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55 creative marketing ideas for your product or business.

A group of four colleagues engaging with a smartphone to discuss marketing ideas during a casual meeting.

  • 23 Nov 2022

In 2022, creating a clever ad is only half the battle. 

The real war is won when you find a way to rise above the thousands of other ads your customers see every single day. That path is paved with pure, unfettered creativity and lucky for you, we’ve got innovative and unique marketing ideas aplenty.

Get creative with a clever guerilla marketing campaign or use video to quintuple Facebook engagement in an instant. Take your pick of the bunch or use them all. Just remember to give us a nod in your Most Creative Marketer Award acceptance speech. 

Need a video for your next marketing campaign? Make a professional-quality video in minutes with Biteable’s online video maker . Start your free trial today.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Innovative social media marketing ideas

Social media marketing is an easy way to get the best bang for your marketing budget buck. But with more content floating around the interwebs than we know what to do with, you have to get creative to stop the scroll. Try one of these ideas on for your  marketing strategy :

1. Create a referral program

Referral programs  turn your customers into marketers. Encourage word-of-mouth marketing by adding incentives for talkative fans. Be it a discount, a free trial, or a free bonus gift with purchase — if the incentive is good enough, you’ll get people talking.

2. Connect with influencers

Influencer marketing is big business. But there’s no need to aim for the Kylie Jenners of the world. You’ll find thousands of micro-influencers with valuable followings (and without the million-dollar price tag.)

Connect to the influencers  who have an established relationship with your target audience, then offer to send them your products or aim for a more formal marketing partnership. If you don’t have time to slog through the social media ranks, plenty of influencer agencies can help.

Whatever you do, choose influencers that match the values and vibe of your brand.

3. Hold a contest or giveaway

Free! Things! People love them. Generate engagement with some must-have prizes. Give away your own product or offer something your target audience will thirst after.

But remember, a giveaway only works if you ask for something in return. As a requirement for entry, ask people to follow your brand (if they haven’t already), mention your handle, or tag a friend. Then sit back and watch your audience grow.

4. Partner with another brand or account

There is strength in numbers. Band together with a brand or account that complements your own but isn’t your direct competition. Launch a collaboration project, join forces for a good cause, or just feature each other on your socials with a sponsored post. If you scratch their back, they’ll scratch yours.

Product collaboration marketing ideas featuring Ben & Jerry's "Boots on the Moooo'n" ice cream flavor against a space-themed backdrop, celebrating the Netflix series Space Force.

5. Use video

Branch out from your standard static Instagram images and give video a try. Video is not only more engaging and better at getting your message across, but you get more time and space to be creative.

If the thought of creating video content feels intimidating, try one of  Biteable’s brandable, ready-to-edit video templates  and see for yourself how simple it can be.

6. Feature customer testimonials

At the end of the day, the opinion that matters most comes from people who already buy your product or use your service.  Distill your customer feedback  to find loyal advocates for your product, and give their voice a platform with a customer testimonial video or graphic. Bonus points if you can manifest first-person footage of the customers themselves.

7. Jump on trends and holidays

When the internet hands you lemons, make lemonade. Keep an eye on current memes and trends, and jump on the ones that work for your brand. Do the same for holidays and events. As a starting point, the  Biteable Marketing Calendar  offers timely content for every day of the year.

Facebook marketing ideas

Facebook is home to some of the most powerful advertising and targeting tools in the marketing game, not to mention its billions of users. Make the most of Facebook with one of these ideas.

8. Go live on Facebook

The liveness of Lives is sometimes daunting, but you can’t deny the stats: Facebook Live consistently receives  more engagement than almost any other content on Facebook . Get creative with the format and build a better relationship with your followers at the same time. Tell your audience about a new product, give them a behind-the-scenes scoop, or just answer their questions. Humanize your brand with a real, friendly face.

9. Get an assist from Messenger chatbots

The 21st century might not have flying cars, but we do have Messenger chatbots. And these helpful little bots do more than just answer common questions; they are also a powerful tool for creative marketing.

Consider the Messenger bot your new marketing assistant. Turn your chatbot into a personal shopper with customized product suggestions, or use it to give your Facebook followers helpful information related to your service.

A smartphone displaying marketing ideas in a shopping chatbot conversation focusing on a pair of men's blue sneakers, priced at $79.

10. Share meaningful content with an infographic video

This one isn’t so much a creative idea as it is a chance to get creative. Facebook’s current algorithm loves meaningful content that users are inclined to interact with. Playful memes have their place, but make sure some of your posts have more meat on their bones.

Infographic videos are a great way to deliver on this while still keeping that fun, social media vibe.

Instagram marketing ideas

Establish your marketing dominance with these creative ideas ideal for Instagram.

11. Organize an influencer takeover

Influencers run Instagram. With their built-in loyal audiences, a well-placed influencer takeover is hard to beat. That person’s followers will jump over to your page to see what their favorite influencer is up to, and many will end up sticking around. If an influencer is a good match for your business, a takeover can nab you a whole lot of positive brand awareness.

12. Get interactive with Stories

Instagram Stories knows how to deliver on engagement — especially when polls and questions are involved. Get creative and interactive with a Story your followers can participate in.

Create a custom interactive Story with Biteable’s customizable Stories template. You’ll reap the benefits of far greater engagement.

13. Interact with your followers live

Just like Facebook live, Instagram Live is a powerful platform for answering questions and building relationships. Instagram sends your followers a notification when you’re live, so they’re more inclined to stop by.

The great thing about Lives is not only do they not have to be formal, they shouldn’t be. Keep things casual and fun, and don’t worry about a high-end production — just aim your phone and start talking.

A behind-the-scenes glimpse like this goes a long way toward building a relatable, approachable vibe for your brand.

YouTube marketing

Don’t underestimate the marketing powers of YouTube. After Google, YouTube is the  second most popular website in the world . Reach the people where they are with these creative YouTube marketing ideas.

14. Launch a funny explainer video

Sometimes, even an ad goes viral…if it’s clever enough, like this laugh-out-loud example from Dollar Shave Club that has over 27-million views.

Create a funny or clever explainer video all about who your brand is and what you do. Launch it on YouTube, and perhaps the algorithm will help you get the viral party started.

15. Teach people something useful

YouTube is the place to learn how to change a tire or peel a banana the right way. In the land of tutorials, share your expertise. Viewers will appreciate the content, and you’ll stand out as an authority in your field. When these same viewers go shopping, your brand will already have their trust.

16. Create a channel trailer all about you

Your videos have done their job and piqued someone’s interest enough to click on your channel. When they get there, have a quick and snazzy channel trailer waiting as a welcome. It’ll sum up who you are, what you’re offering, and why they should stick around. Think of it as a hook that lets you introduce your brand and persuade new viewers to subscribe in one fell swoop.

Twitter marketing ideas

Just because you’re limited to 280 characters doesn’t mean your creativity needs to be limited as well. Try one of these Twitter Marketing ideas on for size.

17. Host an industry round table

Character limits and Twitter threads make industry round tables thrive on Twitter. The bite-sized bits of content and open discussion forum results in a round table that invites anyone to participate.

Make new industry connections and get your brand’s name out there alongside other forward thinkers and innovators.

Advertise your industry round table with an engaging Twitter video like this one:

18. Create a Twitter Moment

Make your brand the center of the story with your own Twitter Moment. Include testimonial tweets from your followers or link to articles about your product for an extra bit of added persuasive power.

If you’re hosting an event, consider creating a Twitter Moment to showcase what’s happening live and all in one place.

19. Buy a branded hashtag emoji

This idea isn’t for everyone, and it’s not cheap, but it is effective. If you’re launching something big and want to get people talking, a  branded emoji  that pops up at the end of your chosen hashtag is a surefire way to do it.

advertisement project ideas

20. Try out Twitter Fleets

Twitter Fleets are the Instagram Stories of Twitter. Fleets are still a relatively new addition to the platform, so the competition for attention isn’t as steep. Be an early adopter and pave the way for creative ideas to fleet your tweets.

TikTok marketing ideas

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social apps of the moment. According to the  latest video marketing statistics , more than 1 billion TikTok videos are watched every day. Grab a piece of that cake with an idea — or four — made for TikTok.

21. Start a challenge

TikTok loves a good challenge. If you’ve got the budget, you can create an official challenge with TikTok Advertising. But anyone can start a TikTok challenge with a good idea and a can-do attitude. Create your TikTok, pick a hashtag, and put out a call to action for your followers to pick up the trend.

22. Jump aboard TikTok ads while it’s new

The ability to advertise on TikTok is a fairly new one, which means the platform isn’t  yet  flooded with ads. Fewer ads = less ad fatigue = less of a chance TikTok users tap “skip ad” with mere muscle memory.

Lead the way and prove you’re a brand on the ball with a TikTok ad campaign.

23. Turn your social media manager into a TikTok sensation

There’s no rule book for how to succeed on TikTok. If your content is worthy, there’s a good chance the TikTok algorithm will put it in front of the right people (read: people who will engage with it.) Throw your hat in the ring and turn your social media manager or nominated office Gen Z/Millennial into a TikTok sensation. Like Haily,  Biteable’s social media wonderkid .

24. Share your best life hacks

The people of TikTok love nothing more than a good life hack. Does your product do something that makes life just a little easier? Do you have industry insider scoops people are dying to know? Share them in a TikTok.

Content marketing ideas for creative minds

Making incredible content is one thing; getting in front of the right eyes is another. Use these creative ideas to refresh your  content marketing efforts .

25. Guest posts and guest blogging

Partner up with other experts or interesting perspectives and invite them to write a guest post for your blog. They’ll likely share it, and their followers might just become new fans of your content. Plus, if the guest blogger has their own website, you’ll share a good old-fashioned link swap and a dose of SEO juice.

On the flip side, reach out to other brands and blogs to see if they’re open to a guest blog spot for your brand, too.

26. Promote content with a listicle video

Turn your post’s content into a listicle video for easy social sharing, and then plop it at the top of your blog page. Search engines rank pages with video embedded near the top higher than those without, so you’ll feed two birds with one delightfully engaging scone.

For example, if your article is all about how to keep those spines in tip-top shape working from home, you might turn it into a video like this one:

27. Share your expertise

Create content that gives people a reason to read it. Share your knowledge and expertise, and trust that you’ll be rewarded with clicks and engagement. You’ll establish yourself as a trusted knowledge source. This carries a lot of weight when it comes time for buyers to make purchasing decisions.

28. Create a content calendar (and include your content)

Help other people in your position by putting together a shareable content marketing calendar. Include suggestions for content ideas, events and holidays, relevant hashtags, and even graphics, images, or videos other brands can use.

Promo marketing ideas that innovate

Leave boring ads in the past with these fresh takes on innovative promo marketing ideas.

29. Create creative ad creative

Get creative with your ad visuals. Instead of static images, try gifs or video — video scores almost  500% more clicks  than static images! Appeal to viewers’ emotions by including people’s faces and creating ads that tell a story.

30. Launch big

Whether you’re launching your brand or just your newest product, launch it big. Turn it into an event that people can’t help hearing about. Make a launch video, start a countdown, hype up your own wonderful self.

31. Give exclusive discounts and offers to your followers

Who doesn’t love being part of something exclusive? Offer discounts and exclusives to social media platforms, existing customers, or even people shopping in-store.

32. Do a countdown

Build hype for an announcement or new product with a countdown. By drawing out the hype, you increase the chances of people noticing. Plus, a little intrigue never hurt anyone.

Contest marketing ideas

There’s nothing more persuasive than a prize. Encourage engagement and increase brand awareness with one of these contest marketing ideas.

33. Host a product giveaway

Your product is a prize in itself, but make it an actual prize with a giveaway. A giveaway might encourage new customers to finally engage with your brand. And if they win, how could they stop themselves from coming back for more?

34. Offer your expertise or services as the prize

Similar to giving away your product, make your expertise the prize. For example, if you are a life coach, offer a free session as the grand prize for your contest or giveaway. It doesn’t cost you anything except your time, and in return, you get a whole lot of brand awareness and engagement.

35. Collab with another brand for a bigger, better giveaway

Team up with another brand to make a giveaway worth people’s time. You’ll get the social promo from the other brand, as well as a doubly valuable prize sure to gain even more attention.

36. Feature user-generated content

For many people, a few minutes in the spotlight is better than any tangible prize. Create a hashtag for your customers to use, then feature the best user-generated images and video in your marketing. You’ll get increased engagement plus fresh marketing content. Sweet!

Kodak’s entire Instagram feed is made up of user-generated content. Followers use the hashtag #MadeWithKodak to share their shots in the hopes of being featured on the page.

advertisement project ideas

37. Keep people coming back with a weekly or monthly giveaway

Show off your product or service with a creative weekly or monthly giveaway. The more often you run your giveaway, the more people will know about it. These giveaways work best with a limited number of prizes, so people have to be quick to nab one.

Last year Biteable experimented with giving away free promo videos for #FreebieFriday. To be eligible, businesses had to retweet our original tweet. In return, they receive a sparkly new personalized promo video for their business — made entirely with  Biteable .

A screenshot of a Twitter conversation between two users, with one user commenting on the helpfulness of marketing ideas content provided by the other user's website.

Unique ideas for event marketing

Turn your marketing efforts into a literal event, either in-person or online. Hype up your product and keep people entertained while you’re at it.

38. Market the event with a video invite

Get all your event info across and do it in style with a video invitation. Bonus: your invite doubles as a promo video. Just to make sure everyone knows this is an event that can’t be missed.

39. Hold an online workshop people can learn from

Break down the barriers of in-person events with an online workshop or class. Teach people how to do something related to what you market or sell. If you’re a beauty store, online makeup classes. If you’re a homeware store, a virtual cooking class.

40. Host a trivia night (online or in-person)

People have to put all their otherwise useless facts somewhere. Give them an outlet with an online or in-person trivia night. If you don’t have space for an in-person event, run your trivia virtually and go all out with your social media promo.

41. Offer live tutorials for your product

Show potential customers what your product can do while they’re standing right next to your cash registers. Let customers know online and in-store when you plan to showcase your best products, then let the product do the wowing.

42. Put together a fundraising event for a good cause

Customers respond to brands with heart. Organize a fundraising event for a charity or cause that aligns with your brand’s values, then get your customers involved in the action. Who doesn’t love attending a fun event while doing some real good at the same time?

Guerilla marketing ideas

Guerilla marketing is all about taking the unconventional route to grab people’s attention. If there’s shock and awe involved, it’s probably guerilla marketing. It might just be the crème de la crème of creative marketing.

43. Street art

It’s the classic guerilla marketing campaign you know and love: street art. We’re not telling you to graffiti the side of a building, that’s probably not legal. Instead, get creative with the concept of marketing on the street. Create art that people notice, in places they’ll notice it, and make it creative enough to get them talking.

Like this classic from McDonald’s:

advertisement project ideas

44. Project your brand with a literal projector

Also of questionable legality, a popular guerilla marketing idea is to project an ad onto buildings in busy areas. Where you’re aiming your projector is often part of the statement itself. Check your local laws before pointing projectors at any buildings you don’t own.

Scotland’s Irn-Bru celebrated 30 years of their product by “holding up” the Forth Rail Bridge.

advertisement project ideas

45. Aim for a viral video

We say “aim” because if we knew the secret to creating a guaranteed viral video, we’d be billionaires. However, we can say with 100% accuracy that the first step to creating a viral video is giving it a good old-fashioned try.

Some brands subtly place their products in otherwise seemingly unbranded viral videos, whereas others make it no secret that their video is an ad, and it’s a freaking good one.

To date, blender company Blendtec has garnered almost 300 million views on their YouTube channel, Will It Blend? Where they test their product against seemingly unblendable things like an iPad or a crowbar.

46. Turn up where you’re least expected

There’s no better way to stand out than to put yourself where you don’t belong. Show up where people won’t expect to see you. Subvert your audience’s expectations and you might be surprised how many people notice that one of these things is not like the others.

How about swiping right on Deadpool’s Tinder?

A person in a Deadpool costume lying across a dining table set with various dishes and silverware, showcasing innovative marketing ideas.

Or stopping by the cinema for Marvel’s newest romantic comedy… Deadpool?

advertisement project ideas

47. Make billboards so good people share them on social media

At first glance, a billboard seems like a pretty run-of-the-mill way to advertise. Until you get creative, that is.

This billboard for BBC’s Dracula was so clever it went viral on social media. Instead of only marketing to those who pass by the billboard, it made the rounds worldwide.

48. Use your most recognizable feature to make a statement

If you’re known for something, use it. In guerilla marketing, it’s often the fewer words, the better. If you can get across who you are and what you’re selling with just one symbol or image, you’ve got your marketing campaign made.

The IT movie marketing team tied single red balloons to sewer grates around different US cities to get people talking about their movie. It’s hard to pass up sharing something like that to your socials, so plenty of images started popping up online.

A red balloon tied to a sewer grate with innovative marketing ideas for the

B2B marketing ideas

Business-to-business marketing can feel like a whole other ball game. Since the companies you target already know the tricks of the marketing trade, it all comes down to creativity.

49. Lead with thought leadership

Be a leader in the industry and a leader in your thoughts about the industry. Inspire others with your innovative ideas and informed, educated opinions. LinkedIn is a great place to connect with other brands and the people behind them. But regardless of the platform, find out where the people in your industry gather and meet them there.

50. Answer FAQs before they ask them

You’re not a mind-reader, but you know your target audience like the back of your hand. Prove you know what you’re talking about by staying one step ahead. Answer the questions you know your customers or clients might ask before they even have to ask them. Create an FAQ video and post it to your socials and website.

You’re an open book. You’re an approachable brand. Give anyone with questions the space to ask them with a scheduled “Ask Me Anything.” AMAs are common on Reddit but work on any social platform. You can even reply via video to add a more personal touch.

52. Market to your existing customers and earn more of their business

Once you’ve set your sights on expanding your customer base, it is easy to forget about the importance of marketing to the customers you already have. Compete for their ongoing loyalty and possibly even more of their business by reminding existing customers why you’re the best in the biz.

53. Be a LinkedIn rockstar

LinkedIn is the place to be for B2B marketing. Make connections and network until your heart’s content, then wow followers with valuable content. Explain, sell, promo, or entertain with a personalized video. Create it in minutes with a ready-to-edit LinkedIn video template.

54. Reach out with personalized video

Humanize your brand with a personalized touch. Reach out to new connections or thank brands for their business with a personalized video.

It’s not a lot of extra effort, and the person on the other end of the video will remember the thoughtfulness for a long time to come.

55. Hold a networking event

Help other businesses and professionals connect by hosting a networking event. You’ll not only gain a few new connections yourself, but attendees will have a new reason to remember your company.

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50 Great Advertisement Ideas For You to Get Inspired From

Gabriela Popa

If there’s something that comes and goes from our lives (besides money, luck, and people), it sure is the inspiration. We know how difficult finding something that hasn’t been done before is, but luckily no one ever got hurt from getting inspiration from one another. That’s why in this article, we’re bringing into the spotlight 50 great advertisement ideas from which you can get your inspiration.

Let’s start at the beginning. What is an advertisement? The short and easy advertising definition of this broad term is:

Something that is shown or presented to the public to help sell a product or to make an announcement.

Create Ad Campaigns 1

What Types of Advertisements Are Out There?

If we’d be living in 1950, you’d probably be reading this article in a newspaper or a magazine. At the beginning of advertising times, there was lots of text in the ads. The primary advertising method proved the authenticity of the products presented in the ads by mentioning doctors and professors that could vouch for the products. In this chapter, if we were in 1950, I would only talk to you about printed ads, radio, and, if you’re lucky, a bit of TV. Nowadays, with the help of technology, there are so many types of advertisements that marketers and advertisers become overwhelmed. And even more, there are more types categorized by different criteria like channel or purpose.

We’ve put together a collection of 50 advertisement ideas to get your creative juices flowing and start a great marketing campaign. To get started, just go to our online advertisement maker and create your next great innovative ads .

Great Advertisement Ideas

Creative billboard ads.

Billboard ads are a classic way to promote your product, but with a twist of creativity and with using the right banner maker , they can become great ways to get noticed.

Check out how companies like Bic, Prestige, or DHL used their products shape as billboards to get attention.

1. Prestige Strong Handles Billboard

How can a product’s advantages be showcased? Here’s a creative way to do that with a billboard. This ad for Prestige Omega frying pans cleverly uses the frying pan’s handle as the support for the billboard, emphasizing the product’s “strong handles” feature in a visually striking and memorable way.

Prestige Advertisement Billboard Example

2. Bic Creative Billboard Idea

The billboard from Bic is a classic and inspiring example. It cleverly uses a razor cutting through the grass to lead up to the billboard, demonstrating the product’s power in a simple yet impactful way.

BIC Creative Example for Product Advertisement

3. Creative Use Of The Billboard Transparency – Koleston Naturals

Use the colors of nature to talk about the product you promote. You can create a masterpiece like this creative billboard from Koleston Naturals with a touch of creativity. The billboard features a cut-out of a woman’s hair, allowing the changing colors of the sunset to highlight the different shades of hair color offered by Koleston Naturals, creating a stunning and dynamic visual effect.

Koleston Creative Billboard Ads

4. DHL Billboard Packaging

Why not pack your billboard? It’s a fun and creative way to remind your customers what you’re all about. This DHL Express billboard is designed to look like a giant, partially open package, instantly conveying the company’s core service of shipping and handling heavyweight shipments. It’s a clever visual that grabs attention and reinforces the brand’s message.

Creative billboard ads DHL

5. Use the color of the sky

A creative way to promote your product is to use a billboard to showcase your product’s advantages. This billboard for Berger Paints brilliantly uses the sky as part of its design. The painter appears to be painting the billboard, but the paint is the color of the sky, seamlessly blending with the background. This clever use of the environment makes the advertisement stand out and effectively highlights the product’s natural finish colors.

Berger Billboard Outdoor Advertising

6. Creative Billboards That Mimic Nature – Nestle

If you’re looking for creativity, you don’t have to stick to the classic rectangular shape. Get inspired by this Nestle billboard. It breaks the mold by incorporating 3D elements, with birds seemingly carrying giant chocolate bars. This playful and eye-catching design draws attention and effectively showcases the product in a fun and memorable way.

Nestle Advertising Idea

7. Formula Toothpaste – Unique Billboard Idea

Are you looking for a creative way to make your billboard stand out? Take a cue from this Formula toothpaste ad. It uses a striking 3D effect to depict a person biting through the billboard, emphasizing the toothpaste’s strength-boosting power. This eye-catching design grabs attention and cleverly conveys the product’s key benefits in a memorable and impactful manner.

Creative billboard example

8. Clean Pores – Clean Billboard

This Pond’s billboard takes creativity to a new level. By cutting a pore-shaped hole in the center and positioning a worker to clean it, the ad vividly illustrates the product’s promise of cleaning pores and fighting pimples. The visual metaphor is clear and engaging, making the message instantly memorable. The simple tagline “Cleans pores. Fights pimples.” complements the innovative design perfectly, driving home the product’s key benefits visually strikingly.

Pond's Advertisign Campaign

9. McDonald’s Light Logo Billboard

McDonald’s had a creative idea to promote the fact that they are open at night: using two lights to recreate their iconic logo certainly got everyone’s attention. This billboard’s simplicity and effectiveness lie in its ability to convey the message clearly with minimal elements, making it a standout advertisement that’s hard to miss.

McDonald's Creative Advertisment

Bus Advertising – Creative Examples

Buses and trucks work great as billboards, and since they are always in motion, the visibility of the product they promote increases every day. Some brands found incredibly creative ways to attract everyone’s attention with huge all-around prints, while others made use of the bus shape to enhance some features, like the new Dr. Best Flexible toothbrush.

10. Creative Bus Ads – Dr. Best Flexible Toothbrush

What do a toothbrush and a bus have in common? Flexibility. Here’s a great example of bus advertising done right.

Dr. Best Creative Bus Advertisement

11. Mars Truck Size Chocolate

Mars made this great truck commercial to promote its new truck-size chocolate. The oversized, realistic design of the candy bar on the truck looks so appealing and instantly grabs attention. It’s a fun and clever way to advertise, making sure everyone on the road notices their delicious product.

Bus advertising campaign for Mars Truck Size

12. The Absolut Bus

For their campaign “In An Absolut World,” the famous drink brand showcased a bus creatively transformed to look like a luxurious limousine. This clever visual highlights an ideal, extravagant world, perfectly aligning with the campaign’s message

In An Absolut World Product Advertisement Example

13. Weight Watchers Funny Bus Advertising

Other brands, like Weight Watchers, have found creative ways to playfully promote their products. This clever bus advertisement uses the illusion of a stretched interior to humorously suggest the effectiveness of their weight loss program.

WeightWatchers Bus Branding

14. FedEx Bus Ads

FedEx found a unique and subtle way to make fun of the competition with its creative truck advertisement. By seamlessly blending the FedEx truck into a rival’s delivery vehicle, they cleverly highlighted their “Always First” slogan, implying their superiority in the delivery industry.

FedEx Advertisement Campaign

Bus Stop Advertising Ideas

Some brands found creative ways to use the places where people spend time, transforming them into a unique and unforgettable experience. Bus stations became ski lifts, aquariums, or mobile phone chargers in the vision of some really creative advertisers.

15. Ski Lift Bus Station

Why not plan your next vacation while waiting for the bus? Here’s a creative bus stop advertisement example.

Advertisement ideas on bus stations

16. Aquarium Bus Stop Billboard

How to suggest your products are always fresh? Here’s how Fisch Franke decided to show their fish is as fresh as it can be…

Fisch Franke Adverstisement Example

17. IBM Smart Cities Bus Stop Marketing

The idea of making an actually useful billboard is brilliantly applied by IBM with this cool concept.

Best IBM Ambient advertisement ideas

18. Charge Yourself With Vitamin Aqua

Check out how Vitamin Aqua found a way to be useful while still making a point for their brand. They offered a place where you can charge your phone to remind you how to gain energy from their drink.

creative advertising vitamin aqua

Ambient Advertisement Examples

Ambient advertising has no limits when it comes to getting people’s attention, and often it finds a way to use the environment’s faults to showcase a product’s utility.

19. Rejoice Conditioner Outdoor Advertising

Here’s an excellent example by Leo Burnett on Rejoice Conditioners, from Bangkok. The message on the comb reads – “Tangles? Switch to Rejoice Conditioner!”

Rejoice Conditioners Advertising Campaign

20. McDonald’s Creative Outdoor Advertising

Another creative example was created by TBWA for McDonald’s, in Switzerland, during the Zurifest. Here, the crosswalk was transformed into the iconic fries to get people’s attention.

McDonald's Advertising Campaign

21. Adidas Creative Pop-up Store

In Amsterdam, Adidas made a pop-up store that looks like a giant shoebox. It’s all in the details. The store even features some over-sized laces peeking out.

Example of good advertisements from Adidas

22. Oldtimer All You Can Eat

Creative business advertising ideas always stick in people’s heads. Try to showcase your product in a unique way, and don’t forget to think outside the box.

When you are on the road and get hungry, you really can’t miss this huge Oldtimer All You Can Eat Rest shop sign at the tunnel entrance.

Unusual and efficient ads

Related articles:

The Evolution of Video Advertising: From TV Commercials to the Mobile Age

11 Emotional Advertising Examples Most Used by Brands

12 Creative Facebook Carousel Ads Examples + Templates

Unconventional Advertising Examples

Guerilla marketing campaigns are all about creativity and finding unconventional spaces to place your ad and make a point.

23. Life’s Too Short For The Wrong Job, a German online recruitment website, made an original advertising campaign to inspire people to find better jobs.

It showcased people doing the machines’ jobs and really makes you think about how work will look like in the next decade and what’s your role in your career.

Life's too short for the wrong job Marketing Campaign

24. Coffee Machine Job – Wrong Job Campaign

Don’t settle for a job that’s not suited for you. That’s the message of this creative campaign; here, you can see an imaginary inside of a Coffee Machine.

Creative Marketing Campaigns

25. Laundry Machine Job – Wrong Job Campaign

The Guerrilla Marketing classic campaign continued with more examples of awful jobs; imagine how it would be to work inside a laundry machine.

Creative Marketing Campaigns Jobs

26. Petrol Station Worker – Wrong Job Campaign

When you’re in the wrong job, you might feel like this character: doing a useless job you don’t like, and that could be done by a machine. This is the campaign’s brilliant way of making you aim for a better job by showing you the worst jobs.

Creative Marketing Campaigns Jobs

Creative Packaging Advertising

27. y+ yoga center – flexibility and creativity.

Here’s a creative advertisement on a drinking straw promotes Y+ Yoga Center, also made by Leo Burnett.

Creative Yoga Advertisement Example

28. YKM Gym Packaging Advertising Idea

Here’s another excellent example of how to promote a gym with a creative and unique packaging idea.

Creative Packaging Advertisement Example

29. Bon Vivant – Business Card Advertising Idea

Here’s a business card that is actually useful, so you won’t lose it in your wallet somewhere.

Business card advertising ideas

30. Mondo Pasta – Product Advertising Idea

Here’s an intriguing and creative example of a product advertisement: it’s all about pasta.

Unique ad campaigns

31. Bus Ad – Indus Pride Non-alcoholic Beer

Creating an ad that’s both useful and suggestive isn’t always easy, but Indus Pride did an excellent job with these beer holders.

Bus ads creative ideas

Mall Advertisement Ideas

What better place to be inspired to do some more shopping than the mall? Here are some really creative examples that use the stairs, the elevators, or the floor inside malls in smart ways to get attention.

32. Mall Advertising For New Movies

See how movie characters come to life within the mall and make you want to buy some movie tickets asap. That’s what we call a creative marketing campaign.

Guerrilla ads

33. Outdoor Advertising – The Simpsons

In some cases, creative advertisement means grabbing attention in the most playful way. Sometimes an image is worth 1000 words… or was that donuts?

stairs advertising creative examples

34. Elevator Advertising Idea For Plastic Surgery Clinic: Be Born Again

The concept is bold and suggestive at the same time, using one of the most well-known paintings of all time.

elevator advertising exampleas

35. Creative Frontline Ad

This excellent ad example from Frontline is fully visible only from above, but it’s very suggestive. Interesting advertisements like this one make you stop for a while and smile.

Marketing examples creative

Print Ads – Creative Examples To Inspire You

When you have no inspiration, you can go ahead and check some creative visual ads for print and online.

Here, the sky’s the limit to what you can show. Some of the great examples below make use of clever, unusual associations and word games to make a clear point, while others are just hilarious.

36. 3M Lint Roller Print Ad

Here’s a great advertising idea only pet owners will understand.

Creative unusual product advertising example

37. Kiello Travel Holliday Advertising

Here’s a creative advertisement that can make you daydream about your next Holiday…

Creative advertising travel agency

38. Spiderman Raid Advert

Sometimes it’s ok to make fun of your own product. Here’s a funny Raid Ad that’s guaranteed to be remembered.

Brilliant Raid Ad Inspiration Advertising Campaigns

39. Give A Hand To Wildlife

Here’s an inspirational ad poster on wildlife and how we can all make a difference.

Zebra ads ideas - WWF

40. The Pasta Hotline

Creative and funny ad from Eatalica known as the pasta hotline.

Visual Ads examples - Eatalica

41. Cemex – Fast Drying Concrete

Creative advertisement at its finest, or how to illustrate your product’s advantage with very few words.

Print advertising campaigns - Cemex

42. Nivea Advertising Inspiration

Nivea has always been an example of creativity and inspiring advertising, and this ad makes no exception.

Nivea Advertising Campaign Example

43. Creative Online Dating Ad

Wondering how to tell a story using a creative analogy? Here’s a great example: a cool print ad for

Advertisement ideas creative campaigns

44. Forests Are The Lungs Of The Earth

This creative advertisement shows how forests are the lungs of the earth.

Best advertisements campaigns - WWF

45. Keloptic – Creative Art Inspired Advertising

Art always makes a huge impact, so everything art inspired can make a great impression. Here’s an ad that’s really suggestive.

Keloptic Inspirational advertisement example

46. Harley Davidson Advertising

Stop dreaming and start riding is the message behind this creative advertising example. A print ad that became as legendary as the motorcycle company itself.

Marketing campaign example from Harley Davidson

47.  The “neighbors” FedEx advertising

A great way to showcase how boundaries disappear with the right advertising.

FedEx Creative ads examples

48. The Road Is The Best Gift

This cool Mazda commercial speaks for itself. It was created for Mazda 6 by Saatchi & Saatchi, and it’s a cool photo manipulation and source of inspiration.

Creative advertisement example - Mazda6

49. Creative Weight Watchers Print

Weight Watchers comes back to our top with a not so subtle print that shows a solution in a clever and funny way.

Funny ads from WeightWatchers

50. A Creative Idea To Use The Power Of Your Competition

One of the most creative examples of using the power of competition to stand out can be found in the iconic competition between Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Here’s one of our favorite Social Media posts from Halloween.

Pepsi Social media marketing inspiration

We hope these examples of good advertising ideas will be excellent sources of inspiration and motivation for you to create a marketing strategy. Let us know whether you tried any of these and if it worked.


good stuff I have advertisement ideas but am not sure how I can get them out there, may you please give me some light. Thank you

Very creative and inspiring Advertisement Ideas collections. Thanks a lot to you for sharing with us.

Great ideas here… certainly helping me to stretch my mind! hanks!a

Thanks, glad you liked the examples! Have an inspired day!

Great examples. The one with the dog is very creative.

Impressive advertisement ideas, especially the ones with forest as the lungs of the earth.

Can you suggest me some ideas for my Voxya website, How i can create a creative, eye-catching and a word or mouth ads for consumer complaint forum? Please, some suggest to me…Please…

Hey Gabriela, Thank you for sharing these advertisement ideas. I just want to tell that you have missed one of the important point about advertising that is the importance of outdoor advertising. Why it is important and what are the affects of outdoor advertising?

I think that would provide benefit to your readers if you could share the importance of outdoor advertising

Thanks, Kevin! Great point, I’ll update this blog or write a new one on this issue, thanks for the suggestion!

Great article. Thanks a lot.

Nice Post. The most standard of the outside advertising choices, these displays is the muse of a eminent out-of-home media campaign.billboards, advertising posters, walls, bus and rail media, street article of furniture, specialty accumulation, digital, mobile billboards, sports media and additional – that area unit certain to suit your wants. Our intensive portfolio in addition to our premier locations provide associate unequaled coverage by market than the other out-of-home media vender.

Awesome post! Love to see advertising that’s creative and makes you think, smile, laugh, etc. Thanks for sharing:)

Very creative thank you for share

Hi, Thanks for sharing this great idea to advertise. I have Outlook recovery software which motive is to help the outlook user to recover their data from corruption. can you suggest me some good ways to advertise my software? How can I get more visitors on my website?

Awesome Post. Thank you for sharing these advertisement ideas. Guide me some ways to get traffic on my software website.

Fantastic post! Very inspiring – Thanks for sharing

Hello Gabriela Popa,

Awesome post with amazing Ideas for advertisment, thanks for sharing this awesome post with us. Definitely going to use these ideas for my website.

Can you suggest me some ideas for my website, How i can create a creative, eye-catching and a word or mouth ads for consumer complaint forum? Please, some suggest to me…Please…

can you suggest me some idea for my website? Actually, I am providing travel information for foreigners. So, can you suggest to me how to get more traffic on the website from social media?

Wow! amazing ideas for advertisement, thanks for sharing great post.

I want Traffic for my website place suggest me any way of getting huge traffic though advertisement.

Ugh the Weight Watchers bus advertisement is gross. I see nothing appealing about it.

Excellent article I agree perfectly

Your advertisement ideas are really amazing. Your content inspired me to write a similar post related to advertisements and successful business ideas. Keep up the good work, Thankyou.

I like the 4th one, DHL Billboard type of idea. I am going to use that one for my ongoing eCommerce business! I hope it works well for me.

Really creative and inspiring Advertisement Ideas collections. Thanks LOT.

I have a totally new eCommerce website for fashion clothes. Right now i am low on budget. so i can not afford expensive offline marketing. Can you suggest me some online or offline marketing ideas that are free or less expensive? Thanks in advance.

Such Advertising ideas will effectively get your brand out there before you have to spend a dime! Superb Article.

If you’re going to effectively reach your customer, you have to put yourself in their shoes…or in this case, seat: bored to death with a binder open on the desk. Most vacation ads use pretty pictures of oceanside hammocks between palm trees, but this one relates to the vacation daydreams we all have on a regular basis. If you’re craving a getaway, even binder rings can look like the handle of a pool ladder.

Wow! Creative advertisement ideas! A timely post indeed! I was looking for innovative and creative ideas to design standout billboards. I am quite inspired by the above mindblowing unconventional billboard advertisement ideas. This post would serve as a great source of inspiration to come up with engaging and attractive billboard advertisements for my clients.

Great Article. Keep Up The Good Work. Love to read such Great Content which provides quality Knowledge as well as interesting facts.

Can you suggest me some ideas for my Grahak Complaint website, How i can create a creative, eye-catching and a word or mouth ads for consumer complaint forum? Please, some suggest to me…Please…

Hey, your advertisement ideas is best article

This is one of the best ideas that you share. Thanks for this kinds of informative post. Keep posting.

People often think of using ideas to create website/search engine traffic’s with an intension to just generate leads to make money out it. but when a product/service is become the demand of the nature, no one can stop the nature from its exposure. Be aligned to the nature to fix your advertisement goals and it works in all means. Thanks you

Thank you for sharing one of your best ideas. Keep sharing such informative posts.

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35 creative advertising ideas (and why they work)

Estimated reading time: 18 minutes

Advertising is an integral part of building a brand. It helps get the word out about who you are, and the repetition will engrain your brand into the customers’ minds. With creative advertising ideas, you can quickly establish what sets you apart from the rest.

got milk? print ad via

Let’s think about one of the most successful ad campaigns ever: “got milk?”

Celebrities sported creamy mustaches, shared a short anecdote and posed in striking settings to encourage the consumption of milk. As an ever-evolving series, consumers were hooked, wondering who’d be featured next. In just one year, milk sales in California rose 7%. These ads became a cultural phenomenon. They even got their own book .

The “got milk?” campaign proved that with creativity and strategy, you can advertise even the simplest, most ordinary product and make a great impact. Sure, word of mouth is great, but a clever campaign is often the quickest and most effective way of buttering up your customers.

Advertising designs appear across mediums so we’ve split our inspirational advertising ideas and examples into three main categories for the purpose of this article: print, digital and on the go. Advertising is an investment, so make it worth it!

Balloons Everyday truck by ssrihayak via 99designs by Vista.

Feller Orthodontics truck by ssrihayak via 99designs by Vista.

Paint additive print ad by stumidd via 99designs by Vista.

1800 Radiator print ad by stumidd via 99designs by Vista.

Barilla pasta ad via

Print advertising ideas

Print ads sound old school but they remain incredibly powerful. In an increasingly digital age, it’s no news that many of us crave “real world” experiences, like choosing to read a book instead of a Kindle. Print ads take many forms, they appear in magazines, brochures , newspapers, postcards and if they’re exciting enough, end up framed on someone’s wall. Check out the advertising ideas below for some inspiration!

Magazine ads

The Barilla print ad provides a great example of how beautiful imagery can make a two-dimensional ad feel three-dimensional. The strategically placed pasta comes to life, creating a unique visual experience for the reader. In this holiday ad, an everyday food suddenly feels surprisingly festive.

Ad imagery doesn’t necessarily have to be beautiful, but it does have to be compelling or charismatic. You might not call a chewed up pen lid an oil painting (or at least in the traditional sense) but it’s an interesting concept to look at and it’s clever: see if you can make that link in your campaigns.

Reporters Without Borders ad via

Don’t be put off by the flat nature of print ads—especially if they’re lying in a coffee table magazine. A double spread is more expensive than a single sheet, as is the first or last spread inside the publication.

The back page of the magazine is top tier in price range, which is why you’ll often see a mainstream retail clothing brand lining the back of an indie magazine like i-D. It builds reputation by being featured in a magazine like this; consumers make a connection between your brand and the magazine brand they buy into.

Adidas ad via

The Heart Diet ad by isuk via 99designs by Vista.

Plus, this genre of advertising is super creative. Check out this Adidas ad making a wry game of centrefolds. It sparks conversation, it’s memorable and it draws attention to the physicality and strength of the human body. It’s on brand and it’s slick. Be aware, if you’re planning on trying something similar, that you lose a section of your image in the centrefold, according to the thickness of the magazine you’re featuring in—this, of course, is something an experienced designer could help you with.

To bring depth to a one-page space, a trompe l’oeil effect is a wise option, as seen in the above ad for The Heart Diet. In this curious visual setup, it is hard to predict what the reader will notice first (the clock, the place setting or the caption)—but that’s why it works.

Brochure advertisements are an artform, truly. It’s a hard balance between dimensions, informational content and creating something visually appealing and contemporary-feeling. A brochure provides multiple sides to work with, as well as the opportunity to fold and unfold the item. It’s tangible, fairly cheap to produce in mass—but its temperance means it’s harder to stop a brochure from ending up in the bin.

Data-heavy brochure spread for job-seekers in the fashion industry

Data-heavy brochure for job-seekers in the fashion industry. By Acheads

They’ve long held connotations with busy designs and an overload of information, salesy content. This is no longer the case. Like any digital design or print magazine, contemporary brochures are slick advertising opportunities that consumers can take home.

Showing just how stylistic brochures can be, the Vertex climbing brochure succeeds at speaking to its target audience by creating a feeling of movement, flow and activity. Even down to its square shape, it’s bold and visually striking design invites potential customers to flick through and find out more about the brand.

Vertex climbing brochure via

Digital advertising ideas

Digital ads can come in many forms, including static banner ads, animations and social media ads . Find out what channels or platforms work best for your audience and dive in. In a digital space, it’s also important to think about how rapidly the viewer will be scrolling. You want to give them something that’s not just appealing, but engaging enough that they’ll click on your ad and leave their current space.

Social media

Whichever channel you are targeting, keep your audience’s preferences in mind. Casper’s social media ads do a stellar job of adding elements of fun to a product that is, well, downright snoozy. The charming dogs catch the user’s attention right away. After all, aren’t pet pictures the reason we’re all scrolling social media anyways?

Casper ads via

When it comes to TikTok, the most innovative ads are those which simultaneously advertise a product while challenging the user to generate their own content. Kung Fu Tea nailed it with their boba challenge ad, which dared users to close their eyes and get their straws into their cups. It went viral, resulting in over 5 million followers for the brand. With TikTok, users are generally young people in the 24 and under age bracket. They’ll most likely respond to fun, lighthearted messaging and engage with your brand.

One bonus: they’ll accept pretty much any dare.

@kungfutea Simpler times. Video by @christianc561 #kungfutea #bubbleatea #boba #bobachallange ♬ original sound – Kung Fu Tea

Car hire ad by Maryia Dziadziulia via 99designs by Vista.

A challenge of digital advertising is to connect with the audience deep enough to make the audience follow CTAs. How you do so depends on your audience and brand.

Animations are a brilliant way to engage audiences. But why not go the extra mile to offer them a touch of escapism too? You could inject a nice blend of humor and surrealism into your ad, like this one for a car hire service. If moving image doesn’t drive you wild, check out the static banner ad below. Inkeeping with the funny, animal theme, our top level designer I am a sinner uses clever contrasts in their design for a more impactful ad.

Tech ad featuring a moody gorilla

Tech ad by I am a sinner via 99designs by Vista.

TV commercials

“Because you’re worth it.”

“Just do it.”

“Beef: it’s what’s for dinner.”

No matter what you’re advertising, TV commercials enliven a campaign through sound, imagery, motion and excitement. With a great theme or slogan to boost the brand, a commercial offers a key opportunity to utilize repetition in order to make your brand known.

advertisement project ideas

“Get a Mac” screenshot via 9to5mac

Creative ads don’t need to be flashy in order to be effective, and the “Get a Mac” campaign proved just that. The series of 66 (yes, seriously, 66!) commercials put two comedic actors side by side, embodying the roles of Mac and PC. With a white background, simple costuming and minimal props, the campaign was incredibly refined.

Through humor, they strategically worked in mundane computing topics like security, viruses and rebooting, making them feel surprisingly less boring. And thanks to funny actors and a clever script, consumers kept coming back for more. While the ultimate goal of these ads was to explain why a Mac is the superior computer, the overall tone was lighthearted and good-natured. Often, the Mac told the PC not to be so hard on himself.

“Can you hear me now?” ad via

In 2002, Verizon made a splash with its humorous “Can you hear me now?” commercials, which were meant to emphasize how Verizon’s reception was better than the rest. Paul Marcarelli would become the face of Verizon for more than a decade. The unexpected twist came in 2016, when Sprint started a series of #TheSwitchIsReal ads where Paul explained why he switched from Verizon to Sprint. The brand ingeniously took a familiar concept and made him their own; it was bold, witty and connected with audiences through sheer audacity. Please note, if you were considering an angle such as this, ensure you’re not infringing on another brand’s copyright.

3D & AR ads

3D and augmented reality (AR) ads scream ‘innovation’ by giving the user an immersive, first-hand experience (be it in person or virtual). Take Pokemon Go! —2016 saw it become one of the biggest AR success stories, attracting millions of consumers who couldn’t get enough of its interactivity and actively participated in the game.

Times Square is an icon for advertising; it’s known globally for its ginormous animated billboards, busy crowds and bright lights. So it makes sense why Coca Cola went all out for their towering ad to feature there and stimulate the senses of every passer byer. Using 3D effects to create rippling textures that appeared to leap out from the screen, this campaign is advertising at its most polished. Whether or not you have the budget for an ad in Times Square, this immersive, creative advertising design represents the future of what we think of as a billboard.

3D Nespresso ad via

Bus shelters embody another major player in the creative advertising designs sphere and the coffee brand Nespresso made real use of this opportunity with their very literal immersive experience. The clever design embraces the fact that a bus shelter and a Nespresso machine happen to have similar silhouettes; this is emphasized by the bold extension on the top of the roof. What’s more, walking through the shelter enables potential customers to learn about the product. Plus, who doesn’t want reading material while they wait for the bus—especially when it’s caffeinated.

IKEA augmented reality app via

A perk to AR advertising is that it can be both an activity and an advertisement at once. In the IKEA augmented reality app, their furniture is advertised and the user can place it in virtual settings to see how it looks. In their YouTube campaign , IKEA used AR to put families near the furniture, offering a sense of emotional connection. The best part of the whole experience? No assembly required.

Timberland augmented reality fitting room via

The Timberland AR fitting room set the stage for a recent boom in virtual fitting rooms by many major retailers. The strategic placement outside of the store turned this AR display into a true advertising tool, as it attracted mall customers who weren’t necessarily there to shop at Timberland. The whole experience makes shopping feel personalized, helping the customers feel connected with the product before they even get to actually wear it.

On-the-go advertising ideas

Some of the most effective advertising takes place outside of the traditionally print and digital spaces by providing an experience for the consumer while they’re on the go. Think wearable merchandise, billboards, vehicle wraps and immersive installations—all provide some form of firsthand takeaway for the consumer and an opportunity to really let your brand branch out.

Merchandise design ideas

Whether your customer is buying merchandise to support your brand or you’re giving it away as a freebie, merchandise offers a way to boost your brand presence and let customers show their loyalty. Remember: everyone loves swag. Everyone!

With low production costs and appealing longevity, T-shirts allow your consumer to do the advertising for you wherever they go. With bold color and an eye-catching, pizza-shaped graphic, the Levantes Pizza T-shirt supports brand awareness for the small pizza chain. And with a dripping, cheese-inspired font, the ad not only mentions pizza, but also makes you crave it.

Levantes Pizza T-shirt by niki99 via 99designs by Vista.

Beverage containers offer a portable advertising experience in the form of a to-go tumbler or a ceramic mug , like this one from the Forbes House Museum. Remember that a ceramic option will often be used around the office. By showcasing an image of a Chinese guardian lion, the consumer has a great conversation starter at the water cooler and beyond.

Forbes House Museum mug by STUDIO AG via 99designs by Vista.

Speaking of portable advertising, the popsocket has made a big move in recent years. By improving phone grip and serving as a makeshift kickstand, the popsocket enhances the phone experience. Though small in size, the surface of a popsocket serves as an effective advertising canvas, especially for a short and simple logo like Hulu. Bonus: it’ll help you up your selfie game without breaking bank on a Ring light.

Hulu popsocket via

Ok, so we’ve already mentioned 3D billboards, but what are the benefits of static versions?

So a billboard offers a large canvas to design the perfect, clever advertisement. What you need to consider is that a billboard should be quick to digest. With the exception of a traffic jam, it’ll only be viewed for a short amount of time, so you need to make it punchy, readable and concise.

Chick-Fil-A billboard via

One great billboard advertising idea is from the fast food chain, Chick-Fil-A. Their cows have become synonymous with three-dimensional billboard advertising, as well as the brand as a whole. An interesting quality of Chick-Fil-A’s billboards is that there is truly no target audience (this is ideal for a billboard, as it’s hard to predict who will be driving by). By providing humor to adults and children alike, their advertising designs transcend generations.

BBC billboard via

News corporation the BBC offer up another innovative approach to billboards. By strategically placing their billboard on a corner, BBC elevates their message, “see both sides of the story,” to the next level. The unique placement also adds an interactive element, as the viewer will need to walk or drive around a corner in order to gain the full experience. It’s truly special and engaging—exactly how the news should be.

Baratta’s billboard via

Lastly in this category, let’s turn our attention to this witty advertising idea from Barratta. The italian-themed cuisine brand brought a 3D design to their oversized advertising design idea. It’s heightened realism and in your face attitude means you can practically taste the product.

Vehicle wraps

As it is constantly in motion, a vehicle wrap offers an exciting, dynamic source of advertising. We see vehicle wraps in many settings, such as commercial vehicles, subways, taxis and Zambonis.

Remember that just because a vehicle wrap is huge, it doesn’t have to be overworked. Wraps should be designed with restraint, as some of the most successful approaches are the ones which don’t go over the top. Additionally, make sure that your words are easily legible, as it can be challenging to read from an object in motion.

Spiderman game subway ad via

Take this ad for Spiderman’s PS4 game; it’s the perfect example of making a bold statement while still using restraint within a creative advertising design. With its vivid colors and striking illustration, the ad instantly speaks to you. It doesn’t feature any copy apart from “PS4”, yet viewers still recognize exactly what the product will be. If you were thinking of using this type of approach, make sure that what you’re offering is explicit enough to your target audience so you can be implicit in selling them it.

Mars Bar truck via

Or take this next advertising idea for Mars Bar. They show us how to succeed when biting off more than you can chew with this mouth-watering 3D truck. Using its shape to their advantage, they created a candy bar of epic proportions. They’ve nailed the “wow” factor and it’s surely memorable; we just hope you’re armed with snacks if you end up behind them in a traffic jam.

Markie Mark’s Hawaiian shave ice truck by MasterWraps via 99designs by Vista.

With over 20,000 active food trucks in the United States as of 2020, it’s refreshing to see a truck that thought about its design. The color palette for Markie Mark’s embodies the fun, lighthearted spirit of shaved ice. Remember: your food truck is a moving advertisement. Eye-catching elements like splashes of color will go a long way.

Immersive installations

Physical and emotional interaction with a brand helps the consumer gain loyalty and connection. Through immersive installations, the customer can become truly surrounded by the brand as a whole. While we typically think of installations as art exhibits, there are many options for advertisers, most notably through creative pop-up shops which take a 360-degree approach to immersing the consumer in their brand. Remember: consumers respond favorably to the ephemeral and they’ll rush to engage with an immersive ad if it’s only available for a limited time.

M&M’s pop-up shop via

As a brand, M&M’s has long been associated with letting its followers vote on new and exciting colors. So when they wanted fans to vote for a new flavor, they took it one step further by opening a limited-time pop-up shop in New York City where fans could explore three potential new flavors and cast their vote. And with the opportunity to physically taste the product while lounging inside a branded jungle gym, they turned an ordinary taste test into a memorable experience.

Lego’s “Art of the Brick” installation via

Artwork can serve both as an immersive experience and as a way to advertise a product. Lego’s “Art of the Brick” installation in London did just that: turning more than one million Lego bricks into over 80 art sculptures, including Michelangelo’s “David” and a variety of superheroes. Think about it: Lego didn’t simply surround the consumer with the product—they showed the consumer examples of the limitless creativity which results from interacting with their product. That’s the ultimate goal of immersive advertising: it inspires.

Make your most creative advertising ideas a reality

Adverts are a strange game. They can be impressive, funny or disasters. Put your audience first, along with your brand identity, and invest in a creative advertising idea that—who knows—could create history!

Looking for custom ads?

Check out all your custom ad options and bring your ideas to life today

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Author: Aviva M. Cantor

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40+ Creative Advertising Ideas for Fast Growth

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Renderforest Staff

08 Dec 2020

10 min read  

40+ Creative Advertising Ideas for Fast Growth

In the era of digital marketing, often, what you need to stand out from the crowd is not a bigger advertising budget but a more creative strategy. In fact, no amount of funds can make up for creativity, while creativity can make up for a tight budget.

Creativity is only half of the solution, though. Your ads won’t be effective if the viewer forgets what the ad was promoting or which company it belonged to. Thus, you need to make sure that your advertising content is not only inventive but also relevant to your product/service.

If you’re excited to discover creative advertising ideas to help you plan your advertising campaign , then keep on reading!

40+ video ad templates

Let’s start our list on an exciting note — challenges. User-generated content (UGC) dominates social media. If you’re not familiar with the term, essentially, it’s content created by users and fans that promotes a certain brand.

The internet is full of creative challenges, propelled by brands. The viral #inmydenim campaign is one of the best examples of a branded challenge and one of the first ones too. Guess encouraged its customers to share TikTok videos in their denim outfits, and the next thing you know, denim content was all over the web!

TikTok - GUESS #inmydenim CHALLENGE

Challenges are one of the best ways to get people talking about your brand. So pick one that makes sense for your niche and spread it across social networks using a relevant hashtag.

Another excellent way to bump up UGC is through contests. What separates the latter from challenges is the prize at the end. Contests would be a better pick if your business is still new and hasn’t made a name for itself just yet. 

Draw in new clients by offering a prize or benefit that you know your target audience will love. You can do a photo contest, video contest, or something else entirely.

Video marketing statistics show that videos are the most consumed and shared type of content. The use cases of video are endless — from explainer videos to introduce your business to online ads to promote your products. 

video templates Renderforest

Browse Templates

Quizzes are so popular for one reason — people love talking about themselves. Turn this knowledge into a creative advertising idea and publish branded quizzes. It can be a fun trivia quiz or one that’s more specific to your niche. Either way, it’s an efficient way to get people to interact with your brand. Maybe Buzzfeed’s onto something!

Need something less time-consuming but equally as engaging? Polls are what you’re looking for. They gravitate users’ attention instantly and are supported by most social platforms. Not only will polls freshen up your social media content, but they’ll also help to understand your audience better.

Use Template

Humor is a Great Marketer

Recall some of your favorite ads of all time. We’d probably be right to guess that most, if not all of them, have an element of humor. Funny ads are the most popular form of creative advertising, and that’s because they’re effective. 

Check out our list of the funniest commercials to see excellent examples of humor applied in marketing.

Memes and Cultural References

Memes are the perfect way to humanize your brand and connect to your audience better. They’re especially powerful if you’re dealing with a younger audience. Millennials and Gen Z-ers tend to dislike overly promotional content. So, charge up your ad campaigns with memes or cultural references to make them more appealing to your customers. One great place to do this is TikTok; you can use TikTok video templates to create meme clips that have the potential to go viral. 

Have a slightly older audience? Interject cultural references from their favorite movies or songs.

Home Alone: Macaulay Culkin Google Assistant Parody

Branded Filters and Lenses

Snapchat has long been offering sponsored filters to help companies in their advertising efforts. While those filters can be quite costly, you can create custom Augmented reality filters on TikTok and Instagram to diversify your marketing plan with creative advertising ideas.

Recommended Reading

  • How to Make Video Ads with Renderforest
  • 35+ Promo Video Templates
  • 27 Funny Commercials That Won Our Hearts

Trending Music

Trending songs will increase your video ad’s discoverability. The downside is that you’ll need a license to use copyrighted music. If you want a guide on how to get permission to use a song , check out our article.

Eye-Catching Graphics

Eye-catching visuals in the form of infographics, charts, posters, collages, and others are the quickest way to catch the viewer’s attention. Besides, visuals help people better grasp the information they’re presented with. 

Renderforest on Pinterest

Source: Renderforest on Pinterest


Presentations are another great form of visual content. Pick a topic that’s closely related to your niche and can benefit your audience, and answer it with your presentation. You can either give an offline presentation or publish the slides on Slideshare to gain more exposure.

Facts and Statistics

You don’t necessarily need slideshow presentations to share helpful information with your followers. Regularly post interesting facts, statistics, case studies, industry news, and anything else your customers might find interesting.

Your social profiles will grow as people find real value in what you publish. And once they start sharing your posts, you’ll get access to a broader audience.

Online Business Directories

businesses on Google Maps

Source: Google Maps

Strong social presence.

Your presence on social media cannot be overlooked. By far, the quickest and most direct way to interact with your clients is through social networks. Solely opening an Instagram account won’t be enough; your channels will need regular posts and updates.

  • Social Media Marketing 101
  • 30+ Social Media Tools to Ease Your Job

YouTube Channel

If you have a knack for shooting and editing videos, try your hand at YouTube. It might take time to gain a following on the platform, but if you emphasize providing value and stay consistent, your efforts will pay off. Today, video content is more popular than ever. Use it smartly.

Explore our lists of tutorial video ideas and first YouTube video ideas to get video inspiration for your channel.

Why You MUST Start a YouTube Channel to Grow your Business

No matter how active you are on social networks, your online advertising efforts will be groundless without an effective website. After all, once a consumer hears about your business, they’ll want to learn more about you. A website will not only provide them with the information they seek but will present you as a credible, competent organization.

website templates Renderforest

Create My Website

Having a blog is not as necessary as a functioning website, but it’s still a proven way to generate organic traffic and establish an authority in your industry. Study your competitors’ blogs, identify what type of content your audience will be interested in, and share your expertise through regular blog posts. 

Optimize your content for Google to rank higher in search results and direct more users to your website.

Renderforest blog pop-up

Paid Search

With paid search, you can show your ads on search engine results pages. Paid search operates on a pay-per-click basis, so you won’t be charged unless a visitor clicks on your link. This is a worthwhile marketing idea if you’re trying to increase the discoverability of your small business.

Live Broadcast

Live streams tend to get a lot of attention, as people naturally gravitate toward live events. Whether you’re giving a speech, hosting an event, or just want to show your viewers around your office, a live broadcast on the social platform with your largest following is a smart idea.

2 Unforgettable Hours Calling Fans Live

Another form of live streaming is a webinar. Choose a topic that’s either highly debated or raises a lot of questions, and share your take on it. You can invite a guest or do a Q&A session at the end to make your webinar more interactive.

Podcasts have quickly become the internet’s favorite. They’re entertaining, educational, and much easier to digest compared to other forms of content. Share industry insights, collaborate with influential people in your field and grow your audience organically. There are endless creative ways to turn podcasts into marketing ideas.

Offline Event

In recent years, online marketing has taken precedence over offline marketing, but it doesn’t mean you should neglect the latter. One of the best offline marketing ideas is hosting or taking part in events, meetups, seminars, workshops, interviews, etc.

Reinvent by Renderforest 2019

Company Merch

You don’t have to be a YouTuber with a huge subscriber base to release your merch. Print your logo or any other creative design on T-shirts and hoodies and encourage your employees to wear them at special events. You can even hand out your merch to event attendees to further spread the word about your business.

Business Card

Business cards are a traditional marketing tool: everyone knows that. But what not everyone realizes is that you can get creative with business cards. Give your card a unique shape or a creative design to let your brand’s unique personality shine through. 

business card mockups Renderforest

Try Mockups

Just like business cards, flyers are another useful tool to spread brand awareness. Include your contact details, website, and social handles, so people have no difficulty finding and contacting your business. Make sure the design of your flyers is coherent with that of your company’s business card and other visual assets.

Active Comment Section

Due to Instagram’s algorithm change, posts on the platform are no longer ranked according to the date but the volume of engagement they receive. The more likes and comments your posts get, the further up they’ll appear on users’ feeds. There are creative ways to get more comments on your posts — ask your audience questions, do a caption contest, encourage them to tag their friends, and so on

Witty Replies

Try to get back to comments and posts where your business has been mentioned as best you can. And always remember — replies are good; witty replies are better! Obviously, this doesn’t apply to all cases: if your user has run into a serious issue, they expect a genuine answer from you. 

Merriam-Webster Twitter reply

Source: Merriam-Webster on Twitter

Email marketing.

When it comes to developing relationships with customers and nurturing those relationships, email marketing is your best friend. You can start building your email list by adding an opt-in to your website, asking event attendees for their emails, offering users a benefit in exchange for their email addresses, etc.

digital marketing on Reddit

Source: Digital Marketing on Reddit

We all love free stuff! Prepare a few things you can give out to your loyal customers, contest winners, or event guests — it can be your merch, an ebook, online course, extra content, a free trial of your service, or anything else.

Guerrilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing is all about creative advertising and inventiveness. Its aim is to use the element of surprise to convey a brand message or promote a product in a clever, unexpected way. Guerilla marketing can be carried out both outdoors and digitally. 

McDonald's guerilla marketing

Coupons and Promo Codes

Make holidays and special occasions even more special with coupons and promo codes. You can add scannable codes to your products and fliers that allow consumers to easily access the offers.


Renderforest customer feedback

Source: Capterra

Customer referrals.

Tell a friend to tell a friend! Develop a customer referral program if you haven’t already. People trust other people’s business recommendations, even more so when it’s a friend or someone they know. Allow your existing clients to help you get new customers.

Creative Packaging

creative product packaging

Source: Pinterest

Occasional giveaways are excellent advertising ideas: let’s see why. You can ask your followers to enter the giveaway via email or by sharing and commenting on your posts. In the end, there will be one winner (or multiple, depending on your choice), but you will have gathered valuable new leads, prospects, or even clients.

Business Collaboration

Join forces with businesses that have an influence in your industry or one that’s related to yours. It’s vital that you partner with a brand that has a good reputation and an audience that could be interested in your offerings. The right business collaborations are one of the most effective advertising ideas.

Take the collaboration between Amazon and Uber as an example. It allowed users to order Ubers with an Amazon Echo, benefiting both the companies and their clients.

Ordering Ubers with an Amazon Echo

Turn the Wheel of Time

The modern world seems to grow more and more appreciative of retro styles and aesthetics. Join the trend with your advertising campaigns. Create ads and visual content inspired by different eras. 

You don’t have to jump back to the Renaissance period (unless you want to). You can simply go back to the 80s, 90s, or any other decade of your choice and bring it alive with your advertising campaigns.

Recreate Classics

Speaking of going back in time, why don’t you remake some of the most iconic ads of the past? The idea is appealing enough to draw web surfers’ attention to your ad. You can even make a behind-the-scenes video to show the process of recreation.

Recreating Vintage Ads!

Share Your Success

Celebrating milestones and sharing your success will help to create a stronger community around your brand. Share your achievements with your employees and clients by doing giveaways, organizing events, giving a live speech, and so forth.

Greater Cause

Last but most definitely not least, commit to a greater cause that you genuinely believe in. From charity and donations to simply raising awareness on the matter will positively affect both your business and the world. It’s also a reliable way to gather a group of like-minded people around your company.

Plastic Pollution

We hope you found inspiration from our list of creative advertising ideas to strengthen your marketing and stand out from the competition. Most of the ideas don’t require large funds and can fit any small business advertising budget. We wish you the best of luck with your marketing campaigns!

Interested in creating online ads? Check out our ready-made video ad templates that make it easy to create high-quality ads and promotional videos online.

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22 of the best advertisement examples to inspire your next campaign

  • 13 min read

advertisement examples

There are tons of brands out there, and new ones cropping up every day, with many of them competing for the attention of your audience.

All the hard work you put in when you build a website is a big step in setting your brand apart. But your site can’t do all the work alone. You’ll also need to advertise across the channels that your audience is paying attention to, and position your brand front-and-center there.

If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry. We’ve put together a curated selection of 22 of the most creative, unique, and memorable advertisement examples to inspire your next marketing strategy and campaign.

Get to know the different types of advertisements

Advertising is a paid form of marketing. While it’s natural to associate advertising with the digital banner ads we see everywhere online nowadays, there are so many other types of ads you can follow to get the word out about your brand.

Let’s take a look at the four most popular ones and a few advertisement format examples for each of them:

Print advertising

Today, print ads appear in the form of:

Flyers and brochures

Vehicle wraps and bus signage

Newspaper and magazine ads

Direct mailers

Print advertising is the oldest form of advertising we have, as there’s proof of advertising on wall paintings, papyrus, and amongst ruins from ancient civilizations in Egypt, China, Greece, and Rome. But in terms of modern print advertising that we’re familiar with, it began with the advent of print media in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Unlike other types of advertising that can quickly pass consumers by, print ads have the ability to stick around—especially the forms that people can hold and carry around with them.

Radio advertising

There are three different types of ads that appear on the radio, audio streaming services, and podcasts:

Short commercial breaks

Sponsored content and promotions

Interstitial and banner ads

Traditional radio commercials began to appear over the airwaves in the earlier part of the 20th century . While nowadays it might not be as popular a medium as it once was, it can still be an effective and cost-effective way to introduce a national brand to an audience and keep it top-of-mind with existing customers.

Podcasts, of course, provide a new opportunity to reach listeners. With sponsored content, in particular, brands can reach a highly relevant and engaged audience if they partner with the right show.

Television advertising

The first TV commercial aired in 1941 in the United States and took place in the middle of a baseball game. The main selling point about this type of advertising is that it combines the visual attractiveness of print ads with the captivating sound from radio. So, it’s really the best of both worlds.

Like radio, TV now has a digital counterpart, so there are more ways to advertise on TV than just the traditional mid-show commercial break. Thanks to digital streaming platforms like Hulu, video ads can appear before, during, or after some of the hottest movie and TV releases.

Online advertising

Online advertising is the youngest form of advertising, yet it’s older than you may think. It has origins before the internet was launched—in the form of email back in the 1970s. The first banner ads , however, appeared after the internet went global in the ‘90s.

There are many different ways to advertise online:

Display ads (e.g. text, image, animated, video), SEM (search engine marketing)

Interstitial video ads

Search ads (see our guide on how to advertise on Google )

Social media ads

Mobile app ads

Sponsored content

Affiliate marketing

In fact, online advertising is not too far from the different types of content marketing . The only difference between the two is that the latter is commonly done in self-owned platforms or free advertising sites .

Because of this versatile range of ad types and placements, online advertising has become the most powerful tool in a brand’s arsenal today. However, that doesn’t mean that other kinds of advertising should be forgotten. When all four are combined, it can be a truly potent combination for a brand trying to reach their audience wherever they go.

22 of the best advertisement examples of all time

If you’re looking for creative advertising examples to spark some inspiration as you design your next ad campaign, look no further.

Below, we’re going to look at 22 of the most popular ads across print, radio, TV, and the internet. Even if you don’t see billboard ads or radio spots in your future, there are some really neat lessons about creativity to take away from each of these advertisement examples:

Apple Macbook "Get A Mac"

KFC “FCK” apology

IKEA “pee on this”

Absolut Vodka "The Absolut Bottle"

Copenhagen Zoo snake bus

Audible “There’s another way to get away”

Nike “Just Do It.”

Old Spice “The man your man could smell like”

VW & Stephen Hawking

McDonald’s ad outro

Snickers’s “Hungry Betty White”

Herbal Essences “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Dunkin’ Donuts “American runs on Dunkin’”

ASPCA “In the Arms of An Angel”

Anheuser Busch's "Wassup" Budweiser Campaign

Oreo’s “Dunk in the dark”

Taco Bell’s “Routine republic”

Motel 6 & Tom Bodette

Wendy’s “Where’s the beef?”

“Dumb Ways to Die” PSA

The Dollar Shave Club intro ty

Coca Cola's "Share a Coke"

01. Apple Macbook "Get a Mac"

The Apple brand launched its ‘Get a Mac’ campaign in 2006, which effectively positioned the brand’s flagship laptop as a modern choice over the traditional Windows PC. Displayed against a white background, the advertisement features two characters. One, ‘Mac’, appears casually dressed and approachable, while the other, a PC, is depicted as more formal and uptight . The campaign cleverly contrasts the Mac's superior design and functionality with the stereotypical 'nerd' image associated with PC and Windows users. By portraying the Apple Mac as a sleek, upgraded option, the campaign achieved significant success and reinforced the brand's premium status in the market.

Get a Mac campaign - best advertisement examples

02. KFC “FCK” apology

The KFC “FCK” ad wasn’t really an ad at all. It was an apology in ad’s clothing that ran in 2018 after a provider switch that caused a week-long KFC chicken shortage in the UK.

Why would KFC go to the lengths of having ad agency Mother London put this campaign together? I mean, it’s just chicken, right?

Well, considering some customers called the police when they discovered the chicken shortage, it wasn’t a laughing matter to many of KFC’s customers. At least, not until the ad went out and the cheeky apology gave customers a reason to fall back in love with KFC.

kfc advertising example

03. IKEA “pee on this”

You read that correctly. IKEA put agency Åkestam Holst and Mercene Labs to work in creating the first pee-stick ad in 2018.

Women were invited to pee on the ad instead of the pregnancy test pee-stick to find out if they were expecting. If the test revealed they were indeed positive (and, yes, it actually worked), they’d see the special discounted price of the advertised crib in the photo.

It’s a unique concept that not only gave mothers-to-be a free way to confirm their pregnancy, but also got people talking about the ad, the company and, naturally, the heavily discounted crib.

ikea advertising example

04. Absolut Vodka "Absolut Bottle"

The "Absolut Bottle" campaign of 1980 by Absolut Vodka is a hallmark of creative ads in the alcohol industry. By placing the vodka bottle at the center of each ad, Absolut merges high culture with consumer goods. The campaign's simplicity and consistency in featuring the bottle with variations like "Absolut Warhol" and "Absolut Perfection" sets a new standard in visual storytelling and branding.

The "Absolut [Something]" tagline became synonymous with sophistication and creativity, making this campaign a standout example of timeless marketing excellence.

Absolut Vodka - best advertisement campaigns

05. Copenhagen Zoo snake bus

This award-winning ad design was created by Bates Y&R. Peder Schack, who came up with the concept, told The Star it came from a desire to “make the most possible impact for a very small budget.”

The illusion proved pretty powerful, with some commuters refusing to ride the bus because of it.

This isn’t the only snake-inspired design created on behalf of the Copenhagen Zoo. The agency then went on to transform the inside of subway cars into full-on zoos with snakes writing around on the ground and monkeys hanging out of the windows.

copenhagen zoo snake advertising example

06. Audible “There’s another way to get away”

It only makes sense that a company that brings audiobooks to the masses would run an audio (and companion video) campaign to promote its solution. This isn’t your ordinary ad for audiobooks though.

Fold7’s chief creative officer Ryan Newey told Marketing Dive how the fictional airline story could’ve only come about because of what happened in 2020:

“It fitted a moment that would otherwise never have existed. No other time can we play on the context of people wanting to be free to travel again. The message of traveling in the mind's eye would have technically worked before, but not really resonate in the way it does now.”

This is a great example of how a brand can deviate from its typical advertising strategy to capitalize on a moment in time.

07. Nike “Just Do It.”

The Nike trademark “Just Do It.” was created in 1988 by the Wieden+Kennedy agency. Unlike the softer fitness-related campaigns of the ‘80s, Nike wanted a stronger, more inspirational approach and this proved to be the right one.

The slogan is attributed to the brand’s massive market share growth from 18% to 43% between ‘88 and ‘98. It also significantly increased its reach thanks to how many languages it’s been translated into, including Braille.

To this day, “Just Do It.” is still part of Nike’s advertising efforts. However, Nike’s VP of Global Brand Marketing, Davide Grasso, doesn’t see it as just a slogan:

“Instead, what we’ve found to be most effective is inviting people to join us in what we believe in and what we stand for. And what we stand for is to serve and honour athletes. I think that’s why ‘Just Do It’ has had such an impact over the last 20 years and continues to. It’s genuine and speaks to our core mission.”

08. Old Spice “The man your man could smell like”

Wieden+Kenney is the agency also responsible for the Old Spice “smell like a man” ads. But why would they promote men’s body wash with an ad clearly targeted at women who would lust after spokesperson Isaiah Amir Mustafa?

According to the agency , data revealed that 60% of men’s body wash buyers were actually women. So, they launched this hilariously memorable ad during the Super Bowl when they knew men and women would be watching it together.

The ultimate goal of the campaign was to increase sales by 15%. Their targets were way off though. Just four months after the Super Bowl, sales were up by 60%. By July, sales had doubled. In addition to raking in the dough, Advertising Age also named this campaign one of the best of the 21st century.

09. VW & Stephen Hawking

What better way to get radio listeners’ attention than by using an instantly recognizable voice in your ad?

For about 20 seconds, Stephen Hawking talks about physics and the universe before musing about how the VW up was so cheap. As you can imagine, the ad got a lot of attention and not all of it was positive.

Designer Paul Randall called it “wrong”. Commenters seemed to be split on the matter. Some thought it was a really clever way of getting their attention. There were others though who thought it exploited Hawking’s voice or was an insult to disabled people.

However, the agency behind the ad let Randall and all those concerned know that Hawking did indeed give his consent to be part of the ad and was a good sport about it.

10. McDonald’s ad outro

This advertisement example isn’t for just one McDonald’s ad. It’s specifically for the ba da ba ba ba “I’m lovin’ it” outro it’s now synonymous with and that helped reignite McDonald’s fledgling reputation in the early ‘00s .

Now, it’s not like McDonald’s is the first brand to use a catchy jingle in its ad campaigns. However, this one caused a lot of talk because of where it came from - or, rather, who it came from.

Justin Timberlake, Pharrell Williams, and Pusha T have all claimed credit for creating the jingle. Although Timberlake and Williams collaborated on a song called “I’m Lovin’ It” for the ad campaign, the original creators of the jingle are ad agency Heye & Partner and Mona Davis Music.

11. Snickers’s “Hungry Betty White”

Everyone loves Betty White, so it’s no surprise that this 2010 Super Bowl commercial , created by BBDO for Snickers, caught the attention of everyone.

Not only did this ad cement Betty White’s position as “a national treasure”, but it also immortalized the slogan “you’re not you when you’re hungry”.

It was the first in a long series of hilarious commercials that aired in 80 countries around the world and featured celebrities like Steve Buscemi, Liza Manelli, and Willem Dafoe.

12. Herbal Essences “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Beauty historian Lisa Mulvany explains how Clairol was floundering in the ‘90s. In response, it added an “s” to the end of its Herbal Essence(s) line, switched up the formula for natural ingredients, and gave each shampoo an intoxicating smell. The resulting ad campaign is what got people to pay close attention to the new product line.

Essentially, Herbal Essences compared its shampooing experience to climaxing. The commercials were polarizing (for obvious reasons), but they were effective.

To this day, people still equate the hair care line with women screaming “Yes!” in the shower. Considering how strong of a connection there is between memory and the senses, this was a brilliant choice for the brand’s success and longevity.

13. Dunkin’ Donuts “American runs on Dunkin’”

In 2006, Dunkin’ Donuts—with the help of Hill Holliday—launched this ad campaign in an attempt to reposition and revitalize its 50-year-old brand.

From radio to TV, and outdoor billboards to internet ads, Americans heard all about how Dunkin’ Donuts coffee was powering their lives. It also came with a special interactive component on the website.

What’s interesting about this long-running ad campaign is that it’s been repurposed in recent years due to a change in brand goals. The “America runs on” is still around, but it’s definitely more product-focused than brand-focused now.

14. ASPCA “In the Arms of An Angel”

At the time, this ASPCA ad was referred to simply as “The Ad”. It had a potent combination of Sarah McLachlan’s “In the Arms of An Angel”, homeless animals shaking and crying in shelters, and the singer herself calling for you to help support these animals.

Within two years, the ASPCA raised over $30 million from this fundraising effort . Why was it so effective? According to the spokesperson: “It was brutal doing those ads. It was like, ‘Can you just be a little sadder and a little more this and little more that.’ [And now] I can’t watch them, it kills me.”

15. Anheuser-Busch's "Whassup?" Budweiser Campaign

This "Whassup?" campaign first aired in 1999 and ran until 2002 , quickly becoming a pop culture icon with its memorable catchphrase. It captured the essence of friendship in a humorous and relatable way, resonating personally with many. The advertisement showed friends checking in on each other, finding everyone relaxing at home, watching the game, and enjoying a “bud.”

The simple "Whassup?" greeting turned into a cultural phenomenon, demonstrating Budweiser's knack for creating lasting moments beyond traditional ads. This campaign successfully connected with consumers by evoking feelings of familiarity and unity, making it a classic, memorable advertisement example.

Budweiser Whassup campaign - best advertisement campaigns

16. Oreo’s “Dunk in the dark”

Oreo’s 2013 Super Bowl tweet is one of the greatest examples of social media marketing .

The post wasn’t promoted. It was simply a tweet that happened in real time and Oreo instantly went viral for its quick-witted response to the power outage.

The tweet wasn’t some off-the-cuff response by Oreo execs though. The 15-person team from 360i, Kraft, and MediaVest had been doing war room strategies for two years leading up to the event. They tell the story about how that tweet came to be here .

oreo advertising example

17. Taco Bell’s “Routine republic”

Considered by some to be an ad “fail”, Taco Bell’s 3-minute, Hunger Games-like ad got people talking.

This mini-film depicted a breakfast routine republic where everyone is encouraged to eat the same breakfast every day, which looks eerily similar to McDonald’s breakfast menu. If the comparison wasn’t clear enough, the clown dictator and lookalike minions, yellow slide and ball pit made sure that consumers draw the comparison.

Why would Taco Bell take such a clear dig at McDonald’s? Because it had recently launched a new breakfast menu and this was its way of trying to chip away at the golden arches’ dominance in that arena.

18. Motel 6 & Tom Bodette

Motel 6 might not be a glamorous hotel chain, but that’s exactly what made this ad campaign so perfect for the brand.

The agency behind the campaign—The Richards Group—did extensive user testing and discovered that the reason people stay at Motel 6 properties is because of how cheap they are. And so they decided to lean into this promise.

The ads featuring spokesperson Tom Bodette talking about mundane things (like lost keys) were a huge hit and won the brand and its agency “ Best of Show” at the 26th Annual Radio Mercury Awards .

19. Wendy’s “Where’s the beef?”

In Wendy’s 1984 jab at fast food giants like McDonald’s, three old ladies complain about the giant bun and teeny-tiny beef patty.

The now-famous tagline was created by Creative Director Ben Colarossi in an attempt to set Wendy’s fresh meat patties apart from the competition. The TV ad gave it a whole new meaning and became a household phrase.

Although it was originally made popular in the ‘80s, Wendy’s has revived it twice since—in 2011 and in 2020.

20. “Dumb Ways to Die” PSA

The McCann Erickson-created “Dumb Ways to Die” song and accompanying video aren’t technically an advertisement. They were a public service announcement created for Metro Trains Melbourne in 2012.

The original intention of the ad was to draw attention to rail safety in a fun and funny way. However, the catchy tune and reckless bean characters quickly took on a life of their own.

The song ended up on the iTunes Top 10 and the YouTube video has been watched by hundreds of millions of people. Its game and its sequel performed just as well as the song. It also won two Grand Prix awards at the Cannes Lions Festival .

21. The Dollar Shave Club intro ty

Dollar Shave Club’s YouTube video is one of the best examples of how to translate a viral video into a successful brand.

Originally shot for $4,500 and starring founder Michael Dubin (who came up with the concept, too), the YouTube video sent shockwaves through the startup. The ad crashed the company’s website the day after it went live and they had 12,000 orders to process 48 hours later.

Today, Dollar Shave Club is a billion-dollar company and has expanded far beyond selling razors. But this viral ad is one that consumers will never forget for being “f**king great."

22. Coca Cola's "Share a Coke"

Coca Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign, launched in 2011, revolutionized personalized marketing by replacing its logo with popular names, encouraging consumers to share a Coke with friends and family. This innovative approach to customization and inclusivity resonated strongly with consumers, leading to increased engagement and brand loyalty. By creating a sense of connection through personalization, Coca Cola effectively turned a simple act of sharing a drink into a powerful marketing strategy.

The "Share a Coke" campaign not only boosted sales but also created lasting emotional connections with consumers, showcasing Coca Cola's commitment to fostering meaningful interactions through its products.

Coca Cola's "Share a Coke" - best advertisement campaigns

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Ultimate Guide to Creative Advertising + 10 Examples & Best Ideas

advertisement project ideas

Marcin Hylewski

advertisement project ideas

Not many terms are as overplayed as ‘creative advertising’. But, as I aim to persuade you, there’s a foundation for it. Let’s kick off with the quote from Stephan Vogel (Ogilvy & Mather Germany’s Chief Creative Officer) that appears in Harvard Business Review article:

“ Nothing is more efficient than creative advertising. Creative advertising is more memorable, longer lasting, works with less media spending, and builds a fan community…faster ” (W. J. Reinartz, P. Saffert, Creativity in Advertising: When It Works and When It Doesn’t, 2013).

This is why it is still essential for marketers to stay in the loop and check how this idea works, how it evolves with the evolution of marketing, particularly today, in the digital era, when changes happen in the blink of an eye.

We’ll start with the basics, then move on to the best examples to get inspired, and subsequently delve into the most crucial details. Understanding these will allow you to create not only creative ads but also effective ones, as well as integrate them into your marketing campaigns.

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What is a creative campaign.

A creative campaign goes beyond the confines of traditional advertising to strike a chord with its audience. It’s not just about pushing a product or service; it’s about telling a story, evoking emotion, and fostering a connection between the brand and its consumers.

At its core, a creative campaign is a coordinated series of promotional efforts that revolve around a unique theme or idea. These campaigns can span across multiple channels, such as social media, TV, radio, print, and online platforms, ensuring a consistent message but tailored to each medium’s strengths.

In today’s fully saturated ads world, creative campaigns offer a breath of fresh air, differentiating a brand from its competitors and fostering deeper, more meaningful connections with consumers.

What Is the Definition of “Elaboration” in the Context of Creative Advertising?

Elaboration, in the advertising domain, refers to the depth and breadth of cognitive processing that an individual dedicates to a received advertisement. It’s the extent to which a person thinks deeply about the content of an ad, its messages, implications, and the ideas it presents.

The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)

A pivotal concept to understand when discussing elaboration is the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). Developed by Richard E. Petty and John Cacioppo in the 1980s, ELM suggests that there are two primary routes to persuasion:

  • Central Route: This is where elaboration plays a crucial role. When an individual is motivated and able to process an advertisement, they use the central route. Here, they critically analyze the ad’s content, evaluate its arguments, and reflect upon its implications.
  • Peripheral Route: On the contrary, when an individual is either not motivated or unable to deeply process an advertisement, they take the peripheral route. Decisions or attitudes formed here are based on superficial cues like the celebrity endorsing a product or the catchiness of an ad’s jingle.

Why Elaboration Matters in Creative Advertising

There are at least three important reasons why elaboration potential should be freed up in your ad message.

  • Depth of Engagement: A high level of elaboration suggests that the viewer is deeply engaged with the ad, increasing the chances of the message being remembered and acted upon.
  • Building Stronger Attitudes: Messages processed through high elaboration, or the central route, often result in stronger and longer-lasting attitudes or opinions about the advertised product or service.
  • Achieving Persuasion: For advertisers, achieving genuine persuasion is the gold standard. When viewers engage in high elaboration, they are more likely to be genuinely persuaded by the ad’s arguments, leading to desired actions such as purchases or brand loyalty.

As you can see, although ‘elaboration’ might seem like a simple term, its implications in the world of creative advertising are profound. It not only defines the depth of engagement with an ad but also serves as a key indicator of the advertisement’s effectiveness in achieving genuine persuasion.

What Constitutes “Artistic Value” in an Ad?

Artistic value in advertising goes beyond aesthetics. It’s the harmonious blend of visual elements, sound, narrative, and emotion to create a piece that not only promotes a product or service but also resonates with the audience on a deeper, more emotional level. It’s what transforms an advertisement from a mere marketing tool into a piece of art.

What are the Key Components of Artistic Value?

Artistic value consists of five core principles, which are subsequently:

  • Visual Imagery: A high-quality and impactful visual representation is the foundation. Whether it’s through photography, animation, or any other medium, the visual component should be compelling and evoke emotion.
  • Sound and Music: The auditory aspect of an ad, be it the voice-over, background score, or sound effects, plays a significant role in setting the mood and tone. A well-chosen track or sound can elevate the overall impact of the ad.
  • Narrative Excellence: A well-crafted storyline or narrative can transport the viewer into the world of the ad, making the message more memorable. It’s the difference between telling and showing.
  • Emotional Depth: The most artistically valued ads often strike an emotional chord, whether it’s joy, nostalgia, humor, or even sadness. It’s this emotional connection that makes an ad linger in one’s memory.
  • Originality: Being unique and presenting a fresh perspective or idea is a cornerstone of artistic value. It’s about breaking away from the norm and presenting something unexpected.

Why Artistic Value Matters

  • Audience Engagement: An ad with high artistic value captivates its audience, ensuring the message is not just seen but also felt and remembered.
  • Brand Image: Such ads reflect positively on the brand, portraying it as sophisticated, thoughtful, and in tune with its audience’s sensibilities.
  • Shareability: Ads with a strong artistic component are more likely to be shared, discussed, and even go viral, amplifying their reach without additional investment.

In essence, the artistic value of an ad is not just about making it look or sound good; it’s about creating a holistic experience that resonates with viewers, ensuring the brand’s message is effectively communicated and remembered.

What Are the Main Types of Creative Advertising?

It’s difficult to categorize the main kinds of creative advertisements when the nature of creativity is to defy types and break established trends. This results in continuous competition among advertisers, and companies are always outdoing each other in finding innovative ways to advertise. Despite these challenges, let’s try to pinpoint those that have been most prominent in recent years.

1. Unboxing Videos

These are especially popular on platforms like YouTube. They provide a first-hand experience of a product’s unveiling, making viewers feel the thrill of discovery. Brands often collaborate with influencers for unboxing, giving an authentic touch and reaching a broader audience.

2. Before-and-After Ads

Widely used on platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest, these ads showcase the transformational power of a product or service. Whether it’s for skincare products, fitness programs, or home renovations, seeing tangible results can be a compelling call-to-action for viewers.

3. User-Generated Content (UGC)

UGC thrives on platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. Encouraging users to create content for a brand fosters community and trust. It’s authentic, relatable, and often more persuasive than traditional advertisements.

4. Slideshow Ads

Common on Facebook and LinkedIn, slideshow ads use a series of images or short video clips to convey a message. They’re versatile, allowing for storytelling, product showcases, or even a step-by-step guide, catering to both mobile and desktop users.

5. Carousel Ads

Found on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, these ads allow users to swipe through multiple images or videos within a single ad. Brands can showcase different products, share a multi-part story, or delve into the features of a single product in detail.

6. Cinemagraphs

A blend of static images and video, cinemagraphs bring part of a photo to life. Due to their mesmerizing nature, they’re great for platforms where visual aesthetics matter, like Instagram or Pinterest.

7. Interactive Quizzes and Polls

Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram Stories have made this possible. By engaging users in a fun, interactive manner, brands can gather insights while also promoting products or services.

Info: Interactive content can bring 2x more conversions than passive one. Also, it seems to be more efficient at the first stages of the customer journey , as it’s 93% successful in educating potential buyers compared to 70% obtained for static type. Quizzes drive most of the traffic to Buzzfeed (M. Mamgai, Interactive Content is the Future, 2023).

8. Infographics

Especially effective on LinkedIn or Pinterest, infographics present data or information visually. They’re shareable, informative, and can drive significant traffic, especially when they provide valuable insights.

9. AR and VR Experiences

Snapchat and Instagram, with their AR filters, allow brands to offer immersive experiences. From trying on makeup virtually to visualizing furniture in one’s room, AR and VR ads bridge the gap between virtual and real, enhancing user engagement.

10. Tutorial or How-to Videos

Platforms like YouTube or Pinterest are rife with tutorial videos. By providing value in the form of knowledge or skills, brands establish authority in their domain and foster trust among viewers.

11. Comparison Ads

Common on platforms like YouTube and tech blogs, these ads juxtapose products or services, highlighting the superiority or distinctiveness of one over the other. They are especially effective for audiences on the verge of making purchasing decisions and are looking for clear differentiators.

12. Profile Features

Especially popular on Instagram and Facebook, these highlight a person’s story or journey in association with a product or brand. It might be a behind-the-scenes look at a brand ambassador, an employee’s day in life, or a customer’s success story. These ads humanize the brand, making it more relatable to the audience.

13. Reaction Videos

Increasingly prevalent on platforms like YouTube and TikTok, reaction videos capture individuals or groups responding to content, products, or even other videos. The genuine, often unscripted nature of these videos can be both entertaining and persuasive, especially when viewers resonate with the reactions showcased.

14. Meme Advertising

Capitalizing on internet culture, meme advertising thrives on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit. These ads infuse humor and relatability, making content viral-worthy. However, brands need to tread carefully to ensure they capture the meme’s essence without appearing out of touch.

To maximize the effectiveness of online advertising, brands need to match the ad type with the platform’s nature and its audience’s preferences. What is effective on Facebook when applied to youngsters may bring no effect while targeting elder people via typical TV advertisements.

Which Type of Creative Advertising Is Most Effective for Online Platforms?

On ephemeral platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook Stories, the thrill of unboxing videos or the interactive nature of polls and quizzes thrives. These fleeting yet engaging formats captivate users, drawing them closer to the brands they love . Augmented and virtual reality experiences, especially on Snapchat, offer users a chance to immerse themselves in branded adventures, from trying out a new shade of lipstick to envisioning a piece of furniture in their living room.

On video-centric platforms like YouTube and TikTok, content needs to be both informative and engaging . Reaction videos have surged in popularity, capturing genuine responses to a plethora of content, from movie trailers to music releases. Brands can also assert their industry authority through insightful tutorials or how-to videos, guiding users and solidifying brand trust . Comparison ads, prevalent among tech or beauty segments, offer viewers a clear perspective, aiding their purchasing decisions.

Platforms like LinkedIn, designed for professionals, call for a different approach. Here, profile features that shed light on employees or company culture can resonate profoundly. The content should be insightful and industry-relevant , like infographics presenting data in a visually compelling manner.

How Does Creative Marketing Work?

The key lies in a deep understanding of the target audience, uncovering their desires, challenges, and behaviors. This insight shapes a narrative that goes beyond promoting a product, aiming to create a genuine emotional bond with the consumer.

The creation process is a synergy between designers, copywriters, and strategists. Together, they develop campaigns that are not only visually stunning but also resonate with the brand’s ethos and the audience’s core values. It’s a delicate balance of artistry and intention.

However, the journey doesn’t end with the campaign’s launch. Continuous analysis of its performance is essential. By evaluating metrics such as engagement and conversion rates, brands refine their approach, ensuring that each campaign is more tailored and effective than the last.

What Makes Great Creative Advertising?

Great creative advertising is the alchemy of several essential elements:

  • Relevance: An ad should resonate with its target audience, addressing their needs, aspirations, or pain points directly.
  • Emotion: Whether it’s humor, nostalgia, or empathy, ads that evoke strong emotions create lasting impressions.
  • Visual Appeal: Striking imagery or captivating graphics can make an advertisement stand out in a crowded media landscape.

Info: The brain processes visual cues 60,000 times more rapidly than textual ones, with 90% of the information it takes in being visual in nature (H. Eisenberg, Humans Process Visual Data Better, 2014).

  • Simplicity: Sometimes, less is more. An uncomplicated message, delivered clearly, can be more effective than a complex one.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Great ads motivate the audience to take a specific action, be it making a purchase, signing up, or simply learning more.
  • Authenticity: Today’s consumers value authenticity. Ads that feel genuine and true to the brand’s identity foster trust and loyalty.
  • Adaptability: In our multi-platform world, a successful ad needs to work across different mediums, from print to digital to TV.
  • Data-Driven: Behind every successful campaign is a robust analytics strategy, ensuring the message reaches the right audience at the right time.

Is Originality a Key Component of Creative Advertising?

Originality is the distinguishing factor that sets one campaign apart from countless others, offering viewers a fresh perspective or a unique take on a familiar theme. Originality isn’t just about being different; it’s about presenting ideas in a novel way that resonates, evoking curiosity and engagement.

However, originality for the sake of being different can be counterproductive. It’s crucial that the original content aligns with the brand’s message and values. Misaligned creativity can confuse the audience or, worse, alienate them. Thus, while originality is a potent tool, it needs to be wielded with care, ensuring it serves the broader goals of the campaign.

Can an Ad Campaign Be Successful Without High Artistic Value?

Yes, because the essence of a campaign lies in its ability to effectively communicate a message, resonate with the target audience, and prompt a desired action. There are instances where simple, straightforward advertisements have achieved remarkable results because they struck the right chord with the audience or addressed a pressing need.

Sometimes the only goal of advertising is to spread popularity or build reach for a product that is commonly known in terms of benefits, values, etc. It’s the case of simple ads by LinkedIn without any messaging but the company’s name and brand colors. The company has the largest share of US B2B display ad spending. In 2021 it was 32.2% of the $5.09 billion (A. Lebow, LinkedIn holds a third of all US B2B digital display ad revenue, 2021).

LinkedIn simple add

Nevertheless, artistic value often amplifies a campaign’s impact . It can captivate viewers, create a memorable impression, and elevate the overall perception of a brand. In a media-saturated environment, artistry can be the differentiating factor that makes an advertisement stand out.

It’s crucial to remember that artistry should never overshadow the core message . A visually stunning campaign that fails to communicate its intended message or misses its target audience might fall short in achieving its goals.

Which Brands are Known for Their Outstanding Creative Advertisements?

Many brands have become synonymous with outstanding creative advertising over the years.

Nike , with its empowering “Just Do It” campaigns, has left an indelible mark on the world of sports advertising.

Apple ‘s minimalist yet innovative ads have consistently showcased its products as cutting-edge.

Coca-Cola has tapped into emotions and global unity with campaigns like “Share a Coke” and holiday-centric ads.

Dove ‘s “Real Beauty” campaign challenged beauty standards, sparking global conversations.

And lastly, Old Spice rejuvenated its brand image with quirky, unexpected commercials that became viral sensations. These brands, among others, have set benchmarks in creative advertising, blending artistry with impactful messaging.

Of course, this list can be extended at least twice. We’ll see it well below once jump to another few real-life examples.

What are the Best Creative Ads Ever?

Let’s take another step ahead into practice and check the most outstanding advertisements from past decades.

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#1 Best Original Creative Ad: Red Bull

In the world of audacious advertising, Red Bull’s Stratos Jump stands out as a masterstroke. In 2012, the world watched with bated breath as Austrian skydiver, Felix Baumgartner, ascended to the stratosphere and plunged 128,000 feet to Earth. This wasn’t just an extraordinary human achievement; it was also a branding phenomenon.

Red Bull, known for the slogan “gives you wings,” took their brand identity to new heights, both literally and metaphorically. This event perfectly encapsulated risk-taking, adventure, and boundary-pushing, resonating deeply with Red Bull’s brand ethos.

The Stratos Jump was more than just a stunt; it was a vivid reminder of the power of bold branding in the digital age, proving that with the right vision, brands can truly soar .

By turning Baumgartner’s leap from the edge of space into a global spectacle, they not only captured worldwide attention but solidified their place in advertising history.

jump from stratoshphere in Red Bull company's advertisement

2. Best Flexible Creative Ad: McDonald’s

McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” campaign, launched in the early 2000s, stands as a beacon of adaptable branding. Beyond its catchy tune, its true brilliance lay in its flexibility.

Effortlessly tailored to TV spots, radio jingles, billboards, digital banners, and packaging, the slogan retained its essence across all platforms. By ensuring the message thrived in diverse media landscapes, from urban to rural, from digital to traditional, McDonald’s showcased the power of a message built for widespread resonance, epitomizing the effectiveness of truly flexible advertising.

McDonald's advertising with a pretty short ad copy

#3 Best Elaboration Creative Ad: Budweiser

Among the pantheon of memorable advertisements, Budweiser’s “Puppy Love” Super Bowl spot distinctly stands out. Aired during the 2014 Super Bowl, it ignited a real furor.

It tells a tale of a puppy’s unyielding bond with a Clydesdale horse. The narrative, while simple, was rich in emotional beats, driving the audience to become more involved, to think deeper, and to truly ‘elaborate’ on the brand’s message. The journey of the determined puppy, continuously seeking out its equine friend, was designed to engage viewers’ emotions, ensuring the story lingered long after the ad had ended.

cute animals in budweiser advertising campaign

By leveraging the elaboration technique, Budweiser didn’t just create a commercial; they fashioned a poignant narrative that invited viewers to reflect on themes of friendship, loyalty, and perseverance. While the product – the beer itself – remained on the periphery, the brand became synonymous with deep emotional connections and sparked positive sentiments.

#4 Best Synthesis Creative Ad: Cadbury

Cadbury’s “Gorilla” advertisement , which graced screens in 2007, stands as a brilliant exemplar of synthesis in advertising. At its heart, the ad features an unexpected protagonist – a gorilla – paired with the iconic drum solo from Phil Collins’ “In the Air Tonight.”

What makes this ad a masterpiece of synthesis is its ability to meld disparate elements into a cohesive and compelling narrative. The unlikely fusion of a chocolate brand with a gorilla and a classic rock track might seem incongruous on paper, but in execution, it creates an evocative emotional experience. By interweaving visual storytelling, music, and brand imagery, Cadbury crafted an ad that transcended traditional product promotions.

highly creative ad campaign with Gorilla by Cadbury

#5 Best Artistic Value Creative Ad: Volvo

Among other advertising campaigns, Volvo’s “Epic Split” spot , with the mesmerizing performance of Jean-Claude Van Damme, is a special one since it transcends traditional commercials to stand as an art masterpiece .

The scene is elegantly set, with Van Damme poised between two reversing Volvo trucks, gradually performing his iconic split. As Enya’s haunting “Only Time” plays, the viewer is transported into a moment of sheer cinematic artistry. The ad seamlessly blends breathtaking visuals, impeccable direction, and a riveting soundtrack, elevating it beyond just product promotion.

More than showcasing the precision and control of Volvo trucks, the ad becomes a visual metaphor for excellence, strength, and grace . By choosing such a high-concept and beautifully executed portrayal, Volvo didn’t just create an ad – they crafted a piece of art. “Epic Split” serves as a sterling reminder that when brands invest in artistic value, the result can be advertising that leaves an enduring imprint on the cultural landscape.

Creative advertisement with trucks by Volvo company

#6 Best Emotional Appeal Creative Ad: Lyndon B. Johnson and Democrats

In our overview, we cannot overlook the iconic “Daisy” ad from the 1960s. At a mere 60 seconds, this political commercial managed to change the course of American electioneering forever. Let’s view the advertisement, and then we’ll talk about it.

Crafted for President Lyndon B. Johnson’s 1964 campaign against Barry Goldwater, the “Daisy” ad showcased a young girl counting daisy petals, her innocent voice juxtaposed against the harrowing countdown to a nuclear explosion. It was an eerie, visceral representation of the potential stakes of the election. Without explicitly mentioning his rival from the Republican Party, Barry Goldwater, the underlying message was clear: the wrong leadership could lead the nation to nuclear catastrophe.

Johnson’s campaign architects painted Goldwater as a radical and cleverly altered his slogan “In your heart, you know he’s right” to “In your guts, you know he’s nuts”. Another ad technique was employed here: black propaganda – devoid of any creativity.

mushroom cloud in advertisement

The genius of the “Daisy” ad lay in its subtlety. It didn’t rely on overt criticisms or traditional political jargon. Instead, it tapped into the primal fears of its audience, compelling voters to consider the gravity of their choices. The ad aired just once but left an indelible mark, serving as a poignant reminder of the profound impact that nuanced, emotionally charged advertising can have on the public psyche .

#7 Best Narrative Storytelling Creative Ad: Coca-Cola

Within our panorama of memorable campaigns, Coca-Cola’s “Brotherly Love” is a winner in the “storytelling” category.

Info: If a brand’s story resonates with consumers, there’s a 55% increased likelihood of future purchases, a 44% chance they’ll share the narrative and a 15% immediate purchase rate (S. Klongerbo, What does storytelling in marketing mean, 2023).

The said ad delves into the dynamics of sibling rivalry and affection, masterfully using the familiar ups and downs of brotherly interactions as its canvas. In the unfolding tale, Coca-Cola serves as more than just a beverage; it becomes the catalyst for moments of unity amidst the brothers’ playful rivalry. By embedding their product within this heartfelt narrative, Coca-Cola effectively utilizes emotional connection to build brand awareness .

The magic of “Brotherly Love” lies in its ability to weave a universal tale that viewers can connect with, proving that storytelling remains one of the most potent tools in the advertiser’s toolkit.

boys wearing t-shirts and drinking coca-cola

#8 Best Interactive & Immersive Creative Ad: Firm X

In the dynamic world of creative advertising campaigns, Salesforce’s Dreamforce Conference stands out as a masterclass in interactive and immersive promotion. Not just a typical conference, Dreamforce immerses attendees in a holistic Salesforce experience, letting them actively engage with the brand’s ecosystem.

By providing hands-on sessions, cutting-edge demos, and deep-dive workshops, Salesforce transforms the idea of a traditional conference into a lively interactive arena that boosts not just knowledge but also sales . Attendees don’t just passively consume information; they become active participants, shaping their experiences and forging genuine connections with the brand.

people on the sales and marketing conference

#9 Best Cultural Relevance Creative Ad: airbnb

Did you know that it’s the expectation of 67% of the public that companies should use their advertising to promote greater diversity and inclusiveness (ZipDo, Essential Diversity In Advertising Statistics in 2023)?

Airbnb responds to this demand exceptionally. In their prominent campaign “We Accept” they distinguish themselves through the clever use of cultural relevance. Set against the rising tide of global nationalism and tightened borders, this campaign took a bold brand stand.

Emphasizing universal themes of acceptance and belonging, Airbnb did more than just advertise their service. They tapped into a pressing societal conversation, intertwining their brand ethos with the broader narrative of unity in divisive times.

The true power of “We Accept” is its resonance with the zeitgeist . By taking a brand stand in such a clever manner, Airbnb showcased that advertising can be both a reflection and a driver of cultural values, leaving a lasting impression in the minds of viewers.

creative advertising example with multicultural faces by airbnb

#10 Best Problem-Solution Creative Ad: Gilette

Among outstanding ad campaigns, Gillette’s “The Best A Man Can Get” stands as a paragon of the problem-solution approach.

The problem was universally felt by men: the ordeal of rough shaves, the discomfort of cuts, and the sting of burns. Gillette didn’t just highlight this pain point; they presented their razor as the ultimate solution for a flawless, smooth shave. The narrative was clear-cut and relatable, resonating deeply with those who have faced the woes of imperfect shaving tools.

The success of such ad campaigns underlines the power of understanding clients’ problems and streamlines creating long-lasting relationships with the company.

smooth child's face used in creative advertising by Gilette

What Role do Consumer Feedback and Reviews Play in Shaping Creative Advertising Strategies?

Consumer feedback and reviews are invaluable assets for advertisers in quadruple meaning.

  • Real-time Feedback: Consumer responses provide immediate insights into the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, highlighting resonating elements or potential areas of improvement.
  • Highlighting Gaps: Reviews can reveal unmet needs or areas where a product or service falls short. Addressing these in advertising showcases a brand’s commitment to improvement.
  • Boosting Credibility: Positive feedback can be integrated into campaigns as testimonials, offering authentic endorsements that foster trust among potential customers.
  • Guiding Direction: Feedback acts as a compass for brands, ensuring that advertising strategies align with audience values and expectations.

In what Ways Does Creative Advertising Differ Across Various Industries Like Fashion, Tech, and Food?

Creative advertising is tailored to reflect the unique nuances, audiences, and goals of each industry it serves. Let’s check what are the key differences between a few large and affluent market branches.

  • Aesthetic-driven: Fashion ads prioritize aesthetics and style, often emphasizing the latest trends and designs. Emotion & Aspiration: These campaigns frequently tap into emotions, aspirations, and the desire for self-expression. Influencer Collaborations: Fashion brands often collaborate with influencers, leveraging their reach and appeal to target audiences.
  • Feature-focused: Tech advertisements typically spotlight product features, innovations, and benefits. Solution-Oriented: They present tech products as solutions to specific problems or needs, emphasizing functionality and utility. Futuristic Imagery: Many tech ads employ futuristic visuals and themes to underscore the cutting-edge nature of their offerings.
  • Sensory Appeal: Food ads prioritize sensory experiences, using visuals, sounds, and descriptions to evoke taste and craving. Culture & Tradition: Many food campaigns highlight cultural ties or traditional recipes to resonate with specific audiences. Health & Nutrition: With a growing focus on wellness, many food advertisements emphasize nutritional benefits and healthy ingredients.

While these are broad generalizations, they capture the essence of how creative advertising is molded to fit the unique contours of each industry.

How have Technological Advancements Shaped the Landscape of Creative Advertising?

Technological innovations have revolutionized the world of creative advertising, introducing tools that allow for more targeted, immersive, and interactive campaigns. Digital platforms, coupled with Artificial Intelligence and data analytics, empower advertisers to personalize messages, enhancing engagement and resonance with their target audiences. Meanwhile, augmented and virtual reality provide avenues for brands to craft unparalleled immersive experiences, setting new benchmarks in how consumers interact with advertisements.

According to G2, an 80% increase in brand awareness is within reach through strategic digital advertising. Leading the pack in the digital ad market, search advertising boasts a significant market volume of $202.40 billion (S. Jayaraman, 90+ Advertising Statistics To Inform Your Ad Strategy in 2023).

However, this digital boom also brings challenges. The saturation of advertisements on online platforms means that capturing consumer attention is more competitive than ever. For advertisers, staying updated with technological trends and ensuring the relevance of their campaigns has become paramount to stand out in this bustling digital landscape.

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What impact ai has on creative advertising.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly influenced creative advertising by streamlining data analysis , enabling brands to craft personalized ad campaigns based on user behaviors and preferences.

With AI’s predictive capabilities , marketers can anticipate consumer needs, making advertisements more timely and relevant.

Moreover, automated content creation tools powered by AI can generate ad variations at scale , ensuring consistent messaging across platforms while saving time.

What are the Ethical Considerations in Creative Advertising?

Advertisers must ensure honesty and transparency, avoiding misleading claims or exaggerations about products or services.

There’s also a responsibility to avoid promoting harmful behaviors or stereotypes , ensuring that content respects cultural and individual sensitivities.

Additionally, with the rise of data-driven advertising, there’s an onus on brands to handle consumer data with care , prioritizing privacy and securing personal information.

In essence, ethical creative advertising seeks to strike a balance between persuasive messaging and respecting the values, rights, and intelligence of its audience.

How does Cultural Relevance Play a Role in Creative Advertising?

By aligning ad content with cultural values, traditions, and current events, brands can forge stronger connections, drive engagement, and enhance recall . 67% of people believe that companies should promote a more diverse and inclusive society through advertising.This approach not only boosts the effectiveness of the campaign but also fosters trust, as consumers appreciate brands that understand and respect their cultural context.

Are there any Industries Where Creative Advertising Doesn’t Significantly Impact Sales?

While creative advertising generally benefits most sectors by elevating brand recognition and fostering consumer engagement, its direct impact on sales can vary across industries.

For instance, in industries where purchasing decisions are heavily based on technical specifications or regulatory compliance – like certain industrial equipment or B2B enterprise software – creative advertising might play a lesser role in driving sales compared to detailed product information or client testimonials.

Similarly, in sectors with minimal product differentiation, such as utilities or generic pharmaceuticals, the emphasis might be on pricing or availability rather than creative advertisement. However, even in these fields, creative branding can aid in long-term loyalty and overall brand perception.

How do Digital Creative Ads Compare With Traditional Ones in Terms of Sales Impact?

Digital ads, particularly those on social media and search engines, offer precise targeting options, ensuring that the message reaches a defined audience. According to eMarketer, as of 2021, digital advertising expenditures outpaced traditional methods (E. Cramer-Flood, Worldwide Digital Ad Spending 2021), a testament to its growing effectiveness and preference among businesses. Its real-time analytics also enable advertisers to tweak campaigns on the fly, optimizing for better results.

On the other hand, traditional advertising, which encompasses mediums like television, radio, and print, boasts broader reach, especially in regions with limited internet penetration. A Nielsen report highlighted that traditional ad channels still maintain a significant edge in overall reach, resonating with varied age groups and demographics. Radio ads are viewed as very or somewhat reliable by 60% of people aged 35-49 , and TV is almost on par, holding the confidence of 59% within that age bracket.(The Nielsen Total Audience Report: Advertising Across Today’s Media, 2021). However, it often comes with a heftier price tag and lacks the granular tracking capabilities of its digital counterpart.

What Factors Determine the Success of a Creative Ad in Boosting Sales?

The right timing and placement of ads amplify their impact, ensuring they’re seen in a relevant context. Equally vital is a clear call-to-action , guiding viewers toward the intended outcome. The visual aesthetics of an ad, from its design to its relevance to the target audience, can significantly influence its success. Lastly, for brands active across multiple platforms , consistency in messaging and visuals is key to reinforcing brand identity and trust.

How does Creative Advertising Influence Consumer Perception?

A well-crafted creative advertisement can effectively communicate the Unique Value Proposition (UVP) of a product, differentiating it from competitors and positioning it in a favorable light .

For instance, an ad highlighting eco-friendliness not only promotes the product but also aligns the brand with environmental consciousness, resonating with environmentally aware consumers.

In an era where consumers are bombarded with information, standout creative ads can cut through the noise. They leave a lasting impression, foster trust, and can even shift previously held beliefs or perceptions about a brand.

Which is more Impactful: a Creative Ad With High Emotional Appeal or One With High Artistic Value?

Emotional ads are ideal when the goal is to build deeper connections with an audience, evoking feelings that anchor brand loyalty. They’re most effective for campaigns seeking to resonate on a personal or societal level .

In contrast, ads that emphasize artistic value are best suited for brands wanting to showcase innovation, luxury, or modernity .

However, the most memorable campaigns often fuse both approaches: using artistry to amplify emotion or vice versa, ensuring broad appeal and a lasting impression.

What to Avoid While Making Creative Ads?

While the allure of creative advertising is undeniable, certain pitfalls can undermine its effectiveness. Steering clear of these common mistakes ensures that your ad not only captivates but also communicates its message clearly:

  • Ambiguity : Ensure your ad’s message is clear and not open to multiple interpretations.
  • Over-complication : Avoid cramming too many elements or ideas into one ad.
  • Stereotyping : Be wary of perpetuating harmful or outdated stereotypes.
  • Ignoring the target audience : Always design with your core audience’s preferences and values in mind.
  • Poor quality visuals : Invest in high-quality graphics, photography, and video.
  • Being inauthentic : Authenticity builds trust; don’t pretend to be something your brand isn’t.
  • Neglecting a call-to-action : Every ad should guide viewers towards a specific action or response.
  • Overhyping : Ensure your ad’s claims are truthful and can be backed by evidence.
  • Ignoring feedback : Constructive criticism can be invaluable for refining creative strategies.

What are the Myths About Creative Advertising?

The world of advertising, brimming with creativity and innovation, is also rife with misconceptions. Understanding these myths can prevent marketers from falling into common traps:

  • More Creativity Means Higher Costs : Many believe that a creative ad must have a hefty budget. In reality, some of the most inventive campaigns have been produced on a shoestring.
  • Creativity Is Just About Art : While aesthetics are crucial, creativity also encompasses clever messaging, unique strategies, and innovative use of media.
  • Only Big Brands Can Afford to Be Creative : Even small businesses can harness the power of creativity, tailoring their approach to their specific audience and resources.
  • Creativity Is Spontaneous and Unstructured : The best creative ideas often come from structured brainstorming, research, and iterative processes.
  • All Publicity Is Good Publicity : A controversial ad might garner attention, but it can also alienate potential customers or harm a brand’s reputation.
  • Viral Equals Success : Just because an ad goes viral doesn’t mean it effectively conveys the brand’s message or leads to increased sales.
  • Data and Creativity Are at Odds : In the digital age, data-driven insights can fuel and refine creative concepts, leading to more targeted and effective campaigns.

Distinguishing between these myths and the realities of the advertising world ensures more informed, effective, and impactful campaigns.

What are Examples of Creative Media?

Creative media encompasses a diverse array of formats and platforms, from interactive webpages, across videos and social media content, to advergames, each offering unique ways to engage and inspire audiences. Let’s prepare a quick overview to catch the essence:

  • Digital Experiences: Interactive websites, mobile apps, and immersive virtual reality (VR) installations that offer personalized user journeys.
  • Video Content: Short films, animated explainers, and dynamic video ads that tell stories and convey messages in visually compelling ways.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Hashtag challenges, influencer collaborations, and user-generated content initiatives that leverage social platforms’ networking power.
  • Print Innovations: Augmented reality-enabled print ads, interactive billboards, and unconventional guerilla marketing placements in public spaces.
  • Audio Advertising: Podcast sponsorships, bespoke jingles, and strategic placements within music streaming services.
  • Gaming: Advergames and in-game advertising that integrate brand messages seamlessly into the gaming environment.

user-generated visuals

How do I get into Creative Advertising?

To get into creative advertising, curate a portfolio that demonstrates your creative range and expertise in market trends. Sharpen your skills in areas such as copywriting, design, and multimedia, and apply your marketing knowledge to create captivating campaigns. Collaborate with peers, undertake personal projects to test out ideas, and network with industry professionals to gain insights and opportunities in this dynamic field.

How to Use Landing Pages for Creative Ads?

Ready to dive in and try yourself? Landing pages are a great platform for creative ads. They are presented to both large and targeted audiences, so your message may instantly go global. Extensive personalization options and a bunch of additional tools enable you to create appealing and well-tailored surroundings for your ad creations.

In Landingi, you can not only build your pages (from scratch or based on one of the 300+ fully customizable templates ) but also:

  • generate messaging for your pages with AI (including copy for ads),
  • customize it with videos, images, widgets, pop-ups , or dynamic content ,
  • create pages at scale with Smart Sections ,
  • measure effects of your campaigns via in-built analytics ,
  • and much more!

Just give it a free try .

Ready to go? Let’s get started!

Join us and create the best-converting landing pages

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Content Writer

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50+ Innovative Marketing Project Topics: Crafting Marketing Excellence

Marketing Project Topics

  • Post author By admin
  • October 25, 2023

Explore a diverse array of engaging marketing project topics, poised to ignite your creativity and drive results. Discover the perfect project to shape your marketing success.

Marketing, the art and science of capturing attention, igniting desire, and fostering customer loyalty, is a dynamic field that never stands still.

In this article, we’ll embark on a journey through the realm of marketing project topics. These are the fuel that powers your marketing projects, providing the spark of inspiration to elevate your understanding and the strategies you employ.

From the captivating world of influencer marketing to the intriguing intricacies of consumer behavior, we’ve curated an array of topics to fire up your imagination.

Join us as we navigate the landscape of marketing, exploring subjects that promise to unlock insights, drive innovation, and keep you ahead of the marketing curve.

These are the topics that can help you understand, adapt, and lead in a world where change is the only constant.

Whether you’re seeking academic success, professional growth, or the next groundbreaking marketing strategy.

Let’s embark on this exciting journey through marketing project topics that are as diverse and dynamic as the field itself. Buckle up, and let’s begin this exhilarating exploration.

Table of Contents

Marketing Project Topics

Check out marketing project topics:-

Influencer Marketing

  • The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Brand Awareness: Analyze specific cases of influencer collaborations and their impact on brand recognition in various industries.
  • Measuring ROI in Influencer Marketing Campaigns: Conduct a comprehensive study of different ROI measurement techniques and their application in influencer marketing.
  • Micro vs. Macro Influencers: Who’s More Effective?: Compare the effectiveness of micro and macro influencers in promoting products in the beauty industry.
  • The Role of Influencers in Non-Profit Organizations: Investigate how influencers can boost awareness and donations for non-profit causes.
  • The Impact of Influencer Authenticity on Audience Engagement: Study how authenticity in influencer content affects audience engagement and trust.
  • Crisis Management in Influencer Partnerships: Examine cases of influencer-related crises and develop strategies for mitigating negative impacts.
  • The Cross-Platform Reach of Influencers: Analyze influencers’ effectiveness across different social media platforms and their reach to diverse audiences.
  • Long-Term vs. Short-Term Influencer Collaborations: Compare the results of long-term influencer partnerships with short-term campaigns.
  • Ethical Concerns in Influencer Marketing: Investigate ethical issues related to influencer marketing, such as disclosure practices and deceptive endorsements.
  • Influencer Marketing in B2B Industries: Explore how influencer marketing can be adapted for business-to-business marketing strategies.

Social Media Marketing

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Social Media Engagement: Analyze changes in social media engagement during the pandemic and their long-term effects.
  • Paid vs. Organic Social Media Growth: Compare the effectiveness of paid advertising and organic strategies in growing social media followings.
  • Effective Hashtag Strategies on Instagram: Investigate the use of hashtags in increasing post visibility and engagement. Utilizing relevant and trending hashtags can significantly boost your content’s reach and engagement, helping you attract more Instagram follower s.
  • The Role of Video Content in Social Media Marketing: Study the impact of video content on engagement and conversion rates.
  • The Power of User-Generated Content: Analyze the influence of user-generated content on brand perception and trust.
  • The Impact of Social Media Advertising on Purchase Decisions: Explore how social media ads affect consumer buying decisions.
  • The Psychology of Social Media Scrolling Behavior: Investigate the reasons behind users’ scrolling habits on social platforms.
  • The Use of Memes in Social Media Marketing: Examine the effectiveness of memes in creating viral marketing campaigns.
  • Social Media Marketing for Niche Markets: Explore strategies for reaching and engaging specific niche audiences.
  • The Influence of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Purchases: Analyze the direct impact of influencers on consumer buying decisions.

Consumer Behavior

  • The Impact of Social Proof on Consumer Choices: Investigate how social proof, such as reviews and ratings, influences purchasing decisions.
  • Cross-Cultural Variations in Consumer Behavior: Examine cultural factors that shape consumer preferences and choices.
  • The Role of Emotions in Consumer Decision-Making: Analyze how emotional appeal in marketing affects consumer behavior.
  • Consumer Behavior in Subscription-Based Services: Explore the psychology of subscription services and customer retention.
  • The Influence of Online Reviews on Product Trust: Investigate how online reviews impact consumers’ trust in products and brands.
  • The Role of Discounts and Coupons in Purchase Decisions: Analyze the effects of discounts and coupon offers on buying behavior.
  • Consumer Behavior in the E-Commerce Checkout Process: Study the factors that influence cart abandonment and successful conversions.
  • Brand Perception and Consumer Behavior: Examine how a brand’s image and reputation affect consumer choices.
  • Innovative Packaging and Its Impact on Consumer Choices: Investigate the role of packaging design in attracting consumers.
  • The Influence of Word-of-Mouth Marketing on Consumer Purchases: Analyze how recommendations from friends and family impact buying decisions.

E-Commerce Trends and Challenges

  • The Impact of Augmented Reality in E-Commerce: Explore the use of AR technology in enhancing the online shopping experience.
  • Sustainability Practices in E-Commerce Supply Chains: Investigate how e-commerce businesses integrate sustainability into their supply chain operations.
  • Voice Commerce: The Future of Online Shopping: Analyze the growing trend of voice-activated shopping and its potential impact on e-commerce.
  • Personalization in E-Commerce Recommendations: Study the effectiveness of personalized product recommendations in e-commerce platforms.
  • Consumer Trust in Online Payment Methods: Explore the factors that influence consumer trust in online payment systems.
  • The Role of Chatbots in E-Commerce Customer Service: Analyze the use of chatbots in enhancing customer support and sales.
  • E-Commerce Security: Protecting Customer Data in the Digital Age: Investigate cybersecurity measures to safeguard consumer information.
  • Globalization and Cross-Border E-Commerce: Examine the challenges and opportunities of international e-commerce expansion.
  • The Impact of User-Generated Content on E-Commerce Sales: Study how user-generated content influences online shoppers.
  • E-Commerce Subscription Models and Customer Retention: Explore strategies for retaining subscribers in e-commerce subscription services.

Marketing Ethics and Sustainability

  • The Influence of Ethical Marketing on Consumer Purchase Behavior: Analyze how ethical marketing practices affect consumers’ choices and loyalty.
  • Sustainable Packaging in Marketing: Environmental Impact and Consumer Perception: Investigate the environmental impact of sustainable packaging and its influence on consumer perception.
  • The Role of Greenwashing in Marketing: Examine instances of greenwashing and its impact on consumer trust.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives and Brand Image: Analyze how CSR initiatives shape brand reputation and consumer loyalty.
  • Consumer Data Privacy and Marketing Ethics: Investigate the ethical use of consumer data and privacy concerns in marketing practices.
  • Transparency in Advertising: Building Consumer Trust: Explore the importance of transparency in advertising and its impact on trust.
  • Promoting Sustainable Products: Strategies and Challenges: Study the challenges and strategies for marketing sustainable and eco-friendly products.
  • Fair Trade Marketing: Consumer Perceptions and Impact on Sales: Analyze the impact of fair trade practices on consumer choices.
  • Eco-Friendly Marketing Campaigns and Their Effectiveness: Examine the effectiveness of eco-friendly marketing campaigns in driving sales.
  • Ethical Influencer Marketing: Practices and Impact on Brand Reputation: Investigate ethical practices in influencer marketing and their impact on brand reputation.

These expanded categories and projects offer a more comprehensive view of marketing project topics, covering a broad range of subjects within the marketing field.

Students and professionals can explore, research, and contribute to the ever-evolving world of marketing using these topics as guides.


What are good research topics on marketing?

Exploring Compelling Research Topics in Marketing

The Social Media Revolution: Analyzing its Impact on Consumer Behavior

Investigate how social media platforms influence consumer choices and purchasing decisions.

Marketing’s New Frontier: The Role of Artificial Intelligence

Explore the applications of artificial intelligence in shaping modern marketing strategies and consumer engagement.

Ad Wars: Unraveling the Effectiveness of Various Advertising Channels

Evaluate the efficiency of different advertising platforms and their impact on brand visibility.

Personifying Brands: How Brand Personality Shapes Consumer Decisions

Examine the connection between a brand’s personality traits and consumer decision-making processes.

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Symbiotic Relationship

Study how customer satisfaction levels correlate with brand loyalty and its long-term benefits.

Pricing Strategies Unveiled: Their Influence on Sales and Consumer Behavior

Analyze the effects of diverse pricing strategies on sales and consumer preferences.

Sales Promotions Demystified: Which Tactics Work Best?

Investigate the efficacy of different sales promotion techniques in capturing consumer interest.

Market Research: The Architect of Informed Marketing Planning

Explore the pivotal role of market research in creating effective marketing plans and strategies.

Global Competition: Shaping Marketing Strategies in a Connected World

Assess the challenges and opportunities presented by global competition in marketing endeavors.

Generational Marketing: Navigating the Unique Traits of Each Generation

Examine the distinct marketing approaches required for different generations, from Gen Z to Baby Boomers.

Ethics in Marketing: Balancing Profit and Responsibility

Delve into the ethical considerations of marketing practices and their impact on brand reputation.

Marketing in the Digital Age: Trends, Challenges, and Adaptations

Analyze the rapidly evolving landscape of marketing in the digital era and its implications for businesses.

These topics offer a diverse range of research avenues within the marketing field. Selecting a topic that aligns with your interests and is relevant to the marketing industry will make your research journey both engaging and fruitful.

Additionally, ensure your chosen topic can be supported by existing research, providing a strong foundation for your investigation.

What are the trending marketing project topics?

Navigating Trending Marketing Project Topics:

AI-Powered Marketing Strategies

Dive into the world of artificial intelligence in marketing, focusing on personalized customer experiences, targeted advertising, and data analytics.

Social Media’s Influence on Modern Marketing

Explore the dynamic role of social media in brand building, lead generation, and sales growth for businesses.

Mastering Influencer Marketing

Delve into the intricacies of influencer marketing, from identifying the right influencers to measuring campaign effectiveness and avoiding potential scams.

The Video Marketing Renaissance

Uncover the power of video marketing, from creating impactful content to effectively promoting it on social media platforms to drive sales.

E-Commerce Evolution

Explore the shifting landscape of e-commerce, including strategy development, SEO optimization , and the enhancement of the customer journey.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Investigate the significance of CRM in marketing, encompassing CRM system selection, data utilization, and improving customer service.

Data-Driven Marketing Insights

Deepen your understanding of data-driven marketing, covering data collection, analysis, informed decision-making, and campaign performance measurement.

These topics reflect the latest trends in the marketing industry, providing a wealth of opportunities for exploration and research.

Select a topic that not only aligns with your interests but is also relevant to the dynamic marketing landscape. Ensure it’s feasible to complete within the available time and resources for a successful project.

What is an example of a marketing project?

Project aim.

Enhance brand visibility and generate leads for a newly introduced software product.

Project Goals and Objectives

  • Elevate Website Traffic: Achieve a 20% increase in website traffic within 3 months.
  • Generate Qualified Leads: Attain a monthly target of 100 qualified leads.
  • Amplify Social Media Engagement: Boost social media engagement by 15% within 3 months.

Project Execution Approach

1. Craft a Comprehensive Content Strategy

Develop a content strategy encompassing blog posts, engaging infographics, and informative videos that resonate with the target audience.

2. Launch a Dynamic Social Media Campaign

Initiate a well-planned social media campaign to promote the created content and foster meaningful interactions with prospective customers.

3. Execute Targeted Paid Advertising Campaigns

Implement paid advertising campaigns across Google and social media platforms, tailored to reach the intended audience effectively.

4. Connect at Industry Events

Actively participate in industry events to expand networks and engage with potential customers face-to-face.

Project Timeline

Formulate the content strategy and kickstart the social media campaign.

Roll out paid advertising campaigns on selected platforms.

Attend industry events and initiate networking activities.

Analyze project outcomes, gather insights, and adapt strategies as necessary.

This example illustrates a marketing project’s key components, emphasizing the essential role of clear goals, well-defined objectives, and a strategic methodology.

Your project’s specific details will naturally vary based on the product or service being marketed and the characteristics of your target audience.

What are projects in marketing?

Marketing projects are strategic endeavors meticulously designed to achieve specific marketing objectives, whether it’s boosting brand awareness, generating leads, or propelling sales.

These projects come in various sizes and complexities, but they all share a common purpose: to empower businesses in realizing their marketing aspirations.

Common Instances of Marketing Projects Include:

  • New Marketing Campaign Development and Launch: Creating and introducing a fresh marketing campaign to the audience.
  • Website or E-commerce Store Creation: Building a new website or e-commerce platform to enhance online presence.
  • Enhancing Customer Experiences: Elevating user experiences on an existing website or e-commerce store to drive satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Social Media Brand Awareness: Strategies to increase brand visibility and engagement on social media platforms.
  • Lead Generation for Sales Teams: Initiatives to secure qualified leads for new sales ventures.
  • Landing Page Conversion Rate Improvement: Optimizing landing page effectiveness for better conversion rates.
  • Revamping Content Marketing Approaches: Crafting innovative content marketing strategies for enhanced engagement.
  • Campaign Effectiveness Measurement: Evaluating the performance and impact of marketing campaigns.

Marketing projects can be executed by in-house marketing teams, external marketing agencies, or through collaborative efforts between the two. The choice of approach for a specific business hinges on factors like budget, available resources, and the depth of expertise. It’s a dynamic field where creativity, strategy, and innovation converge to bring marketing objectives to life.

In the ever-dazzling world of marketing, these project topics serve as the treasure map to uncharted territories.

From the enchanting realm of artificial intelligence to the social media magic, and the captivating allure of video marketing, they beckon marketing enthusiasts to embark on an adventure of innovation and strategy.

Marketing is no longer a one-size-fits-all domain. It’s an ever-evolving playground of creativity where each project is a brushstroke on the canvas of consumer engagement.

These topics are your invitation to a journey where you’ll adapt, learn, and dazzle the world with your marketing prowess.

Remember, the ultimate marketing project is the one that resonates with your passion, dances with your audience, and unlocks the doors to results that make your brand shine.

As we ride the waves of this dynamic marketing ocean, let these topics be your trusted companions, guiding you toward the shores of success, exploration, and a future where marketing continues to shape our world.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i select the right marketing project topic for me.

Choosing the right topic begins with your interests. Pick a subject that genuinely intrigues you, as this passion will drive your research and creativity.

What are the key elements of a successful influencer marketing campaign?

A successful influencer marketing campaign hinges on finding the right influencer for your brand, setting clear objectives, and measuring the campaign’s impact through metrics like engagement, reach, and ROI.

How can I create a viral marketing campaign on social media?

To create a viral campaign, focus on authenticity, emotional appeal, and shareable content. Encourage user participation and leverage trends and storytelling.

What are the ethical considerations in marketing?

Marketing ethics revolve around truthfulness, transparency, and respect for consumer privacy. It’s crucial to be honest in advertising, respect customer data, and avoid deceptive practices.

How can I contribute to sustainable marketing as a business owner?

Sustainable marketing involves reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting eco-friendly products. As a business owner, you can contribute by adopting sustainable practices and transparently communicating your efforts to consumers.

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  • Tips and Inspiration

500 Creative And Cool Advertisement Ideas

  • BY Bogdan Sandu
  • 10 April 2023

advertisement project ideas

Bold colors. Unforgettable slogans. Images that stick with you long after you’ve seen them.

This is the magic of  creative advertising . From  Nike ‘s pioneering campaigns to the  Super Bowl Ads that spark conversation for weeks, effective advertisements have the power to transform brands and captivate audiences.

By exploring these  innovative advertising  techniques, anyone can unlock the secrets behind the most  successful ad campaigns  and apply them to their own strategies.

Creative marketing campaigns  don’t just tell a story—they create an experience, blending incredible visuals with compelling messaging to connect deeply with consumers.

Whether through  guerrilla marketing  tactics or eye-catching  billboards , the best  examples of creative advertising  challenge conventions and push boundaries.

In this article, you’ll dive into a world where  digital campaigns  meet  branding strategies , discovering  interactive ads  and engaging  video advertising  that redefine what’s possible.

Get ready to walk away inspired, equipped with fresh ideas to supercharge your own  brand promotions  and engage your target audience like never before.

To be completely honest, we all approach creative advertising ideas with a certain dose of prejudice, which is the reason why we sometimes underestimate the effort of B2B marketing agency professionals to connect with us in an entertaining way.

The other reason for such an approach is that we’re overwhelmed by advertising ideas that have raised the threshold of expectations, and, as a result, an advertisement needs to be really good to impress us.

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The 23 Most Impactful Advertising Campaign Examples Ever

By Joe Weller | September 19, 2023

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Creating an ad campaign is similar to getting ready for speed dating: You have 30 seconds to make your mark, or your audience will leave bored and never remember your name — or tagline.

But how do you make a good first impression when your audience consumes between 4,000 and 8,000 ads per day? Inspiration can strike anywhere at any time, so with the help of experts we’ve curated a list of 23 impactful advertising campaign examples to help you understand what an ad campaign is , the types of campaigns you can create, and the elements you should include in a successful advertising campaign.

1. Nike: Just Do It Campaign

Nike's "Just Do It" advertising campaign example

In the 1980s, Nike’s biggest competitor was outselling the now-famous athletic brand. Nike was advertising almost exclusively to marathon runners, and it was losing the race. Enter “Just Do It”: the advertising campaign designed with everyone in mind. By expanding its target audience to athletes and nonathletes alike, Nike’s new tagline embodied the universal drive people feel while exercising. In doing so, they substantially increased their sales and created a long-lasting campaign that continues to resonate with the brand’s audience.

Launch Year: 1988 Campaign Medium: All  Expert Takeaway: “The slogan itself is simple and powerful, encouraging individuals to take action and push their limits. Moreover, Nike has consistently featured inspiring athletes in their advertisements, which helps to create an emotional connection with consumers. Overall, the ‘Just Do It’ campaign is memorable, motivating, and has had a lasting impact on advertising.” — Bridget Reed, co-founder at The Word Counter

2. McDonald’s: I’m Lovin’ It Campaign

Mcdonald's "I'm Lovin It" advertising campaign example

While visual imagery is vital when creating an advertising campaign, sound can be just as effective. In 2003, McDonald’s ran an international ad campaign competition to update its current branding. Originally sung by Justin Timberlake before receiving one of the most famous upgrades in history, the jingle “Ba da ba ba ba, I’m lovin’ it” was awarded a permanent spot in McDonald’s advertisements.

Launch Year: 2003 Campaign Medium: All Key Takeaway: Consider mixing audio into your advertising campaigns, including media or social media assets. When creating ad campaigns, user-generated content can be incredibly successful — jingles, social media posts, comments, and more. One of a brand’s strongest assets is an audience that advocates for the products and services they love.

3. Old Spice: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like Campaign

Old Spices's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" advertising campaign example

After Old Spice’s initial “Smell like a man, man” campaign went viral in early 2010, the brand jumped to social media to ride the wave. The Old Spice Man created interactive videos responding to comments on various social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, all while remaining in character and nailing the brand’s voice. While advertising Old Spice’s products, this ad campaign also increased their target audience and social media followers by thousands of people.

Launch Year: 2010 Campaign Medium: Media and social media Expert Takeaway: Old Spice’s campaign is best “known for its humor, creativity, and viral impact. By targeting both men and women with witty and entertaining commercials, it created memorable moments and engaged viewers effectively.” — Olivia Lin, marketing specialist at Tabrick

4. Dove: Real Beauty Campaign

Dove's "Real Beauty" advertising campaign example

Some ad campaigns challenge society while others simply move with the current, and Dove’s Real Beauty campaign was designed to do the former. This ad campaign challenged the beauty industry’s incredibly high — often impossible — standards of female beauty. In a series of videos, advertisements, projects, and sketches, this still-evolving ad campaign increased the brand’s profits by almost $2 billion while celebrating, supporting, and standing with women.

Launch Year: 2004 Campaign Medium: Media and social media Expert Takeaway: The Real Beauty campaign “challenged traditional beauty standards and promoted self-acceptance. It featured diverse women of different ages, sizes, and ethnicities, celebrating their unique beauty. This campaign resonated with audiences as it challenged the narrow definition of beauty portrayed in the media, making it compelling by promoting inclusivity and empowering women to embrace their natural beauty.” — Oliver Andrews, editor at OA Design Services

5. Snickers: You’re Not You When You’re Hungry Campaign

Snickers' "You're Not You When You're Hungry" advertising campaign example

Beloved celebrities like Betty White and Elton John joined Snickers in one of the company’s most successful ad campaigns. In a series of video commercials, the brand used celebrities to portray unlikely behaviors caused by hunger. After receiving a Snickers candy bar, the celebrities transformed into everyday people acting normally, which solidified Snickers as a hunger-beating snack option rather than a simple candy bar. 

Launch Year: 2010 Campaign Medium: Media Key Takeaway: Clever ads that also provide solutions to customer issues frequently perform well. Learning your target audience’s pain points and providing simple, straightforward solutions through ad campaigns can help build brand loyalty and trust.

6. Always: #LikeAGirl Campaign

Always' "#LikeAGirl" advertising campaign example

There’s nothing like a strong hashtag with a compelling message, and that’s exactly what Always created with their 2014 #LikeAGirl advertising campaign. This simple yet powerful campaign compared men’s and women’s abilities and proved that women — no matter their age — are just as capable as men. The campaign became wildly successful by fighting gender stereotypes.

Year: 2014 Campaign Medium: Media and social media Expert Takeaway: “The #LikeAGirl campaign drove self-confidence and empowerment in girls. This 2014 campaign targeted the stereotypes that girls are weak and not powerful enough to achieve milestones. It also shows that the brand shares similar values with its customers, [which] fosters brand loyalty and gives meaning to the products.” — Jessica Shee, marketing manager at iBoysoft

7. Coca-Cola: Share A Coke Campaign

Coca-Cola's "Share A Coke" advertising campaign example

Gift shops are full of personalized keychains emblazoned with popular names like Mary, John, Rebecca, and David. Coca-Cola understood that people love to find and purchase items with specific names, so they created the Share a Coke campaign designed with personality in mind. Using various advertising platforms, Coca-Cola saw the massive impact personalization could have on its brand after selling more than 250 million bottles in the first few months of its original Australian release.

Year: 2011 Campaign Medium: Print, media, and social media Expert Takeaway: “What actually made this campaign particularly compelling was its clever use of personalization, its ability to capture the attention of customers, and its effective use of social media. The Share a Coke campaign is one of the most successful and compelling ad campaigns of all time.” — Jaden Oh, chief of marketing at Traffv

8. Dos Equis: The Most Interesting Man In The World Campaign

Dos Equis's "The Most Interesting Man In The World" advertising campaign example

Combining catchy taglines and unforgettable characters is a surefire way to create memorable advertising campaigns. When Dos Equis introduced its “The Most Interesting Man in the World” campaign in 2006, it slowly and subtly changed how customers viewed the brand’s product. With an indulgent character showcasing his preference for Dos Equis beer, ad viewers were introduced to a new way of thinking about potential vices, like alcohol and cigars.

Year: 2006 Campaign Medium: Print, media, and social media Key Takeaway: Characterization can make an advertising campaign memorable. Dos Equis’s Most Interesting Man in the World is hard to forget — even though the original has since been replaced. Additionally, the original characterization gave the brand a specific energy that customers could only associate with Dos Equis beer.

9. Google: Year in Search Campaign

Google's "Year In Search" advertising campaign example

Google’s “Year in Search” campaign is an experiment in current events and relationships — what captured the globe’s attention in a single calendar year? By recognizing the brand’s most searched queries and connecting strangers or groups of people based on their search history, Google effectively communicated the message that nobody is truly alone. Using sources that range from local to global, the “Year in Search” campaign continues to unite Google’s users.

Year: 2010 Campaign Medium: Media Key Takeaway: New, old, and potential customers want to feel seen and heard. Google’s “Year in Search” campaign shows its audience that it hears their desires. Additionally, this campaign showcases the brand’s humanity by connecting with its users, and connecting them with each other.

10. Wendy’s: Where’s the Beef? Campaign

Wendy's "Where's The Beef" advertising campaign example

In 1984, the phrase, “Where’s the beef?” took the world by storm. Instead of focusing solely on its products and offerings, Wendy’s dared to call out its competitor’s products in this famous ad campaign. The phrase stuck, but the brand didn’t wear it out or continue to knock its competitors. Instead, they let word-of-mouth advertising continue promoting this campaign while professionally creating new, improved, brand-focused advertisements.

Year: 1984 Campaign Medium: Media Key Takeaway: Knocking a competitor’s product can be a component of a successful advertising campaign, but businesses must do it with tact. Once an initial statement has run its course, sometimes a brand should brainstorm new ad ideas instead of reprising successful campaigns.

11. TOMS: One For One

Tom's "One For One" advertising campaign example

In 2006, TOMS introduced its One For One advertising campaign, which operated on a buy-one-give-one model. Under this model, TOMS promised to give a pair of shoes to communities in need for every pair bought. The brand later expanded this initiative to help support education, health, and community development projects.

Year: 2006 Campaign Medium: Print and media Expert Takeaway: TOMS’ One For One campaign “is not just about selling shoes; it's about selling a cause. It makes consumers feel they are contributing to a positive change, adding a significant emotional value to each purchase. The key takeaway here is the power of purpose-driven marketing. In today's world, consumers are looking for more than just products; they're looking for brands that align with their values and make them feel good about their purchases.” — Kacper Rafalski, demand generation team leader at Netguru

12. Dunkin’: America Runs on Dunkin’ Campaign

Dunkin's "America Runs on Dunkin" advertising campaign example

It’s no secret that coffee is an important part of many people’s lives. In 2006, Dunkin’ (then Dunkin’ Donuts) coined the phrase “America runs on Dunkin’,” which highlighted how the brand could help anyone — from average customers to other businesses or organizations. This ad campaign successfully painted Dunkin’ in a new light and propelled the brand into the hands of new and returning customers.

Year: 2006 Campaign Medium: Print and media Key Takeaway: Dunkin’ released its new tagline and an updated business plan. While an ad campaign can reach new customers and be successful on its own, it’s sometimes necessary to pair a campaign plan with a company rebrand.

13. ALS: Ice Bucket Challenge

ALS's "Ice Bucket Challenge" advertising campaign example

Not every ad campaign needs to start with great aspirations — some of the greatest campaigns in history have been organic movements that went viral. For example, the ALS ice bucket challenge in 2014 gained notoriety due less to paid advertising and more to social media and influencer marketing. With celebrity endorsements like Bill Gates, Chris Pratt, and LeBron James, the ALS ice bucket challenge soared, and proved how successful advertising campaigns could be when they engaged audiences in an activity or competition.

Year: 2014 Campaign Medium: Media and social media Key Takeaway: Don’t be afraid to leverage social media to help increase the success of an ad campaign. Experiential marketing elements like challenges and giveaways can encourage engagement, while other marketing tactics like influencer and affiliate marketing can increase an ad campaign’s reach.

14. Red Bull: Stratos Campaign

Red Bull's "Stratos" advertising campaign example

Red Bull’s Stratos campaign is one of the most famous and successful examples of collaboration marketing at work inside an advertising campaign. While staying true to its target audience and values, the company planned and funded an extreme skydiving stunt, which took place in 2012. The three-hour livestream — now an on-demand video — included extensive Red Bull advertising, which cemented the brand as a daring, risk-taking company.

Year: 2012 Campaign Medium: Media and social media Key Takeaway: Even though Red Bull’s Stratos experiment became a record-breaking experience, it’s possible to use smaller-scale stunts to promote brands. If it aligns with your values and the interests of your target audience, consider weaving a new or daring event into the planning of your ad campaign.

15. Dollar Shave Club: Everyman’s Brand Campaign

Dollar Shave Club's "Everyman's Brand" advertising campaign example

After officially launching the brand in 2011, Dollar Shave Club took to the screens and produced one of the best advertising campaigns ever. With a budget of $4,500, the brand created a simple video advertisement showcasing the company’s durable products and affordable prices, which helped cement Dollar Shave Club as an “everyman” brand — or a brand designed for every person, everywhere. The video went viral, and the company got acquired for $1 billion in 2016.

Year: 2012 Campaign Medium: Media and social media Expert Takeaway: “Despite working with a relatively modest budget, the Dollar Shave Club managed to use humor and authenticity to resonate deeply with its target audience. Rather than resorting to the glossy, polished ads typical of many razor companies, they positioned themselves as the 'everyman’s brand', and it worked phenomenally well. It's a great example of how sincere messaging can catapult a brand to remarkable heights. That debut video wasn't just an ad; it was the start of a billion-dollar story.” — Kyle Roof, co-founder of PageOptimizer Pro

16. California Milk Processor Board: Got Milk? Campaign

California Milk Processor Board's "Got Milk?" advertising campaign example

People typically view everyday products as necessities rather than luxuries. For children, milk is a necessary part of a balanced diet, and the California Milk Processor Board used this knowledge to target milk drinkers in its now-famous “Got Milk?” advertising campaign. Its celebrity-studded, milk-mustachioed campaign used various marketing tactics — including co-branding and early influencer marketing — to convince current milk users that the beverage was worth investing in and advocating for.

Year: 1994 Campaign Medium: Print, media, email, and social media Key Takeaway: Instead of focusing its ad campaign on new customers, the California Milk Processor Board targeted former and current customers by advertising why they should continue using its product. In some cases, an ad campaign can extend its reach outside its current audience simply by focusing its efforts on those already interacting with its products.

17. Apple: Think Different Campaign

Apple's "Think Different" advertising campaign example

What do famous greats like Einstein, Gandhi, and Picasso have in common? Well, one thing: they each changed the world in their respective areas while fielding insults and disapproval at every step. Apple’s 1997 “Think Different” campaign highlighted these heroes — and others — to elevate the ideas behind innovation and individuality. As a brand going against the technological status quo, Apple’s ad campaign proved how successful thinking differently could be.

Year: 1997 Campaign Medium: Media Expert Takeaway: “This campaign was revolutionary in simplicity and impact. It featured iconic figures such as Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King, Jr., celebrating individuals who challenged the status quo and changed the world. The campaign inspired people to think differently and embrace innovation. Apple effectively conveyed its brand values of creativity, individuality, and non-conformity through this campaign.” — Jonathan Zacharias, founder at GR0

18. FedEx: When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be There Overnight Campaign

FedEx's "When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be There Overnight" advertising campaign example

When ordering online or mailing packages across the country, from forgotten costumes or presents to items with short expiration dates, time is truly of the essence. Plenty of customers have experienced the need for overnight delivery. In 1978, FedEx created an ad campaign focused on the company’s delivery time rather than its prices, which eventually helped lead to the company’s shipping notoriety and brand success.

Year: 1978 Campaign Medium: Media Key Takeaway: Consider creating an ad campaign to help solve a specific problem or answer a question. Your target audience is more likely to engage with your brand or ad campaign if they benefit from the interaction.

19. American Express: Shop Small Campaign

American Express's "Shop Small" advertising campaign example

As a reaction to Black Friday, American Express began promoting Small Business Saturday in 2010. Its “Shop Small” ad campaign was created to help counteract the recession at the time, and the campaign was officially recognized by the U.S. Senate the following year. American Express aligned its goals and values with those of small, local communities, which helped create a lasting, successful advertising campaign.

Year: 2010 Campaign Medium: Media and social media Key Takeaway: American Express’s “Shop Small” campaign did more than encourage shoppers to purchase products from small businesses — it highlighted the growing scarcity of local businesses and the difficult climate created by the recession. The brand’s campaign advertised the needs of the country’s local communities rather than its own, which promoted brand awareness and increased loyalty and trust.

20. Volkswagen: “Think Small” Campaign

Volkswagen's "Think Small" advertising campaign example

Advertising campaigns are not just a marketing campaign of the present and future — Volkswagen’s “Think Small” campaign rocked the boat in the middle of the 20th century. Sticking with an honest, authentic approach, this brand never marketed itself as something it wasn’t. Instead, it aimed to convince its audience that different wasn’t bad — that it was, in fact, a major benefit of the brand. With its minimalist marketing design, Volkswagen changed the advertising world and the opinions of its critical market.

Year: 1959 Campaign Medium: Print and media Expert Takeaway: “This campaign challenged car advertising norms by highlighting the Volkswagen Beetle's compact size. Its clever and minimalistic approach stood out and redefined how cars were marketed.” — Alana Armstrong, co-founding partner at Alan Aldous

21. De Beers: A Diamond Is Forever

 De Beers's "A Diamond Is Forever" advertising campaign example

Named the most memorable ad slogan of the century in 1999, De Beers’s “A Diamond Is Forever” campaign targeted men of marrying age. It communicated that every marriage deserves a diamond ring, and as a diamond lasts forever, so should a marriage with a diamond ring. This ad campaign’s message mixed necessity with luxury and changed the course of the jewelry industry.

Year: 1948 Campaign Medium: Print Expert Takeaway: Attempting to counteract decreasing diamond purchases, De Beers created a campaign designed to showcase the longevity of diamonds and their enduring value. “De Beers’s ‘A Diamond Is Forever’ campaign targeted young men who wanted to demonstrate their status and present something extra special to the significant woman in their lives.” — Khaled Bentoumi, co-founder of *anyIP*

22. InVision: Design Disruptors

InVision's "Design Disruptors" advertising campaign example

As technology and technology-focused industries increase, InVision recognized the need to expand design beyond its current limits. Its documentary and ad campaign — Design Disruptors — featured 15 designers from unique companies. This campaign helped transform plenty of industry expectations concerning brand design by focusing on innovations in product design.

Year: 2016 Campaign Medium: Media and social media Expert Takeaway: “InVision effectively used Facebook’s retargeting capabilities to guide viewers through the series, building brand credibility by providing valuable industry insights. By offering a downloadable resource at the end of the series, they captured leads and nurtured these relationships beyond the initial interaction. What's compelling is their strategic use of Facebook’s tools and video content to simultaneously position themselves as a thought leader, build a community, and generate leads. This campaign is a testament to the potential of social media marketing when aligned with a brand’s broader goals.” — George Panayides, digital marketing technician at The Digital XX

23. Ecosia: Plant Trees While You Search

Ecosia's "Plant Trees While You Search" advertising campaign example

Looking to create a better world, Ecosia launched its “Plant Trees While You Search” initiative, which plants trees for every online search made by its users. This ad campaign positions the brand as an eco-aware online tool that uplifts local communities in more than 35 countries. Instead of focusing solely on its users’ actions, this campaign extends Ecosia’s contentious thinking beyond the borders of the search bar.

Year: 2009 Campaign Medium: Media Expert Takeaway: “Its simplicity and impactful message make it compelling. It's not just about promoting a product but about making a difference in the world. [Ecosia’s] campaign success lies in its ability to connect with the audience on a deeper, emotional level, making it a powerful example of purpose-driven marketing.” — Sarah Berthe, founder at SEO with Sarah

What Is An Ad Campaign?

An ad campaign refers to a collection of advertisements that use similar tones, messaging, and design assets to portray a similar message. Businesses can optimize specific portions of an ad campaign for different platforms, which can help brands continue to promote their messages through a product’s lifecycle without boring or frustrating their audience.

The most common platforms marketers include in ad campaigns include the following:

  • Print: Newspaper ads, physical mail, and magazine advertisements are some of the most common forms of print advertising.
  • Email: Catchy subject lines and time-sensitive messages usually comprise email ads that users can view on smart devices from virtually anywhere.
  • Media: Many marketers will design media-specific campaigns, from television to radio. These types of campaigns can even show up on social media platforms.
  • Social Media: From in-app advertisements to pop-up notifications and video ads, social media has become one of the most popular platforms for ad campaigns. 
  • Search Engines: Search engines use an auction-based system to allow marketers to bid on keywords and advertise services or products on search engine results pages.

The most common ad campaign platforms include print, email, media, social media, and search engines.

Types of Ad Campaigns

Before creating an ad campaign , it’s important to understand the different types of campaigns and when to use them. There are four main types of ad campaigns: 

  • Informative: Informative campaigns are meant to inform customers about products, services, promotions, and more. These campaigns usually aim to increase brand awareness, authority, trust, and loyalty.
  • Persuasive: Persuasive campaigns are designed to encourage readers to make a decision. These campaigns can target products, sales, subscriptions, time-sensitive promotions, and other conversion-centric decisions.
  • Reminders: With so many advertisements flooding the average person’s day-to-day life, reminder ads simply remind audience members of their purchasing options — including expiration dates for rewards and promotions.
  • Reinforcement: The purpose of reinforcement ads is to reassure customers of their decisions and provide guidance about the best ways to use or enhance their product experience after purchasing.

Elements of a Successful Ad Campaign

No matter what ad campaign you create, there are usually two key components: a target audience, and campaign goals. Whether your campaign is designed to sell a product or promote a service, including these elements in your campaign’s design can help you succeed.


A successful ad campaign keeps its audience in mind, and always engaged. Whether your campaign aims to increase brand awareness, attract new customers, or keep the interest of previous customers, you need to know and understand your target audience to create an audience-centric campaign.

While an ad campaign uses various types of advertisements across different platforms, it is still a singular campaign attempting to reach specific goals. To be successful, each component of the campaign must be cohesive — even if you design them for different audiences or platforms. A creative project management plan for an advertising campaign can ensure that your language, tone, design assets, and other campaign elements follow a singular set of guidelines.

Visually Appealing

Unless you are solely advertising on audio-only platforms, the visual appeal of your ads can greatly affect their success. Using engaging colors, unique fonts, and fun illustration styles can increase the appeal of an ad campaign’s offerings. Plus, by prioritizing color contrast and character representation in a campaign’s designs, marketers can make advertisements both accessible and appealing — this can greatly increase a campaign’s potential reach while respecting individual needs.

Advertising campaign examples should use contrasting colors to respect individual needs.

Clear Messaging

All components of a single campaign need to focus on and prioritize a single message. Whether promoting a new product, giving away a free trial, or increasing brand awareness, your advertisements should all use clear, straightforward messaging focused on the same outcome.


Along with clear messaging, an ad campaign should be focused on a specific goal, or goals. Your messaging will change depending on the action you want your audience to take. For example, if you want your audience to trust you, you must create informational, researched-based advertisements designed with their needs in mind. Before creating any promotional material, decide on a campaign’s goal and adjust your language, visuals, and medium choices.

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How to Make an Advertisement: A 15-Step Guide [+Expert Tips]

AJ Beltis

Published: May 31, 2024

Advertising communicates the value of your product, services, and brand to the world. The best ads spark interest and ignite a desire for what you offer, build brand awareness, and drive sales.

how to make an ad

As a marketer, I’ve learned that the best ads don’t happen by accident. Knowing how to make an ad is about understanding your customer, knowing what medium to use, which metrics matter, and the technical process of creating the ad media.

Ready to start creating ads that get real results? In this guide, I’ll show you how to do it step-by-step. Let’s dive straight in.

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Table of Contents

How to Make an Advertisement

Start creating great ads today.

  • Define your target audience.
  • Conduct market research.
  • Decide on the ad format and platform.
  • Determine the ad’s purpose.
  • Choose a platform.
  • Set your budget.
  • Craft your message.
  • Develop creative assets.
  • Create a test mock-up.
  • Create the final ad.
  • Determine how to measure success.
  • Confirm the small details.
  • Track and analyze performance.
  • Continuously optimize.

Featured Resource: Advertising Planning Templates & Kit

advertisement project ideas

Those details let me create more personalized ads that speak directly to the challenges and interests of my target audience. That personalization helps boost revenues by 5 to 15% according to research from McKinsey .

2. Conduct market research.

After defining my target audience, I need to go deeper into their world. That’s where market research comes in.

Collecting and analyzing data to learn more about my potential customers helps uncover details like their demographics (age, gender, education level, location), psychographics (interests, values, lifestyles), and even their behaviors (purchasing habits, media consumption patterns).

That information helps me answer questions like:

  • What is my primary target audience’s age range?
  • What are their biggest pain points or challenges?
  • What do they spend most of their time doing?
  • Where do they live?
  • What media or social platforms do they use?
  • What types of ads do they commonly see?

There are multiple options for conducting market research. For instance, you can use existing market data, ask them to complete surveys or questionnaires, or even run a focus group.

Baruch Labunski , founder at Rank Secure, suggests an even more hands-on approach: “ The best information comes from talking to people in a check-out line. Ask them what they want in a specific product or what would make them buy something. ”

HubSpot’s Market Research Kit has everything you need to get started with market research for your ad campaign.

With research in hand, I build profiles of my ideal customers that will influence my decisions moving forward.

These buyer personas are fictionalized profiles that capture my potential customers’ backgrounds, interests, challenges, and how my product, service, or brand adds value to their lives.

My favorite tool to streamline creating buyer personas is HubSpot’s Make My Persona tool .

3. Decide on the ad format.


With my buyer personas to guide me, I need to choose the most effective format(s) to deliver my message. Each format has different strengths and weaknesses, and you may find that using a combination is best for your campaign.

Let’s break down some of the most popular ad formats.

  • Display ads. Appearing in websites and apps, these visual ads are usually served as banner ads or popups. According to Statista, display ads account for 30% of all digital advertising spending in the U.S.
  • Video ads. Video’s ability to convey a lot of information quickly makes it popular, and research shows that 91% of businesses use videos as part of their marketing strategy. In fact, video marketing spending is expected to reach $120 billion in 2024. Video ads can be long or short but must be tailored to the advertising platform, whether streaming services, social media, or websites.
  • Audio ads. Appearing on audio streaming platforms like Apple Music, Spotify, and Pandora, audio ads are typically 15-30 seconds long and can be music-driven or voice-overs. Like video advertising, audio is growing rapidly, with spending expected to reach $16.09 billion by 2029.
  • Influencer marketing ads. Powered by social proof, influencer ads use an influencer discussing or using your product to convince their audience to buy. Influencer ads come in several types, including online videos, product reviews, influencer takeovers on social media, and sponsored content.
  • Search engines. These text-based search ads look like a typical search entry plus a “sponsored” note on search engine result pages (SERPs). Because these are usually pay-per-click ads (PPC), how often your ad shows when a person searches for certain phrases or keywords may vary based on what your competition is paying for ads on the same keywords.
  • Social media. Social media advertising is one of the fastest-growing advertising channels, with revenue expected to reach $262 billion by 2028. Ads on social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X (formerly Twitter) are available in several formats. Text, images, videos, carousels, and even sponsored content are available on different networks.
  • Podcasts. Often overlooked, podcast advertising is relatively low-cost and reaches a well-targeted audience. Audio ads can be placed before, in the middle, and at the end of episodes, with some podcasts also offering video placements on streaming platforms.

Percentage of brands that use video marketing.

4. Determine the ad’s purpose.

Knowing who I want to reach and how I’ll say it is only part of the battle of how to make an advertisement. Now, I need to know what I want out of the ad.

What is the goal of the ad?

Ad goals usually fall into three categories:

  • Brand awareness.
  • Product awareness.
  • Conversions.

Brand awareness builds a sense of familiarity and positivity with your target audience. The goal is to build credibility for the long term so you can make a sale easier later on. For example, if you say Boeing, most consumers immediately think aircraft.

Product awareness and conversions are both product-focused instead of brand-focused. The main difference is that product awareness focuses on sales later, while conversions focus on making a sale now. For example, limited-time sales promos would be conversion-oriented.

advertisement project ideas

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  • An Overview of Popular Advertising Methods
  • The Pros, Cons, and Costs of Advertising Types
  • A Planning Template to Outline Timeline, Budget, and Goals
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How to Make an Advertisement for a Product vs. for a Brand

When creating an ad for a product, the focus should be on that item. I want to point out the features and benefits of my product rather than just my brand's overall product category.

Potential customers need to know what the product does and how it helps them. Depending on the product and the platform, I might even create a tutorial showing how to use the product.

In contrast, if I’m building brand awareness, I might talk more about our employees, company culture, history, and value position to build credibility and trust. Brand awareness ads need to connect emotionally for the long term rather than focus on a quick sale.

5. Choose a platform.

Top social channels for marketing.

Image Source

My message’s platform must match the ad format and the target audience's presence. For example, the perfect ad will fail if I choose a platform my customers don’t use.

HubSpot’s 2024 The State of Marketing report is my favorite tool for helping me narrow down what platform to use for the best ROI.

Use your market research findings (such as where your audience spends the most time online), ad goals (product awareness or brand awareness), and the chosen format to determine the platform that makes the most sense for your ad.

Ad Platforms

Kamel Ben Yacoub , CEO at Getupload, notes that “ Paid search platforms like Google Ads are ideal for capturing existing demand from high-intent users actively searching for solutions. Google Users are directly typing the solution they are looking for in the search bar. ”

However, social media ads on Meta, TikTok, and LinkedIn “ are better for generating new demand and awareness reaching users who are not seeking your product but could be interested once they learn about it. ”

Pro tip: Don’t restrict yourself to one platform.

For example, my market research might show that my target audience loves X and spends a lot of time on YouTube. A multi-platform approach also casts a wider net, increasing my chances of reaching more of my target audience.

6. Set a budget.

Outside of word-of-mouth advertising, ad campaigns take money, so I must set my budget.

There is no one-size-fits-all budget for ad campaigns. How much to spend depends on the purpose of the ad, the format, the platform, production costs, and how much your brand can afford.

Industry benchmarks and market data can provide a helpful starting point for understanding the average costs associated with different ad formats and platforms, as well as what similar brands are spending. For example, small- to medium-sized businesses spend an average of $1,000 to $7,500 per project on online ads.

Pro tip: Start small and then scale up with time.

Starting with a smaller budget lets you test different strategies, understand what works best for your target audience, and optimize your campaigns before making a larger investment.

Baruch Labunskis suggests that “ Too many people want to put all their advertising money into the medium that is the flashiest. Instead, I would suggest stretching your budget further by focusing more of the campaign on the cheaper tools you can run more or longer. ”

7. Craft your ad message.

Getting my message right is vital. Not only does the information have to be correct and serve the ad goal, it has to be engaging for the right audience. Even when I use copywriters, I have input into the ad message.

What exactly do I want my ad to say? How do I say it?

Revisit audience insights.

I always revisit my target audience's needs, desires, and pain points before I draft ad copy. What are their aspirations or greatest desires? What keeps them up at night? By truly understanding their motivations, I can create a message that speaks directly to them and positions my product or service as the ideal solution.

Focus on the benefits.

Lauren Bayne , Founder and CEO of The Creative Brand Refinery, says: “ People don't care about specs; they want to know what problem your product or service solves. ”

I always explain how the features translate into tangible benefits. For instance, rather than saying a vacuum cleaner has “strong suction power,” I might say it “cleans in one pass, so you have more time to enjoy the things you love."

Create an attention-grabbing headline.

TL;DR is real, and your headline is prime real estate with the power to make or break your ad. Use a question, a surprising fact, or a benefit-driven statement to make them stop scrolling and click. My secret for creating killer headlines for ads and landing pages is HubSpot’s Free AI Headline Generator .

Set your product apart from the competition.

Clearly communicating my product’s unique selling proposition (USP) is vital. Why should someone choose my product over the competition? Whether superior quality, exceptional customer service, or unbeatable price, my USP must make a compelling case for why my product is the best choice.

Keep it simple.

Brian Town , CEO and founder of marketing and branding agency Michigan Creative, advises brands to keep the design as simple as possible because “ A common pitfall in ad design is cluttering the ad with too much information, which can confuse the message. ”

Include a clear call to action (CTA).

Leaving my audience wondering what to do next wastes my ad dollars. I must tell them what I want them to do with a clear and compelling call to action.

Domante Gerdauske , Digital Advertising Team Lead at marketing automation platform Omnisend, says you should always “ adjust your CTA to your goals. ” For example, for brand awareness, she recommends using “ softer CTAs ” like “Learn More” or “Visit Our Website.” and leaving “more action-oriented CTAs” for sales campaigns.

Pro tip: Place CTAs carefully.

Don’t let your audience miss a CTA. According to Mike Vanelli, Head Video Producer at Envy: “ It should stand out visually and be placed in a contextually relevant spot to draw the user’s eye naturally. ”

When I place CTAs, I always try to use a contrasting color scheme or slightly different font to grab attention and place it near a point of interest, like the product image or after a benefit description.

8. Develop or gather creative assets.

Once I have my message, I'll use visual and auditory elements to support my ad message and capture attention. The type of creative assets you need will depend on the ad format and the platform but can include:

  • Photography.
  • Sound effects.
  • Animations.

Tools like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Audition can help you edit these creative assets, or you can use a creative tool like Canva that includes drag-and-drop templates.

Another option is to use stock assets, either royalty-free, rights-managed, or copyright-free, that you can incorporate into your ads. However, remember to ensure that releases are available for any recognizable people and places in the assets.

Popular stock asset sources include:

  • Stock photos and illustrations. Shutterstock , Pixabay , and iStock .
  • Stock video footage and audio. Pond5 , Pexels Videos , and Videvo .
  • Music and sound effects. AudioJungle , Free Music Archive , and Epidemic Sound .

If your budget allows it, you can hire freelancers or a professional agency for video editing, photography, sound mixing, and copywriting.

9. Create a test mock-up.

I always test ads before launching a campaign. I recommend this step because:

  • Ad designs may not work in all formats. Mock-ups help me visualize an ad's appearance on the chosen platform and identify potential issues. For example, a horizontal video might not crop well to vertical.
  • It helps me spot errors. A mock-up is a quick way to spot errors like off-brand messaging and colors.
  • Feedback is critical. I can show the mock-up to colleagues or test audiences for feedback. Their constructive criticism helps me identify areas where the message isn‘t clear or the visuals aren’t engaging so I can make adjustments to ensure a high-quality final product.

10. Create the final ad.

Now, it’s time to bring the ad to life by combining all your developed elements into a cohesive piece ready to run. If you have a rough draft from the previous step, this is where you polish and refine it. That might include tightening the copy, fine-tuning the visuals, and basically ensuring everything flows smoothly.

Again, you can choose a DIY approach using tools like Canva or Photoshop or outsource the ad’s creation to a freelancer or professional ad agency.

How to make a simple video ad in Canva.

To create a simple video you can run on a platform like YouTube or social media using Canva, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Canva and type “Video Ads” into the search field.

Making an ad on Canva Step 1

Step 2 : Browse Canva's library of video templates to find one that matches your vision, style, and platform formatting.

Select a video ad template in Canva.

Step 3 : Customize the template. Canva's video ad templates come with pre-designed elements like text boxes, images, video clips, and music. You can replace these elements with your own content.

  • Upload your visual elements: Click on Uploads and select your desired file. Then, drag and drop it onto the template. Canva also offers a library of free and premium stock assets. Just be sure to read the licensing terms before use.

Upload creative assets to Canva.

  • Replace text placeholders: Click on the placeholder text and replace it with your copy.

Step 4 : Edit the fonts and colors to reflect your brand style and identity by clicking Styles .

Editing fonts and colors on Canva.

Step 5 : (Optional) Enhance your video with animations, other visual effects, and audio.

Step 6: Click the play button to preview your video ad and ensure everything looks and sounds good. Adjust the visuals, text, or audio elements as needed.

Step 7: Once satisfied, download your video ad in your preferred format and resolution.

Downloading final ad on Canva.

11. Check the small details.

The smallest details can impact ad success. Picture this: you’ve crafted a fantastic ad for a concert your company is hosting. You've identified your target audience, developed a compelling message, and included a clear call to action.

However, one crucial detail is missing: the ad doesn‘t mention where or when the event is happening. While viewers might click through to your website for specifics, there’s no guarantee they'll take that extra step and buy a ticket without details first.

So, before releasing my ad, I always do a final check to ensure I’ve not overlooked any crucial details that could prevent viewers from taking action.

12. Determine how to measure success.

The final action I take before officially launching my ad is defining how to track results. I know what I want to achieve from Step 4, but I need to measure it.

I take the overarching goal I defined earlier and break it down into specific, measurable objectives. For example, suppose my goal is building brand awareness. In that case, I might define success as reaching a specific number of people with my ad on a relevant platform.

If my goal is sales, I might define success as a certain number of sales generated through ad clicks or by the use of a promo code.

Determine key performance indicators (KPIs) or metrics you’ll track to measure progress or success. KPI examples include:

  • Impressions. The number of times your ad is displayed.
  • Clicks. The number of times users click on your ad.
  • Click-through-rate. The percentage of people who see your ad and click on it.
  • Conversion rate. The percentage of people who see your ad and complete a desired action.

Don’t get overwhelmed, and try to track every possible metric. Focus on a handful that directly align with your ad campaign goals for better results. Personally, I like to focus on no more than three KPIs per campaign.

13. Launch your ad.

Now’s the moment of reckoning — putting your ad out there for the world to see. How you launch your ad will be different for each platform.

I like to review each platform's steps frequently to ensure I have all the details covered. Here are some of my favorite resources for launching ads on traditional and social media advertising platforms:

  • How to Launch a Facebook Ad
  • How to Launch a LinkedIn Ad
  • How to Launch an Instagram Ad
  • How to Launch an X (Twitter) Ad
  • How to Launch a YouTube Ad
  • How to Launch a Google Ad
  • How to Launch a TV Ad
  • How to Launch a Billboard Ad

14. Track and analyze performance.

The work isn’t over after I’ve launched my ad. While the ad runs, I need to analyze and track its performance, focusing specifically on the metrics I defined earlier.

Thankfully, most digital platforms — including search engines, social media platforms, and display networks — have built-in analytics tools that make it extremely easy to measure and track most of these metrics, including impressions, clicks, and conversions.

For those that don’t have these inbuilt analytics, most easily integrate with external tracking and ad management tools , including my favorite, HubSpot’s own Ad Management Software .

HubSpot ad management software.

By closely monitoring an ad‘s performance, I can determine whether it’s meeting my goals and identify areas for improvement. Analyzing data over time reveals patterns and trends that help me optimize future ad campaigns for even better results.

15. Continuously optimize your ad.

Many platforms have the ability to tweak ads during their run.

I might slightly adjust the ad copy, test new visuals, refine audience targeting, or adjust spending. For example, if I run multiple ads and one starts going viral, I’ll shift some budget away from other ads and put more into the popular one.

Another powerful technique I recommend is A/B testing . For A/B testing, I create several versions of my ad with different headlines, images, and CTAs and run them at the same time to see which works better.

Over time, those results help me identify the winning elements and optimize my future ad campaigns for maximum impact.

Well-crafted ads can do wonders for your business, but the best ads require careful planning and strategic execution.

Don’t wait longer to unlock the power of effective advertising. Use our comprehensive “how to make an advertisement” guide to create eye-catching ads that produce positive outcomes for your brand.

Improve your website with effective technical SEO. Start by conducting this  audit.  

Don't forget to share this post!

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100+ Creative Marketing Project Topics for Students

Have you ever been assigned a marketing project topics and felt completely lost on what to choose as your topic? I certainly have. Back in college, I remember dreading the marketing class project that was worth a significant portion of our grade. As a marketing student, you’re probably familiar with the feeling of excitement and anxiety that comes with the prospect of starting a new project. You want to choose a topic that is both interesting and impactful, but with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. But we will make this process easier for you by providing you a list of the best Market project ideas. 

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of over 100 marketing project ideas that will inspire you and help you develop essential marketing skills. Whether you’re interested in digital marketing, branding, market research, or product development, you’ll find plenty of options to choose from. So, let’s dive in and explore these exciting marketing project topics!

Importance of Choosing the Right Marketing Project Topic

Choosing the right marketing project topic can be the difference between an engaging, impactful project and one that falls flat. A well-chosen topic can make your project stand out, showcase your creativity, and demonstrate your knowledge of marketing principles. On the other hand, a poorly chosen topic can make your project seem unoriginal, uninspiring, and unimpressive.

Choosing a good marketing project topic also has practical implications. It can help you develop skills that are relevant to your future career, such as market research, analysis, and strategic thinking. It can also help you build a portfolio of marketing projects that you can use to showcase your work to potential employers.

Moreover, choosing a marketing project topic that you are passionate about can make the project more enjoyable and fulfilling. It can motivate you to put in more effort, explore new ideas, and take risks.

100+ Market Project Topics For Students

15+ digital marketing project topics.

  • Social Media Marketing Strategies
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Best Practices
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Campaigns
  • Email Marketing Campaigns
  • Influencer Marketing Strategies
  • Content Marketing Tactics
  • Video Marketing Campaigns
  • Mobile App Marketing Strategies
  • E-commerce Marketing Strategies
  • Affiliate Marketing Programs
  • Marketing Automation Strategies
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Techniques
  • Web Analytics Analysis
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Social Media Listening and Monitoring
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Strategies

15+ Branding Project Topics

  • Branding Strategies for Startups
  • Brand Awareness Campaigns
  • Rebranding Strategies
  • Brand Messaging Development
  • Brand Storytelling Techniques
  • Brand Positioning Analysis
  • Brand Equity Management
  • Brand Guidelines Creation
  • Brand Logo Design and Development
  • Brand Personality Development
  • Brand Reputation Management
  • Brand Loyalty Programs
  • Brand Extension Strategies
  • Employer Branding Techniques
  • Brand Naming and Tagline Development
  • Branding for Non-profit Organizations

20+ Market Research Project Topics

  • Consumer Behavior Analysis
  • Market Segmentation
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • Brand Awareness Studies
  • Brand Perception Research
  • Product Development Research
  • Pricing Strategy Research
  • Market Trend Analysis
  • Demographic Research
  • Psychographic Research
  • Geographical Analysis
  • Market Share Analysis
  • New Market Entry Research
  • Distribution Channel Research
  • Customer Needs Analysis
  • Customer Profiling
  • Ad Testing Research
  • Concept Testing Research
  • Usability Testing Research
  • User Experience (UX) Research

25+ Product Development Project Topics

  • New Product Development Process
  • Product Design and Development
  • Product Line Extensions
  • Product Feature Analysis
  • Product Positioning Research
  • Competitive Product Analysis
  • Product Life Cycle Management
  • Product Packaging Design
  • Product Usability Testing
  • Product Prototyping
  • Product Launch Strategies
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Development
  • Product Roadmap Planning
  • Product Pricing Strategy Research
  • Product Naming and Branding
  • Product Localization Strategies
  • Product Testing and Validation
  • Product Concept Testing
  • Product Market Fit Analysis
  • Product Sales Forecasting
  • Product Risk Analysis
  • Product Requirements Gathering
  • Product Development Team Management
  • Product Development Outsourcing
  • Product Development Metrics and KPIs
  • Product Development Process Improvement

25+ Advertising and Promotion Project Topics

  • Advertising Campaign Planning
  • Promotional Mix Analysis
  • Social Media Advertising Strategies
  • Influencer Marketing Campaigns
  • Public Relations Campaigns
  • Sales Promotion Techniques
  • Product Placement and Sponsorship
  • Brand Partnership Strategies
  • Outdoor Advertising Tactics
  • Broadcast Advertising Techniques
  • Print Advertising Campaigns
  • Direct Mail Advertising
  • Online Advertising Strategies
  • Mobile Advertising Techniques
  • Search Engine Advertising
  • Native Advertising Campaigns
  • Guerrilla Marketing Techniques
  • Buzz Marketing Campaigns
  • Event Marketing Strategies
  • Trade Show and Exhibition Marketing
  • Point-of-Purchase (POP) Advertising
  • Branded Entertainment Campaigns
  • Viral Marketing Techniques
  • Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategies

How to Choose a Marketing Project Topic

Choosing a marketing project topic can seem daunting, but there are several things you can do to find one that interests you and aligns with your goals. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Brainstorm: Start by brainstorming a list of topics that interest you or that you have experience with. Write down any ideas that come to mind, no matter how unconventional they may seem.
  • Research the market: Do some research to identify gaps or opportunities in the market that you can address through your project. Look at industry reports, competitor analysis, and consumer surveys to identify emerging trends and unmet needs.
  • Consider your interests: Think about what topics or areas of marketing you are particularly interested in or have expertise in. This can help you narrow down your list of potential topics and choose one that you are passionate about.
  • Consult with your professor or advisor: Your professor or academic advisor can provide guidance and feedback on your project topic. They may also have suggestions or resources that can help you develop your project.
  • Test your ideas: Once you have a few potential topics, test them out by conducting some preliminary research or developing a rough outline of your project. This can help you identify which topic is most feasible and interesting to you.

Choosing the right marketing project topic is crucial for a successful and impactful project. It not only showcases your creativity and knowledge of marketing principles but also helps you develop skills that are relevant to your future career. Moreover, selecting a topic that you are passionate about makes the project more enjoyable and fulfilling, motivating you to put in more effort and explore new ideas.

The list of 100+ marketing project ideas provided here can help you find inspiration and narrow down your choices. Remember to brainstorm, research the market, consider your interests, consult with your professor or advisor, and test your ideas before making a final decision. With these steps, you’ll be on your way to creating a marketing project that is both engaging and impactful.

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58 Creative Marketing Ideas for Your Small Business

58 Creative Marketing Ideas for Your Small Business

Written by: Orana Velarde

Creative Marketing Ideas for Your Small Business

Coming up with creative marketing ideas for your small business isn’t always easy, especially with all the other things you have to take care of daily. That’s why we’ve put together this list of ideas to help you create the next best marketing campaign for your brand.

In this guide, we’ve collected 58 of the most creative marketing ideas for your business' marketing plan , organized into categories for easy navigation.

Let's get started.

Table of Contents

Social media & content marketing ideas, video marketing ideas, communication & people marketing ideas, hands-on marketing ideas.

The first section, and the most extensive, is social media and content. Social media marketing and content marketing are the two fields that get super creative. There’s practically no limit to what you can do.

Here are our best ideas to get you started.

Create stunning social media graphics

  • Present social media graphic dimensions
  • Create and resize content quickly and easily
  • Engage your audience through visuals

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advertisement project ideas

Ebooks have long been an excellent lead generation tool for any business. As long as your ebook contains valuable content, a great-looking cover and an attractive page-by-page design, you’re able to pull customers into your funnel easily. The template below is for an ebook about remote team management and is ready for your content.

Remote Team Management Ebook Template

Customize this template and make it your own! Edit and Download

Industry Reports & Studies

A “state of” study is a great option for B2B companies, as it’s an exceptional way to share valuable and relevant information with your audience. For example, if you’re a website developer for e-commerce fashion stores, a “state of the e-commerce fashion industry report” is an ideal creative marketing idea.

The State of the Ecommerce Fashion Industry Report Template

Online Courses

Another example of a creative content marketing idea is courses. There’s no limit to what type of small business can use a course as a creative marketing tactic. As long as you have something to teach , somebody can learn it.

The trick to marketing a course is doing preliminary market research to know what people really want. Put together user personas for your client base to fully understand their pain points and better serve relevant content in your courses.

advertisement project ideas

Content Repurposing

Next up is repurposing, the art of taking one piece of content and creating a bunch of others in one fell swoop. The best part about repurposing is how creative you can get, there’s no limit!

From one piece of content, you can create infographics, videos, blog posts, social media graphics, audio downloads, PDF downloads, data visualizations and lots more.

The mini data viz is an excellent option to visualize one data point in an impactful way. It’s also highly shareable on social media, and a combination of them can make a memorable carousel for Instagram. Mini data visualizations can even be printed as keepsake postcards to send to readers and followers, or as part of a packaging design.

Average Food Consumption Dual Chart Template

Digital Magazines

Are you looking for a way to make your blog just a little different—or a lot different—from all the rest? Then a digital magazine is a wonderfully creative option. The best part about creating digital magazines is the number of options you have for creating one. Gone are the days of PDF magazines, now you can have a full-on website or interactive experience as a digital magazine.

Interior Design Magazine Template

Seasonal Opportunities

Seasonal opportunities are a special way to reach your audience. This is another example where you have to know your audience well, before embarking on a full-scale holiday campaign. The Santa Tracker from Google Maps is an excellent example of leveraging a holiday theme into the main idea of a company.

Google's Santa Tracker

It’s unlikely that nowadays you can go a day without seeing a QR code somewhere, either to see a menu in a restaurant or to access a sales landing page from a flyer or ad. QR codes are one of those marketing techniques that have no creative limit, you can do anything you like! The example below is testament to that.

QR code mascots in a mall

Personalized Email Marketing

Email marketing works best when it's personalized, it’s the perfect tool for an omnichannel marketing strategy. There are various ways to personalize the emails you send to your audience, from machine learning to behavioral messaging and interactive content. The example below is a behavioral messaging option where one email template works for three different styles.

Personalized Email Marketing

Image Source

Twitter Activity

Twitter is the social media channel where everyone can be personal with each other. It's easy for huge brands to have conversations with pretty much anyone through tweets, retweets and threads. For any marketing campaign on Twitter to work, you need to be active on the platform and always know what’s trending and keeping up with mentions and conversations.

Creative marketing idea from Twitter

Interactive Infographics

What’s better than an infographic? An interactive infographic, of course. Include interactive infographics inside blog posts, landing pages, emails, or your knowledge base. To create an interactive infographic, all you need is a content idea and a Visme account. With our interactive hotspot features, you’re on your way to never creating a static infographic again.

Digital Downloads

Digital downloads are an easy creative marketing idea for bloggers and content creators in any niche. A digital download can be anything from a printable checklist, schedule, a how-to guide, or even a PDF version of a blog post. The trick is to always make them branded; with your logo, colors and fonts. Every time the reader refers to the digital download, they’re reminded of your brand.

Digital download - A Visual Guid to Creating Presentations

Post User-Generated Content

Any brand in any industry can benefit from user generated content (UGC). There are two main types of UGC, the ones that consumers do on their own, and you repost, and the ones your brand ambassadors create as part of their agreement with you. This type of creative content strategy can take many forms, look at some examples for inspiration .

User-generated content on Twitter

Innocent Drinks Inspired Marketing

Innocent Drinks has easily the best marketing team in the world. This creative idea is to basically be more like them! Check out their Twitter and Facebook accounts, their print media and their messaging. They’re off the cuff, unique and totally wacky, everything you need for a blue juice that isn’t really blue.

Innocent Drinks Inspired Marketing

Hashtag Contests

The hashtag contest is still a great creative marketing idea, even if people have been doing it for a while. Find a new and unique angle for your hashtag contest, offering cool and fun prizes that make sense with your brand. For the contest itself, make the task easy but entertaining so that people will want to take part. The example below for example asks Hyundai owners to share about their cars using the hashtag.

Hashtag contest by Hyundai

Instagram Carousels

The Instagram carousel has made a name for itself in the social media space. If you’re still creating singular static images for Instagram, you’re missing out on the reach and engagement that carousels get. The best part? You can add both images and videos to the same carousel, creating an experience for the audience.

Create Instagram carousels easily with Visme — here’s an example to inspire you.

Mental health carousel template

There are memes and there’s meme marketing , what even is the difference between them? Not much apart from the messaging. To use memes for your marketing, there are a couple of options; meme generators like imgflip to use the memes going around and add your content, or use Visme to make your own memes. The trick about memes though is that they need to be recognizable as a meme, otherwise the joke will go unnoticed.

Presentation animation meme

Next up are the video marketing ideas. If you’re keeping up with video—as you should—then you might already have tried some of these. But don’t worry, we’re sure there are some you haven’t tried yet. As you grow your video marketing strategy, remember to also create vertical videos for social media!

Use Visme to create these videos for your creative marketing. You have the option to use templates in horizontal, square and vertical formats plus empty canvases to work from scratch.

Blooper Videos

Blooper reels and videos are some of the most entertaining types of behind the scene videos. These are videos that share bits and pieces of other videos where the characters made mistakes or blundered their lines. The funnier, the better! Put it up on YouTube just like you would any of your other videos, and make sure to brand it. The example below is from a movie, and they used the blooper reel as part of their off cuff marketing.

Instagram Reels

Reels are vertical videos on Instagram that can be as long as 60 seconds. At the end of 2021, Instagram announced that they’d be concentrating more on video, and that therefore creators and users should be making more video if they want to be noticed. Getting started with Instagram Reels is a great marketing strategy to stand out on Instagram . Below is one of our most viewed Reels about color psychology.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Visme | Content Creation (@vismeapp)

YouTube Shorts

If you’re regularly uploading videos to YouTube, then you should look into YouTube shorts . They’re like the Reels of YouTube and are only getting more and more popular. Create short vertical versions of your already high ranked videos, or make new content that’s more suited for the short vertical video space.

Going live is beneficial in a variety of ways. Live-streaming isn’t just for gamers , anyone can use this technique to their advantage. For example; livestream your event, have a live virtual summit, hold live tutorial sessions, conduct live Q&A panels. Most social media channels offer the capability of going live, try it out! The video below is a recording of a live Apple event.

Q&A Videos

When it comes to video marketing, the ideas abound. But one you might not have thought of is the FAQ video. If you already have an FAQ section on your website, then half the job is done — all you have to do is record yourself or a team member answering the question in person. Even better if you include a demo as part of the answer.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos never go out of style, specially if they’re well-made. Every small business can take advantage of an explainer video. But what is it? An explainer video is a short visual explanation about your business or an aspect of it. These videos are great for landing pages as well as newsletters and social media!!

Funny Commercials

You might not be able to afford production of a TV commercial to air during the Super Bowl, but you can still create funny commercials. The trick to making your commercials funny is to find a comedic or humorous angle of your business. If you make a bit of fun at yourself in the process, it’ll be more relatable and make people laugh.

Webinars are great for promoting your small business . Offer valuable information for free and then offer the viewers a discount for more in depth or personalized services with you and your business. Another option is to not offer anything in a webinar and just do them for the sake of brand awareness. Both ideas are valid and very successful.

Visme Webinar Signup

Video Newsletters

Why send regular newsletters when you can send video newsletters ? The best type of video to use in—or as—a newsletter is a personalized one with someone talking to the camera. If a real person talking to the camera isn’t possible, then a motion graphics or animation with a voice-over will be ok. The idea is that there is someone talking, having a conversation with the recipient of the email. Take a look at the example below for inspiration.

Testimonial Videos

A testimonial video is a great way to show new prospective customers what your business can do for them. Choose testimonials that share how your business solved that person’s problem in a unique and productive way. If possible, record or film the testimonial, but an animated version with a text quote is also good. Include these videos in your case studies for a heightened reader experience.

TikTok Remixes

A TikTok remix is when you use a viral video as inspiration and create your own version of it. It can be just the audio, or the dance moves, or both! This technique spreads your video with the other people creating remixes of the same content. The trick is to have fun while doing it, add some humor, and you’ve got a winner. Here’s one example of thousands of TikTok remixes out there.

@odalysanddafnne A quién le salió mejor el paso?😎 @rickylemon99 @Daniela Arredondo @karenbarreraoficial @ramonvillaaa @mia.salinass @rosy.salinass #fyp #comedy ♬ sonido original - Hermanas JM

Communicating with people is at the core of every marketing strategy, but in some cases it’s more direct. This section is all about marketing ideas that have to do with the communication you have with customers. To really have success with these techniques, remember to be honest, unique and real. Stick to your brand messaging throughout the process.

Visme is at your fingertips for a lot of these creative marketing ideas. Use our editor to create the graphics for these, offer templates to collaborators and link them to brand guidelines easily.

Be Your Own Ambassador

The best way to show users and consumers that your product or service is worth it, is to use it yourself! Better yet, show them how you use it and how it helps solve a problem. If you started your business because you couldn’t find a solution to a problem, and you came up with an idea for it, then you’re the perfect candidate for this marketing strategy.

Founder of Visme

What’s the difference between a podcast and a webinar? They feel more personal because people listen to them on their own and don’t have to sit in front of a computer watching a Zoom call with lots of other people. Podcasts are a great way to share valuable content through analyses, interviews and talks full of insights that will help people. The example below is a podcast by Spotify.

Shopify podcasts

How can a survey be used as a marketing strategy? To gather valuable data about your users and consumers which can then help you improve not only your communication but also your products and services. Add a survey to your website, app downloads, in emails and in packaging. Use Visme to create reports of Visme results to share with both your team and your audience.

Website - Survey Results Template

Social Activism

Start social activism campaigns not as a way to improve your marketing, but as a genuine way to give back. Don’t incorporate charity strategies just for views, be honest about it. Nobody likes a fake social activism initiative. To get started, look for issues that are close to home and then grow from there. In the future, consider a non-profit organization that stems from your main business.

Social Activism by Ben and Jerry's Foundation

FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out and is an excellent way to convince people that if they don’t take action on your offers, they’ll be missing out on something special. This technique can be as simple as a popup on your website saying that someone has bought a product, to a full-scale Twitter campaign to create FOMO around your event or launch.

FOMO marketing tactic by

Employee Testimonials

Customer testimonials are great, but what about employee testimonials? When your employees and team members share their honest opinions about working in your company, customers and users will feel like they know you a bit better. The best employee testimonials are those that come from team members that work directly with the customer and can give a real representation of what it’s like to work with you. Here’s an example:

Product demos as marketing ideas can make an appearance at different levels of the funnel. At the top, in the awareness stage, add demos to your YouTube channel, then at the consideration stage, offer personalized demos about specific features that are relevant to that consumer. Then at the lower levels, the user or customer can request special training demos for that are unique to them. The demo below is a repurposing of a video in our knowledge base, turned into a social media graphic


Communities are a great way to communicate with your consumer base in an intimate and personalized setting. Make sure to start your community with a skilled community manager that will set it up for success, inviting loyal users to the launch and then starting conversations around relevant topics that pertain to your company and its users.

Visme community

Brand jingles used to be a staple in a marketing strategy, now not so much. But if your brand hits on nostalgia and a nod to the past, then a jingle is a great choice. The trick to having a good jingle is a melody and song that will stick in the customers’ memory like an earworm. One of the most famous—and memorable—jingles of all time is the one for KitKat. If you know, you know!

Micro-Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has lots of levels, from celebrities to micro influencers and everything in between. Having celebrities as influencers is great and all, but can get very expensive for your business. Micro-influencers on the other hand are more affordable and reach more specific audiences. What do they do? They create content that shows how they use your product or service and show it to their followers. This is a great option for small businesses of any size, especially small businesses.

Micro-Influencer Marketing on Instagram

Brand Ambassadors

Brand ambassadors programs are similar to micro-influencer marketing, but with a strong difference. A brand ambassador is generally a long time user or client of your company, and their sharing of your brand is more personalized and in depth. Create some sort of badge or certification for them, so they feel special and proud to be your brand ambassador. You can also offer brand ambassadors to be part of your affiliate program for a better incentive. Below is an example of a social post by a Subaru brand ambassador.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Luciano Mazzetti (@luciano_mazzetti)

Localization in Different Languages

Start a localization campaign for your business to reach more people around the world. Translate your main content into a few other languages, including landing pages, blog posts and even your interface if you’re a SaaS company. Before you start, conduct some market research to find out where your client base is, apart from your main location. Below is a screenshot of one of our localized landing pages.

Localization on Visme's website

Emotional Storytelling

Storytelling is a big part of any marketing strategy, regardless of the scope. But emotional storytelling goes a step further to really connect with the audience in a personal way. For an emotional storytelling campaign to work well, you need to know your client base well. Talk to them, ask about their specific pain points, what gets to them, what pushes their buttons. Then create a campaign around those ideas. The example below is a Coca-Cola can design campaign with messages that people would like to gift to others. Like a greeting card on a can.

Emotional storytelling from Coca Cola

Event Sponsorships

Sponsoring an event about something that pertains to your industry can give you lots of visibility while reaching new customers in a hands-on or virtual setting. Every event has their own style of sponsorship packages which can range from having a banner or ad, to branded webinar and discussion forums. For example, when you become a sponsor of InBound, your brand becomes one of the important partners of the event.

Event Sponsorships by Inbound

Last but not least is a category that goes beyond the usual digital marketing ideas and steps out of the box. Some of these ideas are simple and small, while others are expansive and complex. Choose one that fits with your budget, but you might be surprised how easy some of these are.

Graffiti & Murals

Use graffiti for marketing if you’re looking for a unique way to reach your client base where they least expect it. You can get as conceptual or as classic as you like with graffiti marketing, the idea is to delight and surprise. The two examples below show a large representation of McDonald’s fries as a street crossing and the other is a more classic approach of a wall mural.

McDonalds guerilla marketing street art

Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing is when you go way beyond the ordinary and create campaigns that are so off the cuff that they stay in the viewer’s memory for a long time or inspire a photo and a share on social media. There are countless examples of guerrilla marketing, but here is one from Axe Body spray where stickers of running women were added to seemingly normal Exit signs.

Guerrilla marketing by Axe

3D Billboards

Billboards, the long time big scale operation for a marketing campaign, is no longer “just” a billboard. Now, digital billboards on populated corners have visual 3D effects that seem to pop out of the building. From cats and lions to flying purses , everything is possible. The example below is of a collaboration between Loewe and the relaunch of the Ghibli movie Spirited Away.

Good old paper correspondence, which we now call Snail Mail, is another hands-on creative marketing idea to consider. With most marketing strategies happening online, a posted paper letter will definitely make an impact. One of our editors received this letter from Grammarly promoting 40% of annual premium plans, all accessible via a practical QR code.

Paper marketing from Grammarly

Augmented Reality

With the increase of Metaverse conversations happening in the marketing world, augmented reality is only growing in popularity. Strategists believe that soon it will be a common occurrence instead of a once in a while thing. Augmented reality is achieved when a hands-on element is augmented through a mobile device with a camera. From trying on clothes to setting up new furniture in your home, this strategy has no limit in creativity.

Augmented reality marketing by Gucci

Scavenger Hunts

Good old scavenger hunts can also make for fun and creative marketing ideas. Nowadays, a scavenger hunt is mostly digital , but can also be done in a local setting if your brand is small scale in one location. The trick to making a scavenger hunt work as a marketing scheme is to offer an incentive at the end, and make sure to add your brand messaging and relevant visuals to the hints and clues. Did you take part in the Wendy’s Cyber Search?

Cyber scavenger hunt by Wendy's

If you’ve ever seen the back of a traffic sign, the inside of a bathroom stall or the backside of people’s laptops, you know that sticker marketing is still alive and relevant . Your stickers will compete with all the surrounding others, so make it memorable and fun. Send them to your existing customers, add them to swag bags, give them away in coffee shops, do whatever you want with them! Use Visme to design your stickers and then send them to a printing shop that will cut them into the exact shape you want.

Sticker marketing strategy

Free stuff and free samples are always a great option for marketing your product to new customers. If you have a physical product that is packaged for sale, you can create smaller versions to give away as gifts in other orders. For consumable products, offer free tasting samples at the shops where your products sell. People love free stuff, take advantage of that and reach more people with your product.

Free samples by Airborne


Add games and interactivity to your marketing campaigns to create fun and memorable moments for your customers. Create a branded game to add to a landing page, make an app that turns your brand into a game of some sort. Make it fun, memorable and offer incentives when relevant. A simple punch card idea can be turned into a game by asking the user to scan a QR code that takes them to a fun short game they can win points from.

Example of gamification marketing

Sustainable Postcards

If you’re already using postcards for your hands-on marketing strategies, why not try sustainable postcards to the mix. Go as far as using seeded postcards with easy to grow plants and herbs. Print short instructions on the card about putting the postcard in their garden or a plant pot where they’ll see plants grow. Ask them to post photos of the grown plants with a branded hashtag, and you’ve got user generated content as well!

Sustainable postcards

Experience Creation

Experiential marketing is easily of the most creative marketing ideas of the moment. But how do you create an experience that can be marketed? You look at what people are obsessing about and build an experience around that. A great example is the pop-up of the fictional ice cream store, Scoops Ahoy from Stranger Things. Netflix and Baskin Robbins collaborated to create this experience, and it was a hit with viewers and ice cream lovers alike.

Experience Creation by Netflix and Baskin-Robbins

Take the idea of free stuff and free samples a step further and create gift boxes with your products. Include some bestsellers along with new releases so that the gift box is both relatable and new. Send these for birthdays, as holiday gifts, or as thank you packages to the most loyal customers. You can even include the option to buy gift boxes on your website.

Giftboxes from Cratejoy

Posters will never go out of style. There’s always a place to put up a poster; a wall, a bathroom stall, bulletin boards in cultural centers and much more. Remember to include a QR code in the design for easy access to your digital presence. Make sure to send the visitor to a relevant website or landing page that is directly related to the content on the poster.

Swimming Poster Template


Merchandising is one of the oldest techniques for hands-on creative marketing. It’ unlikely that it will ever die or go out of style. A pen with your logo can be on someone’s desk—or junk drawer— for years, water bottles will last forever as long as they’re good quality, t-shirts and caps will take up space in closets and drawers for a long time. Your brand becomes a household name and you reach more people that you can imagine.

Buildup marketing example for Tru Blood

Mysterious Build-Up

Mystery marketing is not very commonplace, but when used well, it can make a strong impact. The idea behind a mysterious build-up is to create an air of suspense and inspire questions. How do you do it? You start a creative campaign that doesn’t mention your brand at all, it just builds up interest. The show True Blood did a great job of using this technique before it aired for the first time.

Packaging Sweepstakes

Everyone knows the story of Charlie’s Golden Ticket for a chance to visit Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. You can create a similar campaign for your brand with packaging sweepstakes and a big prize. In your packaging design, include a type of golden ticket for the few lucky winners or a code to scan or input on a website. Create buzz about the sweepstakes and you’ll see sales rise for the product as people look for a chance to win.

Packaging sweepstakes example by Xamoom

Visme Is Your Visual Partner for All Creative Marketing Ideas

Regardless of the size of your small business, the marketing strategies and campaigns should be given the importance they deserve. If you don’t have a marketing team yet, start small with some of your existing team members and work your way up from there.

The Visme team plans are the perfect addition to your content creation and marketing toolbox, from easily designing visual assets to effective organization of brand assets and templates , you can do so much that you’ll wonder why you didn’t have this at your fingertips from day one.

Not everyone is attracted to the same type of marketing, that’s why it’s best to have a variety of campaigns running at the same time. This is the best way to reach a wider range of potential clients and customers. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many complex ideas at once, try a combination of easy and difficult instead.

For example; print stickers, create and post Instagram Reels and maybe produce a digital magazine . As your business grows, evolve your marketing into more elaborate strategies. Always have your customer in mind when crafting messaging, visuals and interactions. The more comfortable and happy they feel about your brand, the more conversion you’ll get.

Don’t have a Visme account yet? Not to worry. You can sign up for a team account easily with your work email. The Visme team is here to help you succeed with your marketing and your business overall. Here’s to lots of happy customers!

Bring your creative marketing ideas to life with Visme.

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About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at

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8 marketing campaign ideas that customers will engage with

Written by by Brent Barnhart

Published on  February 3, 2022

Reading time  10 minutes

Trouble coming up with marketing campaign ideas?

Hey, we hear you.

Growing your business and keeping revenue rolling in means consistently crafting posts and promotions.

But motivation can be hard to come by. This is especially true if your recent marketing push fell flat or your engagement rate is low.

The reality? Too many businesses are caught in a trap of ad-hoc marketing. That is, random promotions with no end-goal, strategy, or definition of “success.”

If you’re stuck or have no idea what to promote and publish next, we can help.

This guide breaks down how to put together meaningful marketing campaigns and plenty of examples to help you come up with fresh ideas.

What is a marketing campaign, exactly?

Let’s start by breaking down the basics.

The concept of a “campaign” is a staple of marketing itself but perhaps it doesn’t get talked about enough.

A marketing campaign is a promotional push or initiative carried out by a brand, typically tied to a big-picture business goal. Campaigns involve promoting content and creatives (think: ads, videos, photos, blog posts, copywriting) across various marketing channels (think: social media, email). 

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the most common goals that drive companies to come up with campaigns:

  • Boost brand awareness
  • Launch a new product or service
  • Improve customer engagement and satisfaction
  • Drive sales and revenue
  • Increase customer lifetime value (CLTV)
  • Reduce customer churn

When we think of classic marketing campaign examples (like “ Got Milk? ” or Nike’s “ Just Do It “), we typically imagine TV spots, billboards and old-school print ads in magazines.

Now, fast forward to the present day. Campaigns are no longer reserved for corporate giants and ad departments. Given the wealth of digital tools and low-cost marketing channels like social media and email, businesses of all shapes and sizes can bring their marketing campaign ideas to life.

Note that a campaign is the sum of its parts. For example, a discount or sale is not a campaign , but a sale can be part of a revenue campaign . Similarly, posts and hashtags are not campaigns alone but can be part of a social media campaign . See how that works?

The common threads of “successful” marketing campaigns

Businesses today have a ton of creative freedom when it comes to promotions.

That said, there are three boxes to tick regardless of your business or ideas. Ideally, your marketing campaigns should be:

  • Time-sensitive. Campaigns don’t last forever! Conventional wisdom says it can take between two to three months to plan a serious campaign. The duration of your campaigns depends on the type of promotions you’re running. For example, a Black Friday campaign is short-term while a hashtag campaign is longer-term).
  • Measurable. Measuring your campaign performance data clues you in on whether or not your campaign was a hit based on your goals. If you don’t analyze your campaign based on relevant metrics, you’re winging it.
  • Unique . This is the big one. Marketing campaign ideas should be original and based on what your target audience wants. You obviously shouldn’t rehash campaigns you’ve run in the past or copycat other businesses.

What are the must-dos for modern marketing campaigns?

Arguably the biggest benefit of running a campaign versus ad-hoc marketing is that you’re focused . By tying your posts and promos back to specific goals, objectives and outcomes, you prevent yourself from freestyling.

That said, the planning phase of any given campaign is make-or-break.

Before you worry about coming up with any creatives, make sure you understand the tasks required to execute your marketing campaign ideas.

Establish relevant business goals

Simply put, what do you hope to achieve and how?

It’s no secret that goal-setting matters. Setting goals and tying them to specific objectives means you understand the smaller tasks that contribute to the big picture.

Example: We will raise brand awareness on Instagram by increasing our engagement rate by [x]% by [y end date] by running an Instagram influencer campaign

Chances are you’ve heard of the SMART framework for goal-setting. If not, here’s a quick breakdown:

  • S pecific: Your goals should be clear, simple and defined.
  • M easurable: This is where analytics come in. You want a goal that has one or more metrics.
  • A chievable: Is it achievable or is it not possible within your resources?
  • R ealistic: With your current resources of time and money, is it possible to achieve your goals?
  • T ime-sensitive: Every goal needs a time frame, whether it’s one year or several months.

If you can define and answer the questions above, you’re on the right track.

Choose your priority marketing channels

There is no “right” answer in terms of where you promote your marketing campaigns.

Multi-channel marketing is both popular and proven for the sake of maximizing engagement. For example, publishing promotions to both social followers and email subscribers simultaneously makes your campaigns harder to miss.

That said, spreading your ideas across multiple channels requires a greater commitment of time and resources. Not to mention the rising cost of paid social media advertising .

If this is your first planned campaign, start with these two questions.

  • Where do you have an existing marketing presence and customer engagement?
  • Where can you realistically advertise based on your budget?

Note that some marketing channels lend themselves to easy cross-promotion (think: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter). This might make your choice easier, but when in doubt think “less is more.”

Pick the metrics and KPIs to measure your campaign

Again, successful marketing campaigns are driven by data.

Some of the most common metrics used to measure performance include:

  • Sales and revenue figures
  • Event attendance
  • “Likes” and clicks
  • Impressions

There are a variety of social media metrics that are relevant to some campaigns but not others. For example, an ad campaign that netted you 10,000 new Facebook followers but $20 in sales isn’t much to be thrilled about.

Below is an example of analytics using Sprout Social’s reporting suite. Here you can see impressions, engagements and message link clicks over time. Based on this, you can better understand which pieces of your social campaign moved the needle.

Metrics tracked in Sprout Social can determine if your marketing campaign ideas actually succeeded.

Figure out your necessary resources and deliverables

In short, what do you need to make your marketing campaign ideas a reality? Consider key duties and deliverables for a campaign such as:

  • Graphics, logos and ad designs
  • Copywriting for ads, emails and landing pages
  • Keyword research
  • Social media posts
  • Product photos and videos

The more you anticipate in terms of your needs, the fewer roadblocks you’ll hit as you roll out your campaign.

Assemble your campaign collaborators

Sure, resources you may already have on hand or can create yourself.

But you’re likely going to need to outsource some of the legwork to outside collaborators, such as:

  • Email, social media and SEO experts
  • Graphic designers
  • Copywriters
  • Web designers

Whether that’s you rely on your teammates, an agency or freelancers ultimately depends on your timeline and budget. Either way, connect with these collaborators ASAP so you can align your schedules and get moving.

Set reasonable deadlines and milestones

Based on all of the factors above, you can create an actual roadmap for your campaign. This includes deadlines, deliverables and the “who’s who” of your marketing push.

Campaign timing can be a bit of a balancing act. The more time you give yourself and collaborators to prepare and plan, the better.

But on the flip side, you also don’t want to drag your feet. Communicating with teammates and collaborators to understand their own schedules and workloads is key to knowing what you can and can’t do.

This is where a project management tool like Asana (see below) comes in handy. Here you can see all the moving pieces of your campaigns in one place, including roles, deadlines and approvals.

Use Asana for marketing campaign organization and tracking across teams.

If you need help planning or deciding on a timeline, check out our social media campaign template that can help!

8 marketing campaign ideas you can roll out yourself

Alright, enough planning: let’s talk ideas!

Despite popular belief, you don’t have to be an advertising wizard to come up with marketing campaigns. There are more campaign ideas than we could possibly cover in this post.

Although this is good news, it might also serve as analysis paralysis if you’re not sure where to start.

That’s why we’ve decided to keep it simple. Below are eight engaging campaign ideas that businesses can adapt with a bit of creativity.

1. Keep customers informed with an educational campaign

Educational campaigns are a solid starting point to help drive sales and raise awareness with new and existing customers alike.

Creating resources such as instructional videos, blog posts and product demos allows you to educate and sell to your audience at the same time. These same resources are fair game across social posts, email, your website and even channels like YouTube.

For example, Ruroc recently paired a how-to video campaign with the launch of their Atlas 3.0. With a series of how-to videos and social posts, customers could see the product in action and likewise understand its key features and benefits.

Ruroc uses YouTube to create customer education marketing campaign.

2. Build a referral program from scratch

A long-term marketing campaign that’s ideal for ecommerce brands is creating a referral program. It’s a brilliant way to promote ongoing sales through your satisfied customers.

Offering discounts, trials and free bonuses to existing customers provide a much-needed incentive for them to refer new customers to you.

For bigger merchants, you can take this a step further with a full-blown brand advocacy program that encourages ongoing promotion of your products from dedicated customers.

Pura Vida's ambassador marketing campaign "How it Works" bannner.

3. Connect with influencers to raise brand awareness

Although influencer marketing is all the rage right now, some brands are still hesitant to get on board.

But with the rise of microinfluencers and influencer discovery platforms, getting connected to someone that’s in your budget and relevant to your audience is easier than ever.

From one-off campaigns to working with influencers at scale, these relationships are ideal for introducing your brand to new audiences.

4. Create buzz with a contest or giveaway

Giveaways and contests are among the most popular marketing campaign ideas on social media.

The upside of running contests or giveaways is that they have a built-in deadline or schedule. When brands push contests, that’s usually what they’re laser-focused on until the end date.

However, simply giving away a product on its own isn’t particularly engaging.

Well-crafted contests explicitly ask for engagements, including:

  • @mentions and @tags
  • Promoting a #hashtag
  • Creating content
Daydreaming about somewhere magical? 🌴 Design your perfect holiday in this week's #CanvaDesignChallenge 🌅 Find out more here: — Canva (@canva) December 1, 2021

Ideal for sign-ups and brand awareness versus sales, they  can give you high returns when you consider what they cost. Just make sure you follow the legalese when it comes to entries and prizes.

5. Engage customers with a user-generated content campaign

User-generated content campaigns are a brilliant way to encourage customers to promote you organically.

Whether through a time-sensitive or ongoing customer #hashtag, you’d be surprised how many people are willing to share their photos and purchases if you just ask .

Stick Fix uses UGC marketing campaign on their Instagram profile.

6. Entice shoppers with holiday campaigns

Reality check: not all marketing ideas need to reinvent the wheel.

Take holiday campaigns, for example. Time-sensitive, color-coordinated campaigns centered around Thanksgiving, Black Friday or Christmas have been around  forever . They’re even more popular in the era of ecommerce via email and social media.

Casper uses holiday campaigns around Black Friday hit revenue goals.

7. Hype up your next product launch

If you’re dropping a new product or service , building anticipation with a marketing campaign is a must-do.

Some low-hanging ideas to support your push and drive sales include:

  • Producing a high-quality launch video (see below)
  • Promoting pre-orders via email and social media
  • Putting a countdown timer on your website to build hype

8. Customer success campaign

Don’t overlook the value of your satisfied customers when it comes to your campaigns.

Customer success campaigns encourage you to reach out to buyers and leverage your relationships to create marketing materials for the future. Tasks involved in a successful campaign include:

  • Asking for and curating customer reviews
  • Promoting positive customer feedback through social media or email
  • Gathering case studies and testimonials from existing customers to win over new ones

3 bonus marketing campaign examples to get inspired

Feeling motivated now?

But to wrap things up here, let’s look at some recent examples of effective marketing campaign ideas put into action.

#SpotifyWrapped (UGC/hashtag campaign)

Spotify’s #SpotifyWrapped has taken social media by storm over the past few years, representing one of the best marketing campaigns  in recent memory.

Another year of @BTS_twt melting our hearts 🥺💜 #SpotifyWrapped — Spotify (@Spotify) December 1, 2021

A hybrid UGC and hashtag campaign, Spotify encourages users to share their most-listened-to artists and tracks every December. This personalized data packaged in a stylish, share-friendly format has resulted in millions of social shares and engagements.

Fill in the #SpotifyWrapped blank: "I was in the top 0.5% of listeners for ______" — Spotify (@Spotify) December 1, 2021

This again highlights the fact that people are eager to share content when prompted. Whenever you can let your customers do the legwork of marketing for you, go for it.

Headspace (paid Facebook ad campaign)

Facebook has no shortage of advertising success stories from brands running paid ads.

This simple but effective example comes from Headspace with its colorful video ad campaign.

The animation ad below managed to not only capture the brand’s voice but also serve as a sort of taste of their product via soothing text and audio.

The end result was an impressive list in awareness, recall and interactions. Headspace’s campaign highlights that campaigns don’t have to be ground-breaking or complicated to be effective. This speaks to the value of both knowing your target audience and harnessing your creativity.

Gymshark (Black Friday and product launch campaign)

Infamous for rarely running sales, Gymshark’s 2018 Black Friday campaign reached a staggering 16+ million people on Instagram and boasted a 6.6:1 return rate on their ad spend.

Gymshark Blackout ad for Black Friday caused a buzz in 2018.

Wild, right? The brand leveraged the buzz by building anticipation for the event and dropping a fresh fit alongside it.

This signals the importance of both branding and planning. Creating buzz around your campaigns is crucial, as is delivering campaigns like this that feel one-of-a-kind.

What does your next marketing campaign look like?

No matter what you’re selling, you need to brainstorm new marketing campaign ideas on a regular basis.

Hopefully this guide inspired you to do exactly that!

But beyond ideas, you also need to understand best practices for executing your campaigns.

If you haven’t already, check out The Sprout Social Index™  to see the latest trends, insights and data you need to take your campaigns to the next level.

Social Media Management Buyer’s Guide

  • Social Media Engagement
  • Social Media Strategy

Creating a 30-Day Social Media Plan

  • Social Media Trends

Post Performance Report: Brands turning IRL events into online engagement

What social media tasks to automate and what to personalize

  • Now on slide

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Sprout Social helps you understand and reach your audience, engage your community and measure performance with the only all-in-one social media management platform built for connection.


60+ Marketing Related Project Ideas: Every Marketer Must Know

Marketing Related Project Ideas

Are you looking for marketing related project ideas, if so then you are at the right place. However, marketing is crucial to any business, whether a small start-up or a large corporation. Effective marketing strategies can help businesses reach new customers, increase brand awareness, and drive revenue growth. However, developing and executing successful marketing campaigns can be challenging with the ever-evolving landscape of consumer behaviour, technology, and competition.

This blog will explore 60+ marketing related project ideas that can be effective strategies for marketing success.

What is Marketing?

Table of Contents

Marketing refers to promoting and selling products or services to customers. It involves identifying customer needs and preferences, creating products or services that meet them, and promoting them effectively to reach the target audience.

Marketing encompasses various activities, including market research, product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution. It also involves developing and maintaining strong customer relationships and analyzing and adapting to changes in the marketplace and consumer behavior.

The ultimate goal of marketing is to generate revenue and profit for a business by satisfying customer needs and wants. Effective marketing strategies can help businesses increase their customer base, build brand loyalty, and achieve their objectives.

Role of Marketing Projects

A marketing project is crucial in helping businesses achieve their marketing goals. Marketing projects are typically designed to address a specific marketing challenge or opportunity, such as launching a new product, increasing brand awareness, or entering a new market.

Some of the key roles of a marketing project include:

1. Identifying Customer Needs And Preferences

A marketing project can help businesses gather information about their target audience, including their needs, preferences, and purchasing behavior. This information can be used to develop more effective marketing strategies and tactics.

2. Developing Marketing Strategies And Tactics

 A marketing project can help businesses develop and implement effective marketing strategies and tactics, such as advertising, promotions, and social media campaigns. These strategies can help businesses reach their target audience and generate more leads and sales.

3. Measuring And Analyzing Marketing Performance

A marketing project can help businesses track and measure their marketing performance, including metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer engagement. This data can be used to refine marketing strategies and improve overall performance.

4. Building Brand Awareness And Loyalty

A marketing project can help businesses build brand awareness and loyalty among their target audience. By developing and implementing effective branding strategies, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and create a strong connection with their customers.

Here in this section, we will tell you more than 60+ marketing related project ideas. Read all the marketing related project ideas if you want to become a good marketer. 

1. Social Media Marketing Campaign

Develop a comprehensive marketing campaign targeting your ideal customer profile on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

2. Email Marketing Campaign

Create an email marketing campaign that engages your subscribers with valuable content and promotions.

3. Influencer Marketing Campaign 

Partner with influencers in your industry to promote your products or services to their followers.

4. Content Marketing Strategy

Develop a content marketing strategy that includes blog posts, videos, and other types of content to engage and educate your target audience.

5. Search Engine Optimization (Seo) Strategy

Improve your website’s visibility in search engine results by developing an SEO strategy that includes keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building.

6. Pay-Per-Click (Ppc) Advertising Campaign

Create a PPC advertising campaign on platforms like Google Ads or Bing Ads to drive traffic to your website and generate leads.

7. Customer Referral Program

Implement a customer referral program that incentivizes customers to refer their friends and family to your business.

8. Trade Show Participation

Participate in trade shows and other industry events to showcase your products or services and network with potential customers. Strategically selected marketing events provide unparalleled opportunities to increase visibility, generate leads and accelerate sales.

9. Product Launch Campaign

Develop a product launch campaign that builds excitement and anticipation for your new product or service.

10. Branding And Logo Design

Develop a new branding strategy and logo design that reflects your business’s values and mission.

11. Customer Retention Program

Create a loyalty program that rewards loyal customers and incentivizes them to continue doing business with you.

12. Mobile App Development

Develop a mobile app that makes it easier for customers to interact with your business and access your products or services.

13. Web Design And Development

Redesign your website to improve its usability, functionality, and aesthetics.

14. Social Media Advertising Campaign 

Create a social media campaign on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to reach a broader audience.

15. Market Research

Conduct market research to understand your target audience’s needs, preferences, and purchasing behavior.

16. Customer Segmentation

Segment your customer base based on demographics, psychographics, or behavior to effectively target your marketing efforts.

17. Sales Funnel Optimization

Optimize your sales funnel to improve conversion rates and generate more revenue.

18. Customer Journey Mapping

Map out the customer journey to identify areas where you can improve the customer experience and drive more sales.

19. Video Marketing Campaign

Create a video marketing campaign that engages and educates your target audience through entertaining and informative videos.

20. Podcast Marketing Campaign

Launch a podcast that discusses topics related to your industry and promotes your products or services.

21. Event Marketing Campaign

Plan and execute an event marketing campaign that promotes your business and generates leads.

22. Loyalty Program

Implement a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers with exclusive perks and discounts.

23. Employee Advocacy Program 

Encourage your employees to become brand ambassadors and promote your business on social media and other channels.

24. Public Relations Campaign 

Develop a public relations campaign that generates positive media coverage and enhances your brand’s reputation.

25. User-Generated Content Campaign

Encourage your customers to create and share user-generated content that promotes your products or services.

26. Cross-Promotion Campaign 

Partner with other businesses in your industry to cross-promote each other’s products or services.

27. Customer Feedback Program 

Implement a customer feedback program that gathers and uses it to improve your products or services.

28. Affiliate Marketing Program

Partner with affiliate marketers who promote your products or services to their audiences in exchange for a commission.

29. Localization Strategy

Develop a localization strategy that tailors your marketing efforts to different geographic regions and cultures.

30. Website Personalization

Personalize your website’s content and user experience based on visitors’ browsing history, location, and other data points to increase engagement and conversion rates.

31. Chatbot Implementation

Implement a chatbot on your website or social media channels to provide quick and personalized customer support and answer frequently asked questions.

32. Customer Advocacy Program

Create a customer advocacy program that rewards loyal customers for promoting your business and referring new customers.

33. Community Building 

Build an online or offline community around your brand or industry to foster engagement, loyalty, and advocacy.

34. Cause Marketing Campaign 

Develop a cause marketing campaign that aligns your brand with a social or environmental cause and resonates with your target audience’s values.

35. Branded Content Partnership 

Partner with publishers or other businesses to create branded content that provides value to your target audience and promotes your brand.

36. User Experience (Ux) Design 

Improve your website or mobile app’s UX design to enhance usability, navigation, and user satisfaction.

37. Product Bundling And Upselling 

Offer product bundles or upsell opportunities to increase your average order value and revenue per customer.

38. Interactive Content Marketing 

Create interactive content such as quizzes , calculators, and games that engage and educate your target audience.

39. Customer Onboarding Program

Develop a customer onboarding program that provides new customers with a seamless and personalized experience and sets them up for success with your product or service.

40. Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Implement an ABM strategy that targets high-value accounts or customers and delivers personalized marketing messages and experiences.

41. Virtual Reality Marketing Experience

Create an immersive VR experience that allows customers to interact with your products or services.

42. Augmented Reality Product Catalog

Develop an AR app that enables customers to visualize and try out your products in their own environment.

43. Gamification Campaign

Design a game-based marketing campaign where customers earn rewards or discounts by completing specific tasks or challenges.

44. Voice Search Optimization

Optimize your website and content for voice search queries to capture traffic from voice-enabled devices like smart speakers.

45. Personalized Packaging

Enhance customer experience by creating personalized packaging or adding custom messages to surprise and delight customers.

46. Micro-Moments Marketing

Identify key micro-moments in the customer journey and develop targeted campaigns or content to address those specific needs.

47. Geo-Targeted Campaigns

Use geolocation technology to deliver targeted ads or offers to customers based on their physical location.

48. Social Listening and Sentiment Analysis

Monitor social media platforms and online forums to gather insights about your target audience’s preferences, needs, and sentiment towards your brand.

49. Cause Marketing Campaign

Partner with a nonprofit organization or support a social cause, aligning your brand with a purpose and giving back to the community.

50. Interactive Live Webinars

Host live webinars where participants can ask questions, participate in polls, and engage in real-time discussions.

51. Subscription Box Service

Create a subscription box service that delivers curated products to customers on a regular basis, providing a unique and convenient shopping experience.

52. Data-Driven Personalization

Leverage customer data and behavior to deliver personalized marketing messages, offers, and recommendations.

53. Experiential Marketing Pop-up

Set up a temporary physical space where customers can experience your brand through interactive installations, workshops, or product demos.

54. Virtual Trade Show

Host a virtual trade show where businesses can showcase their products or services to a global audience.

55. Virtual Product Launch

Host a virtual event to unveil and showcase a new product, complete with interactive presentations, demos, and Q&A sessions.

56. Interactive Packaging

Incorporate interactive elements, such as free QR code or augmented reality, into your product packaging to provide additional content or a unique user experience.

57. Social Media Storytelling Campaign

Develop a series of engaging and compelling stories on social media platforms that highlight your brand values, mission, or behind-the-scenes content.

58. Branded Podcast

Create a podcast that focuses on topics related to your industry or niche, providing valuable insights and establishing your brand as a thought leader.

59. AI-powered Chatbot Marketing

Utilize artificial intelligence to develop advanced chatbots that can engage with customers, answer inquiries, and provide personalized recommendations.

60. Interactive Digital Signage

Use interactive digital signage in public spaces or events to capture attention, deliver targeted messages, and collect customer data.

61. Partnership with Local Artists or Designers

Collaborate with local artists or designers to create limited-edition or co-branded products that generate buzz and attract new customers.

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Elements of Marketing Projects

Marketing projects typically involve several key elements, each important in achieving the project’s objectives. Here are some of the key elements of a marketing project:

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1. Project Objectives

The objectives define what the marketing project intends to achieve. This may include increasing sales, improving brand awareness, launching a new product or service, or entering a new market.

2. Target Audience

The target audience refers to the people or businesses the marketing project intends to reach. Defining the target audience is essential to ensure the project’s messaging, branding, and tactics align with their needs and preferences.

3. Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy outlines the project’s approach to achieve its objectives. This may include tactics such as advertising, public relations, social media marketing, email marketing, or content marketing.

The budget outlines the financial resources available to the project. This includes creative development, media buying, and other marketing expenses.

5. Timeline

The timeline outlines the project’s schedule and deadlines. This ensures the project stays on track and all tasks are completed on time.

6. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs measure the project’s success in achieving its objectives. This may include metrics such as website traffic , conversion rates, social media engagement, or customer acquisition costs.

7. Creative Assets

Creative assets refer to the visual and messaging components of the project, such as advertising copy, branding, and visual design. These assets are designed to capture the target audience’s attention and effectively communicate the project’s messaging.

Things to Consider While Doing Marketing Project

Creating a successful marketing project requires careful planning and execution. Here are some of the key things to consider while doing a marketing project:

1. Define Project Objectives

Before beginning any marketing project, it’s essential to define them clearly. This involves understanding what you want to achieve through the project and setting measurable goals aligning with your business objectives.

2. Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is critical to developing effective marketing strategies and tactics. Conduct market research to identify your ideal customer profile and tailor your messaging and tactics to resonate with their needs and preferences.

3. Develop A Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

Based on your project objectives and target audience, develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that outlines the tactics you’ll use to achieve your goals. Consider incorporating traditional and digital marketing tactics to reach your target audience effectively.

4. Set A Realistic Budget

Developing an effective marketing project requires a budget considering the costs of creative development, media buying, and other marketing expenses. Set a realistic budget that aligns with your business goals and resources.

5. Establish A Clear Timeline

Creating a marketing project involves multiple tasks that must be completed within a specific timeframe. Establish a clear timeline that outlines the project’s milestones and deadlines.

6. Monitor And Measure Performance

Track and measure the project’s performance against the established KPIs to identify what’s working and needs improvement. Regularly analyze the data and adjust your tactics to improve the project’s effectiveness.

7. Leverage Data And Insights

Incorporate data and insights into your marketing project to inform your decision-making and improve your outcomes. Use data to identify emerging trends and insights to refine your strategies and tactics.

Ways to Find Best Marketing Related Project Ideas

Here are some ways to find the best marketing related project ideas:

1. Conduct Market Research

Conduct market research to identify gaps in the market, unmet customer needs, and emerging trends. Use this information to brainstorm project ideas that address these gaps and needs.

2. Analyze Your Competition

Analyze your competition’s marketing strategies and identify areas where you can differentiate yourself. Use this information to generate project ideas that stand out from your competitors.

3. Engage With Your Audience

Engage with your audience on social media, email, or other channels to understand their needs, pain points, and preferences. Use this information to develop projects that address their needs and preferences.

4. Analyze Your Data

Analyze your marketing data to identify areas where you can improve your performance. For example, you may notice that your email open rates are low, indicating a need for a new email marketing campaign.

5. Look For Inspiration

Look for inspiration from other industries or brands that are doing innovative and successful marketing. Use this inspiration to generate new ideas that are relevant to your business.

6. Attend Industry Events

Attend industry events such as conferences, webinars, or workshops to learn about the latest trends and best practices. Use this knowledge to develop projects that leverage these trends and practices.

7. Brainstorm With Your Team

Brainstorm project ideas with your team to leverage their expertise and insights. Encourage an open and creative environment where everyone can contribute ideas.

This is the end of this post which is about marketing related project ideas. On the other hand, businesses can undertake countless marketing related project ideas to improve their marketing effectiveness and achieve success. By utilizing the right strategies and techniques, businesses can increase brand awareness, engage with their target audience, generate leads, and drive revenue. It is important to conduct thorough research, analyze data, and seek inspiration to generate the best marketing related project ideas for your business. 

Additionally, implementing these projects requires careful planning, execution, and monitoring to ensure they achieve the desired results. By prioritizing marketing effectiveness and leveraging the power of innovative and creative marketing strategies, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and achieve long-term success.

Q1. What are some creative marketing project ideas for small businesses?

a) Designing and implementing a guerrilla marketing campaign to create buzz and attract attention. b) Creating and distributing personalized direct mail or email campaigns to targeted customer segments. c) Organizing a local event or workshop to showcase products/services and engage with the community. d) Collaborating with complementary businesses for cross-promotion and co-branded campaigns.

Q2. How can I leverage digital marketing for my project?

a) Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve website visibility and organic traffic. b) Develop a content marketing strategy by creating valuable and relevant blog posts, videos, or infographics. c) Run targeted online advertising campaigns on platforms such as Google Ads or social media platforms. d) Leverage social media platforms to engage with customers, share content, and run promotional campaigns.

Q3. Are there any low-budget marketing project ideas for startups?

a) Utilise the power of social media marketing by creating compelling content and engaging with the audience. b) Implement a customer referral program to incentivize existing customers to refer new ones. c) Collaborate with local or micro-influencers who use your brand values and target audience. d) Leverage email marketing by building a subscriber list and sending targeted, personalized emails to customers.

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15 clever student campaigns that should definitely be real

Nothing beats a smart campaign to grab your attention. One that has been designed to win over hearts and minds, and gets people to happily purchase or sign up to something through clever imagery, typography and creativity.

We Are Revolting by Milly Hilton. All images courtesy of Shillington and its students.

We Are Revolting by Milly Hilton. All images courtesy of Shillington and its students.

A campaign might change the perception of a brand for the better. It could just highlight a product or service in an over-saturated market. Whatever its purpose, a great campaign can be a powerful thing. But not every amazing idea becomes a reality. Here, we've picked out 15 of the best fictional campaigns, created by our own students at Shillington .

1. Be a Filmhead by Christie O'Loughlin

Christie O'Loughlin's 'Be a Filmhead' campaign is based on a fictional filmmakers lab for young filmmakers of diverse backgrounds sponsored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science. The Lab and the promotional campaign were conceived as a means to improve the image of the Academy – showing them to be more contemporary, relevant and inclusive.

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2. Pod by Daniel Kan

Daniel Kan crafted a conceptual brand identity for a fictional interstellar travel agency.

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3. Meld by Georgia Mae Lewis

Georgia Mae Lewis designed a campaign for Classic FM to bring classical music into the lives of the younger generation. It was based on 'Meld', a three-day festival of concerts and events that merge UK grime and classical, orchestral music.

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4. Day 32 by Grace Diebel

Grace Diebel's campaign for Comcast literally gives clients their time back by partnering with errand and chore company, Task Rabbit.

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5. Important by Inigo Ropner

Inigo Ropner wanted to break down the taboo nature that surrounds pornography by educating people on the many unspoken benefits it can have on society. The clever designs are focused on several abstract illustrations that translate into Kama Sutra.

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6. Little Chef by Jasmine O'Dell

Jasmine O'Dell's campaign aims to change perceptions of Little Chef. Little Chef’s Little Chef is a cooking competition for children. It will help both parents and children to start thinking of Little Chef restaurants as a place to spend time together as a family.

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7. Snake Week by Jason Lui

Jason Lui's campaign hopes to change perception and increase awareness of snakes to children in Australia.

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8. Comic Sans by Jen Ng

Jen Ng crafted a campaign for a workshop to embrace the Comic Sans letterform—a champion typeface for those living with dyslexia. She wanted to encourage people to make their own patterns and compositions using various Comic Sans characters and turn them into sellable art. With proceeds going to the International Dyslexia Association to help fund ongoing research and treatment.

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9. Kodak by Julia Frankch

Julia Frankch's campaign aims to reconnect with a younger audience by going back to Kodak's roots of analogue photography. The concept of the event was to encourage people to get away from technology and to go back to the craft of making.

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10. Country Women's Association by Katie Lodge

Katie Lodge's fictional concert event was to draw upon the culinary traditions of the Country Women's Association (CWA) and host a baking competition. Using a slightly "tongue in cheek" approach in order to appeal to a younger male demographic, the phallic fruit and vegetables are tied to baking recipes featured in the competition.

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11. Tiger Airways by Lori Beth Kaye

Customers of Tiger Airways identify the brand as offering poor service, as well as poor communication and safety, creating low satisfaction ratings and reduced turnover. For Lori Beth Kaye, the brief was to deliver a "positive perception and attitudinal shift through experiential activations". The solution was the creation of a bespoke app design focusing on UI and UX to deliver market activations and reposition customer engagement and opinion.

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12. Floating by Max Barry

Max Barry crafted new branding for a space photography event aimed at positioning Edinburgh Observatory as a cultural destination.

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13. Illuminations by Oliver Friedfeld

Oliver Friedfeld designed a networking campaign to bring together students at university.

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14. We Are Revolting by Milly Hilton

Milly Hilton's 'We Are Revolting' campaign doesn't gloss over the not-so-glamorous aspects of using a menstrual cup. It embraces the yuck factor and uses a tongue in cheek voice to appeal to the mainstream consumer.

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15. Nocturnal Instinct by Stephanie Badawi

Nocturnal Instinct by Stephanie Badawi is a beautiful campaign for an immersive night at the Museum of Zoology in London.

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7 Easy DIY Backyard Ideas to Try Now

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Whether your backyard is simply overgrown or out of style, you might be thinking this summer is the perfect time for a glow up. And it is! But the trouble is finding ways to transform your outdoor space quickly in time for key summer holidays like the Fourth of July, when family and friends want to gather, without lots of hard work or expenses.

Hence the backyard hack. Keep it simple with new flowers or pop in some patio furniture . These DIY backyard ideas are easy, affordable, and fast. They are also creative and fun to do, and can easily be accomplished with helping hands. So grab a buddy or two, lay out some snacks, and get to hacking. Here are easy backyard improvements to try this weekend, according to garden, patio, and backyard experts.

Garden hacks

A small pollinator garden will have flowering plants to attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. It’s also a pretty spot for entertaining guests in summer. “This garden will support local ecosystems by providing pollinators with food sources,” says Nancy Trautz-Awot, a horticulturist at Burpee , a company that sells flowers, shrubs, and gardening supplies. But the garden’s flowers will also add an aesthetic value as well, she says, pointing out they can beautify a backyard. “The colorful array of flowers can create a focal point in the garden.”

This type of garden is easy to create. First, choose a sunny, level place in your yard. “Pollinator plants need at least six hours of sun a day,” says Trautz-Awot. Pick a space size wherein you can easily reach all the plants. “Usually, three to four feet in diameter will produce enough flowers,” she says. Or pop in a planter. “For a modern look, choose a round galvanized planter ; it is easy to put together and lasts for many years.” Then, fill the planter with a good quality potting mix—do not use garden soil. “Choose a mix of easy-to-grow annual and perennial pollinator favorites. You will only need about 10 to 12 plants to fill your container.”

Image may contain Glass Plant Potted Plant Indoors Interior Design Wood Hardwood and Furniture

It’s easy to set up a makeshift bar in your garden.

Add a garden bar. According to Nick and Aleah Valley, founders of Valley & Co. , adding one of these is a great way to raise your summer entertaining game. “Even if you don’t have the space to entertain directly in your garden,” says Aleah, “think about how special it will be to step outside and mix a cocktail with freshly clipped ingredients and flavorful garnishes like mint, thyme, basil, or lemon balm.”

To get the look, you’ll need just a few backyard additions. These include a durable, weather-resistant bar cart , table, or counter to create, display, and serve drinks. Then pop in some glassware. “Let your personality shine through with these trays and bar accessories like bottle openers and jiggers,” she says. Even a linen cocktail napkin with a stitched edge is a charming touch when passing cocktails out to guests. “Or think about naming your garden bar and having napkins embroidered with the name or an icon to represent your space.” It’s all about the personalization to make this space both beautiful and functional.

Image may contain Plant Potted Plant Flower Flower Arrangement Indoors Interior Design Leaf and Rose

Grow herbs and other produce in your own outdoor space with a DIY culinary garden.

Everyone needs to eat. And a culinary garden full of great ingredients for summer dinners can be added with just a few planters or hanging pots . “When planning and planting your culinary garden, think about items that you will be able to incorporate into what you most frequently cook,” says Nancy Parragué Barclay, partner and vice president of client relations at Paula LeDuc Fine Catering & Events . “We have the most beautiful culinary garden at our property in the Napa Valley, which inspires our seasonal menus.”

Create your culinary garden by adding your favorite ingredients like rosemary or sage. Barclay says their garden is full of tomatoes because they grace their summer menus well into October. But don’t feel forced to do big-ticket items that might need more work. “If all you can muster from the garden are fresh herbs, that in itself can lend to a fun, easy way to elevate the overall backyard experience,” she says. There is always a place on the menu—or perhaps in your glass—for fresh herbs. “Using a sprig of rosemary to season your meats or vegetables on the grill, or adding it to your gin and tonic, is a simple, delightful touch.”

Patio and outdoor spaces

Image may contain Architecture Building House Housing Porch Patio Pergola Backyard Nature Outdoors and Yard

Lighting makes all the difference when it comes to making your patio more inviting.

Usher in romance to your space with outdoor lighting such as string lights, lanterns, candles, or luminaires. “The soft glow of your chosen lighting not only increases the cozy atmosphere of your space but provides visibility for safety after sunset,” says Amanda Cimaglia, vice president at  TimberTech . This hack will make your outdoor patio space safe and inviting to summer guests.

The best part is that these types of lighting ideas are easy to find in stores. “I always find a great selection at Target and HomeGoods , including battery-operated and solar-powered waterproof options, often with timers,” she says. Mix and match sizes and designs for a lived-in, eclectic feel. If your patio has rails, consider exploring lights built into their railing for an elevated look.

Platform decks, also called floating decks, are low-lying structures that are detached from the house and can be built anywhere in the yard. “They’re typically simple rectangular designs that can save time and money on installation, and they’re easily customized to your preferred size, color, and decor,” says Cimaglia. Of all the materials to choose from for this deck idea , composite decking can be easier to install, so it’s a good choice if you’re working with a speedy summer deadline. “It also lasts longer with less maintenance than traditional lumber, saving you time year after year. Find a thorough guide to building a platform deck to determine what exact materials and tools you’ll need.

Image may contain Architecture Building House Housing Porch Jar Plant Planter Potted Plant Pottery and Vase

A few decorative details, like throw pillows or an outdoor rug, can transform your patio or porch.

Make your patio pretty. “Try rearranging existing furniture and playing up your style with decorative throws, outdoor pillows, battery-powered table lamps, and some fresh vases,” says Nick Valley. All of these add a feeling of warmth and comfort to the backyard. You don’t even need that many items. If you are limited on time and money, opt for a rug. “A good outdoor rug can introduce patterns into an outdoor entertaining space and provide depth and interest,” he says. It’s also a feature that can last well into fall and winter because it adds so much coziness.

Or, if you are thinking about bigger DIY backyard ideas, consider painting your porch floor. According to Kristina Phillips of Kristina Phillips Interior Design , “A simple checkerboard pattern is a relatively simple and inexpensive way to transform a covered porch.” Just be sure to tape it out properly before dipping into paint. “Painting an area should be first mapped out on paper, then taped out. It is not as simple as creating squares, as the corners need to touch.”

Adding a fruit tree is a great weekend project that doesn’t cost a lot. Plus, they are relatively inexpensive. “Fruit trees start around $30 and go up from there based on size,” says Lara Hermanson, cofounder at Farmscape , California’s largest urban gardening company. “Start by heading to your local nursery to find out what grows best in your region. Then select a 5- or 15-gallon plant.” A larger, more expensive plant will bore fruit sooner, but be sure to pick the size that is right for your outdoor space.

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Planting the tree is easy. “Dig a hole roughly two times the size of the root ball, and then lightly disturb the tree’s roots so they don’t maintain the shape of the pot after planting,” she says. Fill in any open spaces with 50% organic compost and 50% native soil. “A great pro tip is don’t plant too deep,” Hermanson says, “because that can cause disease and even hold up your fruit production.”

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  24. 7 Easy DIY Backyard Ideas to Try Now

    These DIY backyard ideas are easy, affordable, and fast. ... Adding a fruit tree is a great weekend project that doesn't cost a lot. ... AD looks back behind the scenes of the show about nothing ...


    The chromatic design of this rainbow model comprises approximately uniform-width half-circle bands of colors. These bands of colored pieces appear like curves in the same way that bands of small colored elements in mosaics, in digital images, and in many LEGO creations appear like curves. The structural design of this arch is old-fashioned/classic for LEGO, using only bricks and plates, but it ...