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16 Best Corporate Training Programs & Courses (2024)

  • Published: September 8, 2021
  • Updated: March 20, 2024

Picture of Priyanka Malik

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, where innovation and adaptability reign supreme, organizations must invest in their employees to enable them with the skills to do their job effectively. 

Enter corporate training programs—the cornerstone of learning and development (L&D) strategies that equips professionals with the knowledge needed to excel in their roles and contribute to the organization’s growth. 

From technical expertise to leadership development, these comprehensive learning initiatives play a pivotal role in nurturing a skilled, engaged, and adaptable workforce. In this article, we explore the significance of corporate training programs, their benefits, and share best practices for creating effective training programs .

What are the best corporate training programs?

Leadership training, team communication training, project management training, the power of negotiation, conflict resolution, time management training, closing the sale, emotional intelligence training, unconscious bias training, compliance training, decision-making training, remote work training, presentation training, stress management, intercultural communication training, diversity, inclusion, and equity (dei) training, what is a corporate training program.

A corporate training program is a structured and strategic initiative designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and competencies of employees within an organization. These programs aim to improve employee performance , productivity, and job satisfaction while aligning individual development with the organization’s goals. 

Corporate training programs cover a wide range of topics and types of employee training , including technical skills, leadership development, communication, project management, compliance, and more. 

These initiatives may be delivered through various training methods , such as in-person workshops, virtual sessions, eLearning platforms, on-the-job training, or a combination of these approaches. 

By investing in employee development , organizations foster a culture of continuous learning and equip their workforce with the tools to adapt to changing business demands, driving overall success and growth.


16 Best Corporate Training Programs in 2024

The corporate training market was valued at $200 billion in 2021, with many companies opting for multiple training programs depending on their L&D goals and business needs. 

Here’s a list of 16 of the most common corporate training programs to enable your employees:

1. Leadership training

Leadership training involves targeted learning initiatives designed to enhance the skills and qualities of individuals in developing them into leadership roles. 

These programs offer comprehensive training modules focused on various aspects of effective leadership, including communication, decision-making, problem-solving, team management, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking. 

Through a combination of workshops, scenario training, case studies, and interactive sessions, participants develop the competencies required to lead teams, drive organizational growth, and adapt to dynamic business environments. Leadership training programs aim to cultivate confident and empathetic leaders who can inspire and motivate their teams, navigate challenges, and contribute to the overall success of the company.

Exercises like the 9-box grid framework help you identify and choose promising candidates for leadership training.

2. Effective team communication training

Effective team communication is crucial for successful team collaboration and goal alignment. Team communication training focuses on improving verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, clarity in conveying messages, and the ability to provide and receive constructive feedback. Through workshops, role-playing, group discussions, and real-life scenarios, participants learn to foster open dialogue, resolve conflicts, and collaborate more cohesively.  

This training offers multiple benefits such as team building, increased productivity, and efficient problem-solving. Your team members will also be able to resolve conflicts better and send out effective business communication in emails and messages.

Pro Tip: Implementing collaborative training programs within the organization enables your employees to share their knowledge and expertise, teaching and learning from one another which helps improve overall communication.

3. Project management training

Project management training for corporate programs involves structured learning initiatives aimed at equipping individuals with the skills and methodologies necessary to effectively plan, execute, and manage projects within an organization. These programs cover key project management concepts such as defining project scope, setting goals, allocating resources, scheduling tasks, risk management, and communication strategies. 

Through a combination of practical exercises, case studies, and hands-on experiences, participants develop the skills needed to lead projects and deliver quality results. The objective of project management training is to empower employees with the tools to handle complex projects, improve efficiency, and contribute to the overall efficiency and success of the organization.

4. The power of negotiation

Negotiation is a difficult skill and can be mastered over time with practice. Negotiation training programs allow employees to practice negotiation in an environment where stakes are low and learn how to be influential without clouding their judgment. 

An effective negotiator brings a sense of power to the table and drives the conversation in their favor. Negotiation is a highly crucial skill set in situations like third-party collaborations, partnerships, and sales organizations.

5. Conflict resolution

Workplace conflicts reduce productivity and lead to poor workplace satisfaction if not resolved in time. Conflict resolution training is mandatory to empower employees to solve their differences without escalations and third-party mediation. 

A conflict resolution training program allows employees to fill their interpersonal skills gap and take responsibility for their behavior. It also helps them recognize conflicts early on before they become an issue.

6. Time management training

Time management training in corporate programs focuses on equipping participants with effective strategies and skills to optimize their use of time, enhance productivity, and achieve a better work-life balance. 

These programs cover techniques for setting priorities, setting realistic goals, overcoming procrastination, delegating tasks, and utilizing time-saving tools. 

Through workshops, interactive exercises, and practical tips, participants learn how to allocate their time efficiently, handle multiple tasks, and manage distractions. The goal of time management training is to empower employees to make better use of their time, meet deadlines, reduce stress, and ultimately contribute to improved individual and team performance within the organization.

7. Closing the sale

Sales is the revenue generation department for an organization, and every lost deal costs an organization revenue. Sales training programs can go a long way in teaching entry-level sales employees negotiation, objection handling, and practical decision-making skills.

Training employees to close the deals focuses on equipping both sales professionals and negotiators with the skills and techniques necessary to successfully finalize business agreements and transactions. These programs cover strategies for building rapport, addressing objections, understanding client needs, negotiating terms, and creating win-win scenarios. 

Through simulation training , role-playing, and real-world scenarios, participants practice effective closing techniques and refine their persuasive communication skills. The goal of this type of training is to empower participants with the confidence and expertise to navigate complex sales situations, overcome obstacles, and secure successful outcomes that benefit both the organization and the client.

8. Emotional intelligence training

Emotional intelligence is instrumental in an individual’s success, and a training program for developing emotional intelligence can provide your leadership team with the emotional skills to become better leaders. By training your leaders to be emotionally intelligent, you make them self-aware and improve their levels of compassion. These training programs positively modify your team’s daily interactions by forming more meaningful relationships and collaborations.

9. Unconscious bias training

People have unintentional biases towards others and can unknowingly cultivate certain work habits and prejudices, leading to managers treating employees differently in terms of opportunities at the workplace. 

An unconscious bias training program can help managers be more self-aware and reflective while making important decisions. It will reduce the incidents of favoritism and provide every employee with a fair work environment to grow.

10. Compliance training

Compliance training is an industry-specific new employee training mandated by legislation or regulatory bodies to familiarize employees with regulations and laws that govern an organization or a particular job role. These training initiatives are mandatory to minimize risk, ensure workplace safety, and improve the overall work environment for employees.

11. Decision-making training

Decision-making often becomes difficult when your managers are in a tight spot. Therefore, you need to train them for effective decision-making in a safe and low-risk environment. 

With well-designed decision-making training, you can delegate more decisions and be confident that you can rely on your managers to make informed decisions in crucial situations.

12. Remote work training

Remote work training in corporate programs is designed to equip employees with the skills and strategies necessary to excel in a virtual work environment. These programs cover various aspects of remote work, including time management, communication tools, virtual collaboration, self-motivation, and maintaining work-life balance. 

Through interactive workshops, online modules, and practical exercises, participants learn how to effectively manage their tasks, leverage digital platforms for communication, build strong virtual relationships, and adapt to the unique challenges of remote work. 

The aim of remote work training is to enable employees to remain productive, engaged, and connected while working remotely, contributing to the overall success of the organization in a flexible work environment.

13. Presentation training

Presentation training is designed to enhance employees’ skills in delivering effective and impactful presentations. These programs cover various aspects of presentation delivery, including structuring content, using visual aids, managing nerves, engaging the audience, and handling questions. 

Through workshops, practice sessions, and feedback, participants learn how to communicate their ideas clearly, maintain audience interest, and convey their message with confidence. The goal of presentation training is to empower individuals to become compelling and persuasive speakers, capable of delivering memorable presentations that inform, influence, and inspire both internal and external stakeholders within the corporate setting.

14. Stress management

Hectic work schedules can often lead to technostress for your employees, resulting in decreased productivity. Stress management training aims to equip employees with strategies and techniques to cope with and reduce workplace stress effectively. 

These programs cover a range of stress-related topics, including recognizing stress triggers, time management, relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and fostering a healthy work-life balance. 

15. Intercultural communication training

Intercultural communication training is designed to enhance employees’ abilities to effectively interact and collaborate with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. These programs cover various aspects of intercultural communication, including cultural awareness, nonverbal cues, understanding cultural norms, adapting communication styles, and avoiding misunderstandings. 

Through cross-cultural simulations, case studies, and interactive discussions, participants develop the skills needed to navigate multicultural work environments, build rapport, and foster inclusive and respectful interactions. The goal of intercultural communication training is to enable employees to bridge cultural gaps, facilitate effective teamwork, and contribute to a harmonious and globally-minded workplace within the corporate context.

16. Diversity, inclusion, and equity (DEI) training

Diversity, inclusion, and equity (DEI) training aims to cultivate a workplace culture that values diversity, fosters inclusion, and promotes equitable opportunities for all employees. These programs cover topics such as unconscious bias, cultural sensitivity, promoting gender equality, LGBTQ+ inclusivity, and creating accessible environments. 

The goal of DEI training is to empower employees to embrace differences, contribute to an environment of respect and belonging, and drive positive organizational change in alignment with ethical and social responsibilities.

How to Identify Training Gaps (+Overcoming Them)

How to Conduct a Corporate Training Evaluation (2024)

18 Best Employee Training Methods & Techniques (2024)

Benefits of Corporate Training Programs

Here are some of the most significant benefits of implementing corporate training programs within your organization.

1. Addresses skill gaps and workforce development needs

As industries evolve and technology advances, new skills, and competencies become essential for employees to remain effective in their roles. Corporate training programs play a crucial role in identifying and addressing skill gaps within the workforce. Training programs provide a platform to equip employees with the knowledge and abilities required to adapt to changing work demands.

By conducting thorough skills assessments and identifying areas of improvement, organizations can design targeted training initiatives to bridge the gap between current employee skills and the skills required to meet organizational objectives. Addressing skill gaps through training ensures that employees are competent, confident, and capable of taking on new challenges, ultimately contributing to the success and growth of the organization.

2. Fosters a culture of learning and continuous improvement

A strong culture of learning is a hallmark of successful organizations. Corporate training programs foster this culture by emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement and professional development. When employees are encouraged to engage in learning opportunities, they become more proactive in seeking knowledge and upskilling themselves.

A culture of learning also promotes innovation and creativity within the organization. Employees are more likely to experiment with new ideas and approaches when they feel supported in their learning journey. This leads to the generation of fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to organizational challenges.

3. Increases employee engagement and retention

Investing in employee development areas through training demonstrates the organization’s commitment to its employees’ growth and success. This, in turn, boosts employee engagement and job satisfaction. When employees feel valued and see opportunities for growth within the organization, they are more likely to be motivated, and committed to their work.

Training programs contribute to employee retention by providing a clear path for career advancement. Employees are less likely to seek external opportunities when they see a future within the organization that aligns with their personal and professional aspirations.

4. Contributes to organizational agility and adaptability

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, organizational agility and adaptability are critical for survival and success. Corporate employee training programs equip employees with the skills and knowledge to embrace change and respond to new challenges effectively.

Through training, employees gain the ability to learn quickly and apply new concepts to their work. This adaptability allows organizations to respond swiftly to market shifts, technological advancements, and emerging industry trends.


7 Tips to Create an Effective Corporate Training Program

Research suggests that, on average, companies spent $1,111 per employee on training employees in 2020. Given such high costs of employee training , here are seven tips to make your corporate training programs successful.

1. Enable employees with contextual onboarding

Employee training begins the moment a new employee joins an organization. To build an effective and engaged workforce committed to staying with your company for the long haul, the employee onboarding process is the first critical factor in building that commitment. 

A strong onboarding process increases employee engagement, invokes a sense of loyalty in new hires, promotes proper training and adoption of business processes, and helps improve long-term employee retention rates.

Employee onboarding programs can vary depending on your company’s niche and policy. But the below elements are universal to any organization:

Company Overview Training

Company Policy Training

Role-Specific Training

2. Assess your training needs

Training needs assessment helps identify employees’ current level of competency, skill, or knowledge in different areas and compares that competency level to the required competency standard established for their job roles. The difference between the current and required competencies helps determine corporate training needs.

Here are some steps to get you started on assessing the training needs of employees:

  • Skill gap analysis: Identify the gap between the actual and desired knowledge and skills.  A skill gap analysis results in a list of skills your employees already have, need to improve, and need to develop. From there, you can fill the skill gap using training programs to build a team of skilled workers that meet your company’s needs. 
  • Figure out what employees know: Give employees a chance to show what they know (and identify gaps) before you start designing your corporate training programs. This information can be collected via questionnaires, surveys, observing employees and examining their work, or conducting formal assessments.
  • Talk to your employees: Encourage open communication and feedback with your employees. Ask them if they lack any skill sets that could help them do better at their jobs. This helps decide the right methods of training that will be the most effective for each employee and learning type.
  • Evaluate current training resources: Determine what training resources are already in place and what needs fine-tuning (or scrapping altogether). This will help you identify training gaps in your corporate training strategy.

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3. Set training objectives

Set realistic training objectives and design your training programs accordingly. Training goals and objectives make it easier to understand and measure the value training brings to your organization.

The SMART goals method simplifies this process by providing five criteria for creating goals. The SMART in SMART goals stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. 

Defining these parameters ensures the objectives are attainable within a specific time frame. This approach eliminates generalities and guesswork, assigns a clear timeline, and sets employees up for success. Defining SMART goals makes it easier for managers to track the progress of their employees while completing the goals.

4. Personalize the learning experience

A generic training program would be economical but not that helpful. However, a personalized corporate training program clubbed with a personalized learning experience will be more relevant and engaging for your employees. 

Basis employee roles and responsibilities, you can leverage the same instance for different training programs, making the multi-tenancy feature a mandate under your training software. 

5. Invest in training technology

As mentioned in the point above, personalized training programs are more effective. However, manually creating personalized training for individuals that align with your employees’ training goals is time-consuming and inefficient—and if your company has over 100 people, likely impossible. 

Therefore, organizations must invest in online course authoring tools and employee training software to create a relevant training program for modern learners:

  • Digital Adoption Platform: A  digital adoption platform (DAP)  is an employee training solution that integrates with digital tools to provide automated, personalized training in the flow of work. DAPs assign each learner a contextual task list containing  interactive walkthroughs  and other in-app content based on the learner’s profile. Walkthroughs are a series of step-by-step prompts that show users how to complete a certain process by guiding them through each step, showing them relevant training videos, or providing informative articles. DAPs work hand-in-hand with learning management systems (LMSs) and eLearning software like xAPI and SCORM for you to track learners’ progress and build more relevant content in the future.
  • Learning Management System: LMS provides personalized learning paths for both mandatory and non-mandatory courses based on that employee’s actions taken within the LMS. Corporate LMS solutions track what courses your employees commonly access and complete within the LMS database, as well as suggest similar courses that the employee might be interested in. It’s a completely automated process that requires little time investment from your L&D team outside of the initial setup and content creation.

6. Choose the training method

To find the employee training method that works best for your workforce, L&D teams need to understand the different learning styles of their workforce and build personalized flows. Some of the most common corporate training methods include:

  • eLearning: enables employees to learn in the comfort of their homes, according to their individual learning styles and needs. 
  • On-the-Job Training: enables active participation for employees by allowing them to learn in the flow of work .
  • Instructor-Led Training: This face-to-face learning style mimics physical classroom spaces with an instructor present to lead the training session. 
  • Coaching: involves an experienced professional – a supervisor, mentor, or veteran employee – who mentors or coaches an employee on specific job tasks and responsibilities.
  • Simulation Training: lays out different scenarios that allow employees to practice tasks that mimic the actual work of their specific job’s role. 
  • Video Training : Video-based training is effective because it is convenient and puts the learner in charge of their learning, is easier to digest, promotes knowledge retention, and improves employee engagement. 

7. Leverage analytics to improve

Offering training isn’t enough. You need to measure the effectiveness of corporate employee training , and analytics comes in handy. 

Implementing a  digital adoption platform  such as  Whatfix  can significantly contribute to measuring training effectiveness by providing insights into learners’ actual usage and proficiency with digital tools and processes. These platforms offer real-time analytics that tracks employees’ interactions with software applications and digital workflows, capturing data on their actions, completion rates, and task efficiency. 

Examples Of Corporate Training Initiatives

Here are some real-life examples of four big brands that have implemented corporate training programs for their employees:

  • Google : Google is known for its robust employee development initiatives. The company offers a wide range of training programs, including technical skill development, leadership training, and diversity and inclusion workshops. Google also provides continuous learning opportunities through its internal learning platform, “Googler-to-Googler” (g2g), where employees can share knowledge and expertise.
  • Microsoft : Microsoft invests heavily in employee training and development. The company offers various training programs to enhance technical skills, leadership capabilities, and professional growth. Microsoft’s “Microsoft Academy” provides resources for employees to improve their skills in areas like cloud computing, data science, and software development.
  • IBM : IBM has a comprehensive learning and development program called “Think Academy.” This program offers a wide array of training options, including technical training, soft skills development, and leadership programs. IBM’s approach emphasizes continuous learning and encourages employees to take ownership of their learning journey.
  • Apple : Apple places a strong emphasis on employee development and training. The company offers a range of training programs, from product-specific training for retail employees to leadership development programs for managers. Apple’s training initiatives focus on providing employees with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Investing in the right tool for your corporate training initiatives can make all the difference. When employees have the right resources, materials, and platforms to learn — and retain — a new skill or process, you can see positive returns on training investments. Not only will your employees feel more fulfilled with their jobs, but they’ll be more productive and engaged with their work.

Whatfix  is a digital adoption platform (DAP) that provides powerful content creation tools for organizations to create in-app training experiences. Through real-time on-screen guidance, task automation, and contextual tips,  Whatfix  empowers employees to navigate through software applications seamlessly. It streamlines the learning curve, enhances user proficiency, and reduces the time spent on mastering new tools. This results in efficient training, improved productivity, and a smoother transition for employees to adapt to new technologies, ultimately fostering a culture of continuous learning and driving enhanced performance within the corporate environment.


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22 Trusted Corporate Training & Development Programs Proven To Benefit Employees In 2024


Employee training can effectively add years of experience to someone’s skill set, giving both individuals and companies the growth they desire.

The best corporate training programs benefit both team members and business owners alike.

As Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company and peerlessly shrewd business leader, once said,

“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.”

Making the most of internal talent is a smart business strategy, saving oodles on recruiting costs and turnover shrink. Companies end up with employees who want to stay at their jobs and who are also growing better at their jobs. It’s truly a win-win scenario.

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Benefits of Corporate Training Programs

In addition to generally boosting company-wide competencies in ways that fuel progress toward business goals, corporate training programs can also provide a ton of company-wide benefits.

These programs can…

  • Target any performance metrics you want to hit , whether you’re looking to address challenges or meet stretch objectives.
  • Improve retention , saving companies tons of money that might be wasted on turnover. (After all, who wants to leave a company offering so many professional development opportunities? Millennials for one , favor jobs that help them develop new skills.)
  • Help employees , just by participating in the program, develop communication, and collaboration skills, and other soft skills that bring halo benefits to the entire company.
  • Boost your bottom line and profits with higher-performing sales teams and enhanced efficiencies. (One case study found that a training program increased a restaurant’s business by 4%.)
  • Help companies fill executive teams with internal talent trained to excel in specific roles.
  • Motivate employees by cultivating their self-efficacy , which in turn can give them the confidence to perform better.

Are you ready to see how a structured corporate training program can benefit your goals?

You’re in luck. We’ve partnered with Outback Team Building , a leading provider of effective and focused employee training, and interviewed their Head Facilitator Lyndon Friesen at Outback Team Building to give you first hand insight about 22 corporate training skills you can cultivate at your company.

Find out for yourself why past training participants call Outback’s programs informative and inspiring, relevant and thoughtfully put together, the best training session they’ve ever been a part of, and precisely the dialogue they wanted to have to take their team’s performance to a new level.

  1    Team Communication Training  


Communication that delivers clarity and alignment of expectations and team objectives is the hinge that swings the large door of positive business results. Effective communication is crucial for productive debate or dialogue, collaboration, and unity towards team goals. Team commitment has an opportunity to come to life when effective communication has occurred. Our need in business to go faster has led to many of us making incorrect assumptions of others words and poor interpretation of their intent which is a great recipe for missed business outcomes. -Lyndon Friesen, Head Facilitator at Outback

Why employees benefit from this corporate training:

This interactive training empowers employees to practice seamless communication and all the advantages that come with it. They’ll be able to master conflict resolution, send clear emails and messages, and use both verbal and non-verbal techniques to improve how others receive them as well as their ideas.

How does the business benefit from this type of corporate training:

This training strengthens team building throughout an organization. With master communicators leading projects, companies will see marked benefits in productivity, problem-solving, and even engagement. Employers won’t need to follow-up or check in on projects as often because they know their teams are working effectively together.

  2   Laughter On Call: Leveraging Levity


Leveraging Levity is an innovative and interactive solution for skill development and leadership coaching . Based around practical applications for principles of comedy, these programs from Laughter On Call deliver improv-activated insights tailored to meet your goals and boost morale. Run virtually, hybrid, or in-person, expert comedian-coaches unlock individual and group capabilities.

Flourishing in the workplace requires adaptability, not prescriptive one-size-fits-all plans. Here individuals exercise and activate key skills for better communication, relationship building, morale boosting, and problem solving.

Modern workplaces require agile and engaged workforces, and Leveraging Levity builds a happier culture better equipped to confront complex challenges and delight clients.

  3   Effective Habits for Working Remotely  


Skills training in remote work gives employees what they need to feel effective and connected while working far from friends and colleagues. It helps employees overcome the distractions, frustrations, and anxieties that could otherwise bar them from doing their best work.

When employees undergo this kind of training, companies will feel it in the form of skyrocketing remote productivity and teamwork with the resilience to withstand the distance.

  4   Collaborative Team Dynamic Training  


This training enables employees to feel the joy of not just working with, but also truly being a part of a team. As they learn how to adjust their communication styles and build trust, they’ll finally understand why some people say that teamwork makes the…you know the rest.

Interventions to try to “fix” dysfunctional teams are tedious, expensive, and ineffective. With this training, companies simply make an initial investment and then sit back as teams work well together and even have the wherewithal to navigate speed bumps that do come up.

  5   DiSC Assessment Training & Discovering Your Workstyle  

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Students learn simple truths about themselves, things that might be surprising or even enlightening. Equipped with this newfound insight, employees can better plan their work and communication strategies to set themselves up for success.

Classroom training in DiSC profiles doesn’t just give each assessed individual insight; it also gives companies insight into the range of profiles represented in different teams. This will help leaders better anticipate challenges and potentially gain a deeper appreciation of each employees’ unique abilities and development opportunities.

  6   Impactful Presentation Skills  


Employees gain more than presentation skills during this training; they gain the confidence to get up on stage and dazzle a crowd. Instead of shying away from presentation opportunities, they’ll embrace them.

This training gives companies peace of mind that employees will represent them on all occasions with grace, charm, and the kind of impact that attracts collaborators, clients, and funders.

  7   Coaching Fundamentals


When leaders have this training, employees get the kind of developmental attention that’s corrective without being critical. Employees get the feedback they need to truly succeed.

From this training, businesses gain an entire fleet of leaders who understand their own leadership styles and also know how to deploy those styles to give the kind of positive and negative feedback that inspires and enables employees to succeed.

  8   Conflict Resolution


This training helps fill employees’ interpersonal skills gap, showing them how to take responsibility for their behaviors, recognize brewing conflicts, and resolve trouble before it becomes debilitating.

Lost productivity and spiking turnover no longer have to be the stuff of employers’ nightmares. This training allows them to rest assured that employees have the ability to resolve their differences without escalating to major blow-ups or requiring mediation.

  9   Confident Decision Making


In real-time decision making, the only feedback most people receive comes along with the results of said decisions. But what if that feedback is negative and the decision was important? Through this training, employees get to prepare in a safe environment for the big game, those decisions that could impact forever their companies and their careers. They’ll pinpoint exactly what areas to focus on the next time a real-life decision comes along.

Effective leadership demands trust and delegation. When employees have the skills they need to systematically make logical, informed decisions, companies can confidently delegate more decisions and know that they don’t even have to be involved. Their trusted collaborators have this on lock.

  10   Emotional Intelligence


IQ states, you are smart in a specific topic, therefore I want to listen to you . EQ (Emotional Intelligence), says you understand me, therefore I want to follow you . Effective team dynamics are often flattered with positive KPI’s in relation to retention and engagement, collaboration, trust, and an overall positive culture. Behind all this are leaders who lead with EQ not power or ego. EQ is the ability to be aware of how your words, actions and behaviors impact the people around you. -Lyndon Friesen, Head Facilitator at Outback

This training gives employees the priceless gift of self-awareness. They’ll understand in what ways they need to improve their empathy and even regulate their own behaviors. They’ll enjoy closer, more meaningful, collaborations, and relationships as they make positive modifications to their daily interactions.

Some data suggest that emotionally intelligent people perform better at work. By training employees to be more emotionally intelligent, companies benefit in turn with optimal performance across all their teams and departments.

  11   Situational Leadership Styles


This training gives employees empathetic and aware leaders that know how to detect and meet their needs in a variety of contexts. Employees get bosses who can help with absolutely anything.

Businesses get leaders who know how to coach, help or direct their team members through challenges or toward goals. Employers get teams that are now flourishing under standout leadership.

  12   Authentic Leadership


Training in this area helps talented leaders dig deep and find their deep sense of authenticity and purpose.

Authentic leaders are inspirational leaders. When leaders build their authenticity in this training, the people they lead get the kind of fearless leaders they know they can count on to support them in their pursuit of goals both big and small.

This training leaves the business with authentic leaders that don’t just inspire employees to do their best today, but also make them stick around in the long run, strengthening the company as they build new skills and maybe even become authentic leaders themselves.

  13   Practical Time Management


Perfect for everyone from new hires to senior leadership, time management training has valuable takeaways for all roles and all levels.

Employees will feel like they actually have more time. Given the practical tools they need to prioritize tasks and enhance their work rhythms, employees will feel proud of all they can accomplish.

Businesses get employees who know how to elevate their most important tasks. All the most mission-critical work gets done and that beautiful cost-saving sense of efficiency will soar.

  14   The Power Of Negotiation


There are numerous great negotiation models that litter the internet today. However the principles of great negotiation always includes following: coming from a place of meaning, knowing what your organization needs and why, expanding the ‘pie’, and understanding the position of the person opposite of you. -Lyndon Friesen, Head Facilitator at Outback

During this training, employees gain skills that used to seem as out of reach as superpowers. They’ll learn to influence other people and also how to stop emotions from coloring, and sometimes ruining their negotiations.

Businesses know they can call on anyone to best represent the company’s interest when partnerships, deals, and other collaborations call for seasoned negotiators.

  15   Performance Management Fundamentals


This training helps busy managers, including office managers , pull themselves away from day-to-day needs, and consider the big picture strategies they can deploy to help their teams succeed.

This training leaves employees with managers who can also be mentors, allies who notice their individual strengths and help them shine.

Companies enjoy the benefits of a solid enterprise-wide management style. Managers nurture relationships, lead employees to optimal performance, and also build the kinds of relationships that fuel retention rates .

  16   Active Employee Engagement


Employees benefit from the fruits of this training by deepening involvement with their work, their co-workers, and their goals.

Employers get to capture all the benefits that come along with employee engagement , including increased profits and lower absenteeism.

  17   Effective Meetings


Employees get to spend less time sitting in meetings and the time they do spend will be effective, purposeful, and safe from those notorious meeting hijackers who can derail the intentions of an entire group.

Businesses benefit from the beautiful fact that employees waste less time in unnecessary meetings and enjoy more fruitful and less frustrating collaborations.

  18   Productive Feedback & Performance Reviews


Feedback that is viewed as a ‘gift’ is our goal. If it’s viewed as a gift, which it is, your feedback will produce the desired change. Two crucial pieces need to come together for this to be viewed as a gift (1) trust in your intent, competence, and character and (2) explicitly communicated expectations and objectives that are owned by the individual. This trust and alignment of expectations and objectives lends itself to quantum leap growth in the individual as they embrace and implement the feedback given to them. -Lyndon Friesen, Head Facilitator at Outback

Employees benefit from a standard set of techniques with which they receive feedback and reviews. This standardization makes it easier for them to absorb the feedback and adjust when needed.

By giving employees compliance training in feedback and review expectations, companies end up with performance reviews and feedback mechanisms that run smoothly, efficiently, and painlessly.

  19   Accelerated Selling


Employees get the tools they need to reflect on and improve their sales methodologies, ultimately making more sales and more commissions.

A well-trained sales force can bring more profits and more clients to the business. When the sales team is equipped with the best tactics and properly incentivized , the company benefits from the results.

  20   Building Strategic Teams With StrengthsFinder


Employees get priceless insights into their own strengths, strengths that might not be readily apparent. This comes along with newfound confidence, energy, and motivation.

These training sessions infuse companies with all the amazing work that follows employees’ self-realization of their strengths and talents. Increased motivation and vigor drive employees to work harder and take on new projects for the benefit of all.

  21   Self-Discovery With Myers-Briggs


Employees gain invaluable insight into their own minds and personalities. They learn how certain elements of their personalities affect their professional interactions and also how to leverage their strengths and preferences to succeed.

This exercise also gives businesses insight into the work situations and activities that motivate employees . Companies can subtly adjust environments and assignments so they can inspire the best performance from employees.

  22   Creating Mission, Vision, and Values


Vision, mission and values creation or refinement rarely feels like a great use of 2-5 days of time. ‘We don’t have the time’ is likely the single largest excuse we give to others in our lives. We have become programmed that the only valuable work is urgent work and then we wonder why we didn’t arrive at our desired destination. The debate, discussion, and conflict not only creates clarity of our vision, mission and values but tremendous ownership. This ownership leads a leadership team down the path of then creating a successful strategic plan which is cascaded throughout the organization with passion and belief. -Lyndon Friesen, Head Facilitator at Outback

Employees get to flex big-picture strategic skills they never get to use in the day-to-day.

Companies get invaluable input and potentially priceless ideas that could actually inform or transform the mission and direction of company strategy in surprising and positive ways.

People Also Ask These Questions About Corporate Training And Development Programs

Q: what does employee development mean.

  • A: Employee development means the active process of empowering employees to enhance and improve their skills and talents.

Q: Why is corporate training important?

  • A: Corporate training is important because it provides a path for companies to meet their goals by empowering employees with skills and knowledge. Corporate training programs are essential to employee success and therefore also essential to overall company success.

Q: What is a corporate development program?

  • A: A corporate development program is a systematic plan through which companies pursue goals and objectives by providing employees with ongoing opportunities to develop their skills and talents.

Q: How do I introduce an employee development program?

  • Assessing the skills you need or want employees to develop
  • Finding or designing a training program that targets these skills
  • Offering and also evaluating the success of the program

Q: What types of skills are practiced in a corporate training program?

  • A: Through corporate training programs, employees practice skills ranging from performance management to time management. In fact, companies can design a corporate training program to target any skills they believe will bring value to their company.

Q: What is the meaning of corporate training?

  • A: Corporate training means that companies have developed clear strategies for helping employees develop new skills. The terms “corporate training” and “corporate development” may be used interchangeably, but typically training focuses on teaching new skills while development focuses on optimizing existing ones.

Q: Why do companies invest in employee training and development?

  • A: Companies invest in employee training and development programs to meet their goals and objectives. These companies recognize that employee success is also their success. For example, by making a modest investment in an accelerated selling training program , companies can give employees a varied skill set designed to optimize sales and that could end up multiplying their original investment.

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Very informative post. I really do hope and pray this stuff works.Thank you.

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It does, I’m sure! The post shows many benefits of Corporate Training Programs and I guess – after COVID-19 hit us so hard – it’s the perfect time to talk about “soothing” activities for the workforce. Great article!

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We agree with you Fred! Now is the perfect time to go the extra mile to support your workforce and enhance the employee experience.

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Corporate training

Learn what corporate training is and how it can help you to improve employee efficiency and motivation and reduce employee turnover.

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Julia Kuzmina

Content Marketing Specialist, Valamis

November 20, 2020 · updated July 10, 2024

14 minute read

In this article, we will discuss:

What is corporate training?

Goals of corporate training programs, why do companies need corporate training, benefits of corporate training.

  • Components of corporate training

How to organize corporate training

Reasons why training can fail.

  • Corporate training trends 2022-2023

Corporate training refers to employee learning and development initiatives that aim to improve various aspects of an organization.

Corporate training is the remit of the HR department or, in larger organizations, a dedicated L&D team.

Their responsibilities include identifying knowledge gaps and training needs , developing and delivering training programs depending on business needs, and creating long-term education strategies for specific individuals and the workforce as a whole.

This can include onboarding new staff , teaching new skills , reskilling employees for new roles or upskilling within the existing one , or any other scenario where training can make a difference in the workplace.

When successful, corporate training is advantageous for both management and employees .

  • Leadership can improve business operations and enhance workforce capabilities with specific strategic goals in mind.
  • Employees can develop new skills and learn knowledge to progress in their careers.

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L&D strategy framework

You will receive a list of questions along with a spreadsheet template to help you analyse your L&D strategy.

Corporate training allows organizations to manage the development of their employees.

List of goals of corporate training

While specific goals within corporate training vary depending on the organization (and amongst different employees within the same organization), multiple big-picture objectives are consistently present. These include:

  • Expanding workforce capability – By developing the knowledge and expertise of employees, organizations can reduce skill gaps and expand workforce capabilities. This could be to improve operations, increase productivity, enhance staff agility, or position the business to take advantage of new growth channels.
  • Retaining talent – Investing in staff through corporate training shows the organization cares about its employees and their professional development. This, combined with opportunities for professional growth and internal mobility, allow organizations to hold onto talented employees.
  • Building work culture – Corporate training allows an organization to explain, promote, and instill its workplace culture. This could include big picture core values that help achieve the business’s goals or specific expectations from employees joining the company, such as a code of conduct .
  • Increase organizational performance – Training staff to be better at their job leads to greater productivity. Corporate training costs money, and when done right, businesses see a return on that investment with increased performance thanks to staff using their time more efficiently.

Key reasons why companies should make use of corporate training programs now more than ever include the influx of new technology and greater marketplace competition

1. New technology

While new technologies have always facilitated innovation, recent years have seen a significant number of disruptive technologies find widespread use, transforming entire industries.

With automation, AI, and a range of other digital technology leading the way, businesses must constantly train staff to remain up to date and reap the benefits.

Businesses across sectors are looking for ways to integrate new technology and digitally transform their operations. According to Gartner , 87% of business leaders are prioritizing digitalization, and 40% have brought digital transformation projects to scale.

The graph displays the attention to digital transformation: 87% of leaders think digitalization is essential, and 40% of them bring it to scale

Implementing digital tools and taking advantage of advanced analytics requires most organizations to seek new workforce skills. However, finding these skills on the job market is not easy.

A McKinsey Global Survey on the future workforce found that almost nine in ten managers say they are already experiencing a skills gap or expect one in the next five years.

To take advantage of new technology, many organizations are instead looking internally and working to develop existing employees through corporate training initiatives. This approach is met with enthusiastic employees. PWC found that 74% of employees are ready to retrain and learn new skills if it helps them remain employable.

2. Remaining competitive

In the modern business world, there is more competition than ever before, and customers now expect better service. With more choices, businesses are looking to differentiate themselves by offering smooth and personalized customer experiences.

Therefore, organizations must continuously train staff to create the best customer service possible and remain competitive.

A 2022 report from Zendesk highlights the growing importance of customer services:

The numbers show the growing importance of customer services: 60% of consumers stated they expect better service since the pandemic, 73% of business leaders found a direct link between business performance and customer service, 90% of consumers spend more at companies that personalize customer service

To ensure excellent customer interactions, businesses need to invest in corporate training that develops various related skills, including communication, conflict resolution, interpersonal skills, and product knowledge.

Infographic: Benefits of corporate training

1. Employee development

Corporate training develops employees to remove workforce skill gaps and identify new leaders for smoother succession planning .

With constantly updating digital tools, the half-life of professional skills has dropped significantly, from 10-15 years down to 5 years. Employee development allows organizations to train staff on relevant technical skills that meet evolving business demands

Agility is a commonly desired outcome of corporate training.

Developing new hard skills and knowledge allows organizations to pivot when market conditions change quickly. However, corporate training is also vital to enhance employee soft skills, allowing them to better cope under pressure and adapt quickly, ensuring effective decision-making.

3. Motivation and engagement

Beyond giving staff new skills to improve at work, corporate training and investing in staff can generate motivation and engagement. Surveys show that 92% of employees found successful training increases job engagement. Having a motivated and engaged team leads to better business outcomes.

On the other hand, employee disengagement can become a significant cost center. For example, global research by Gallup found that actively disengaged employees waste the equivalent of 18% of their salary.

4. Reduced employee turnover

Boosting employee motivation and engagement are critical factors in reducing turnover. Studies show employee engagement reduces voluntary turnover by 31% .

Further research found that 94% of employees would remain at a company for longer if they invested in their L&D.

Reduced employee turnover helps organizations retain talented staff, maintain consistent operations, and lessen the cost of hiring new staff. The Center for American Progress previously found the cost of replacing an employee can rise to as high as 213% of the employee’s salary.

This doesn’t mean hiring is not a vital part of all growing businesses.

Strong corporate training processes show an organization values its staff and works to develop them as individuals. This can boost the company’s reputation helping to attract stronger candidates.

6. Efficiency and productivity

Corporate training and improving employee performance directly affect a company’s bottom line.

Organizations can see significant ROI on corporate training spending when executed correctly, thanks to greater efficiency and enhanced productivity.

Research by IBM found a 10% productivity increase when a team is well-trained. This leads to a 22% faster rollout of new business processes and products. As a result, corporate training can help organizations drive revenue and growth.

Components of Corporate Training

The image displays the key components of corporate training: 1. Compliance training, 2. Leadership development, 3. Product knowledge, 4. Reskilling and upskilling, 5. General employee development

1. Employee onboarding

Onboarding training aims to integrate new employees within the organization as quickly as possible.

It typically includes general information about the workplace, such as IT logins or corporate policies, and the specific knowledge employees need for their roles, like the resources to complete their responsibilities or the team’s communication channels.

Onboarding is also a great opportunity to impart the company’s core values and culture, setting the expectations for all new workers.

Smooth onboarding procedures can reduce employee stress when joining a new company and hopefully quickly make them feel comfortable in the workplace. For companies, it can help minimize transition time such that employees begin creating value as soon as possible.

Check out our articles on the Onboarding process and Onboarding checklists for more information.

2. Compliance training

Typically part of onboarding, compliance training is a formal program focusing on the company’s policies and rules.

The specifics of compliance training depend on the type of industry and role. However, it generally includes health and safety, a code of conduct, data protection, workplace harassment policy, diversity training, and privacy protection.

Compliance training ensures the baseline expectations regarding behavior are made explicit to all employees. This can prevent employee issues in the workplace and offer the company legal protection.

Check out our article on the Compliance training and discover tips and best practices.

3. General employee development

Employee development refers to training that focuses on improving staff capabilities.

Educating staff is advantageous for everyone involved. For example, helping leadership build a better workforce to optimize operations and assisting employees in their development personally, potentially opening doors to new professional opportunities.

Check out our articles on Employee Development Areas and Employee Development Plan .

4. Leadership development

Leadership development looks to increase the leadership skills within the workforce through various processes. This could be internal via mentorship programs or sending staff off-site for seminars or conferences to develop their leadership capabilities.

Good managers and supervisors look for employees with the potential to excel in leadership roles.

Leadership development helps ensure an organization has ready-made replacements should key staff members choose to retire or leave. Impactful leadership development programs also help retain ambitious and talented employees who can see a clear career path at the company.

5. Product knowledge training

Outside the product team, many others in the company need deep knowledge of the goods or services provided. For example:

  • The marketing team must understand the product to attract future customers
  • The sales team, which directly communicates with the customers, needs to be able to talk confidently about the product and what it can and can’t do
  • The customer service team needs to know the product in and out to help customers with their issue

While this may be harder for certain sectors (e.g., tech, science, etc.), offering product training to everyone at an organization helps everyone perform their role. It can also inspire employees to become more involved and motivated, bring new ideas from unlikely sources, and bring everyone together to improve working relationships.

6. Reskilling and upskilling

Two closely related ideas, reskilling refers to training employees for a new role, and upskilling is developing new skills for an employee’s existing position.

With the influx of new technology and a reduction in the half-life of skills, both reskilling and upskilling are seeing significant interest.

Reskilling allows employees to retrain and change their profession at an uncertain time when technology is making a growing number of roles obsolete.

Upskilling keeps staff up-to-date on the best practices available to perform their role. Both allow organizations to maintain an effective workforce and adapt to changing times.

Skills gab analysis cover

How to conduct a skills gap analysis and what to do next

Start building your foundation for strategic workforce development.

Let’s take a look at the various techniques that are common in corporate training:

1. Traditional classroom training

Instructor-led, in-person training is still used in many companies.

While it might not be ground-breaking, it is easily customizable, offers plenty of opportunities for various types of assessments, and has the advantage of being familiar.

It is not scalable, and space is limited to how many learners can fit into the physical classroom, so there are limitations to these types of programs.

2. Virtual instructor-led training

This updated version of the classroom training offers a lot of advantages that in-person training lacks, with relatively few disadvantages.

More people can attend training sessions, as space is no longer limited to a physical classroom.

Sessions can be recorded and reviewed by future learners, and it offers a way for people to continue learning without interruption in the ‘new normal’ of all-remote work.

Although this requires all learners to have the correct equipment and connection speed, one main disadvantage is that learners might feel disengaged with all-online learning, so instructors would have to contend with that. In this type of training, no matter how many learners are involved, you will only have a finite number of instructors, so the training may be less effective.

3. Online learning

Online learning is a bit of a catch-all term and can be used to refer to any resource online that contains educational content, such as online courses, quizzes, games, discussion boards, videos, and assessments.

This has been the fastest-growing area in corporate training, with many companies dedicating a lot of energy to developing their online learning tools, as they are scalable, accessible, and serve the users at the point of need.

For this learning the need in modern technology is essential. Check out more about LMS and its capabilities.

Lacking employee engagement?

Our approach makes learning more interesting by using different ways to keep learners motivated and inspired, beyond just captivating content.

4. Blended learning

This type of learning marries classroom-based and online learning, taking the best of each type and delivering it to the learner.

This approach tends to be the most successful, as it is more scalable, accessible, and flexible, and it is more able to meet the needs of diverse students.

This approach requires a solid infrastructure, learners who are comfortable with technology, and instructors who are able to make the most of this training approach.

Learn more about blended learning in our article.

While corporate training has considerable merit, it can be challenging to translate programs into meaningful results. Research shows:

Reasons why training can fail

  • 75% of managers surveyed were unsatisfied with their organization’s L&D capabilities.
  • 70% of employees feel they haven’t mastered the skills they need to perform their role.
  • Only 12% of employees apply new skills learned during training programs top in their job.

There are many factors for the lack of success in corporate training. However, common reasons for failure include:

  • Failing to understand corporate training objectives or improperly analyzing learning outcomes and results.
  • A lack of investment from leadership making corporate training seem like a cost center rather than an opportunity.
  • Corporate training that becomes too generalized and lacks the specificity to make a real difference to an individual in a particular role.
  • Staff are too afraid of failure and unwilling to implement new ideas and approaches discovered through corporate training.
  • Tracking programs (i.e., training credits or something similar) turning corporate training into a box-ticking exercise rather than the learning and application of useful skills.
  • New skills are quickly forgotten if they are not used soon after training.

Trends in corporate training

Corporate training challenges in 2023-2024.

1. Great reshuffle

The current state of the job market often referred to as the great reshuffle, is significantly affecting corporate training. The work institute’s 2022 retention report found that in 2021 47 million workers in the US alone quit their job.

2. Changing workforce attitudes

In addition, the perception of employers fell dramatically during the pandemic, dropping 64% between Q2 2020 and Q2 2021.

With the Covid-19 crisis and economic instability, many people now have new priorities in life and are looking for employment that reflects them. Changing workforce attitudes comes during rapid technological change and digital integration.

In 2022, organizations require corporate training that future-proofs their workforce and finds ways to continue generating value in these uncertain times.

3. Changing face of corporate training and L&D

LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Report 2022 captures the changing face of corporate training and L&D:

  • 81% of executives are looking to offer greater flexibility to their employees
  • 25% of LinkedIn members’ skills within the same occupation are different from what they were in 2015
  • 25% of LinkedIn members around the world changed roles between October 2019 and October 2022

4. Growing skills gap

Amongst L&D leaders, there is an acknowledgment of the growing skills gap and the need to transform training strategy to meet the moment

  • 46% (up 4% from 2021) say the skills gap is widening in their organization
  • 49% (up 9% from 2021) say executives are concerned current employees cannot execute business strategy given their existing skill
  • 62% say the focus of their work is rebuilding or reshaping their organization in 2022
  • 77% say their remit has become more of a strategic function in their organization

However, many believe corporate training and employee development are the keys to building the workforce of the future :

  • 79% of L&D professionals agree it is cheaper to train an employee for a new role compared to hiring
  • 54% of L&D professionals believe internal mobility has grown in importance since the pandemic
  • Employees who feel their skills are being put to practical use are 10x less likely to leave an organization

The data shows organizations face multiple challenges with a dynamic global market, changing employee priorities, and the need for new digital skillsets. As a result, organizations must look internally and work on their workforce to respond to the moment.

Corporate training has to play a central role in retaining staff and generating the future workforce organizations need. This means designing programs to install new flexible working rules while counteracting the growing skills gap and creating the digitally literate employees needed to adapt and learn new technologies.

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