an assignment is ten pages long, you can be more complex in your main points and examples—and if you can only produce five pages for that assignment, you need to see someone for help—as soon as possible.

Tricks that don’t work

Your instructors are not fooled when you:

  • spend more time on the cover page than the essay —graphics, cool binders, and cute titles are no replacement for a well-written paper.
  • use huge fonts, wide margins, or extra spacing to pad the page length —these tricks are immediately obvious to the eye. Most instructors use the same word processor you do. They know what’s possible. Such tactics are especially damning when the instructor has a stack of 60 papers to grade and yours is the only one that low-flying airplane pilots could read.
  • use a paper from another class that covered “sort of similar” material . Again, the instructor has a particular task for you to fulfill in the assignment that usually relates to course material and lectures. Your other paper may not cover this material, and turning in the same paper for more than one course may constitute an Honor Code violation . Ask the instructor—it can’t hurt.
  • get all wacky and “creative” before you answer the question . Showing that you are able to think beyond the boundaries of a simple assignment can be good, but you must do what the assignment calls for first. Again, check with your instructor. A humorous tone can be refreshing for someone grading a stack of papers, but it will not get you a good grade if you have not fulfilled the task.

Critical reading of assignments leads to skills in other types of reading and writing. If you get good at figuring out what the real goals of assignments are, you are going to be better at understanding the goals of all of your classes and fields of study.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Cambridge 16 Listening Test 2 Transcript

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In this Cambridge IELTS Book 16 Listening Test 2 Audio Transcript post, you’ll find:

Cambridge 16 Listening Test 2 Transcript

  • Copying photos to digital format listening transcript
  • Assignment on sleep and dreams listening transcript
  • Health benefits of dance listening transcript

#1 Copying photos to digital format Transcript

The Part 1 audio script of Copying photos to digital format in Listening Test 2 is as follows:

EMPLOYEE:     Hello, Picturerep. Can I help you?

WOMAN:        Oh, hi. I saw your advertisement about copying pictures to disk and I’d like a bit more information about what you do.

EMPLOYEE:     Sure. What would you like to know?

WOMAN:        Well, I’ve got a box full of old family photos that’s been up in the attic for years, some of them must be 50 or 60 years old, and I’d like to get them converted to digital format.

EMPLOYEE:     Sure, we can do that for you.

WOMAN:        Right. And what about size? The photos are all sorts of sizes – are there any restrictions?

EMPLOYEE:     Well the maximum size of photo we can do with our normal services is 30 centimetres. And each picture must be a least 4 centimetres, that’s the minimum we can cope with.

WOMAN:        That should be fine. And some of them are in a  frame (Q1)  – should I take them out before I send them?

EMPLOYEE:     Yes please, we can’t copy them otherwise. And also the photos must all be separate, they mustn’t be stuck into an album.

WOMAN:        OK, that’s not a problem. So can you give me an idea of how much this will cost? I’ve got about 360 photos I think.

EMPLOYEE:     We charge  £195 for 300 to 400 photos (Q2)  for the basic service.

WOMAN:        OK. And does that include the disk?

EMPLOYEE:     Yes, one disk – but you can get extra ones for £5 each.

WOMAN:        That’s good. So do I need to pay when I send you the photos?

EMPLOYEE:     No, we won’t need anything until we’ve actually copied the pictures. Then we’ll let you know how much it is, and  once we’ve received the payment (Q3) , we’ll send the parcel off to you.

WOMAN:        Right.

EMPLOYEE:     Is there anything else you’d like to ask about our services?

WOMAN:        Yes. I’ve roughly sorted out the photos into groups, according to what they’re about – so can you keep them in those groups when you copy them?

EMPLOYEE:     Sure. We’ll save each group in a different folder on the disk and if you like, you can suggest a name for each folder.

WOMAN:        So I could have one called  ‘Grandparents’ (Q4)  for instance?

EMPLOYEE:     Exactly.

WOMAN:        And do you do anything besides scan the photos? Like, can you make any improvements?

EMPLOYEE:     Yes, in the standard service each photo is checked, and we can sometimes  touch up the colour  a bit  (Q5) , or improve the contrast – that can make a big difference.

WOMAN:        OK. And some of the photos are actually quite fragile – they won’t get damaged in the process, will they?

EMPLOYEE:     No, if any look particularly fragile,  we’d do them by hand (Q6) . We do realise how precious these old photos can be.

WOMAN:        Sure.

EMPLOYEE:     And another thing is we can make changes to a photo if you want – so if you want to remove an object from a photo, or maybe  alter the background (Q7) , we can do that.

WOMAN:        Really? I might be interested in that. I’ll have a look through the photos and see. Oh, and talking of fixing photos – I’ve got a few  that aren’t properly in focus (Q8) . Can you do anything to make that better?

EMPLOYEE:     No, I’m afraid that’s one thing we can’t do.

WOMAN:        OK.

EMPLOYEE:     Any other information I can give you?

WOMAN:        Er … oh, how long will it all take?

EMPLOYEE:     We aim to get the copying done  in ten days. (Q9)

WOMAN:        Fine. Right, well I’ll get the photos packed up in a box and post them off to you.

EMPLOYEE:     Right. If you’ve got a strong cardboard box, that’s best. We’ve found that  plastic ones sometimes break in the post. (Q10)

WOMAN:        OK. Right, thanks for your help. Bye.

EMPLOYEE:     Bye.

#2 Part 2 Listening Test 2 Transcript

The Part 2 audio transcript in Cambridge 16 Listening Test 2 is as follows:

Good morning and thank you for coming here today. I’d like to bring you up to date with changes in the school that will affect your children.

As you know, the school buildings date from various times: some from the 1970s, some from the last five years, and of course Dartfield House is over a century old. It was commissioned by a businessman. Neville Richards, and intended as his family home, but he died before it was completed. 

His heir chose to sell it to the local council, who turned it into offices (Q11) . A later plan to convert it into a tourist information centre didn’t come about, through lack of money, and instead it formed the nucleus of this school when it opened 40 years ago.

The school has grown as the local population has increased, and I can now give you some news about the lower school site, which is separated from the main site by a road. Planning permission has been granted for development of both sites.

The lower school will move to new buildings that will be constructed on the main site.  Developers will construct houses on the existing lower school site (Q12) . Work on the new school buildings should start within the next few months.

A more imminent change concerns the catering facilities and the canteen. The canteen is always very busy throughout the lunch period – in fact it’s often full to capacity, because a lot of our pupils like the food that’s on offer there.

But there’s only one serving point, so  most pupils have to wait a considerable time to be served (Q13) . This is obviously unsatisfactory, as they may have hardly finished their lunch before afternoon lessons start.

So we’ve had a new Food Hall built, and this will come into use next week. It’ll have several serving areas, and I’ll give you more details about those in a minute, but one thing we ask you to do, to help in the smooth running of the Food Hall, is to  discuss with your children each morning which type of food they want to eat that day (Q14) , so they can go straight to the relevant serving point.

There won’t be any junk food – everything on offer will be healthy – and there’s no change to the current system of paying for lunches by topping up your child’s electronic payment card online.

You may be wondering what will happen to the old canteen.  We’ll still have tables and chairs in there, and pupils can eat food from the Food Hall or lunch they’ve brought from home (Q15) . Eventually we may use part of the canteen for storage, but first we’ll see how many pupils go in there at lunchtime.

OK, back to the serving points in the Food Hall, which will all have side dishes, desserts and drinks on sale, as well as main courses.

One serving point we call  World Adventures (Q16) . This will serve  a different country’s cuisine each day , maybe Chinese one day and Lebanese the next. The menus will be planned for a week at a time, so pupils will know what’s going to be available the whole of the week.

Street Life  is also international, with food from three particular cultures.  We’ll ask pupils to make suggestions (Q17) , so perhaps sometimes there’ll be food from Thailand, Ethiopia and Mexico, and then one of them will be replaced by Jamaican food for a week or two.

The  Speedy Italian  serving point  will cater particularly for the many pupils who don’t eat meat or fish (Q18):  they can be sure that all the food served there is suitable for them. There’ll be plenty of variety, so they shouldn’t get bored with the food.

OK, that’s all on the new Food Hall. Now after-school lessons. There are very popular with pupils, particularly swimming – in fact there’s a waiting list for lessons. Cycling is another favourite, and I’m delighted that dozens of pupils make use of the chance to learn to ride in off-road conditions.

It means that more and more cycle to and from school every day. As you know, we have a well-equipped performance centre, and  we’re going to start drama classes (Q19/Q20)  in there, too. Pupils will be able to join in just for fun or work up to taking part in a play – we hope to put on at least one a year. We already teach a number of pupils to use the sound and lighting systems in the centre.

And a former pupil has given a magnificent grand  piano  to the school, so  a few pupils will be able to learn at the school instead of going to the local college, as many of them do at the moment.

#3 Assignment on sleep and dreams Transcript

The Part 3 audio script of Assignment on sleep and dreams in Listening Test 2 is as follows:

SUSIE:     So Luke, for our next psychology assignment we have to do something on sleep and dreams.

LUKE:      Right. I’ve just read an article suggesting why we tend to forget most of our dreams soon after we wake up. I mean, most of my dreams aren’t that interesting anyway, but what it said was that if we remembered everything,  we might get mixed up about what actually happened and what we dreamed (Q21) . So it’s a sort of protection. I hadn’t heard that idea before. I’d always assumed that it was just that we didn’t have room in our memories for all that stuff.

SUSIE:     Me too. What do you think about the idea that our dreams may predict the future?

LUKE:      It’s a belief that you get all over the world.

SUSIE:     Yeah, lots of people have a story of it happening to them, but the explanation I’ve read is that  for each dream that comes true, we have thousands that don’t (Q22) , but we don’t notice those, we don’t even remember them. We just remember the ones where something in the real world, like a view or an action, happens to trigger a dream memory.

LUKE:      Right. So  it’s just a coincidence really.  Something else I read about is what they call segmented sleeping. That’s a theory that hundreds of years ago, people used to get up in the middle of the night and have a chat or something to eat, then go back to bed. So I tried it myself.

SUSIE:     Why?

LUKE:      Well it’s meant to make you more creative. I don’t know why. But I gave it up after a week. It just didn’t fit in with my lifestyle.

SUSIE:     But most pre-school children have a short sleep in the day don’t they? There was an experiment some students did here last term to see at what age kids should stop having naps. But  they didn’t really find an answer (Q23) . They spent a lot of time working out the most appropriate methodology, but  the results didn’t seem to show any obvious patterns .

LUKE:      Right. Anyway, let’s think about our assignment. Last time  I had problems with the final stage, where we had to describe and justify how successful we thought we’d been (Q24) . I struggled a bit with the action plan too.

SUSIE:     I was OK with the planning, but  I got marked down for the self-assessment as well . And I had big problems with the statistical stuff, that’s where I really lost marks.

LUKE:      Right.

SUSIE:     So shall we plan what we have to do for this assignment?

LUKE:      OK.

SUSIE:     First, we have to decide on our research question. So how about ‘Is there a relationship between hours of sleep and number of dreams?’

LUKE:      OK. Then we need to think about who we’ll do they study on. About 12 people?

SUSIE:     Right. And shall we use other psychology students?

LUKE:       Let’s use people from a different department. What about history? (Q25)

SUSIE:      Yes,  they might have interesting dreams! Or literature students?

LUKE:      I don’t really know any.

SUSIE:     OK, forget that idea. Then we have to think about our methodology. So we could use observation, but that doesn’t seem appropriate.

LUKE:      No. it needs to be self-reporting I think. And we could ask them to answer questions online.

SUSIE:     But in this case,  paper might be better (Q26)  as they’ll be doing it straight after they wake up … in fact while they’re still half-asleep.

LUKE:       Right . And we’ll have to  check the ethical guidelines (Q27)  for this sort of research.

SUSIE:     Mm,  because our experiment involves humans , so  there are special regulations.

LUKE:      Yes, I had a look at those for another assignment I did. There’s a whole section on risk assessment, and another section on  making sure they aren’t put under any unnecessary stress. (Q28)

SUSIE:     Let’s hope they don’t have any bad dreams!

LUKE:      Yeah.

SUSIE:     Then when we’ve collected all our data we have to analyse it and calculate the correlation between our two variables, that’s time sleeping and number of dreams and then  present our results visually in a graph. (Q29)

LUKE:      Right. And the final thing is to think about  our research  and  evaluate it (Q30) . So that seems quite straightforward.

SUSIE:     Yeah. So now let’s …

#4 Health benefits of dance Transcript

The Part 4 audio script of Health benefits of dance in Listening Test 2 is as follows:

Dancing is something that humans do when they want to have a good time. It’s a universal response to music, found in all cultures. But what’s only been discovered recently is that dancing not only makes us feel good, it’s also extremely good for our health.

Dancing, like other forms of exercise, releases hormones, such as dopamine, which make us feel relaxed and happy. And it also reduces feelings of stress or anxiety.

Dancing is also a sociable activity, which is another reason it makes us feel good.

One study compared people’s enjoyment of dancing at home in front of a video with dancing in a group in a studio.

The people dancing in a group reported feeling happier, whereas those dancing alone did not.

In another experiment, university researchers at York and Sheffield took  a group of students  and sent each of them into a lab where music was played for five minutes. Each had to choose from three options: to sit and listen quietly to the music, to cycle on an exercise bike while they listened, or to get up and dance.

All were given cognitive tasks to perform before and after. The result showed that  those who chose to dance showed much more creativity (Q31)  when doing problem-solving tasks.

Doctor Lovatt at the University of Hertfordshire believes dance could be a very useful way to help  people suffering from mental health problems . He thinks  dance should be prescribed ad therapy (Q32)  to help people overcome issues such as depression.

It’s well established that dance is a good way of encouraging adolescent girls to take exercise but what about  older people ? Studies have shown that there are enormous benefits for people in their sixties and beyond.

One of the great things about dance is that there are no barriers to participation. Anyone can have a go, even those whose  standard of fitness is quite low. (Q33)

Dance can be especially beneficial for older adults who can’t run or do more intense workouts, or for those who don’t want to. One 2015 study found that even a gently dance workout helps to promote a healthy heart.

And there’s plenty of evidence which suggests that dancing lowers the risk of falls, which could result in a broken hip, for example, by helping people to  improve their balance. (Q34)

There are some less obvious benefits of dance for older people too. One thing I hadn’t realised before researching this topic was that dance isn’t just a physical challenge.

It also requires a lot of concentration because you need to remember different steps and routines. For older people, this kind of activity is especially important because  it forces their brain to process things more quickly (Q35)  and to retain more information.

Current research also shows that dance promotes a general sense of well-being in older participants, which can last up to a week after a class. Participants report feeling less tired and having  greater motivation to be more active (Q36)  and do daily activities such as gardening or walking to the shops or a park.

Ballroom or country dancing, both popular with older people. They require collaboration and often involve touching a dance partner, all of which encourages interaction on the dance floor.

This helps to develop new relationships and can  reduce older people’s sense of isolation (Q37) , which is a huge problem in many countries.

I also looked at the benefits of Zumba. Fifteen million people in 180 countries now regularly take a Zumba class, an aerobic workout based on Latin American dance moves.

John Porcari, a professor of exercise and sport science at the University of Wisconsin, analysed a group of women who were  Zumba regulars  and found that  a class lasting 40 minutes burns about 370 calories. This is similar to moderately intense exercises (Q38)  like step aerobics or kickboxing.

A study in the  American Journal of Health Behavior  showed that when  women with obesity (Q39)  did Zumba three times a week for 16 weeks, they  lost an average of 1.2 kilos and lowered their percentage of body fat  by 1%. More importantly, the women enjoyed the class so much that  they made it a habit (Q40)  and continued to attend classes at least once a week – very unusual for an aerobic exercise programme.

Dance is never going to compete with high-intensity workouts when it comes to physical fitness gains, but its popularity is likely to keep on rising because it’s such a fun way to keep fit.

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Đáp án IELTS Listening Cambridge 16 Test 2 – Transcript & Answers

Part 1: copying photos to digital format .

1. Phân tích câu hỏi

Complete the notes below. Write  ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER  for each answer.


Special restore service (costs extra)

2. Phân tích đáp án

EMPLOYEE: Hello, Picturerep. Can I help you? Xin chào, Picturerep. Tôi có thể giúp bạn?

WOMAN: Oh, hi. I saw your advertisement about copying pictures to disk and I’d like a bit more information about what you do. Xin chào. Tôi đã thấy quảng cáo của bạn về việc sao chép ảnh vào đĩa và tôi muốn biết thêm một chút thông tin.

EMPLOYEE: Sure. What would you like to know? Chắc chắn rồi. Bạn muốn biết về điều gì?

WOMAN: Well, I’ve got a box full of old family photos that’s been up in the attic for years, some of them must be 50 or 60 years old, and I’d like to get them converted to digital format. Chà, tôi có một hộp đầy những bức ảnh gia đình cũ đã được cất trên gác mái trong nhiều năm, một số trong số đó phải 50 hoặc 60 tuổi, và tôi muốn chuyển chúng sang định dạng kỹ thuật số.

EMPLOYEE: Sure, we can do that for you. Right. And what about size? Chắc chắn, chúng tôi có thể làm điều đó cho bạn. À, và kích thước thì sao? 

WOMAN: The photos are all sorts of sizes. Are there any restrictions? Các bức ảnh có đủ loại kích thước. Có hạn chế nào không?

EMPLOYEE: Well the maximum size of photo we can do with our normal service is 30 centimetres. And each picture must be at least 4 centimetres, that’s the minimum we can cope with . Vâng, kích thước ảnh tối đa mà chúng tôi có thể làm với dịch vụ thông thường của mình là 30 cm. Và mỗi bức tranh phải cao ít nhất 4 cm, đó là mức tối thiểu mà chúng tôi có thể làm được.

WOMAN: That should be fine. And some of them are (Q1) in a frame – should I take them out before I send them? Ổn đó. Và một số trong số chúng nằm trong khung – tôi có nên lấy chúng ra trước khi gửi không?

EMPLOYEE: Yes please, we can’t copy them otherwise. And also the photos must all be separate, they mustn’t be stuck into an album. Vâng, chúng tôi không thể sao chép chúng nếu như vẫn trong khung. Và tất cả các bức ảnh cũng phải riêng biệt, chúng không được dính vào một cuốn album.

WOMAN: OK, that’s not a problem. So can you give me an idea of how much this will cost? I’ve got about 360 photos I think. OK, đó không phải là vấn đề. Vậy bạn có thể cho tôi thông tin về giá khoảng bao nhiêu? Tôi nghĩ là tôi có khoảng 360 ảnh.

EMPLOYEE: (Q2) We charge £195 for 300 to 400 photos for the basic service. Chúng tôi tính phí 195 pound cho 300 đến 400 ảnh cho dịch vụ cơ bản.

WOMAN: OK. And does that include the disk? OK. Bao gồm đĩa không?

EMPLOYEE: Yes, one disk – but you can get extra ones for £5 each. Có, một đĩa – nhưng bạn có thể nhận thêm những đĩa khác với giá 5 pounds mỗi đĩa.

WOMAN: That’s good. So do I need to pay when I send you the photos? Tốt đấy. Vậy tôi có cần trả tiền khi gửi ảnh cho bạn không?

EMPLOYEE: No, we won’t need anything until we’ve actually copied the pictures. Then we’ll let you know how much it is, and (Q3) once we’ve received the payment , we’ll send the parcel off to you. Không, chúng tôi sẽ không thu bất cứ thứ gì cho đến khi chúng tôi đã sao chép các bức ảnh. Sau đó, chúng tôi sẽ cho bạn biết số tiền là bao nhiêu và khi chúng tôi đã nhận được thanh toán, chúng tôi sẽ gửi bưu kiện cho bạn.

WOMAN: Right. Được rồi

EMPLOYEE: Is there anything else you’d like to ask about our services? Có điều gì khác bạn muốn hỏi về các dịch vụ của chúng tôi không?

WOMAN: Yes. I’ve roughly sorted out the photos into groups, according to what they’re about – so can you keep them in those groups when you copy them? Vâng. Tôi đã sắp xếp đại khái các bức ảnh thành các nhóm, theo nội dung của chúng – vậy bạn có thể giữ chúng trong các nhóm đó khi bạn sao chép chúng không?

EMPLOYEE: Sure. We’ll save each group in a different folder on the disk and if you like, you can suggest a name for each folder. Chắc chắn rồi. Chúng tôi sẽ lưu từng nhóm vào một thư mục khác nhau trên đĩa và nếu muốn, bạn có thể đề xuất tên cho từng thư mục.

WOMAN: So I could have one called (Q4) ‘ Grandparents ‘ for instance? Vậy tôi có thể có một thư mục được gọi là ‘Ông bà’ chẳng hạn?

EMPLOYEE: Exactly. Chính xác.

WOMAN: And do you do anything besides scan the photos? Like, can you make any improvements? Và bạn có làm gì ngoài việc quét ảnh không? Kiểu như bạn có thể thực hiện bất kỳ cải tiến nào không?

EMPLOYEE: Yes, in the standard service each photo is checked, and we can sometimes (Q5) touch up the colour a bit , or improve the contrast – that can make a big difference. Vâng, trong dịch vụ tiêu chuẩn, mỗi bức ảnh được kiểm tra và đôi khi chúng tôi có thể chỉnh màu một chút hoặc cải thiện độ tương phản – điều đó có thể tạo ra sự khác biệt lớn.

WOMAN: OK. And some of the photos are actually quite fragile – they won’t get damaged in the process, will they? OK. Và một số bức ảnh thực sự khá mỏng manh – chúng sẽ không bị hỏng trong quá trình này, phải không?

EMPLOYEE: No, if any look particularly fragile, (Q6) we’d do them by hand . We do realise how precious these old photos can be. Không, nếu cái nào trông đặc biệt mỏng manh, chúng tôi sẽ làm bằng tay. Chúng tôi biết những bức ảnh cũ này có thể quý giá như thế nào.

WOMAN: Sure. Đúng rồi 

EMPLOYEE: And another thing is we can make changes to a photo if you want – so if you want to remove an object from a photo, or (Q7) maybe alter the background , we can do that. Và một điều nữa là chúng tôi có thể thực hiện các thay đổi đối với ảnh nếu bạn muốn – vì vậy nếu bạn muốn xóa một đối tượng khỏi ảnh hoặc có thể thay đổi nền, chúng tôi có thể làm điều đó.

WOMAN: Really? I might be interested in that. I’ll have a look through the photos and see. Oh, and talking of fixing photos – I’ve got a few that (Q8) aren’t properly in focus . Can you do anything to make that better? Thật không? Tôi có thể quan tâm đến điều đó. Tôi sẽ xem qua các bức ảnh. Ồ, và nói về việc sửa ảnh – tôi có một vài bức ảnh không được lấy nét đúng. Bạn có thể cải thiện bức ảnh chứ?

EMPLOYEE: No, I’m afraid that’s one thing we can’t do. Không, tôi e rằng đó là một điều chúng tôi không thể làm.

WOMAN: OK. Được rồi

EMPLOYEE: Any other information I can give you? Tôi cung cấp được cho bạn thông tin gì nữa không?

WOMAN: Er … oh, how long will it all take? Ờ, mất bao lâu nhỉ?

EMPLOYEE: We aim to get the copying done (Q9) in ten days . Chúng tôi mong muốn hoàn thành việc sao chép trong mười ngày.

WOMAN: Fine. Right, well I’ll get the photos packed up in a box and post them off to you. Được rồi, tôi sẽ gói những bức ảnh trong một chiếc hộp và gửi chúng cho bạn.

EMPLOYEE: Right. If you’ve got a strong cardboard box, that’s best. We’ve found that (Q10) plastic ones sometimes break in the post Đúng vậy. Nếu bạn có một hộp các tông chắc chắn, đó là điều tốt nhất. Chúng tôi nhận thấy rằng đôi khi những hộp bằng nhựa bị vỡ khi chuyển bưu điện

WOMAN: OK. Right, thanks for your help. Bye. OK. Đúng, cảm ơn sự giúp đỡ của bạn. Tạm biệt.

EMPLOYEE: Bye. Tạm biệt.

Q1. frame Must not be in a frame In a frame, should take them out
Q2. 195 The cost … is 195 Charge 195
Q3. payment Before the order is sent, payment is required Once we’ve received the payment, we’ll send the parcel off to you
Q4. Grandparents Eg. with the name grandparents Called grandparents, for instance
Q5. color The color and contrast can be improved  Touch up the colour or improve the contrast 
Q6. hand Scanned by hand Do them by hand 
Q7. background Change the background Alter the background 
Q8. focus Not correctly in focus Aren’t properly in focus
Q9. 10 days Complete within 10 days Get the copying done in 10 days
Q10. Plastic In a box, not plastic A strong cardboard box, … plastic ones sometimes break in the post
  • attic (noun) /ˈætɪk/: gác mái ENG: a room or space just below the roof of a house, often used for storing things
  • cope with (verb phrase) /kəʊp/: đối mặt với ENG: to deal successfully with something difficult
  • parcel (noun) /ˈpɑːsl/: gói ENG: something that is wrapped in paper or put into a thick envelope so that it can be sent by mail, carried easily or given as a present
  • contrast (noun) /ˈkɒntrɑːst/: độ tương phản ENG: differences in colour or in light and dark, used in photographs and paintings to create a special effect
  • fragile (adj) /ˈfrædʒaɪl/: mỏng manh ENG: easily broken or damaged
  • cardboard (noun) /ˈkɑːdbɔːd/: hộp bìa cát tông ENG: stiff material like very thick paper, often used for making boxes

Part 2: Minster Park

1. Phân tích câu hỏi 

Questions 11-15

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11. Dartfield House school used to be

  • A. a tourist information centre. 
  • B. a private home.
  • C. a local council building. 

Dartfield House ngày xưa từng là gì? Một trung tâm thông tin du lịch, một ngôi nhà riêng hay một tòa nhà hội đồng địa phương?

Chú ý ngữ pháp ‘used to’, tức nói về thì quá khứ đơn 

12. What is planned with regard to the lower school?

  • A. All buildings on the main site will be improved.
  • B. The lower school site will be used for new homes.
  • C. Additional school buildings will be constructed on the lower school site. 

Điều gì đã được lên kế hoạch với trường ‘lower school’? Tất cả các tòa nhà trong khu vực chính sẽ được cải thiện, hay ngôi trường này sẽ được sử dụng xây các ngôi nhà mới, hay các trường học bổ sung sẽ được xây dựng trên địa điểm của ‘lower school’?

Lựa chọn A chú ý từ ‘all’, lựa chọn B cần chú ý từ ‘new homes’ và lựa chọn C chú ý từ ‘additional’ 

13. The catering has been changed because of

  • A. long queuing times. 
  • B. changes to the school timetable. 
  • C. dissatisfaction with the menus.

Việc phục vụ đã được thay đổi bởi vì sao? Thời gian chờ đợi dài, thay đổi về thời khóa biểu củatrường hay là việc không hài lòng với thực đơn?

14. Parents are asked to

  • A. help their children to decide in advance which serving point to use. 
  • B. make sure their children have enough money for food. 
  • C. advise their children on healthy food to eat.

Phụ huynh được yêu cầu làm gì? Giúp con cái họ quyết định trước là nên sử dụng điểm phục vụ nào, chắc chắn rằng con họ có đủ tiền mua đồ ăn hay là tư vấn cho con họ về những thức ăn lành mạnh nên ăn?

15. What does the speaker say about the existing canteen?

  • A. Food will still be served there. 
  • B. Only staff will have access to it. 
  • C. Pupils can take their food into it.

Diễn ra nói gì về căng tin hiện có? Thức ăn sẽ vẫn được phục vụ ở đó, hay là chỉ nhân viên mới được vào đó, hay học sinh có thể mang thức ăn vào đó?

Chú ý câu hỏi đang nói về ‘existing carteen’ 

Questions 16-18

What comment does the speaker make about each of the following serving points in the Food Hall?

Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-D, next to Questions 16-18.

Food available at serving points in Food Hall




Diễn giả đưa ra nhận xét gì về từng điểm phục vụ trong Food Hall? Học sinh có thể giúp lên thực đơn, hay chỉ cung cấp đồ ăn chay, hay là có đa dạng thức ăn khác nhau mỗi tuần, hay thực đơn thay đổi mỗi ngày?

Thông tin trong bài nghe sẽ được mô tả theo thứ tự câu hỏi, tức nói về World Adventures Hall trước, rồi nói đến Street Life và cuối cùng là Speedy Italian 

Questions 19 and 20

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO optional after-school lessons are new?

  • A. swimming 
  • D. cycling 
  • E. theatre sound and lighting

Hai bài học tự chọn sau giờ học nào trong số các bài học sau đây là mới? bơi lội, chơi piano, đóng phim, đạp xe hay là âm thanh ánh sáng phim điện ảnh 

Chú ý từ ‘new’ trong câu hỏi, tức câu hỏi chỉ chú ý đến những bài học mới có, mới xuất hiện  

2. Giải thích đáp án

Good morning and thank you for coming here today. I’d like to bring you up to date with changes in the school that will affect your children. 

Chào buổi sáng và cảm ơn bạn đã đến đây hôm nay. Tôi muốn cập nhật cho bạn những thay đổi trong trường sẽ ảnh hưởng đến con bạn.

As you know, the school buildings date from various times: some from the 1970s, some from the last five years, and of course Dartfield House is over a century old. It was commissioned by a businessman, Neville Richards, and intended as his family home, but he died before it was completed. (Q11) His heir chose to sell it to the local council, who turned it into offices . A later plan to convert it into a tourist information centre didn’t come about , through lack of money, and instead it formed the nucleus of this school when it opened 40 years ago. Như bạn đã biết, các tòa nhà của trường có từ nhiều thời điểm khác nhau: một số từ nhữngnăm 1970, một số từ năm năm trước, và tất nhiên Dartfield House đã hơn một thế kỷ. Nó được ủy thác bởi một doanh nhân, Neville Richards, và dự định làm ngôi nhà của gia đình ông, nhưng ông đã qua đời trước khi nó được hoàn thành. Người thừa kế của anh ấy đã chọn bán nó cho hội đồng địa phương, người đã biến nó thành văn phòng. Sau đó, kế hoạch chuyển nó thành một trung tâm thông tin du lịch đã không thực hiện được vì thiếu tiền, và thay vào đó nó đã hình thành nên hạt nhân của ngôi trường này khi nó mở cửa cách đây 40 năm.

The school has grown as the local population has increased, and I can now give you some news about the lower school site, which is separated from the main site by a road. Planning permission has been granted for development of both sites. The lower school will move to new buildings that will be constructed on the main site. (Q12) Developers will construct houses on the existing lower school site . Work on the new school buildings should start within the next few months. Trường học đã phát triển khi dân số địa phương tăng lên, và bây giờ tôi có thể cung cấp cho các bạn một số tin tức về điểm trường cấp dưới, được ngăn cách với địa điểm chính bằng một con đường. Quyền lập kế hoạch đã được cấp để phát triển cả hai địa điểm. Trường cấp dưới sẽ chuyển đến các tòa nhà mới sẽ được xây dựng trên địa điểm chính. Các chủ đầu tư sẽ xây dựng các ngôi nhà trên địa điểm trường trung học hiện có. Công việc xây dựng các tòa nhà cho trường học mới sẽ bắt đầu trong vòng vài tháng tới.

A more imminent change concerns the catering facilities and the canteen. The canteen is always very busy throughout the lunch period – in fact it’s often full to capacity, because a lot of our pupils like the food that’s on offer there. But there’s only one serving point, so (Q13) most pupils have to wait a considerable time to be served . This is obviously unsatisfactory, as they may have hardly finished their lunch before afternoon lessons start. Một thay đổi sắp xảy ra liên quan đến các cơ sở phục vụ ăn uống và căng tin. Căng tin luôn rất đông đúc trong suốt thời gian ăn trưa – trên thực tế, nó thường xuyên hoạt động hết công suất, bởi vì rất nhiều học sinh của chúng tôi thích đồ ăn được cung cấp ở đó. Nhưng chỉ có một điểm phục vụ, vì vậy hầu hết học sinh phải đợi khá lâu để được phục vụ. Điều này rõ ràng là không thỏa đáng, vì họ có thể chưa ăn xong bữa trưa trước khi bài học buổi chiều bắt đầu.

So we’ve had a new Food Hall built, and this will come into use next week. It’ll have several serving areas, and I’ll give you more details about those in a minute, but one thing we ask you to do, to help in the smooth running of the Food Hall, is (Q14 ) to discuss with your children each morning which type of food they want to eat that day , so they can go straight to the relevant serving point. There won’t be any junk food – everything on offer will be healthy – and there’s no change to the current system of paying for lunches by topping up your child’s electronic payment card online. Vì vậy, chúng tôi đã xây dựng một trung tâm ăn uống mới và công trình này sẽ được đưa vào sử dụng vào tuần tới. Nó sẽ có một số khu vực phục vụ và tôi sẽ cung cấp cho bạn thêm chi tiết về những khu vực đó trong một phút, nhưng một điều chúng tôi yêu cầu các phụ huynh cần làm để giúp trung tâm ăn uống hoạt động suôn sẻ là thảo luận với trẻ em muốn ăn loại thức ăn nào vào mỗi buổi sáng để chúng có thể đến thẳng điểm phục vụ phù hợp. Sẽ không có bất kỳ đồ ăn vặt nào – mọi thứ được cung cấp sẽ tốt cho sức khỏe – và không có gì thay đổi đối với hệ thống thanh toán bữa trưa hiện tại bằng cách nạp thẻ thanh toán điện tử trực tuyến của con bạn.

You may be wondering what will happen to the old canteen. (Q15) We’ll still have tables and chairs in there, and pupils can eat food from the Food Hall or lunch they’ve brought from home . Eventually we may use part of the canteen for storage, but first we’ll see how many pupils go in there at lunchtime. Bạn có thể tự hỏi điều gì sẽ xảy ra với căng tin cũ. Chúng tôi vẫn có bàn và ghế ở đó và học sinh có thể ăn thức ăn từ trung tâm ăn uống hoặc bữa trưa mà chúng mang từ nhà đến đây. Cuối cùng, chúng tôi có thể sử dụng một phần của căng tin để chứa đồ, nhưng trước tiên chúng tôi sẽ xem có bao nhiêu học sinh vào đó vào giờ ăn trưa.

OK, back to the serving points in the Food Hall, which will all have sidedishes , desserts and drinks on sale, as well as main courses. OK, quay lại các điểm phục vụ trong Food Hall, nơi sẽ có bán các mónănphụ , món tráng miệng và đồ uống cũng như các món chính.

One serving point we call World Adventures . This will serve (Q16) a different country’s cuisine each day , maybe Chinese one day and Lebanese the next. The menus will be planned for a week at a time, so pupils will know what’s going to be available the whole of that week. Một điểm phục vụ mà chúng tôi gọi là World Adventures. Nơi này sẽ phục vụ các món ăn của một quốc gia khác nhau mỗi ngày, có thể là Trung Quốc ngày này và Lebanon vào ngày tiếp theo. Thực đơn sẽ được lên kế hoạch cho một tuần luôn, vì vậy học sinh sẽ biết tuần đó có gì. 

Street Life is also international, with food from three particular cultures. (Q17) We’ll ask pupils to make suggestions , so perhaps sometimes there’ll be food from Thailand, Ethiopia and Mexico, and then one of them will be replaced by Jamaican food for a week or two. Street Life cũng mang tính quốc tế, với các món ăn từ ba nền văn hóa cụ thể. Chúng tôi sẽ yêu cầu học sinh đưa ra đề xuất, vì vậy có lẽ đôi khi sẽ có thực phẩm từ Thái Lan, Ethiopia và Mexico, và sau đó một trong số chúng sẽ được thay thế bằng thực phẩm của Jamaica trong một hoặc hai tuần.

The Speedy Italian serving point (Q18) will cater particularly for the many pupils who don’t eat meat or fish : they can be sure that all the food served there is suitable for them. There’ll be plenty of variety, so they shouldn’t get bored with the food. Điểm phục vụ Speedy Italian sẽ phục vụ đặc biệt cho nhiều học sinh không ăn thịt hoặc cá: chúng có thể chắc chắn rằng tất cả thức ăn được phục vụ ở đó đều phù hợp với chúng. Sẽ có rất nhiều loại, vì vậy họ sẽ không cảm thấy nhàm chán với thức ăn.

OK, that’s all on the new Food Hall. Now after-school lessons. These are very popular with pupils, particularly swimming – in fact there’s a waiting list for lessons. Cycling is another favourite, and I’m delighted that dozens of pupils make use of the chance to learn to ride in off-road conditions. It means that more and more cycle to and from school every day. As you know, we have a well-equipped performance centre, and (Q19) we’re going to start drama classes in there, too . Pupils will be able to join in just for fun or work up to taking part in a play – we hope to put on at least one a year. We already teach a number of pupils to use the sound and lighting systems in the centre. And a former pupil has given a magnificent grand piano to the school, (Q20) so a few pupils will be able to learn at the school instead of going to the local college , as many of them do at the moment. OK, đó là tất cả về Food Hall mới. Bây giờ sẽ nói về những bài học sau giờ học. Những môn này rất phổ biến với học sinh, đặc biệt là môn bơi lội – trên thực tế, có một danh sách chờ các bài học. Đi xe đạp là một môn yêu thích khác và tôi rất vui khi hàng chục học sinh tận dụng cơ hội này để học lái xe địa hình. Điều này có nghĩa là học sinh đi xe đạp đến trường sẽ ngày càng phổ biến. Như bạn đã biết, chúng tôi có một trung tâm biểu diễn được trang bị tốt và chúng tôi cũng sẽ bắt đầu các lớp học kịch ở đó. Học sinh sẽ có thể tham gia chỉ để giải trí hoặc cố gắng tham gia một vở kịch – chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ tham gia ít nhất một lần mỗi năm. Chúng tôi đã dạy một số học sinh sử dụng hệ thống âm thanh và ánh sáng ở trung tâm. Và một học sinh cũ đã tặng cho trường một cây đàn piano lớn tuyệt đẹp để một số học sinh có thể học tại trường thay vì đến trường đại học địa phương như nhiều học sinh hiện nay.

Q11. C  Was founded Set up 
Q12. B Originally   Did for the first five years 
Q13. A Have no plans to move  Moving to a new location has never been necessary 
Q14. A Talks by staff  Have a presentation from one of the managers  
Q15. C
Q16. D
Q17. A 
Q18. B 
Q19&20. B C 

3. Từ vựng 

  • commission (verb) /kəˈmɪʃn/: ủy thác ENG:  to choose somebody as an officer in one of the armed forces
  • heir (noun) /eə(r)/: người thừa kế ENG: a person who has the legal right to receive somebody’s property, money or title when that person dies
  • come about (phrasal verb): xảy ra ENG: ​to happen
  • grant (verb) /ɡrɑːnt/: ủy thác ENG: to agree to give somebody what they ask for, especially formal or legal permission to do something
  • imminent (adj) /ˈɪmɪnənt/ : sắp xảy ra ENG: (especially of something unpleasant) likely to happen very soon
  • sidedishes (noun phrase): đồ ăn phụ ENG: a small amount of foodserved with the main course of a meal
  • delighted (adj) /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/: rất vui ENG: very pleased
  • magnificent (adj) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ : ấn tượng ENG: extremely attractive and impressive; deserving praise

Part 3: Assignment on sleep and dreams 

Questions 21-24. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

21. Luke read that one reason why we often forget dreams is that

A. our memories cannot cope with too much information. B. we might otherwise be confused about what is real. C. we do not think they are important. 

Luke đọc rằng một lý do mọi người thường quên luông giấc mơ của mình là vì: ký ức của chúng ta không thể nào ghi nhớ quá nhiều thông tin, chúng ta bị nhầm lẫn điều gì là thực, chúng ta nghĩ nó không quan trọng

22. What do Luke and Susie agree about dreams predicting the future?

A. It may just be due to chance. B. It only happens with certain types of event. C. It happens more often than some people think. 

Luke và Susie đồng ý về điều gì của những giấc mơ dự báo về tương lai? Chúng có thể xảy ra vì tình cờ, chúng chỉ xảy ra với một số loại sự kiện nhất định hay là thường xuyên xảy ra hơn so với mọi người nghĩ Chú ý là đáp án phải là ý kiến được cả Luke và Susie đồng ý chứ không phải ý kiến của riêng một người. 

23. Susie says that a study on pre-school children having a short nap in the day 

A. had controversial results. B. used faulty research methodology. C. failed to reach any clear conclusions. 

Susie nói rằng một nghiên cứu về trẻ trước tuổi đi học có một giấc ngủ ngắn trong ngày tạo ra những kết quả gây tranh cãi, sử dụng phương pháp nghiên cứu sai hay là không đưa ra được kết luận rõ ràng? Chú ý rằng đáp án là ý kiến của Susie chứ không phải của Luke 

24. In their last assignment, both students had problems with

A. statistical analysis. B. making an action plan. C. self-assessment.

Trong bài tập lớn cuối cùng của họ, cả hai đều gặp vấn đề với phân tích thống kê, lập kế hoạch thành công hoặc là tự đánh giá Chú ý câu hỏi hỏi về ‘last assignment’ và hỏi về một vấn đề mà cả hai cùng gặp phải

Questions 25–30

Complete the flow chart below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Assignment plan

Decide on research question:
Is there a relationship between hours of sleep and number of dreams?

=> Quyết định về câu hỏi nghiên cứu: Có mối quan hệ nào giữa số giờ ngủ và số giấc mơ không?

Decide on sample:
Twelve students from the 25 ………….. department

Quyết định về mẫu nghiên cứu: 12 sinh viên từ khoa ….. => Đáp án cần điền là một danh từ chỉ tên của một khoa nào đó

Decide on methodology:
Decide on procedure:
Answers on 26 ……………

Quyết định về quy trình: Câu trả lời trên …. => Đáp án cần điền là một danh từ để những người tham gia nghiên cứu đưa ra câu trả lời, đi với giới từ ‘on’

Check ethical guidelines for working with 27…………. is kept
Ensure that risk is assessed and 28………….. to a minimum

Kiểm tra các nguyên tắc đạo đức để làm việc với 27 …………. được lưu giữ > Cần danh từ chỉ đối tượng liên quan đến các ‘ethical guidelines’ Đảm bảo rằng rủi ro được đánh giá và 28 ………….. ở mức tối thiểu > Cần một danh từ song song với risk hoặc động từ phân từ hai song song với assessed

Analyse the results
Calculate the correlation and make a 29…………………….

Phân tích kết quả: Tính toán mối tương quan và thực hiện một …. Cần điền một danh từ số ít vì có mạo từ ‘a’ ở phía trước

30…………… the research

… nghiên cứu =>> Cần điền một động từ dạng nguyên mẫu để song song với ‘analyse’ hoặc ‘check’… ở các bước trên

SUSIE: So Luke, for our next psychology assignment we have to do something on sleep and dreams. Vậy Luke, cho nhiệm vụ tâm lý học tiếp theo của chúng ta, chúng ta phải làm điều gì đó về giấc ngủ và giấc mơ.

LUKE: Right. I’ve just read an article suggesting why we tend to forget most of our dreams soon after we wake up. I mean, most of my dreams aren’t that interesting anyway, but what it said was that if we remembered everything, (Q21) we might get mixed up about what actually happened and what we dreamed. So it’s a sort of protection . I hadn’t heard that idea before. I’d always assumed that it was just that we didn’t have room in our memories for all that stuff. Đúng. Tôi vừa đọc một bài báo gợi ý lý do tại sao chúng ta có xu hướng quên hầu hết các giấc mơ ngay sau khi thức dậy. Ý tôi là, dù sao thì hầu hết các giấc mơ của tôi cũng không thú vị lắm, nhưng người ta nói là nếu chúng ta nhớ lại mọi thứ, chúng ta có thể nhầm lẫn về những gì thực sự đã xảy ra và những gì chúng ta đã mơ. Vì vậy, việc quên đi giấc mơ là một cách bảo vệ. Trước đây tôi chưa biết điều này. Tôi luôn cho rằng đó chỉ là chúng ta không có chỗ trong ký ức của mình cho tất cả những thứ đó.

SUSIE: Me too. What do you think about the idea that our dreams may predict the future? Tôi cũng vậy. Bạn nghĩ gì về ý kiến ​​cho rằng những giấc mơ của chúng ta có thể dự đoán tương lai?

LUKE: It’s a belief that you get all over the world. Mọi người trên toàn thế giới đều tin như thế. 

SUSIE: Yeah, lots of people have a story of it happening to them, but the explanation I’ve read is that for (Q22) each dream that comes true, we have thousands that don’t , but we don’t notice those, we don’t even remember them. We just remember the ones where something in the real world, like a view or an action, happens to trigger a dream memory. Vâng, điều này đã xảy ra với rất nhiều người, nhưng lời giải thích mà tôi đã đọc là xác suất này rất thấp, có hang ngàn giấc mơ không thành sự thật trong khi chỉ có một giấc mơ thành sự thật, nhưng chúng ta không nhận thấy những điều đó, chúng ta không thậm chí nhớ chúng. Chúng ta chỉ nhớ giấc mơ mà trong đó một thứ gì đó trong thế giới thực, như một khung cảnh hoặc một hành động, xảy ra trong giấc mơ.

LUKE: Right. So it’s just a coincidence really . Something else I read about is what they call segmented sleeping. That’s a theory that hundreds of years ago, people used to get up in the middle of the night and have a chat or something to eat, then go back to bed. So I tried it myself. Đúng. Vì vậy, nó thực sự chỉ là một sự trùng hợp ngẫu nhiên. Tôi đã đọc một cái gì đó về việc ngủ theo phân đoạn . Đó là giả thuyết mà hàng trăm năm trước, mọi người thường thức dậy vào nửa đêm và trò chuyện hoặc ăn gì đó, sau đó quay trở lại giường. Vì vậy, tôi đã thử nó cho mình.

SUSIE: Why? Tại sao?

LUKE: Well it’s meant to make you more creative. I don’t know why. But I gave it up after a week. It just didn’t fit in with my lifestyle. Nó làm cho bạn sáng tạo hơn. Tôi không biết tại sao. Nhưng tôi đã từ bỏ nó sau một tuần. Nó không phù hợp với lối sống của tôi.

SUSIE: But most pre-school children have a short sleep in the day, don’t they? There was an experiment some students did here last term to see at what age kids should stop having naps . (Q23) But they didn’t really find an answer . They spent a lot of time working out the most appropriate methodology , but the results didn’t seem to show any obvious patterns . Nhưng hầu hết trẻ em trước tuổi đi học đều có một giấc ngủ ngắn trong ngày phải không? Có một thử nghiệm một số học sinh đã thực hiện ở kì trước để xem rằng ở độ tuổi nào trẻ em nên ngừng ngủ trưa . Nhưng họ không thực sự tìm ra câu trả lời. Họ đã dành rất nhiều thời gian để tìm ra phương pháp luận phù hợp nhất, nhưng kết quả dường như không cho thấy bất kỳ hình mẫu rõ ràng nào.

LUKE: Right. Anyway, let’s think about our assignment. Last time (Q24) I had problems with the final stage, where we had to describe and justify how successful we thought we’d been . I struggled a bit with the action plan too. Đúng. Dù sao, chúng ta hãy nghĩ về nhiệm vụ của chúng ta. Lần trước, tôi gặp vấn đề với giai đoạn cuối cùng, chúng ta phải mô tả và biện minh rằng chúng tôi đã nghĩ rằng mình đã thành công như thế nào. Tôi cũng gặp khó khăn một chút với kế hoạch hành động.

SUSIE: I was OK with the planning, but I got marked down for the self-assessment as well . And I had big problems with the statistical stuff, that’s where I really lost marks. Tôi đồng ý với việc lập kế hoạch, nhưng tôi cũng bị đánh giá thấp cho phần tự đánh giá. Và tôi đã gặp vấn đề lớn với những thứ thống kê, đó là phần tôi thực sự mất điểm.

LUKE: Right. Đúng .

SUSIE: So shall we plan what we have to do for this assignment? Vì vậy, chúng ta sẽ lập kế hoạch những gì chúng ta phải làm cho nhiệm vụ này?

LUKE: OK. Đồng ý 

SUSIE: First, we have to decide on our research question. So how about ‘Is there a relationship between hours of sleep and number of dreams?’ Đầu tiên, chúng ta phải quyết định câu hỏi nghiên cứu của mình. Vậy câu hỏi ‘Có mối quan hệ giữa số giờ ngủ và số lượng giấc mơ hay không? có được không?’

LUKE: OK. Then we need to think about who we’ll do the study on. About 12 people? Đồng ý. Sau đó, chúng ta cần nghĩ xem chúng ta sẽ thực hiện nghiên cứu về ai. Khoảng 12 người?

SUSIE: Right. And shall we use other psychology students? Đúng. Và liệu chúng ta có sử dụng những sinh viên tâm lý học khác không?

LUKE: (Q25) Let’s use people from a different department. What about history ? Hãy sử dụng những người từ một khoa khác. Khoa lịch sử thì sao?

SUSIE: Yes , they might have interesting dreams! Or literature students? Vâng, họ có thể có những giấc mơ thú vị! Hay sinh viên chuyên văn?

LUKE: I don’t really know any. Tôi thực sự không biết bất kỳ.

SUSIE: OK, forget that idea. Then we have to think about our methodology. So we could use observation, but that doesn’t seem appropriate. OK, quên ý tưởng đó đi. Sau đó, chúng ta phải suy nghĩ về phương pháp luận của mình. Vì vậy, chúng tôi có thể sử dụng quan sát, nhưng điều đó có vẻ không phù hợp.

LUKE: No. It needs to be self-reporting I think. And we could ask them to answer questions online. Không. Tôi nghĩ cần phải sử dụng phương pháp tự báo cáo. Và chúng ta có thể yêu cầu họ trả lời các câu hỏi trực tuyến.

SUSIE: But in this case, (Q26) paper might be better as they’ll be doing it straight after they wake up … in fact while they’re still half-asleep . Nhưng trong trường hợp này, giấy có thể tốt hơn vì chúng sẽ làm việc đó ngay sau khi thức dậy … thực tế là trong khi chúng vẫn còn đang ngái ngủ .

LUKE: Right . And we’ll have to (Q27) check the ethical guidelines for this sort of research. Đúng. Và chúng ta sẽ phải kiểm tra các nguyên tắc đạo đức cho loại nghiên cứu này.

SUSIE: Mm, because our experiment involves humans, so there are special regulations . Mm, bởi vì thí nghiệm của chúng ta liên quan đến con người, nên có những quy định đặc biệt.

LUKE: Yes, I had a look at those for another assignment I did. There’s a whole section on risk assessment, and another section on (Q28) making sure they aren’t put under any unnecessary stress .  Vâng, tôi đã xem những nguyên tắc đó khi thực hiện một bài tập khác. Có toàn bộ phần về đánh giá rủi ro và một phần khác về đảm bảo họ không bị bất kỳ căng thẳng không cần thiết nào.

SUSIE: Let’s hope they don’t have any bad dreams! Hãy hy vọng họ không có bất kỳ giấc mơ xấu!

LUKE: Yeah. Đúng vậy.

SUSIE: Then when we’ve collected all our data we have to analyse it and calculate the correlation between our two variables , that’s time sleeping and number of dreams and then (Q29) present our results visually in a graph . Sau đó, khi chúng ta đã thu thập tất cả dữ liệu của mình, chúng tôi phải phân tích nó và tính toán mối tương quan giữa hai biến số – thời gian ngủ và số lượng giấc mơ, sau đó trình bày kết quả của chúng tôi một cách trực quan dưới dạng biểu đồ.

LUKE: Right. And the final thing is to think about (Q30) our research and evaluate it . So that seems quite straightforward . Đúng. Và điều cuối cùng là suy nghĩ về nghiên cứu của chúng ta và đánh giá nó. Vì vậy, điều đó có vẻ khá đơn giản .

SUSIE: Yeah. So now let’s … Đúng vậy. Vì vậy, bây giờ chúng ta hãy …

Q21. B Be confused about what is real Mixed up about what actually happened and what we dreamed
Q22. A chance A coincidence really
Q23. C Fail to reach any clear conclusions Did not really find an answer 
Q24. C Had problems Got marked down
Q25. history
Q26. paper Answers on paper Paper might be better
Q27. humans/ people  Working with humans Involves humans
Q28. stress Stress to a minimum  They aren’t put under any unnecessary stress 
Q29. graph Make a graph  Present our results visually in a graph
Q30. evaluate Think about our research and evaluate it Evaluate the research 
  • coincidence (noun) /kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/: đồng thời, cùng lúc ENG: the fact of two things happening at the same time by chance, in a surprising way
  • segment (verb) /seɡˈment/ : phân đoạn ENG:  to divide something into different parts
  • nap (noun) /næp/:giấc ngủ trưa ENG: a short sleep, especially during the day
  • methodology (noun) /ˌmeθəˈdɒlədʒi/: phương pháp luận ENG: a set of methods and principles used to perform a particular activity
  • justify (verb) /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/: đánh giá ENG: to show that somebody/something is right or reasonable
  • struggle (verb) /ˈstrʌɡl/: gặp khó khăn với ENG: to try very hard to do something when it is difficult or when there are a lot of problems
  • half-asleep (adj): ngái ngủ ENG: when you are between being asleep and awake
  • variable (noun) /ˈveəriəbl/ : biến ENG: a situation, number or quantity that can vary or be varied
  • correlation (noun) /ˌkɒrəˈleɪʃn/: mối tương quan ENG: a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does
  • visually (adv) /ˈvɪʒuəli/: trực quan ENG: in a way that is connected with seeing or sight
  • straightforward (adj) /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːwəd/: đơn giản ENG: easy to do or to understand; not complicated

Part 4: Health benefits of dance  

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. 

– women suffering from 39…………… benefited from doing Zumba.

– Zumba became a 40 ………………. for the participants

2. Phân tích đáp án 

Dancing is something that humans do when they want to have a good time. It’s a universal response to music, found in all cultures. But what’s only been discovered recently is that dancing not only makes us feel good, it’s also extremely good for our health. Mọi người khiêu vũ khi họ muốn có một khoảng thời gian vui vẻ. Đó là một phản ứng chung đối với âm nhạc, được tìm thấy ở mọi nền văn hóa. Nhưng điều mới được phát hiện gần đây là khiêu vũ không chỉ giúp chúng ta cảm thấy thoải mái mà còn rất tốt cho sức khỏe.

Dancing, like other forms of exercise, releases hormones, such as dopamine, which make us feel relaxed and happy. And it also reduces feelings of stress or anxiety. Khiêu vũ, giống như các hình thức tập thể dục khác, giải phóng các hormone, chẳng hạn như dopamine, khiến chúng ta cảm thấy thư giãn và hạnh phúc. Và nó cũng làm giảm cảm giác căng thẳng hoặc lo lắng.

Dancing is also a sociable activity, which is another reason it makes us feel good. One study compared people’s enjoyment of dancing at home in front of a video with dancing in a group in a studio. The people dancing in a group reported feeling happier, whereas those dancing alone did not. In another experiment, university researchers at York and Sheffield took a group of students and sent each of them into a lab where music was played for five minutes. Each had to choose from three options: to sit and listen quietly to the music, to cycle on an exercise bike while they listened, or to get up and dance. All were given cognitive tasks to perform before and after. The result showed that (Q31) those who chose to dance showed much more creativity when doing problem-solving tasks . Khiêu vũ cũng là một hoạt động xã hội, đó là một lý do khác khiến chúng ta cảm thấy dễ chịu khi khiêu vũ. Một nghiên cứu đã so sánh việc mọi người thích khiêu vũ tại nhà trước video với khiêu vũ theo nhóm trong phòng thu. Những người nhảy trong một nhóm cho biết họ cảm thấy hạnh phúc hơn, trong khi những người nhảy một mình thì không. Trong một thí nghiệm khác, các nhà nghiên cứu của trường đại học York và Sheffield đã đưa một nhóm sinh viên vào và lần lượt đưa họ vào một phòng thí nghiệm, nhạc được phát trong 5 phút. Mỗi người phải chọn từ ba lựa chọn: ngồi yên lặng và nghe nhạc, đạp xe đạp tập thể dục trong khi nghe, hoặc đứng dậy và nhảy. Tất cả đều được giao các nhiệm vụ nhận thức để thực hiện trước và sau khi vào phòng thí nghiệm. Kết quả cho thấy những người chọn khiêu vũ thể hiện sự sáng tạo hơn nhiều khi thực hiện các nhiệm vụ giải quyết vấn đề.

Doctor Lovatt at the University of Hertfordshire believes dance could be a very useful way to help (Q32) people suffering from mental health problems . He thinks dance should be prescribed as therapy to help people overcome issues such as depression . Tiến sĩ Lovatt tại Đại học Hertfordshire tin rằng khiêu vũ có thể là một cách rất hữu ích để giúp những người gặp vấn đề về sức khỏe tâm thần. Ông cho rằng khiêu vũ nên được lên lộ trình/ kê đơn như một liệupháp để giúp mọi người vượtqua các vấn đề như trầmcảm .

It’s well established that dance is a good way of encouraging adolescent girls to take exercise but what about older people ? Studies have shown that there are enormous benefits for people in their sixties and beyond. One of the great things about dance is that there are no barriers to participation. Anyone can have a go, even those whose (Q33) standard of fitness is quite low . Rõ ràng rằng khiêu vũ là một cách tốt để khuyến khích trẻ em gái vị thành niên tập thể dục nhưng những người lớn tuổi thì sao? Các nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng có những lợi ích to lớn đối với những người ở độ tuổi 60 trở lên. Một trong những điều tuyệt vời về khiêu vũ là không có bất kỳ rào cản nào đối với việc tham gia. Bất cứ ai cũng có thể tham gia, ngay cả những người có tiêu chuẩn thể lực khá thấp, đều có thể tham gia.

Dance can be especially beneficial for older adults who can’t run or do more intense workouts, or for those who don’t want to. One 2015 study found that even a gentle dance workout helps to promote a healthy heart. And there’s plenty of evidence which suggests that dancing lowers the risk of falls, which could result in a broken hip , for example, by helping people to (Q34) improve their balance .  Khiêu vũ có thể đặc biệt có lợi cho những người lớn tuổi không thể chạy hoặc tập luyện cường độ cao hơn hoặc cho những người không muốn tập cường độ cao. Một nghiên cứu năm 2015 cho thấy tập luyện khiêu vũ nhẹ nhàng cũng giúp thúc đẩy trái tim khỏe mạnh. Và có rất nhiều bằng chứng cho thấy rằng khiêu vũ làm giảm nguy cơ té ngã, ví dụ như có thể dẫn đến gãy xương hông bằng cách giúp mọi người cải thiện khả năng giữ thăng bằng của họ.

There are some less obvious benefits of dance for older people too. One thing I hadn’t realised before researching this topic was that dance isn’t just a physical challenge. It also requires a lot of concentration because you need to remember different steps and routines. For older people, this kind of activity is especially important because (Q35) it forces their brain to process things more quickly and to retain more information. Có một số lợi ích ít rõ ràng hơn của khiêu vũ đối với người lớn tuổi. Một điều tôi đã không nhận ra trước khi nghiên cứu chủ đề này là khiêu vũ không chỉ là một thử thách về thể chất. Nó cũng đòi hỏi rất nhiều sự tập trung vì bạn cần phải nhớ các bước và thói quen khác nhau. Đối với những người lớn tuổi, loại hoạt động này đặc biệt quan trọng vì nó buộc não của họ phải xử lý mọi thứ nhanh hơn và lưu giữ nhiều thông tin hơn.

Current research also shows that dance promotes a general sense of well-being in older participants, which can last up to a week after a class. Participants report feeling less tired and having (Q36) greater motivation to be more active and do daily activities such as gardening or walking to the shops or a park. Nghiên cứu hiện tại cũng chỉ ra rằng khiêu vũ thúc đẩy cảm giác hạnh phúc ở những người lớn tuổi, có thể kéo dài đến một tuần sau khi tham gia lớp học. Những người tham gia cho biết họ cảm thấy ít mệt mỏi hơn và có nhiều động lực hơn để năng động hơn và thực hiện các hoạt động hàng ngày như làm vườn hoặc đi bộ đến cửa hàng hoặc công viên.

Ballroom or country dancing, both popular with older people, have to be done in groups. They require collaboration and often involve touching a dance partner, all of which encourages interaction on the dance floor. This helps to develop new relationships and can (Q37) reduce older people’s sense of isolation , which is a huge problem in many countries. Nhảy cầu hoặc khiêu vũ đồng quê, cả hai đều phổ biến với người lớn tuổi, phải được thực hiện theo nhóm. Họ yêu cầu sự hợp tác và thường liên quan đến việc chạm vào bạn nhảy, tất cả đều khuyến khích sự tương tác trên sàn nhảy. Điều này giúp phát triển các mối quan hệ mới và có thể làm giảm cảm giác bị cô lập của người cao tuổi, vốn là một vấn đề rất lớn ở nhiều quốc gia.

I also looked at the benefits of Zumba. Fifteen million people in 180 countries now regularly take a Zumba class, an aerobic workout based on Latin American dance moves. John Porcari, a professor of exercise and sport science at the University of Wisconsin, analysed a group of women who were Zumba regulars and found (Q38) that a class lasting 40 minutes burns about 370 calories. This is similar to moderately intense exercises like step aerobics or kickboxing. Tôi cũng đã xem xét những lợi ích của Zumba. Mười lăm triệu người ở 180 quốc gia hiện thường xuyên tham gia lớp học Zumba, một môn thể dục nhịp điệu dựa trên các bước nhảy của Mỹ Latinh. John Porcari, giáo sư khoa học thể dục và thể thao tại Đại học Wisconsin, đã phân tích một nhóm phụ nữ thường xuyên tập Zumba và thấy rằng một lớp học kéo dài 40 phút đốt cháy khoảng 370 calo. Điều này tương tự với các bài tập cường độ vừa phải như thể dục nhịp điệu bước hoặc kickboxing.

A study in the American Journal of Health Behavior showed that when (Q39) women with obesity did Zumba three times a week for 16 weeks, they lost an average of 1.2 kilos and lowered their percentage of body fat by 1% . More importantly, the women enjoyed the class so much that (Q40) they made it a habit and continued to attend classes at least once a week – very unusual for an aerobic exercise programme. Một nghiên cứu trên Tạp chí Hành vi Sức khỏe Hoa Kỳ cho thấy khi phụ nữ bị béo phì tập Zumba ba lần một tuần trong 16 tuần, họ giảm trung bình 1,2 kg và giảm 1% tỷ lệ mỡ trong cơ thể. Quan trọng hơn, những người phụ nữ thích lớp học đến mức họ đã tạo thói quen và tiếp tục tham gia lớp học ít nhất một lần một tuần – điều rất bất thường đối với một chương trình tập thể dục nhịp điệu.

Dance is never going to compete with high-intensity workouts when it comes to physical fitness gains, but its popularity is likely to keep on rising because it’s such a fun way to keep fit. Khi nói đến việc tăng cường thể chất, khiêu vũ sẽ không bao giờ cạnh tranh với các bài tập cường độ cao, nhưng mức độ phổ biến của nó có thể sẽ tiếp tục tăng lên vì đó là một cách thú vị để giữ dáng.



Dance increases creativity  Showed much more creativity  


A form of therapy for those with mental illness    People suffering from mental health problems > dance should be prescribed as therapy   


Low levels of fitness    Standard fitness is quite low   


Better balance    Improve their balance    


Improve brain function

Make it work faster

Force the brain to …. 

Process things more quickly  

Q36. Motivation   Give people more motivation   Greater motivation  


Lessen the feeling of isolation   Reduce … sense of isolation  


Use up as many calories as  

Other quite intense forms of exercise 

Burns about 370 calories … is similar to 

Moderately intense exercises  



Women suffering from obesity 

Benefit from  

Women with obesity 

Lost … 1.2kilos and lowered their percentage of body fat by 1% 

Q40.  Habit    Became a habit   Made it a habit  
  • release (verb) /rɪˈliːs/: giải phóng ENG: to stop holding something or stop it from being held so that it can move, fly, fall, etc. freely
  • cognitive (adj) /ˈkɒɡnətɪv/: nhận thức ENG: connected with mental processes of understanding
  • prescribe (verb) /prɪˈskraɪb/: kê đơn ENG: to tell somebody to take a particular medicine or have a particular treatment
  • therapy (noun) /ˈθerəpi/: liệu pháp ENG: the treatment of a physical problem or an illness
  • overcome (verb) /ˌəʊvəˈkʌm/: vượt qua ENG: to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been preventing you from achieving something
  • depression (noun) /dɪˈpreʃn/: trầm cảm ENG: a medical condition in which a person feels very sad and anxious and often has physical symptoms such as being unable to sleep, etc.
  • adolescent (noun) /ˌædəˈlesnt/: thanh thiếu niên ENG: a young person who is developing from a child into an adult
  • barrier (noun) /ˈbæriə(r)/: rào cản ENG: an object like a fence that prevents people from moving forward from one place to another
  • intense (adj) /ɪnˈtens/: cường độ cao ENG: very great; very strong
  • hip (noun) /hɪp/ : xương hông ENG: the area at either side of the body between the top of the leg and the middle part of the body; the  joint  at the top of the leg that connects it with the top part of the body
  • retain (verb) /rɪˈteɪn/: giữ lại ENG:  to keep something; to continue to have something
  • collaboration (noun) /kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃn/: sự hợp tác NG: the act of working with another person or group of people to create or produce something
  • moderately (adv) /ˈmɒdərətli/: trung bình ENG: to an average extent; fairly but not very
  • obesity (noun) /əʊˈbiːsəti/: béo phì ENG: the quality or fact of being very fat, in a way that is not healthy
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    The Listening sample, 'Assignment on Sleep and Dreams, is a part of Cambridge 16 Test 2. Since questions get repeated in the IELTS exam, these samples are ideal for practice. You will find detailed explanations of answers for this listening sample in this article. If you want more practice, try taking an IELTS listening practice test.

  8. Solved Assignment 16: Test of Independence Using Technology

    Question: Assignment 16: Test of Independence Using Technology Instructions The purpose of this activity is to gain experience conducting a chi-square test of independence using technology Recall the report on the Front Line: The Work of First Responders in a Post-9/11 World. We will use data from this report to investigate the question: Are ...

  9. Assignment+16+Answer+Key

    MATH 210 Assignment 16 - Page 2 of 8 - Due: XXXX. This page is intentionally blank for additional work-space. MATH 210 Assignment 16 - Page 4 of 8 - Due: XXXX. MATH 210 Assignment 16 - Page 5 of 8 - Due: XXXX. There are six different candidates for governor of a state. In how many different orders can the names of the candidates be printed on a ...


    Question: ASSIGNMEVTS COURSES Assignment - 16.Test The function f(x) is graphed below. Use the graph of the function to find f(6).

  11. T-Test Application and Interpretation

    Unit 8 Assignment 1 - Quant Design and Analysis; Unit 6 Assignment 1 - Quant Design and Analysis; Related documents. ... T-Test Application and Interpretation Amy Cronk Capella University Psy7864: Quantitative Design and Analysis Professor Scott Wowra November 20, 2022. Data Analysis Plan The variables used in this analysis are Review and Final ...

  12. Assignment 16 Flashcards

    1. inhalation of bacteria. 2. bacteria are localized within lung tissue by phagocytic macrophages. 3. immune cells migrate to the area and surround the macrophages and bacteria. 4. latent infection. 5. bacteria migrate out of tubercles into healthy lung tissue. 6. wasting of body. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ...

  13. Cambridge IELTS 16 Listening Test 2 with Answers

    A a tourist information centre. B a private home. C a local council building. 12 What is planned with regard to the lower school? A All buildings on the main site will be improved. B The lower school site will be used for new homes. C Additional school buildings will be constructed on the lower school site.

  14. IELTS Listening Sample Test 16 Section 3

    IELTS has four parts - Listening (30 minutes), Reading (60 minutes), Writing (60 minutes) and Speaking (11-14 minutes). The total test time is 2 hours and 45 minutes. The Listening, Reading and Writing tests are done in one sitting. Is IELTS valid for 3 years now? The IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) is valid for two years.

  15. Cambridge 16 Listening Test 2 Answers

    Book 16 Listening Test 2 Solution. Part- 1 Copying photos to digital format. Answer key for Copying photos to digital format listening test. 1. frame 2. 195 3. payment 4. Grandparents ... Part- 3 Assignment on sleep and dreams. Answer key for Assignment on sleep and dreams listening test. 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. history. 26. paper 27 ...

  16. Understanding Assignments

    What this handout is about. The first step in any successful college writing venture is reading the assignment. While this sounds like a simple task, it can be a tough one. This handout will help you unravel your assignment and begin to craft an effective response. Much of the following advice will involve translating typical assignment terms ...

  17. Cambridge 16 Listening Test 2 Transcript

    The Part 2 audio transcript in Cambridge 16 Listening Test 2 is as follows: Good morning and thank you for coming here today. I'd like to bring you up to date with changes in the school that will affect your children. As you know, the school buildings date from various times: some from the 1970s, some from the last five years, and of course ...

  18. New Testament test- the Gospels Flashcards

    New Testament Survey Assignment-1. The Writer. 11 terms. SonniesSunshine1511. Preview. Bible test the gospel. Teacher 39 terms. ShadowKA2006. Preview. Lines for Beowulf (and the bard) 25 terms. themagicfox10. Preview. BI 322 TEST 3. 21 terms. iphoneuser828. ... Mark 16. Resurrection. Luke 2. Baby Jesus and the Shepherds. Luke 3. Genealogy of ...

  19. 1.16 Argumentative Essay

    1.16 Argumentative Essay english assignment argument essay assignment argument essay your essay should be five full paragraphs. you should have an introductory. Skip to document. University; High School. Books; ... Math 3.16 Part 2 - Math 3.16 Part 2; Math 2 - Math 2; Health Graded Assignment 4; Health 7.08 Graded Assignment; Health 1; Related ...

  20. IELTS Listening Cambridge 16 Test 2

    ENG: the quality or fact of being very fat, in a way that is not healthy. Đáp án IELTS Listening Cambridge 16 Test 2 - Transcript & Answers gồm Part 1: Copying photos to digital format, Part 2, Part 3: Assignment on sleep and dreams và Part 4: Health benefits of dance.

  21. Ignitia ASSIGNMENTS 01/10 COURSES 01/5 3 Assignment

    A test has multiple choice questions with 5 choices for each answer; only one answer is correct for each question. Suppose a student guesses the answer to each question. Assuming the guesses are independent, find the probability that the student will guess correctly when answering two questions. o 1/5 1/10 01/25

  22. Bible 600 Assignment: 16. Apostle Paul Flashcards

    Terms in this set (14) Put in order as they are in the Bible the names of the New Testament books that are clearly identified as the writings of Paul. Name the first two epistles that Paul wrote. Assignment: 16. Apostle Paul Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.

  23. Rsch7864 assignment 6 T-Test Application and Interpretation.doc

    t (103) = -2.807, p = 0.039; reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference in final exam for those who did and did not attend review sessions. Statistical Conclusions The analysis was conducted to determine if there was a difference in final exam results between students who attended review sessions and those ...