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Essay on Agriculture

Agriculture is a very common word which is used almost by everyone. When we talk about agriculture than the very first thing that strikes our brain is, it must be something that is related to farming and farmers. But this thought limits the aspects of agriculture. Agriculture does not only mean the procedure of cropping instead it means much more.

Short and Long Essays on Agriculture in English

Here I have provided you with three different essays that are different in length. With the help of these essays, you will be able to know almost all the aspects of agriculture.

Agriculture Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Agriculture is the process of producing crops and rearing animals for gaining profit.

2) Agriculture provides occupation to a huge Indian population.

3) The contributor to India’s more than 15% GDP is agriculture.

4) Agriculture is the occupation that gives us crops to eat.

5) Fruits, pulses, oil, vegetables, etc things are obtained through agriculture.

6) Agriculture also provides us with leather, cotton, wool, and other animal products.

7) Shifting cultivation, dairy farming, grain farming, fruit farming, etc are some types of agriculture.

8) The use of pesticides in agriculture reduces soil fertility.

9) Agriculture is also a contributor to environmental pollution.

10) Agriculture can reduce starvation, poverty, and can raise employment to some extent.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Meaning and Importance of Agriculture


Agriculture is one of the most important aspects of everyone’s life. It is something that is necessary for the survival of each and every human being. Along with being a necessity, it also helps in the economy of the country.

Agriculture has been derived from two different Latin words, ‘ager’ and ‘cultura’ where ager means ‘field’ and cultura means ‘growing or cultivation’. So the literal meaning of agriculture is the ‘cultivation of fields’.

Agriculture is the process of practicing farming including cultivation of the soil for growing crops, rearing animals, and producing other products such as wool, oil, etc.

Importance of Agriculture

Agriculture plays a vital role in living life. It is impossible for one to sustain his/her life without agriculture as it gives the most usable products of human life such as food, fruits, oil, etc.

The most important aspect of agriculture for human beings is to provide food for people. As we all know that food is the most important thing for the survival, nothing comes before food when it comes to sustaining life, and food is a very important part for everyone’s livelihood, so we can say that agriculture is particularly important because it is our main source of the food supply. It is also the backbone of our economic system. Agriculture not only provides food and raw materials but also employment opportunities to a large proportion of the population.

Agriculture plays a very vital role in our life. Without agriculture, the existence of human beings is not possible as it is the main source of our food supply to sustain on the earth and it also helps to grow our economy across the world.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Types and Impact of Agriculture

We feel gratitude when we hear the word “agriculture”. Without agriculture, it is not possible to feed ourselves. Our farmers work so hard in the agriculture sector to feed us. They also help to prevent future attacks on us or our neighbor country for food. Our farmers stand for us in any situation by giving food to the world.

Types of Agriculture

There are many types of agriculture; here we will see all the types point-wise and in details:

  • Grain Farming

Grain farming is the process of planting a variety of crops which is later harvested at the end of the season. The seeds of the crops are later refined for use. Grains are basically the seeds of the crops planted. In this farming, people from the same family can work on a small piece of land. Grain farming is done for providing food to animals and human beings.

  • Shifting Cultivation

As the word shifting has been used, this cultivation is shifted from one place to another. In this cultivation, farmers use a small piece of land for a temporary time and then leave it to abandon until and unless the land gets its fertility back naturally.

  • Gardening and Fruit Farming

In gardening and fruit farming, fruits and vegetables are produced on a large scale from a commercial point of view. It requires fewer resources and laborers as compared to grain farming and shifting cultivation.

  • Pastoral Nomads

Here pastoral means sheep herding. This is a kind of agriculture that is based on the herding of domesticated animals.

  • Dairy Farming

Dairy farming is related to the prolonged production of milk. This procedure is done for producing products like sweets, chocolates, curd, cheese, etc.

Few other types of agriculture are:

  • Mediterranean agriculture
  • Livestock ranching
  • Plantation farming
  • Mixed crop and livestock

Environmental Impact of Agriculture

Agriculture has many impacts on the environment. Even if it is very important for sustaining life, it also has some bad effects on the environment. We will see a few impacts one by one point wise:

  • The pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture cause pollution.
  • Waterlogging and pesticide contamination causes soil degradation.
  • Deforestation is also taking place as the forests are being transformed into agricultural land.
  • Poor agriculture also leads to climate change.

Agriculture is a very important aspect of each and everyone’s life. It is impossible to feed human beings without the help of agriculture. There are many types of agriculture such as grain farming, shifting cultivation, dairy farming, etc. There are some bad impacts of agriculture on our environments such as manures and fertilizers cause pollution, soil loses its fertility and many more.

Essay on Agriculture

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Benefits and Issues Faced in Agriculture

If we generally talk about agriculture then it means that agriculture is related to harvesting and cropping. But in economics the meaning of agriculture is little different, here it does not only mean harvesting or cropping instead it also includes animal husbandry, dairy farming, poultry, fishing, and forestry.

Agriculture in India

No one can deny the fact that agriculture is the backbone of our nation. In the world, India is the second-largest producer of various agricultural products like rice, wheat, sugarcane, etc. It produces more than 280 million tonnes, which contribute more than 15% of India’s GDP [Gross Domestic Product]. Farmers play a vital role in uplifting the economy of India because agriculture forms more than 70% of India’s export capacity.

If we had our food today then we should be heartily thankful to the farmers of our nation. India’s farmers are the most dedicated peasants towards their duties. This is the reason because of which our former prime minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri termed a coin saying “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan”. The way soldiers of our nation protect our country from enemy attacks, in the same way; farmers of our country feed us daily.

Issues Faced in the Agriculture

Farmers have to face many problems during agriculture. Few of the major problems are discussed below:

  • Instability

As we know that in India, agriculture depends upon the monsoon. Being dependent on the weather condition, area, and yield, the production of crops is liable to substantial variations from year to year in this way the production becomes unstable.

  • Land Ownership

In, land ownership, a piece of land is owned by a person. The owner of the land gives his piece of land to poor farmers for cultivation and they charge the cost of their land from the poor farmers.

  • Subdivision and Fragmentation of Land Holding

When division takes place among the families then the pots also get divided between the family members. These scattered pieces of land increase the cost of agriculture management and make the agricultural occupation uneconomical.

  • Land Tenure

In the procedure of land tenure, a large piece of land is owned by a person and that person decides who can use his land and for how long. This procedure is almost similar to land ownership.

  • Grain Storage Problem

Even if there is a good production of crops, sometimes what happens is, farmers, don’t get enough space to store their surplus food grains and thus grains are wasted in a large amount.

Benefits of Agriculture:

  • It helps in satisfying the hunger of people.
  • It uplifts the economy of our country.
  • It provides employment to unemployed people.
  • It helps in trade.
  • It contributes to the government by paying revenue.

From the above discussion, we can conclude that India is the second-largest producer of the product of agriculture. We get benefited a lot by agriculture in many ways; however, people nowadays, are getting distracted from agriculture and moving towards cities for their butter and bread, which is not good for the country and its people.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . The study of agriculture is called Agricultural science.

Ans . The green revolution is related to agricultural production.

Ans . The title of “Father of the Green Revolution in India” is given to Dr. M.S. Swaminathan.

Ans . The Methane gas is released from the paddy fields.

Ans . The agricultural sector is called the backbone of the Indian economy?

Ans . The first Agricultural University of India was established in Pantnagar that is now in Uttrakhand.

Ans . Grey Revolution is related to the production of fertilizers.

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Essay On Agriculture – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

Medha Saini

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Agriculture For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on agriculture for kids, a paragraph on agriculture for kids, essay on indian agriculture for kids, long essay on agriculture for children, what will your child learn from the essay on agriculture.

Agriculture is one of the major sectors of the Indian economy, and the country. It has been present in the country for thousands of years. Children may have seen farms and fields while travelling from one place to another for a holiday or any other outing, but may not be familiar with what exactly agriculture means.

One effective way to teach them would be through an essay on agriculture in English. Through essay writing on this topic of agriculture for classes 1, 2 and 3, children will learn to gather facts and write them in their own words. Let us guide your child to write an essay on agriculture.

  • Before you begin writing an essay on agriculture, keep the following points in mind:
  • Gather some factual information on agriculture.
  • Jot down your ideas in a well-organised sequence.
  • Weave them into sentences and paragraphs to form a great essay.

For better understanding, you can refer to the following samples of essays that you can use to write a composition of your own.

An essay for classes 1 and 2 can be written in very simple language with accurate facts and ideas. Let us guide your child to write this essay with a few lines on agriculture with this example given below:

  • Agriculture means the cultivation of crops for food and fodder.
  • Agriculture plays a significant role in the Indian economy as the main source of food.
  • Dairy, poultry, fisheries etc. come under animal husbandry, a sub-sector of agriculture.
  • Scientific research and improved farming techniques helped India to achieve the Green revolution and attain a self-reliant status in terms of food production.
  • India is the second-largest producer of wheat and paddy in the world.
  • India is also the world’s largest exporter of spices, primarily exporting ginger, cardamom, curry powder, tamarind, fennel etc.
  • Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of wheat and sugarcane in India.
  • Climate change and pollution have adversely affected the quality and yield of agricultural produce.
  • Climate change has led to a 1.5% decline in the Indian GDP.
  • Agriculture is the prime source of food production, and any mistake in it can adversely affect the food supply and our normal course of life.

Let us write a small paragraph in English on Agriculture:

Agriculture is one of the most important aspects of everyone’s life. It is something that is necessary for the survival of each and every human being. It not only provides food and raw materials but also employment opportunities to a large proportion of the population. Along with being a necessity, it also helps in the economy of the country. Agriculture plays a very vital role in our life. Without agriculture, the existence of human beings is not possible as it is the main source of our food supply to sustain on the earth and it also helps to grow our economy across the world.

Essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 can be made more elaborate by expressing each idea in a few lines with details. Here is an example of a short essay on agriculture:

India largely depends on the agriculture sector. Besides, agriculture is not just a means of livelihood but a way of living life in India. For thousands of years, we have been practicing agriculture. After independence, we use to import food grains from other countries to fulfill our demand. But, after the green revolution, we became self-sufficient and started exporting our surplus to other countries.

We feel gratitude when we hear the word “agriculture”. Without agriculture, it is not possible to feed ourselves. Our farmers work so hard in the agriculture sector to feed us. They also help to prevent future attacks on us or our neighbouring country for food. Our farmers stand for us in any situation by giving food to the world.

Agriculture is a very important aspect of each and everyone’s life. It is impossible to feed human beings without the help of agriculture. There are many types of agriculture such as grain farming, shifting cultivation, dairy farming, etc. There are some bad impacts of agriculture on our environment such as manures and fertilizers causing pollution, soil losing its fertility and many more.

An essay for class 3 would require students to write a long composition with many facts and observations. Guide them to organise these ideas into sub-headings and paragraphs for a good layout.

What Is The Importance Of Agriculture In Our Lives?

Agriculture has a lot of importance in each and everyone’s life. From employment opportunities to trades to consuming the end products of agriculture, it impacts all our lives. It also maintains our ecosystem. It is impossible to feed human beings without the help of agriculture.

Types Of Agriculture

There are many types of agriculture as explained below:

  • Grain Farming: The process of planting a variety of crops which is later harvested at the end of the season. The seeds of the crops are later refined for use. Grains are basically the seeds of the crops planted. In this farming, people from the same family can work on a small piece of land. Grain farming is done to provide food to animals and human beings.
  • Shifting Cultivation:  this cultivation is shifted from one place to another. In this cultivation, farmers use a small piece of land for a temporary time and then leave it to abandon until and unless the land gets its fertility back naturally.
  • Gardening and Fruit Farming: fruits and vegetables are produced on a large scale from a commercial point of view. It requires fewer resources and labourers as compared to grain farming and shifting cultivation.
  • Pastoral Nomads: This is a kind of agriculture that is based on the herding of domesticated animals.
  • Dairy Farming: Dairy farming is related to the prolonged production of milk. This procedure is done for producing products like sweets, chocolates, curd, cheese, etc.

What Is The Role Of Agriculture In Economic Development?

Agriculture plays a role in India’s economic development, for a continuous level of farm surplus is one of the wellsprings of technological and commercial growth. Industries too, depend on agriculture for raw materials. Expansion in the agriculture sector also leads to the expansion of the industrial sector. Also, when there is an increase in the agriculture sector, its production, more employment opportunities will also be generated.  Direct employment in crop raising, and agriculture expansion also provides work in the other sphere.

Problems Faced In Agriculture

Agriculture is the backbone of our economy yet, there are many problems that farmers in the agriculture sector are facing.

  • Poor and outdated techniques
  • Inadequate irrigation facilities
  • Debt of the farmers
  • Low adoption of improved technology
  • Low Rate Of Innovation in Agriculture
  • Rural transport and communication network

Negative Effects Of Agriculture On Environment

Agriculture is the leading source of pollution in many countries. Pesticides, fertilizers and other toxic farm chemicals can poison fresh water, marine ecosystems, air and soil. They also can remain in the environment for generations.

When children compose an essay on agriculture, they learn a lot about a field of work that they may not have seen first-hand. They will learn many new facts and will understand the importance of the hard work of farmers in the hinterlands.

Writing on such a topic requires children to gather facts and present them in dramatically sound language with appropriate vocabulary. This improves the students’ communication skills and makes them analytical thinkers.

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Essay on Agriculture: Short Essay, 100 and 250 Words


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  • May 18, 2024

Essay on agriculture

Agriculture is one of the major sectors in India that provide livelihood to the people. The majority of the Indian population depends on agriculture as it is the major source of income and contributes to around 18.3% of India’s GDP. It provides food, raw materials, and employment to billions of people across the world. As common people, most of us anticipate that agriculture is just the cultivation of crops.

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However, it is much more than that, it includes fishery , livestock, forestry , and crop production . It is the backbone of the civilization. Read this blog and get to know how to write an essay on agriculture with the help of examples!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Short Essay on Agriculture
  • 2 Essay on Agriculture 100 Words
  • 3.1 Significance of Agriculture
  • 3.2 Challenges for Agriculture
  • 3.3 Sustainable agriculture

Short Essay on Agriculture

India is also referred to as agricultural land because a major part of India is covered by agricultural activities. The entire world has been practising agriculture for thousands of years from the nomadic times to date. 

Agriculture started during the Neolithic Revolution for the production of food. Nowadays, the scenario has been completely changed with the application of AI tools and Machinery in the world of Agriculture. New technologies and equipment are being developed to replace the traditional methods of farming. Some of the AI technologies are integrated sensors, weathering forecasting, IoT-powered agriculture drones, smart spraying, etc. 

Millions of people across the world depend on agriculture, even animals are also dependent on agriculture for their fodder and habitat. Besides that, agriculture also plays a key role in the economic development of the country because 3/4th of the population depends on agriculture.

Also Read: Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 

Essay on Agriculture 100 Words

Agriculture is the main source of life on earth. Animals and humans depend on agriculture for a living. It is the oldest practice in the history of mankind. There has been tremendous growth and evolution in the field of agriculture.

The use of AI-based technology and modern techniques in farming is helping the sector to generate high yields with better quality. 

Now, our country is able to produce surplus food crops which is enough to satisfy domestic needs. It also helps to eradicate malnutrition and address hunger issues in various parts of the world. Thus, agriculture will always remain the cornerstone of human existence and continue to fulfil the demands of the changing world.

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Essay on Agriculture 250 Words

Agriculture can be termed as the global powerhouse of the world. It is feeding billions of people across the world. Every individual directly or indirectly depends on agriculture.

Significance of Agriculture

The significance of agriculture is listed below:

  • The food we consume is a gift of the agriculture sector. Farmers are working day and night to cultivate food crops for the entire human population.
  • It also adds value to the Gross Domestic Product as well as the national income of the country.
  • As it is one of the largest sectors, there is a huge need for a labor force and employees. Thus, it imparts employment to 80% of the people in this world.
  • 70% of the total food crop production of India is used for the purpose of exports. Some of the main items of export are rice, spices, wheat, cotton, tea, tobacco, jute products, and many more.

Challenges for Agriculture

Every year, the agriculture sector has to face difficult challenges. It includes harsh weather conditions be it drought or flood or extreme heat waves and cold breezes. Soil degradation is also one of the major threats to agriculture due to soil erosion and soil pollution. All these conditions create the need to generate sustainable practices in the agriculture sector.

Sustainable agriculture

Advancement in technology helps to create sustainable agriculture. The use of technology in the field of agriculture like weather forecasts, automated sowing, drones, AI-driven sensors, pest control, etc. helps in developing sustainable agriculture.

Besides that, farmers are adopting new farming practices such as crop rotation reduced chemicals, organic farming, etc. for sustainable agriculture.

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Agriculture is the process of cultivation of crops. Every individual is dependent on agriculture for food crops, and employment. The perfect essay on agriculture must include, what is agriculture, the importance, and the significance of agriculture.

Here are 5 main points about agriculture: Agriculture is the source of food and fodder for the world; It is one of the oldest human practices that date back thousands of years; Agriculture is essential for the breeding and raising of livestock; The incorporation of modern techniques in farming helped in the evolution of the agriculture sector; and Agriculture contributes to the economy of the nation.

Agriculture refers to the science, art, or practice of cultivating crops, raising livestock, and marketing the finished products for the use of human consumption while contributing to the economy of the country.

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Essays on Agriculture

The importance of writing an essay on agriculture cannot be overstated. Agriculture is the backbone of our society, providing us with the food and resources we need to survive. By writing an essay on agriculture, you can help raise awareness about the importance of sustainable farming practices, the impact of climate change on food production, and the need for technological advancements in the agricultural industry.

When writing an essay on agriculture, it's important to first do thorough research on the topic. This may involve reading academic journals, interviewing experts in the field, and gathering data on current agricultural practices and trends. This research will provide you with the necessary information to make strong arguments and support your claims.

Additionally, it's important to consider the audience for your essay. Are you writing for a general audience or for a specific group of people, such as policymakers or farmers? Tailoring your writing to your audience will help ensure that your essay is relevant and impactful.

Another important tip for writing an essay on agriculture is to use clear and concise language. Avoid jargon and technical terms that may be difficult for the average reader to understand. Instead, focus on communicating your ideas in a straightforward manner that is accessible to a wide range of readers.

Finally, don't forget to include evidence to support your arguments. This may include statistics, case studies, and expert opinions. Providing evidence will help strengthen your essay and make it more persuasive.

The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing agriculture today. Write an essay exploring the various ways in which climate change is affecting agriculture, including changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, increased frequency of extreme weather events, and the spread of pests and diseases. Discuss potential strategies for adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change on agriculture.

The Role of Technology in Modern Agriculture Advances in technology have revolutionized the way we produce food. In this essay, discuss the impact of technology on agriculture, including the use of precision farming techniques, drones and other aerial technologies, and the development of genetically modified organisms. Explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of these technological advancements on the agricultural industry.

Sustainable Agriculture Practices Sustainability is a growing concern in agriculture, as farmers and policymakers seek to minimize the environmental impact of food production. Write an essay discussing sustainable agriculture practices, such as organic farming, crop rotation, and integrated pest management. Explore the potential benefits of these practices for both the environment and the long-term viability of the agricultural industry.

The Importance of Soil Health in Agriculture Healthy soil is essential for productive and sustainable agriculture. In this essay, explore the role of soil health in agriculture, including the importance of soil conservation, the impact of soil degradation on crop yields, and the potential benefits of regenerative agriculture practices. Discuss potential strategies for improving and maintaining soil health on farms.

The Future of Agriculture: Urban Farming and Vertical Agriculture As the global population continues to grow, the demand for food is increasing, leading to new innovations in agricultural practices. Write an essay discussing the potential of urban farming and vertical agriculture to address food security and sustainability challenges. Explore the benefits and drawbacks of these alternative farming methods and their potential impact on the agricultural industry.

The Economics of Agriculture: Farm Subsidies and Trade Policies The agricultural industry is heavily influenced by government policies and international trade agreements. In this essay, explore the economic factors that shape agriculture, including the role of farm subsidies, tariffs, and trade barriers. Discuss the potential impact of these policies on farmers, consumers, and the global food supply.

The Ethical Considerations of Animal Agriculture The treatment of animals in the agricultural industry is a topic of growing concern. Write an essay exploring the ethical considerations of animal agriculture, including the use of factory farming practices, the treatment of livestock, and the impact of animal agriculture on the environment and public health. Discuss potential strategies for promoting ethical and sustainable practices in animal agriculture.

The Impact of Biotechnology on Agriculture Biotechnology has the potential to revolutionize the agricultural industry, from the development of genetically modified crops to the use of biotechnology in food processing and preservation. In this essay, explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of biotechnology in agriculture, including its impact on food security, environmental sustainability, and public health.

The Role of Women in Agriculture Women play a crucial role in agriculture, from farm labor and management to entrepreneurship and leadership. Write an essay discussing the contributions of women to the agricultural industry, including the challenges and opportunities they face. Explore potential strategies for promoting gender equality and empowering women in agriculture.

The Future of Agriculture: Sustainable Food Systems As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change, food security, and environmental degradation, there is growing interest in developing sustainable food systems. In this essay, discuss the potential of sustainable food systems to address these challenges, including the role of regenerative agriculture, local food movements, and alternative food distribution models. Explore the potential benefits of sustainable food systems for both the environment and human health.

In , agriculture is a complex and multifaceted industry that intersects with numerous social, economic, and environmental issues. These essay topics provide a starting point for exploring the many dimensions of agriculture, from the impact of climate change and technological advancements to the ethical considerations of food production and the potential of sustainable food systems. By delving into these topics, students and researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the agricultural industry and contribute to the development of innovative solutions for a more sustainable and equitable food system.

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Essay on Agriculture

Agriculture is one of the most commonly heard words. It’s the most vital practice for the survival of humans. Farmers are considered to be the backbone of agriculture and food production. The food we eat at home, the fruits and vegetables, have a long backstory to them, which in simpler words, can be attributed to agriculture. The following essay comprises fascinating insight into agriculture, its definition, the process and challenges, which can help you in your projects and assignments.

100 Word Essay on Agriculture

200 word essay on agriculture, 500 word essay on agriculture.

Essay on Agriculture

Agriculture is the art of practising soil cultivation, producing crops, and raising livestock. It involves the production of plants and animals for food, fibre, and other products. Agriculture plays a critical role in our lives for several reasons. Firstly, it provides food for people and animals. Without agriculture, we would not have access to the diverse and nutritious diet we enjoy today. Secondly, agriculture provides raw materials for various products, including clothing, medicine, and building materials.

The existence of humans would have been very critical if we hadn’t developed the practice of agriculture.

Agriculture refers to the process of cultivating crops for food, fuel, and other products. It is a crucial part of human civilisation, as it allows us to produce the food and essential items we need for survival.

Types Of Agriculture | The many types of agriculture range from small-scale subsistence farming to large-scale commercial operations. In subsistence farming, farmers grow enough food in small fields or house backyards to feed their families and may sell any excess produce at local markets. In commercial agriculture, farmers grow crops or raise animals on a larger scale, on larger pieces of land, to sell their products to large-scale consumers.

Impact Of Agriculture | Agriculture plays a vital role in the global economy, providing food and other products for people worldwide. It is also an important source of income and survival for many people, particularly in rural areas. However, agriculture can also have negative impacts on the environment. Some farming practices can lead to soil erosion, pollution, and biodiversity loss. As a result, sustainable agriculture has become the need of the hour in recent years, with farmers adopting practices that can help protect the environment while still producing the food we need.

Agriculture refers to cultivating land and raising crops or livestock for sustenance or commercial purposes. It is a crucial part of human civilisation, providing food, raw materials, and essential commodities that support communities and economies worldwide.

Origins of Agriculture

The origins of agriculture can be traced back to the Neolithic period when humans first began domesticating plants and animals. This marked a significant shift in human history as people transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle to a more settled one, with the development of permanent settlements and the growth of complex societies.

Challengeso of Agriculture

Today, agriculture remains a crucial industry, providing food and other products for a growing global population. However, agriculture also has its challenges. Farming can negatively impact the environment, as it involves the use of large amounts of water, pesticides, and other resources and even the negative impacts of climate change. Climate change is impacting agriculture significantly, with extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, threatening crops and livestock.

What is Sustainable Agriculture?

Despite these challenges, agriculture continues to play a vital role worldwide. In recent years, there has been a focus on sustainable agriculture, which seeks to minimise the negative impact of farming on the environment while still providing food and other essential products for the global population.

My Visit to a Rice Farm

I n July’ 22, I visited a rice farm with my family while we were on a trip to the wedding of one of our close relatives. The farm belonged to my uncle, he gave us a tour of it and explained to us about the art of cultivation of rice and the process of how the rice we eat at her home every other day is cultivated.

What I Learnt | I saw how the water system works in the fields, how much manure, supplements and insecticides are used to keep the crops healthy, and how the storage system works, and I got to explore a lot more about agriculture. I saw how the water system works in the fields, how much manure, supplements and insecticides are used to keep the crops healthy, and how the storage system works, and I got to explore a lot more about agriculture.

How I Felt | It was my first-time visit to the farm, and being a person who has spent all his life living in the city, I was extremely surprised at how peaceful the farm ambience is and how much effort, time and love goes into cultivating crops. We eat fruits and vegetables every day but don't realise how complex and effortful the process of agriculture is.

In conclusion, agriculture is an essential part of human civilisation, providing the food and raw materials that support communities and economies worldwide. While there are challenges to be addressed, such as the impact on the environment and the effects of climate change, agriculture remains crucial to humanity's well-being, survival and future.

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Agriculture Essay

Agriculture is known to be one of the most significant economic activities. It involves the production of plants, livestock, fiber, fuel and more by utilizing natural resources such as water and land. The term agriculture is broader than it is commonly anticipated to be. It includes forestry, fishery, livestock and most importantly crop production. Agriculture sector is also one of the largest employers across the world, mainly in developing and under developed nations. Millions of people around the world, directly or indirectly depend on agriculture sector for their livelihood. It is an activity which provides our everyday requirement of food, vegetables, fruits, spices etc.

Long and Short Essay on Agriculture in English

Here are essay on agriculture in English of varying lengths to help you with the topic in the exam.

These Agriculture Essays will let you understand the meaning of “agriculture” and the significant role it plays in the overall economic growth and prosperity of a nation.

After going through the following Agriculture essay you will be able to understand the advantages of agriculture.

These essays will be helpful during several of your school assignments. You can select any agriculture essay as per your need and interest.

Agriculture Essay 1 (200 words)


Agriculture is basically the cultivation of plants for the production of food, fuel, fiber, medicines and many other things that have become a necessity for the mankind. Agriculture also involves the breeding of animals. The development of agriculture turned to be a boon for the human civilization as it also gave way to their development.

Agriculture is said to be an art, science and commerce all at the same time as it suffices the factors involved in all three.

It is said to be an art as it involves the growth, development and management of crop and animal husbandry. It requires patience and dedication to yield good results in this field and only someone who possesses this art can achieve it.

The knowledge of breeding and genetics is employed to come up with new improved methods of agriculture. Several inventions and explorations are being made in the field. It is ever evolving and thus qualifies as science.

Agriculture supports the economy like no other sector and thus undoubtedly falls in this category too.

With around two-third of the Indian population dependent directly or indirectly on agriculture, it is considered to be the basis of the country’s economic development. It is not just known to be a source of livelihood in India but a way of life.

Agriculture Essay 2 (300 words)

The term agriculture comes from the Latin word ager which means field and cultura that means cultivation. Agriculture basically involves the cultivation and production of crops and livestock products.

History of Agriculture

The history of agriculture dates back several centuries. It began in different parts of the world independently about 105,000 years back mostly by the collection of wild grains for the purpose of eating. Here is how different countries were involved in this activity:

  • In Mesopotamia, pigs were domesticated around 15,000 years ago. They began domesticating sheep around 2000 years later.
  • In China, rice was cultivated around 13,500 years ago. They eventually began cultivating soy, azuki beans and mung.
  • In Turkey, cattle were domesticated around 10,500 years ago.
  • Beans, potato, coca, llamas and alpacas were domesticated around 10,000 years ago.
  • Sugarcane and certain root vegetables were cultivated in New Guinea around 9,000 years ago.
  • Cotton was domesticated in Peru around 5,600 years ago.

Similarly, the domestication of various plants and animals is being done in many other parts of the country since thousands of years.

Impact of Modern Technology on Agriculture

The development in the field of science and technology led to the use of modern techniques in agriculture. While it has contributed a great deal to the development of the agriculture sector, the modern technology has also had certain negative repercussions on the sector. Here is the kind of impact it has had:

  • The use of fertilizers and pesticides as well as the use of technologically advanced equipments for the cultivation of crops has increased the yields drastically however it has also been the cause of ecological damage and impacted the human health negatively.
  • Selective breeding and the use of other modern practices in the rearing of animals has increased the supply of meat however it has raised the concern about animal welfare.

Like every other sector, the agricultural sector has also evolved over the centuries and its development has brought about certain positive and negative repercussions to the society.

Agriculture Essay 3 (400 words)

Agriculture is a vast subject. It encompasses the production of crops, animal husbandry, soil science, horticulture, dairy science, extension education, entomology, agriculture chemistry, agri engineering, agri economics, plant pathology and botany. These subjects are taught in various universities across the world to train people in the field.

Different Kinds of Farming

Here is a look at how the agricultural field has broadly been categorized in our country:

  • Subsistence Farming

One of the most widely practiced technique of farming in India. Under this type of farming, the farmers grow grains for themselves as well as for the purpose of sale.

  • Commercial Agriculture

This type of agriculture focuses on high yield with the aim to export it to other countries to generate profit. Some of the commonly grown commercial crops in the country include cotton, wheat and sugarcane.

  • Shifting Agriculture

This type of farming is majorly practiced by tribal groups to grow root crops. They mostly clear the forested area and grow crops there.

  • Extensive Agriculture

This is more common in the developed countries. However, it is also practiced in certain parts of India. It focuses on the use of machinery to grow and raise crops.

  • Intensive Agriculture

This is a common practice in densely populated areas of the country. It is focused on generating maximizing output of the land by employing different techniques. A good amount of investment in terms of money and huge labour force is required for this.

  • Plantation Agriculture

This type of agriculture involves the cultivation of crops that require a good amount of time and space for growing. Some of these crops include tea, rubber, coffee, cocoa, coconut, fruits and spices. This is mostly practiced in the states of Assam, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Kerala.

  • Wet Land Farming

The areas that receive heavy rainfall are well irrigated and these are apt for the farming of crops such as jute, rice and sugarcane.

  • Dry Land Farming

It is practiced in desert-like areas such as the central and northwest India. Some of the crops grown in such areas are bajra, jowar and gram. This is because these crops require less water for growth.

With the advancement in technology, agriculture has come a long way. It is not limited to just growing crops and rearing of cattle. It includes a whole lot of other subjects and someone who is interested in getting into the agricultural field can choose to specialize in one.

Agriculture Essay 4 (500 words)

Agriculture basically involves the cultivation of crops and the domestication of animals for the purpose of generating food and other things necessary for the mankind. While it is being practiced since centuries, it has evolved over the time and has become one of the major factors in the development of our country’s economy.

Significance of Agriculture

Here is a look at the significance of agriculture:

  • Major Source of Food

It goes without saying that the food we eat is a gift of the agricultural activities that take place in the country. The country has seen times of acute food shortage before independence however the problem was resolved with the advent of the green revolution in agriculture in the year 1969.

  • Major Contributor to National Income

Statistics reveal that, the national income from primary agricultural activities was about 59% in the year 1950-51. While it has come down eventually and reached around 24% about a decade back, the agricultural sector in India is still one of the major contributors to the national income.

  • Development of the Industrial Sector

Agriculture plays a major role in the development of the industrial sector by providing the raw material. Industries such as the cotton textiles, sugar, jute, oil, rubber and tobacco are majorly dependent on the agricultural sector.

  • Employment Opportunities

The agricultural sector offers numerous employment opportunities as a large labour force is required for the smooth functioning of various agricultural activities. It does not only open a vast arena of direct employment opportunities but indirect as well. For instance, the agricultural products need to be transported from one place to another and hence it supports the transport sector.

  • Boost in Foreign Trade

Foreign trade relies majorly on the agricultural sector. Agricultural exports form a good 70% of the total exports. India is an exporter of tea, tobacco, cotton textiles, jute products, sugar, spices and many other agricultural products.

  • Generation of Government Revenue

Excise duty on agro-based goods, land revenue and taxes on the sale of agricultural machinery make for a good source of government revenue.

  • Formation of Capital

The surplus income generated from agricultural activities can very well be invested in banks for capital formation.

Agriculture: A hazardous Industry

While agricultural sector is of great importance to the country, we cannot deny the fact that is a hazardous industry. Farmers across the globe have a high risk of work related injuries. One of the common causes of agricultural injuries is tractor rollovers and other motor and machinery related accidents. Due to the nature of their job they are also prone to skin diseases, lung infections, noise-induced hearing problems, sun strokes as well as certain types of cancers. Those exposed to pesticides may have serious illnesses and might even have kids with birth defects.  

However, that said, agriculture does play a significant part in the development of the human civilization as a whole. As Booker T. Washington said, “No race can prosper till it learns there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem”, agriculture sector is an integral part of the country.

Agriculture Essay 5 (600 words)

Agriculture is one sector that has been in place since thousands of years. It has developed over the years with the use of new equipments and techniques of farming and domestication. This is one sector that has not only seen immense growth but has also been the reason for growth of various other sectors.

The Growth and Development of Agricultural Sector

India is one such country which is largely dependent on the agricultural sector. Agriculture in India is not just a means of livelihood but a way of life. The government is continually making efforts to develop this sector. Let us learn how this sector has evolved with time.

Though agriculture is being practiced since centuries in India, it remained under developed for a pretty long time. We were unable to produce sufficient food for our people and foreign export was simply out of question. On the contrary, we had to purchase food grains from other countries. This was because agriculture in India depended on the monsoon.

In case, there was enough rain, the crops fertilized properly, when there wasn’t enough rain the crops just failed and most parts of the country were hit by famine. However, things changed with time. After independence, the government planned to bring about improvement in this sector. Dams were constructed, tube-wells and pump-sets were set up, better quality seeds, fertilizers were made available and new techniques were employed.

With the use of technologically advanced equipment, good irrigation facilities and with specialized knowledge about the field things began improving. We soon started producing much more than we required and subsequently started exporting food grains and different agricultural products. Our agricultural sector is now stronger than that of many countries. India stands first in the production of groundnuts and tea and ranks second in the production of sugarcane, rice, jute and oil seeds across the globe.

However, we still have a long way to go and the government is making efforts in this direction.

Negative Repercussions of Agriculture on Environment

As much as it has helped in the development of the human civilization and the growth of the country’s economy, agriculture has also had certain negative repercussions on the people involved in this sector as well as the environment as a whole. Here are the negative repercussions of agriculture on environment:

  • Agriculture has led to deforestation. Many forests are cut to turn them into fields to cultivate crops. The negative impacts of deforestation and the need to control it is hidden from none.
  • Not many of you may be aware that the building of watersheds and draining of water from the rivers for irrigation of fields leads to drier natural habitats.
  • The runoff from the fields into the rivers and other water bodies results in that water getting poisoned owing to the use of excessive nutrients and insecticides.
  • Topsoil depletion and groundwater contamination are some of the other issues that the agricultural activities have given way to.

Agriculture has thus impacted the soil and water resources negatively and this has had a major impact on the environment.

Agriculture is also considered to be a hazardous occupation. Those involved in farming are constantly exposed to different chemical based fertilizers and pesticides and the continual use of these can lead to several health hazards such as skin diseases, lung infections and certain other serious illnesses.

While agriculture has given so much to our society, it comes with its own set of cons that cannot be overlooked. While the government is doing so much to bring about growth and development in this field, it should also take measures to tackle the negative impact it is creating on the environment and those involved in the field.

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Essay on Agriculture | Agriculture Essay for Students and Children in English

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Long and Short Essays on Agriculture for Students and Kids in English

We are providing the students with essay samples on an extended Essay on Agriculture of 500 words and a Short Essay on Agriculture of 150 words on the topic of Agriculture.

Long Essay on Agriculture of 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Agriculture is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

On the off chance that you have had your dinners today, it’s a given, yet thank a rancher. We can live without a driver or a craftsman or film legend or a vocalist, yet would you be able to live without a rancher? Would we be able to try and envision our lives without food? Food is just about as significant as oxygen and water. While our nonexistent divine beings create oxygen and water, food is delivered by our living God, the rancher of India. Be that as it may, for what reason is rancher’s situation, particularly in a non-industrial nation India, is not so great?

What are we not doing that other created nations are doing to their cultivating local area? Even though we have refined advances to distinguish rainfalls and dawns, it isn’t adequate regarding horticultural scales. In any case, just forecast is of no utilization. There are meagre rainfalls, an abrupt expansion in temperature and different variables that may hurt the harvests. This is generally alluded to as Force Majeure or a demonstration of God. Man has been dealing with this issue since the time the get-go.

It torments me to say that as you are perusing this Agriculture in India, a rancher someplace in a side of India would have ended it all. India has one of the most effective rancher self-destruction rates on the planet. There is a normal of ten rancher suicides in the country consistently. They end it all typically when they can’t reimburse their credits back that they took to develop the land. Either in light of the critical factor from the property manager, moneylenders or the banks, ranchers make to this outrageous stride. The agriculture area needs quick government help and mediations to forestall additional passings.

Nations like America and China utilize innovation and information examination devices to improve their agricultural site. Lamentably, India falls a long ways behind them in this field. In the wake of perusing Agriculture in India Essay in China or America, where they have expressed how they use information logical devices to conquer variable climate conditions and other incidental elements, I feel it’s about time that India receives the equivalent.

These are a portion of the issues that ranchers are confronting. However, there are without doubt manners by which the area can be improved. The resulting part of the Agriculture in India Essay discusses the estimates that the public authority and cultivating local area can improve the current situation with conditions. As referenced in the past piece of this Agriculture in India Essay, ranchers need to uphold all of the country’s edges. Given the present-day situation where all aspects of the economy are enduring due to the Covid pandemic, the agriculture area needs prompt alleviation and relaxations.

The public authority can begin with forgoing off credits of the ranchers and mix money into the area so ranchers can backfire in the right place again. This is another significant arrangement that the public authority of India is quick to present. Regardless of whether it’s rabi harvest or Kharif yields, organic products, or vegetables, a base cost will be set underneath which ranchers shouldn’t be compelled to sell their produce. Typically, the ranchers are exploited by mediators at mandis and discount markets where the product is purchased for significantly less cost and afterward offered to end shoppers at an exorbitant price, leaving ranchers misfortune.

Long Essay on Agriculture

Short Essay on Agriculture 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Agriculture is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Agriculture isn’t only an area for India or simply a task that individuals do. It is a lifestyle for us Indians. Without this area, the populace blast in this country and the financial cycles will reach a strict halt. A common day in a rancher’s life at a town comprises rising right on time around 5 am, cleaning up at the regular streams close by, having lavish breakfast, pack some sound lunch, and leaving to the fields.

From seed planting, soil ploughing, treating and collecting the land, each and everything is finished with affection and care by the rancher. Agriculture, having contributed for over 15% of India’s GDP and given business and occupation to the greater part of the nation’s working populace, hasn’t got its due credit. The measure of help a rancher has given to his nation is more than the measure of help the nation has given to its rancher.

10 Lines on Agriculture Essay

  • Agriculture adds to over 15% of India’s GDP and has given work to a huge number of individuals in the country
  • India is the second-most elevated maker of rural items on the planet
  • Agriculture structures more than over 70% of India’s fare limit
  • Agriculture in India should be improved from its current state
  • The structure of dams, water system waterways and innovative framework is important to improve the area
  • Information insightful devices and another such programming ought to be accustomed to improving agrarian procedures
  • Agriculture prompts deforestation and adds to the hardships of unnatural weather change issues
  • Old farming strategies like yield consumption and waterway water system lead to expanding air contamination and water contamination
  • Inordinate and compressed rural strategies lead to a diminishing in the groundwater table
  • Over the top utilization of substance, pesticides, and compost for alternate way strategies for farming produce can prompt food acting like well as a decline in the dirt supplement limit.

Short Essay on Agriculture

FAQ’s on Agriculture Essay

Question 1. Who creates the most noteworthy horticultural items on the planet?

Answer: China is the world’s most elevated maker and exporter of farming items

Question 2. What amount of land surface is developed on the planet?

Answer: As of now, 11%, that is 1.5 billion hectares of worldwide land, is utilized for agriculture.

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Farmer Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on farmer.

Farmers are the backbone of our society. They are the ones who provide us all the food that we eat. As a result, the entire population of the country depends upon farmers . Be it the smallest or the largest country. Because of them only we are able to live on the planet. Thus Farmers are the most important people in the world. Though farmers have so much importance still they do not have proper living.

Importance of farmers

Farmers have great importance in our society. They are the ones who provide us food to eat. Since every person needs proper food for their living, so they are a necessity in society.

Farmer Essay

There are different types of farmers. And they all have equal significance. First are the farmers who grow a crop like wheat, barley, rice, etc. Since the maximum intake in the Indian houses is of wheat and rice. So, the cultivation of wheat and rice is much in farming. Moreover, farmers who grow these crops are of prime importance. Second, are the ones who cultivate fruits. These farmers have to prepare the soil for different types of fruits. Because these fruits grow according to the season. Therefore the farmers need to have a great knowledge of fruits and crops. There are many other farmers who grow different other types . Furthermore, they all have to work very hard to get maximum harvesting.

In addition to the farmers contribute almost 17% of the Indian economy. That is the maximum of all. But still, a farmer is deprived of every luxury of society.

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Conditions of farmers in India

The condition of farmers in India is critical. We are hearing suicide news of farmers every week or month. Moreover, farmers are all living a difficult life from past years. The problem is they are not getting enough pay. Since the middlemen get most of the money, so a farmer gets nothing in hand. Moreover, farmers are not having money to send their kids to school. Sometimes the situation gets so worse that they are not even having proper food. Thus farmers go in famine. As a result, they attempt suicides.

essay on agriculture for class 5

Furthermore, the other reason for the worst condition of farmers is Global warming. Since Global Warming is hampering our planet in every way, it affects our farmers too. Because of global warming, there is a delay in season. As different crops have their own season to ripe, they are not getting nourishment. Crops need proper sunlight and rain to grow. So if the crops are not getting it they get destroyed. This is one of the main reasons why farms are getting destroyed. As a result, farmers commit suicide.

In order to save farmers, our Government is trying to provide them with various privileges. Recently the government has exempted them from all the loans. Moreover, the government pays an annual pension of Rs. 6000 to them. This helps them to at least have some earning apart from their profession. Furthermore, the government provides quotas (reservations) to their children. This ensures that their children get a proper education. All the children should get a proper education in today’s world. So that they get a chance to live a better life.

At last, farming is a profession which hard labor and effort . Moreover seeing the growing population of our country we should take initiatives to help farmers of our country.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Who are farmers?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Farmers are the one who grows crops in farms. Thus they provide us food to eat.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why are farmers attempting suicides?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Farmers are attempting suicides because their profession is not providing them even food to eat. Moreover, their farms are getting destroyed. As a result, it leaves them with nothing.”} }] }

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Essay on Agriculture for Students

Agriculture, often called the backbone of civilization, plays a vital role in our world. In this essay, we will explore the importance of agriculture, its historical significance, its role in feeding the world, and its future challenges and innovations.

The Foundations of Agriculture

Agriculture is the practice of growing crops and raising animals for food, fiber, and other products. It dates back thousands of years and is essential for human survival.

Historical Significance

Agriculture revolutionized human societies. It allowed people to settle in one place, create communities, and develop advanced civilizations. Without agriculture, we might still be nomadic hunters and gatherers.

Feeding the World

Agriculture is the primary source of food for the world’s population. Farmers work tirelessly to produce grains, vegetables, fruits, and livestock that nourish billions of people.

Crop Diversity

Agriculture provides a wide variety of crops, ensuring a balanced and diverse diet. Corn, rice, wheat, and potatoes are just a few examples of crops that sustain millions.

Role in the Economy

Agriculture is a significant part of the global economy. It provides employment opportunities and contributes to trade and exports, supporting the livelihoods of millions of people.

Challenges in Modern Agriculture

Modern agriculture faces challenges such as climate change, soil degradation, and pests. These challenges threaten food security and require innovative solutions.

Sustainable Farming Practices

Sustainable farming practices promote the health of the environment and the longevity of agriculture. Techniques like crop rotation and organic farming reduce the need for harmful chemicals.

Technological Advancements

Technology has revolutionized agriculture. Tractors, irrigation systems, and genetically modified crops have increased efficiency and yields, ensuring a stable food supply.

The Role of Farmers

Farmers are the heart of agriculture. Their hard work and dedication are essential to the success of farming operations and the well-being of communities.

Expert Opinions on Agriculture

Experts in agriculture emphasize its significance. They highlight the need for sustainable practices and the importance of supporting small-scale farmers.

The Future of Agriculture

The future of agriculture holds promise. Innovations like vertical farming, precision agriculture, and advanced irrigation systems are transforming the industry.

Global Food Security

Agriculture plays a key role in global food security. Efforts to improve farming practices and reduce food waste are essential to ensuring everyone has enough to eat.

The Importance of Agriculture Education

Education in agriculture is crucial. It prepares future generations to tackle agricultural challenges and innovate for a sustainable future.

A Call to Action

We all play a role in supporting agriculture. By making informed food choices, reducing food waste, and advocating for sustainable practices, we can contribute to a healthier planet.

Conclusion of Essay on Agriculture

In conclusion, agriculture is the foundation of our civilization, providing sustenance, economic stability, and opportunities for growth. Its historical significance cannot be overstated, and its role in feeding the world remains paramount. However, agriculture faces modern challenges that require innovative solutions and sustainable practices.

As we look to the future, it is crucial that we support agriculture and the dedicated farmers who feed our communities. By embracing technological advancements, promoting sustainability, and valuing agriculture education, we can ensure that agriculture continues to thrive, providing for generations to come. Agriculture is not just a field; it’s a way of life that sustains us all, and it is our responsibility to nurture it for a brighter future.

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Essay on Agriculture and its Importance

June 7, 2018 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Apart from hunting and food gathering, agriculture (or farming) has been the primary occasion for all humankind ever since their inception. The term agriculture can be defined by scientists as the science of, or practice of, farming- including cultivation of the soil for growing crops.

At times, it includes rearing of animals as well ( animal husbandry ) for poultry, providing help with agriculture, and providing other goods like wool, meat, etc. In India, especially, agriculture holds a major place in ensuring the prosperity of the nation, and in improving its overall economy.

Approximately one third of our economy is based on agriculture, and therefore our nation shall try to improve the agricultural sector and the lives of our farmers with every passing year.  

Essential conditions for agriculture

Every crop is unique, and different from all the other crops, and therefore, each crop needs certain specific conditions to grow and to survive. Firstly, crops can be broadly categorized into Rabi crops and Kharif crops . This categorization happens on the basis of the climate they thrive in, and are sowed and harvested, accordingly.

The first category- Rabi crops- are sown in winter and harvested in the following spring; and the second category- kharif crops- are treated the other way around. Some examples of these categories of crops would be wheat, mustard, and gram (Rabi crops); and rice (or any other variant of paddy), maize and millet (kharif crops). Rabi crops are also sometimes referred to as the winter crops, and kharif crops are often knows to be the monsoon crops.

Although not widely acknowledged in India or south-eastern Asia, there is also a third prominent variety crops known as the Zaid crops, and there is a different season which is reserved for the cultivation of such crops, called the Zaid crop season.

This season refers to the period between the period for Rabi cultivation and kharif cultivation, which is roughly between the months of March and June. The Zaid variety is not very distinct or clear cut, but comprises roughly of some pulses, etc.

The conditions essential for cultivation are obviously the climate, rainfall, soil type, irrigation facilities available, machinery, manual labour, pesticides and fertilisers, government facilities like loans, and some other.   

Table of Contents

Agriculture in India

India thrives in agricultural practices, and is the largest producer of numerous crops, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products all over the world. For instance, India is the second highest producer and exporter of the two major staple food crops consumed in almost all parts of the world- rice and wheat.

Both these crops find wide cultivation in India- rice in the Gangetic valley and the southern states (West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, etc.), as well as in the foothills of the Himalayas (through the practice of terrace farming); and wheat mostly in the northern and western states of India (Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, etc.).

Crops are needed in India for both subsistence and export. Subsistence agriculture is a practice where the farmer cultivates the crops only for the purpose of consumption by him and his family. In this system, no excess is produced, and this system is purely aimed towards survival, since the most ancient days.

On the other hand, when excess is produced, it is referred to as commercial farming or agriculture- this is where the farmer, besides saving themselves enough produce for consumption, sells the excess crop in the market to make profit. A large-scale practice of the same kind results in the exports produced by a nation overall.

Most of the cultivation in India is of the subsistence variety. This is caused due to the stark rural urban divide among the farmers of our country, and the lack of awareness regarding proper ways and methods to practice the same.

There is also another subdivision- food crops (crops grown only for cultivation, for example- rice, wheat, etc.) and cash crops (crops grown to be sold and gain money, for example- cotton, jute, etc.). However, while talking of tea or coffee, such lines seem to get somewhat blurred.  

Faulty agriculture practices and ways to overcome them

Jhooming or shift and burn agriculture is a major source of degradation of the soil quality in many fertile parts of our country. In this practice, crops are cultivated in one part of the area available for cultivation, and a few years later, after the fertility of that portion of the soil is properly and completely exhausted; the vegetation is burned and left to regain fertility on its own.

In the meantime, the farmers move on to a new portion of the land to carry on with cultivation. This way, they move from place to place, literally ‘slashing and burning’. This practice was mostly prevalent among various tribes in India, and can be still seen in the present-day areas of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.

This system is heavily detrimental because this destroys the fertility of land and lets it renew the same without any artificial support, and it is practically impossible for any piece of fertile land to recover itself over and over every 3-4 years.

This way, through primitive methods, lands are used up during one generation of farmers and no sustainable development occurs, which in turn diminishes the area of fertile land available to the next generation. As this area constantly declines, the subsequent generations are left with little or no scope of expansion due to a lack of education.

This can be overcome by better methods such as crop rotation, or monocrop cultivation. In crop rotations, the same portion of land is used to cultivate different varieties of crops during different parts of the year (and thus, rotating the crops).

In between these cultivation periods, certain leguminous crops such as pulses are cultivated in the same year as they require less effort to maintain, and they naturally fix the nitrogen levels present in the soil.   

Artificial methods in practice

After one point of time, one cannot solely rely on natural processes to replenish the fertility and maintain a good quality of soil. This is where the artificial methods come into use.

These methods include mechanisation; utilisation of pesticides, insecticides, and fertilisers; use of HYV (high yielding variety) seeds, and other government interventions such as the green revolution which came into practice during the late twentieth century in the northern states of India, and brought across a great improvement.

However, the use of pesticides and fertilisers can be really harmful as well. They cause harm to plants and kill certain insects and other forms of life resting amongst the vegetations. Moreover, the increasing use of such artificial techniques to incur monetary profit is causing a rising application of them on the crops.

Human consumption of such elements is not really good for the human digestion system, and can cause certain long-term diseases in us. Therefore, one should always be extremely cautious while treating plants with such chemicals.  

Agriculture has never stopped to be important in the Indian context, and is the current period, it is all the more important to look into the matter of how can agriculture be improved in environment friendly ways, so that no harm is caused to the cultivation capacities of the present as well as the future generations- which is supposed to be sustainable development indeed.

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Essay and Paragraph on Agriculture For Students of Class 5 to 12

Essay and Paragraph on Agriculture

Here, we are presenting long and short Essay and Paragraph On Agriculture in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches.

Essay and Paragraph on Agriculture in 100 Words

For our survival, agriculture is vital. It’s about more than just farming; it’s about our food supply. Farmers cultivate plants, sow seeds, and gather harvests. They also tend to animals such as hens and cows. We get fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat from agriculture.

Farmers put in a lot of effort to make sure we have enough food. To plow the fields, they employ tractors and other equipment. The weather, including sunlight and rain, is also very important to farming. A surplus or deficit can have an impact on the crops.

Agriculture has been practiced for a very long time and is constantly changing. Utilizing technology, modern farming produces more food. It’s critical that everyone recognizes and values the labor-intensive nature of agriculture.

Essay and Paragraph on Agriculture in 200 Words

Growing crops and raising animals for food, fiber, and other products is the vital and age-old practice of agriculture. It is essential to the production of the food we eat on a daily basis. I’m a Grade 8 student, and I’ve learned that agriculture has developed with technology over the course of thousands of years.

Crop cultivation is one of agriculture’s main focuses. When the crops are ready, farmers plant seeds in the ground, tend to the plants as they grow, and then harvest the produce. Depending on the soil and climate, different crops like vegetables, rice, and wheat are grown in different parts of the world.

Animals raised for meat, eggs, and other products, such as pigs, chickens, and cows, are known as livestock farmers. It is the duty of farmers to take care of these animals, making sure they are fed and kept in good health.

Technology has been used in modern agriculture to increase productivity. Fields are prepared for seeding and plowing by tractors and other equipment, and crops are irrigated by irrigation systems. Furthermore, pesticides and fertilizers are applied to plants to protect them from vermin and promote healthy growth.

To sum up, agriculture is essential to our existence because it produces the food we eat and the raw materials for a wide range of goods. Agriculture continues to be a vital component of human civilization, even as we learn new skills and apply them to our work.

Essay and Paragraph on Agriculture in 400 Words

I think agriculture is really important for a lot of reasons as a student. Growing crops is only one aspect of agriculture; other goals include providing food, protecting the environment, and enhancing community relations.

First and foremost, agriculture is the production of food. Consider the grains, fruits, and vegetables we consume on a daily basis. They hail from farms where farmers toil diligently to sow, tend, and gather crops. We wouldn’t have the diversity of foods we do without agriculture. It serves as the basis for our meals, giving us the nutrition and energy we require to be robust and healthy.

In addition, agriculture helps our communities. In addition to producing food, farmers also create jobs. Jobs in agriculture are common, ranging from planting and harvesting to shipping and retailing crops. Our communities thrive and grow as a result of this. The community gains from successful farmers in a manner similar to a domino effect.

The ecosystem also depends on agriculture. Farmers tend to the land, keeping it healthy and productive. They safeguard the air, water, and soil by utilizing sustainable practices. Crop rotation and cover crops, for instance, contribute to the preservation of soil fertility, and the environment gains from the decreased use of hazardous chemicals. Therefore, agriculture is about being good stewards of the Earth as much as it is about producing food.

Furthermore, agriculture is connected to our customs and cultures. Harvest time is a time for many festivals and celebrations. Families gather to give thanks for the food on their tables and to celebrate the crops’ bountiful harvest. Our history is rooted in agriculture, which binds us to the land and the natural cycles.

Agriculture is valuable for purposes other than farming. It’s about providing for our needs, helping out our communities, protecting the environment, and keeping our customs alive. It’s critical that we eighth graders comprehend and value the role that agriculture plays in our daily lives. Therefore, let’s take a moment to appreciate the farmers and everyone involved in agriculture for their hard work and dedication the next time we enjoy a delicious meal or celebrate a festival. They are essential to ensuring that we have food on our plates and a thriving neighborhood that we can call home, after all.

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  • Agriculture Development in Economic Development This they attribute to the division of labour, where the workers that perform the basic, manual jobs that demand a lot of strength are the least paid, while those that perform the lightest and sophisticated […]
  • Changes in Agriculture in the Next 25 Years The most dramatic change will be the lives and lifestyles of the farmers that will in the next 25 years be the envy of urban folks.
  • Agricultural Issues in the “Food Inc.” Documentary One of the reasons is that large corporations can launch a mass-scale production of food, and therefore, they can dictate pricing policies to the small farmers, who, in their turn, have to work with these […]
  • The Nayar Caste of India: Agricultural Practice This paper explores the culture of the Indian Nayar’s with the perspective to establish their subsistence methods. The Nayar society is matrilineal in nature and women enjoy massive power regarding diverse aspects of their culture.
  • Agriculture Versus Forestry Sequentially, in the endeavor to determine what type of an activity to be dedicated to a land, it is proper to comprehend how the activity would work towards maintaining an excellent ecosystem’s functionality.
  • Effects of Industrialized Agriculture Finally, the corporations that are involved in the process of food production are responsible for the creation of new markets for consumption and the global trade of agricultural products.
  • Organic Agriculture in the United Arab Emirates The business plan will shed light on the business idea, the value proposition, and the technology that will be required to operate the business.
  • Organic Agriculture Funding: Regenerative Organic Agriculture In turn, organic farming will persist in enriching the soil and the products, Additionally, products that are certified organic continue to be in high demand due to consumer preference.
  • Industrial Revolution in Agriculture On the other hand, the industrial revolution in agriculture has led to the introduction of new safety challenges. In conclusion, as a result of the industrial revolution in agriculture, automation has become increasingly relied upon […]
  • History of Mexican Agriculture and Land Tenure The topics covered in the article are related to the history of land tenure in Mexico. Furthermore, it is vital to adapt to the emerging situation in terms of protecting the farmers and land from […]
  • Environmental Ethics of Pesticide Usage in Agriculture For example, pesticides are responsible for the destruction of the soil and harm to the overall ecosystem. The soil, water, and air resources are at a high risk of contamination from the toxins that are […]
  • The Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture Thus, the research question of the proposed study is as follows: how effective is the application of artificial intelligence to agriculture in terms of removing inefficiency and the lack of productivity?
  • Application of Biotechnology in Agriculture and Health Care The more I studied this issue, the more I became interested in biotechnologies and the possibilities of their use for people.
  • Food Security, Improved Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture The sizes and types of farming in the US smaller farms could be evaluated to determine the potential of these entities.
  • Blockchain and Internet-of-Things in Agriculture The intensification of the deep penetration of information technology in all areas of life has naturally led to the development of strategies to use it everywhere to optimize processes.
  • The Agriculture, Energy, and Transportation Infrastructure: Main Threats Thus, the purpose of the work is to analyze the food/agricultural, energy, and transport sectors of critical infrastructure in terms of physical, cyber, or natural disaster threats.
  • The Impact of Acetamiprid on Agriculture It is also effective in corroding insects with biting and sucking parts of the mouth, as the active ingredient of acetamiprid is nicotine, which is dangerous for a significant portion of animals and insects.
  • The Seasonal Agriculture Worker Program Reflection There are many cases of violation of labor in migrant employees, and it is essential to examine how SAWP undermines accommodations for Caribbean and Mexico migrants and seek an efficient solution.
  • Effects of Invasive Species on the Agriculture Industry By conducting a study that assesses the impact of the proposed tool on the management of the invasive species’ effects, one will be able to introduce an improvement.
  • Sustainable Agriculture as a Primary Model of Production The benefits of sustainable agriculture are derived from its meaning which is to use agriculture in a way that is beneficial to the environment.
  • Is It Safe to Apply Biosolids to Agricultural Lands? This essay demonstrates that biosolids are safe, beneficial to the environment, and essential for enhancing the soil structure while providing a better alternative to inorganic fertilizers.
  • Agriculture: Environmental, Economic, and Social Aspects One of them is agriculture, and its examination from the selected perspective seems reasonable in order to reveal the interrelation of the above concepts alongside the importance of sustainability.
  • Immigrants’ Employment in Agriculture and Food Processing Most people in the grocery and farm product wholesales are immigrants and account for the largest agricultural and food processing workers in the United States.
  • Japanese Agricultural Policies To cope with the hardships of food supply, Japan needs a flexible and robust regulation in the food and agricultural fields.
  • Agriculture and Its Social Origins Despite the advantages of old methods of finding food and the disadvantages of agriculture, the transition could occur due to the human factor.
  • The Reduction of Agricultural Nutrient Pollution: Possible Solutions The nutrients that are contained in fertilizer or manure may reach water basins and cause a dramatic increase in the populations of phytoplankton and algae.
  • Industrialization and Increased Agricultural Production During this time, there was a reduction in adult mortality and this resulted in increased savings, increased acreage of agricultural land, increased capital stock, reduced rates of capital returns, and improved agricultural production.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture However, the move to introduce foreign species of grass such as Bermuda grass in the region while maintaining the native grass has been faced by challenges related to the fiscal importance of the production.
  • American Agricultural and Food System The agricultural system is one of the most important for the functioning of any state. Finally, the reason for this behavior is the nature of the distribution of food to consumers in America.
  • Agricultural Policies’ Impact on Developing Economies It is seen that there are disparities between the agricultural policies of rich countries and their consequent impact on poorer ones lies in the fact that the current distribution of over 90 Billion Euros in […]
  • Agricultural Revolution Process and Its Results Animals were brought to people’s settlements, they were chosen according to their abilities to provide products, to work, or to serve as a source of food.
  • Agriculture in the UAE Water supply is one of the basic demands needed to align the efficient functioning of the agricultural sector, which, in its turn, will be able to provide the food needed to satisfy workers needs and […]
  • Impacts of E-Commerce on Agriculture An analysis can be done to the decision-makers in the industry, agricultural and food products, business processes, firms as well as the interaction that results in the marketplaces, the structure of the market and the […]
  • Agricultural Sector: The Use of Drones Thompson states that the application of drones in agriculture, specifically in the United Kingdom, can promote the enhancement of the crops and reduce the usage of pesticides.
  • History of Agriculture in the American West The introduction of electric and gasoline-powered machinery, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides made agriculture one of the main sources of income for West America.
  • The Idea of an Agricultural Electric Tractor It is important to analyze and provide a demonstration of how the electric tractor will operate and the principles behind it.
  • Financial Profile of Oman Agriculture Development Company Although the year 2008 has been the most beneficial for the company, yet in comparison to the year 2009, the company has managed to improve the figures in 2010.
  • Agriculture and Environment: Organic Foods Nitrogen has various effects on the food supply, and it’s present in the soil in the form of nitrates and nitrites.
  • The Impact of Geography on Agriculture: Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia Due to the fact that the river overrode the Ethiopian lowland, the inclined gradient of the River Nile sent the water torrent which overflowed the river banks resulting in over flooding of the river.
  • Immigrant Labor Force in the Agricultural Sectors Problem The topic of immigrant labor has been discussed since the agricultural industry faced the problems of farm labor shortage.”Since World War I, the Congress has allowed the use of temporary foreign workers to perform agricultural […]
  • Common Agricultural Policy in Italy One of the latter is the so called Common Agricultural Policy implemented by the EU officials in 2003 to develop for the coming decades and ensure the equal development of the agricultural spheres of all […]
  • The Debate on Conventional vs. Alternative Agricultural Approaches The fundamental shift in contents is the pro-ecological balance thrust of the alternative agriculture methods which are in direct contrast to the traditional methods.
  • Agricultural Exposure to Arsenic Lung cancer from breathing arsenic is an occupational disease for workers in the smelting industry and the arsenic pesticide manufacturing industry.
  • Should Common Agricultural Policy Be Reformed? So with the CAP policy, it is sending a strong message to the world in that it is through the CAP policy that our farmers will be in a position to strongly compete with world […]
  • Libyan Agricultural Infrastructure Analysis The telecommunications network in Libya is in the process of being modernized. The development of agricultural infrastructure has played a big role in alleviating poverty in this nation.
  • World Trade as the Adjustment Mechanism of Agriculture to Climate Change by Julia & Duchin The significant value of the article under consideration consists in the authors’ presenting a new methodological framework for the evaluation of a trade as the stated mechanism and its use for analysis of changes in […]
  • Social Capital in Agriculture and Rural Development The first usage of this term is traced back to 1899 when John Dewey made the first direct mainstream use of the term social capital in the book, “The school and the society”.
  • Soil Degradation as an Issue Facing Agriculture The most informative indicators of purely hydrological degradation of soils are a decrease in the total moisture capacity of the soil and a reduction in the lowest moisture capacity of the soil, which characterizes the […]
  • Weather Tracking and Effects on Agriculture The success of weather forecasting to meet the needs of different stakeholders depends on the tools and technologies put in place.
  • Agricultural Revolution and Changes to Ancient Societies in Terms of the State, Urbanization, and Labor This made the climate and soil more adaptable to plant growth and farming as some of the wild variants of barley and fruit began to grow in the region on their own.
  • A Technique for Controlling Plant Characteristics: Genetic Engineering in the Agriculture A cautious investigation of genetic engineering is required to make sure it is safe for humans and the environment. The benefit credited to genetic manipulation is influenced through the utilization of herbicide-tolerant and pest-safe traits.
  • Pesticide Ban and Its Effects on US Agriculture The findings of the research also challenged the notion that a ban on insecticides would help the environment. Sam is whether to protect the lives that can be lost through the harmful effects of the […]
  • Agriculture: “Yield Prospects by Land and Air” by Schafer The crop tour allows farmers to participate in learning a lot during their visits. The editors of the article, however, failed to share what the farmers learned at the tour despite the delayed corn.
  • Agriculture: “Getting Sprayed Starting Over” by Shepherd They are currently rectifying the affected parts of the farm to get rid of the contamination. The Editor should offer more insight on how to avoid such violations.
  • Agriculture: “Prep Your Pivot for Winter” by Birt The TL irrigation company runs the “the Caveat to winter Pivot Maintenance” program. The dealers who represent the TL Irrigation company receive adequate training on how to service and maintain the equipment.
  • Agricultural Policy in the European Union and the USA The position of this thesis on the EU and the US, particularly in the light of the political implications on policy-making in the Agricultural Sectors is that both the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy and the […]
  • Common Agricultural Policy in the EU The number of funds that were being used for the payments was proposed to be used in developing the countryside through the establishment of a budget for rural development.
  • Climate Impacts on Agriculture: Implications for Crop Production One of the most important learning points in this article is the relationship between water consumption in crops and levels of carbon dioxide.
  • Agricultural Policies in the EU vs. the US It is the position of this paper concerning the European Union, and the United States, particularly in the light of the political implications on policymaking in the Agricultural Sectors, that both the EU’s Common Agricultural […]
  • “The Political Economy of Agricultural Transition” by Rozelle and Swinnen Other important highlights of the article include the motivations behind the actor’s push for economic reform in China and the Soviet Union.
  • Agricultural Issues in the Global South The latter has ensured that food is produced in plenty and that the citizens do not starve at the expense of cash crops.
  • The Agricultural Revolutions: Timeline, Causes, Inventions This revolution prevented food emergencies in Latin America and Asia during the 1970s and 1980s. However, the revolution was not a successful tactic in ending global food shortage and hunger.
  • Argentina-Kenya International Trade in Agriculture The use of manual labor and inefficient production processes can be considered as one of the main reasons behind the sheer “glut” of workers in the agricultural industry and, as such, this shows one area […]
  • Agricultural Products vs. Animal Rights Dilemma A while back I was looking for a summer job and I was able to get one in the farms that rear chicken for their eggs and meat.
  • Agricultural Policies in African and Asian Countries Agriculture is the largest contributor to the GDP in most countries accounting for 32% of the GDP. Agriculture is the main source of income for the majority of the population.
  • Farmers and Their Role in the American Agriculture The recent changes in the world’s largest countries’ economies can be a good illustration of the exclusive role of agriculture which can enable a state to play an important role in the world.
  • Big Data and Agriculture Big Data is expected to feed the world in the future by analyzing large volumes of data associated with predicting the weather, finding appropriate regions for farming and agriculture, and eliminating possible adverse outcomes.
  • Yara vs. Southern Agricultural Corridor of Tanzania At the same time, the approaches of both companies to maintaining high market positions are different, and the purpose of this work is to analyze the strategies applied by Yara and SAGCOT to ensure interest […]
  • Current Condition of Australian Agriculture The current situation in the agricultural sphere is one of the critical drivers for the need for government intervention and the development of new reforms.
  • Australian Economy: Agriculture, Industry and Services Most of the responsibility for the upsurge lies on the technological advancement of the industry that drives the growth and productivity.
  • Jethro Tull as a Change Agent in the Agriculture First, he told his people to be more exact and throw seeds to the whole, but his commands were ignored. In order to prove the effectiveness of his methods, he did not use manure for […]
  • Genetically Modified Organisms in Canadian Agriculture The primary goal of the public engagement initiative is to come up with practical solutions to the challenges facing the adoption of GMOs in Canadian agriculture. The project will inform and consult the citizens to […]
  • Environmental Health and Agricultural Hazards OSHA contributes to environmental health, as it attracts attention to the fact that a lot of people are injured and killed on farms.
  • Urban Agriculture in Chicago: Pros and Cons The climatic changes that have adversely affected the ability of farmers in the rural areas to generate high yields in their farms have led to a reduction in the number of fresh products reaching the […]
  • Agriculture in the Pacific Northwest The large variety of marine and terrestrial resources made agriculture the secondary food source and allowed for the development of storage-based subsistence economy in the Pacific Northwest, especially in Oregon.
  • Construction Control Inspector in Agriculture The job description by the Natural Resource Conservation Service for the construction control inspector position is accurate in the description of the duties and tasks that may be required.
  • American Agriculture in “Food Inc.” Documentary My decision to use the film for the assignment was based on the fact that I had watched it before and was highly influenced by it.
  • Agricultural Nutrient Pollution and Its Reduction The solutions that have been proposed for the issue are varied: there is the possibility of upgrading farms with the help of better technologies, controlling the use of fertilizers and waste discharge with the help […]
  • Native Americans’ History, Farming, Agriculture Nowadays, the task of primary importance is to educate the society and convey the idea that the rich past of the American Indians should be remembered.
  • Canadian Small Agricultural Business and Its Trends Some of the misconceptions are illustrated in the report are that the sector is shrinking with no modernization and innovation. In reality, the study showed that over 95% of the farmers in Canada take measures […]
  • Management Accounting in Agriculture The farming industry of the nature of John and Mary falls in this category however with such a management accounting system like the one portrayed, then the management is likely to be more easy and […]
  • Exchange Rates Impact on the Australian Agriculture The random trend in the foreign exchange market is a macroeconomic issue that has significant implications on the export market prices and the appreciation of the Australian dollar.
  • Energy Problems in the Agriculture Sector From the start, I recognized that using the diesel generator was not the most effective way to solve the power needs of the farm.
  • Agriculture Improvement: The US Farm Bill Nadine Lehrer, who has been studying the bill, asserts, “The bill was developed in the wake of 1930’s farm crisis to bring farm incomes up to the par with the required minimum incomes”.
  • Agricultural Industries in Australia The Commonwealth of Australia is situated in Oceania and is “the world’s sixth-largest country”. This is at least partially the result of the historical development of the country.
  • Use of Mobile Phones in Agricultural Extension This indicates that the use of mobile phones in agriculture may lead to an increase in prices so as to enable farmers to maximize their returns.
  • Urban Agriculture and Localization The increased rate of rural to urban movement has caused urban food shortage, a high cost of food, and a huge reliance on imported food, among other challenges.
  • US Food Industry: Market Dynamics and Regulation Impact The overall outcome of such a supply management program is rising in production costs, consumer prices and a reduction in the capacity of US milk products to compete in the global market.
  • Global Warming and Agriculture The first and the most obvious result of the global warming is the decrease of the harvest in the majority of regions all over the world.
  • Agricultural Studies: The Kuwaiti Pineapple People who meet me at their life paths are inclined to experience similar emotions and feelings while analyzing the details of my appearance and character, and my friends agree that the discussion of pineapple as […]
  • Whole Foods Trends: Stringent Standards to Agricultural Practices and Food Products Some of the most common trends pertaining the retail of organic food products in the industry include the ups and downs within the farming sector, concerns of the environment, and concern of healthy lifestyles.
  • Impact of Policies on the Practice of Urban Agriculture in Los Angeles This paper looks at the city of Los Angeles and the practice of urban agriculture as a case study to enable the exploration of some of the components of climate change coupled with how political […]
  • Vicious Cycle: The Flipside of Brazil’s Agricultural Expansionist Policies But more importantly, environmental policymakers in Brazil should realize that another vicious cycle between economic development and income distribution will set in the near future as long as farmers in North-East regions of the country […]
  • Potential Reduction in Irrigation Water Through the Use of Water-Absorbent Polymers in Agriculture in UAE The purpose of this study is to focus on the possibility of the use of super absorbent polymers in agriculture in other parts of the world too with an aim of reducing water used in […]
  • The Agricultural Policy in European Union and the United State of America To achieve the main aim of the study, the third objective will be to analyse the common agricultural policy in the European Union and its effects on the member countries with the use of Germany, […]
  • Agricultural Subsidies in the United States and the EU The main purpose of this paper is to conduct a comparative analysis of the similarities and differences between the US and the EU agricultural subsidies.
  • Human Development. Role of Agriculture. Importance of Technology and Foreign Aid in Mozambique The access to wage labor, which enhances the state of agriculture and the whole country, depends on the people’s education. The rapid development of the agriculture is connected with foreign investments and earnings, as they […]
  • Agricultural Modernization in Third World Countries Due to underdevelopment in third world countries, the state considered the need for integrated rural development to reduce poverty in rural areas.
  • Applying Ecological Theory: Agricultural Degradation of Tropical Forest Ecosystems & Restoration of Exhausted Agricultural Land In this latter case, the conditions inhibit the recovery of the original forest and can lead to a different ecosystem. One of the human activities that are proving to be a dangerous threat to tropical […]
  • Managing for Sustainability: The Case of Agricultural Producers & Coal Mining in Australia In spite of the fact that these agricultural producers are responsible for bringing significant income to state and local budgets, and despite the fact that the agricultural producers are personally or cooperatively responsible for decreasing […]
  • Agricultural, Economics and Environmental Considerations of Bio-Fuels With the end of the oil crisis at the onset of the 1980s decade, the keen interest in bio-fuels fizzled out.
  • Brazil Sustainable and Productive Agricultural Practices The country is the source of water and also a water table of up to 12% of the available freshwater worldwide the Brazil is also undoubtedly one of the leading producers of food and biofuels […]
  • Critical Review: “Food’s Footprint: Agriculture and Climate Change” by Jennifer Burney The ability to unravel the current quagmire surrounding the causes and effects of global warming on food and agricultural production remain the key area towards effective policy design, management application and eventual sustainability assimilation in […]
  • Pesticides Usage on Agricultural Products in California Some of the aspects that must be incorporated in that report are the date of application, the amount used as used as well as the ell as the geographical location of the farm in question.
  • Swidden Agriculture: Shift Farming Although this farming technique has been efficient in the past, it has proved to be unsustainable with the current increase in the global population.
  • Sowing Blood With the Maize: Zapotec Effigy Vessels and Agricultural Ritual At the very beginning, the author overviews the importance of maize for human and relates it to the peculiarities of Zapotec religion, including the description of genital bloodletting as an act of self-sacrifice to gods.
  • Malaria’s and Agriculture Relationship in Kenya This case study analyses the relationship between malaria and agriculture and some of the measures which have been put in place to lower the occurrence of the disease.
  • Changes and its Effects Observed at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology For instance, the main entrance was fully furnished and the stretch from the gate connecting other units of the campus was renovated.
  • Can Genetically Modified Food Feed the World: Agricultural and Biotechnological Perspective Undoubtedly, the practice of tissue culture and grafting in plants is never enough to quench the scientific evidence on the power of biotechnology to improve breeding and feeding in living organisms.
  • Agriculture and Genetics Disciplines Relationship The collapse of Crick’s theory was a setback to the genetics discipline because the foundations of genetic engineering are based on the central dogma premise.
  • Agricultural Geography and the Production and Consumption of Food in British Columbia The impact of the disparity in the natural environment which causes variable conditions in different geographical areas is reflected in the productivity, production cost and efficiency of production.
  • Recycling of Wastewater for Agricultural Use in Arid Areas Given that in these arid areas water is a rare commodity, recycling of wastewaters has been considered as one of the ways that can be used to increase the amount of water for irrigation for […]
  • Agricultural Subsidies and Development In the event that the world prices is lower than the guaranteed price the government of the nation in question will make up the difference through its subsidy kit set aside for this purpose.
  • Cultural Innovations: An Archaeological Examination of Prehistoric Economics, Agriculture and Family Life The type of structures made were and still are determined by the availability of building materials, the level of development of building tools, the climatic conditions, and the economic resources available to the builder.
  • Addressing Concerns on Food and Agriculture Mechanization of agriculture running back to the days of the industrial revolution contributes quite a lot to increasing food production. Genetic engineering contributes considerably to the increased food production for the needs of the human […]
  • Does Agriculture Help Poverty and Inequality Reduction?
  • How Can Caribbean Agriculture Reach Its Potential?
  • Can Conservation Agriculture Improve Crop Water Availability in an Erratic Tropical Climate Producing Water Stress?
  • How Did Government Affect Agriculture?
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  • Are African Households Leaving Agriculture?
  • How Can Multifunctional Agriculture Support a Transition to a Green Economy in Africa?
  • Does Crop Insurance Influence Commercial Crop Farm Decisions to Expand?
  • Can Geographical Indications Modernize Indonesian and Vietnamese Agriculture?
  • Does Education Enhance Productivity in Smallholder Agriculture?
  • Where and How Can a Debate About Non-safety Related Issues of Genome Editing in Agriculture Take Place?
  • Does Group Affiliation Increase Productivity and Efficiency in Russia’s Agriculture?
  • Can Integrated Agriculture-Nutrition Programs Change Gender Norms on Land and Asset Ownership?
  • Does Off-Farm Employment Contribute to Agriculture-Based Environmental Pollution?
  • Are Mega-Farms the Future of Global Agriculture?
  • Does Oil Palm Agriculture Help Alleviate Poverty?
  • Can Agriculture Support Climate Change Adaptation, Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, and Rural Livelihoods?
  • Does Organic Agriculture Lead to Better Health Among Organic and Conventional Farmers in Thailand?
  • Are Non-exporters Locked Out of Foreign Markets Because of Low Productivity?
  • Does Urban Proximity Enhance Technical Efficiency in Agriculture?
  • How Does Biological Control Contribute to Sustainable Agriculture?
  • Can Climate Interventions Open up Space for Transformation?
  • Are Production Technologies Associated with Agri-Environmental Programs More Eco-Efficient?
  • Can Conservation Agriculture Save Tropical Forests?
  • Does Agriculture Generate Local Economic Spillovers?
  • Can Sustainable Agriculture Feed Africa?
  • How Can African Agriculture Adapt to Climate Change?
  • Why Are Cooperatives Important in Agriculture?
  • Who Influences Government Spending in Agriculture?
  • What Does Climate Change Mean for Agriculture in Developing Countries?
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 176 Agriculture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"176 Agriculture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '176 Agriculture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "176 Agriculture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "176 Agriculture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "176 Agriculture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

Essay on Agriculture for Class 5

Essay on Agriculture for Class 5 : Hello Students are you looking for Essay on Agriculture  for your class. Here in this article we have posted Essay on Agriculture for 5th Class Std.



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Essay on Agriculture


Agriculture is the most common practice in India, where people engage in farming crops for their livelihood. Through this essay on agriculture, we can educate children about its significance and teach them that agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy. We will also see how the agricultural sector has changed over the recent years in this agriculture essay in English.

The agriculture in India essay will give a sneak peek into the world of farming. Children will be able to learn how farmers ensure to keep our economy stable by producing different yields. Agriculture has existed in India for a long time, but now, the use of modern equipment and technology has given it a new meaning. Through agriculture essay topics, we will be able to better comprehend this field, and children will be inspired to write a short essay on the topic.

essay about agriculture

Importance of Agriculture

The essay on agriculture begins by highlighting its importance. Not many children know where exactly the food we eat comes from. Surely, they know that their parents bought the vegetables and cereals from the market and cooked them. But are they aware of how these goods are produced? The agriculture in India essay will delve into these aspects and make it easy for children to understand.

Farmers work day and night to produce food, and we are indebted to them for their efforts as they ensure our sustenance. Along with employing many labourers for farming and rearing, the agricultural sector is a major contributor to the national income of the country by exporting commodities like tea, coffee, spices, vegetables etc. Moreover, agriculture plays a significant role in the economic development of the nation as people depend on it for food and livelihood. Hence, it is best to enlighten them about agriculture through this agriculture essay in English.

Negative Impacts of Agriculture

Though we say that agriculture is a boon to the economy, some of the agriculture essay topics will point out that it causes harm to both the environment and the people involved. Since it requires large areas for cultivating crops, trees are cut down, and forests are cleared to make space for agricultural activities. Besides, farmers utilise water from rivers and ponds for irrigation, and this will lead to the fast drying of water resources.

Further, the essay on agriculture discusses that agriculture creates a negative impact on people as well. As there is excessive use of pesticides and fertilisers to protect the crops from damage, this will affect the people who intake the produce. Along with causing many health issues, the use of chemicals leads to the depletion of the topsoil and pollution of groundwater.

We can conclude the agriculture in India essay by saying that we must be wary of its pros and cons though agriculture has given so much to society and the nation. We must incorporate innovative technologies in agriculture to ease the processes, and at the same time, we should limit the damage done to the environment. Through this agriculture essay in English, we can inspire children to spread awareness about the negative effects of agriculture on people and the environment. For more useful and informative essays for kids, check out BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of the essay on agriculture.

The essay on agriculture will make children aware of the meaning and significance of agriculture. Children will be able to understand how agriculture is an important occupation in India and ensures our survival.

How can children write an essay on agriculture?

Children can refer to the sample agriculture essay provided by BYJU’S to write their essay on the topic. As the essay is written in simple language, children will be able to easily follow it and thus write an essay on it.

What are the negative sides of agriculture?

Agriculture causes deforestation and soil pollution as forests are cleared for cultivation. Fertilisers and chemicals are used to protect crops from insects, which leads to the depletion of the soil. It also results in various health issues when people intake food.

essay on agriculture for class 5

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  • Organic Farming Essay


An introduction to Essay on Organic Farming

Organic farming describes how it uses organic elements and composts and tries to expand soil richness by taking care of soil miniature existence with build-ups from life. For example, trash fertilizer, sewage, excrement, plant deposits, food handling squanders, etc. This essay on organic farming will help you to discover the parts and importance of organic farming. 

This article also deals with the advantages and barriers to it. The organic farming essay also explains the principles behind it and how it is different from the traditional farming technique. An essay on organic farming is essential because it helps us understand the advantages of organic farming and also tells us how the effect of normal farming is harmful.

Segments of Organic Farming

Segments of Organic Farming are discussed below in detail.

Organic Manures

Organic manure provides basic nutrients that are required by plants in limited edition. It is a natural practice adopted by farmers to provide food (plant nutrients) to crop plants. There are various organic manures that are used by farmers such as farm wastes, oilcakes, vermicompost, and biological waste - animal bone. 

Biological Pest Management

The preservation of regular pests is significant for evading the utilization of compound pesticides. Organic pesticides, for example, neem, tobacco and other restorative plants need promotion. Specific microbial pesticides, for instance, Bacillus Thuringiensis offer a guarantee. It is essential to have biological pest management to improve the quality of the soil.

Non-Chemical Weed Control 

Mechanical strategy for weed control is commonly polished to lessen the weed populace. Organic control of weed needs promotion. 

Agronomical Practices

Yield revolution, blended trimming, green manuring practices will improve the physical and compound properties of soil. Consideration of leguminous yields in these practices adds to the ripeness. 

Alley Cropping

Coordination of lasting plants (generally leguminous) in the cultivating framework is called backstreet trimming. 

Principles of Organic Farming

No Chemical Fertilizer

In the event that nature is left to itself, fruitfulness is expanded, organic remains from plants and creatures gather and are deteriorated on a superficial level by microbes and growths. Utilizing straw, green compost, and ranch yard excrement, one can get significant returns without substance manure. 

No Use of Herbicide

Straw mulch and impermanent flooding give successful weed control in numerous fields. 

No Use of Pesticides

The preservation of common adversaries of irritations and the utilization of organic pesticides stay away from the utilization of synthetic pesticides. 

Upkeep of Healthy Soil

Soil well-being is kept up by developing vegetables, green manuring, green leaf manuring, crop pivot, entomb, and blended editing, including vegetables.

Importance of Organic Farming Essay

It doesn't bring about any ecological contamination since it evades the utilization of substance and plant insurance synthetic compounds. 

Less energy is utilized in organic cultivating contrasted with ordinary horticulture.

Less motorization is required. 

Less unsettling influence of soil, legitimate structure, high organic issue substance will be kept up. 

Organic food gets more cost than the product acquired by regular strategies.

Threats to Organic Farming

In changing over to organic cultivating, an underlying harvest misfortune, by and large, happens, especially whenever done rapidly. 

Land assets can move unreservedly from organic cultivating to regular cultivating; they don't move the converse way openly. 

Organic controls may have been debilitated, which may take three or four years for deposits to misfortune their impact.

Short Essay On Organic Farming

Organic farming is an essential part of today’s world. Organic cultivating implies cultivating in the organic connection between soil, water, and plants; between soil, soil organisms, and side-effects. This also implies the connection between the plant realm and the collective of animals; among agribusiness and ranger service; between soil, water and environment. Nature receives diverse techniques to gracefully supplement the dirt and keep up the soil’s fruitfulness. The gracefulness of supplements is undisrupted in nature. The plant leaves produce carbs and later change these carbohydrates into sugar, starch, cellulose, lignin, and so on. 

Organic compost includes mixing carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash rich materials. The minor components are available in extent, and the pivotal carbon-nitrogen proportion is neither too high nor excessively low. This sort of arrangement is inside the capability of ranchers. There is no need to include some nitrogenous manure as a supplement. The nitrogenous substance compost agitates the supplement equalization of soil. Nitrogenous manure is known as an energizer of development, and there is furore for it among the ranchers. Organic farming has many benefits in today’s world and it is esteemed to be much more cautious than the traditional ways of farming. This method, when used, can improve the health of people and the richness of soil on which farming is done. The reliance on these methods is beneficial as they provide more nutritious crops and better nourishment.

Through organic farming, the fertility of soil gets improved. Organic movement and the physical and mineral nature of the dirt are contributing factors. Organic farming is preferred over other modes for this very reason.


FAQs on Organic Farming Essay

1. What is the focus of Organic Farming?

Organic creation of yields is fundamentally the same as normal creation for planting, gathering. Assortments are normally the equivalent. Ripeness, weeds and different nuisances should be overseen in a more serious manner. Harvest pivot and timing of mechanical development are basic to progress. The mix of animals, to help gracefully excrement/fertilizer supplements will likewise be an advantage. Consider joining a few of the natural cultivating affiliations, for example, Canadian Organic Growers (COG) or Ecological Farmers of Ontario (EFO) to build your organization of natural cultivating contacts particularly among other natural ranchers in your general vicinity. 

2. What are the six basic methods of Organic Farming Practices?

The six basic methods of Organic Farming practices are crop diversity, soil management, weed management, controlling other organisms, livestock and genetic modification. These different methods are used in organic farming to improve yield and make farming more efficient. Organic farming methods improve the yield by following traditional practices with new scientific technology.

3. How do students learn about the basics of Organic Farming?

Organic farming can be intimidating for beginners, and one can start little by little and then advance. Basics can be learnt through many sources and sites now available even online. Students can learn about the basics of Organic Farming if they go to Organic Farming Essay for Students in English available on this page. This essay deals with what Organic Farming essentially is and what its advantages, as well as disadvantages, amount to. 

Geography Notes

Essay on agriculture (for students) | world | economic geography.


Here is a compilation of essays on ‘Agriculture’ for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Agriculture’ especially written for school and college students.

Essay on Agriculture

Essay Contents:

  • Essay on Agriculture Changes in Different Countries

Essay # 1. Introduction to Agriculture:

The word “Agriculture” has no rigid definition. It has been explained by many people very comprehensively. Agriculture has been defined as the science and art of cultivating the soil, and this definition emphasizes the primary nature of plant production in agriculture.

Moreover, it is so frequent that the same person performs both the primary functions of growing plants and the secondary one of feeding the plants to livestock that these two industries are grouped together as agriculture. Therefore, it may be said that agriculture includes not only the production of crops by the cultivation of the soil, but also the rearing of livestock.

Thus, milk, meat and wool are as much agricultural products as are wheat, rice and cotton. In the words of George O’Brien, therefore, the word agriculture includes, “every industry which aims at producing vegetables or animals by the cultivation of the soil.”

So, agriculture is the business of raising products from the land. The products raised may either be plants and their products or animals and their products. The former are the direct products while the latter are the indirect products of the land. Agricultural products are complex and diverse, in nature, and as such, agriculture may be regarded as complex industry.

Modern agriculture is such broader in scope than merely the art and science of cultivating the land. It is the whole business of supplying food and fiber for a growing population at home and abroad. Again in agriculture we include all forms of soil production, from forestry to glass-house culture, from fishery to artificial insemination, and from breeding to horticulture.

Essay # 2. Origin of Agriculture:

Agriculture is the most fundamental form of hu­man activity and includes not only the cultivation of crops but also the domestication of animals. Agri­cultural land is thus the most basic of the world’s vast and varied resources, and from it the human masses are fed, clothed and sheltered. It is still not known when agriculture actually originated.

Primi­tive men must have begun as food gatherers, eating whatever fruits, leaves and roots they could obtain. Nature must have been bountiful in those days when human numbers were so small and wild plants grew everywhere. As time passed and human numbers grew, fishing and hunting became increasingly im­portant in supplementing what was lacking in the field, and an endless search for food ensued.

It was soon realized that some form of food pro­duction was necessary if men were to live long and secure. Animals were tamed, first to provide meat, milk and skin; later for use as draught animals. Seeds were sown in ploughed fields, carefully tended and harvested when the time came.

Men were then able to live in settled communities. Because they were no longer continually moving they had time to develop the various arts, crafts and skills that formed the basis of modern industries and also evolved religious and political ideas. Without a settled agriculture, a meas­urable degree of civilization is not possible.

Naturally, as civilization became more and more advanced, the demands upon the productivity of the environment became more exacting. In an ever-expanding com­munity, ways and means had to be found to increase the agricultural productivity of the land. Canals were dug to bring in more water; better seeds and improved methods of tillage helped to increase the annual harvests.

With the spread of agriculture as a global activity, tremendous progress was made in every as­pect of crop production. The use of steam, oil, gas or hydro-electric power allowed farms to be mechanized, which not only raised productivity per hectare, but also brought rapid expansion in the total land-area farmed, especially in the New World.

Mechanization created large crop surpluses so that international trade in agricultural crops became possible. Many indus­trial nations today grow very little food and yet they are able to support large populations with the help of food imports.

Essay # 3. Definition of Agriculture:

Thus, milk, meat and wool are as much agricultural products as are wheat, rice and cotton. In the words of George O’Brien, therefore, the word agriculture includes “every industry which aims at producing vegetables or animals by the cultivation of the soil.”

Modern agriculture is such broader in scope than merely the art and science of cultivating the land. It is the whole business of supplying food and fibre for a growing population at home and abroad.

Again in agriculture we include all forms of soil production, from forestry to glass-house culture, from fishery to artificial insemination, and from breeding to horticulture.

Essay # 4 . Features of Agriculture:

The following are the features of agriculture:

i. Land use Pattern:

Out of 328 million hectares total land, at least 45 per cent area is devoted to agriculture. At present 180 million hectares of land is under multiple cropping.

ii. Relative Importance of Different Crops:

Nearly 72.3 per cent agricultural land is de­voted for food-grain production and remaining 17.7 per cent land is used for the production of other crops. Considering the total volume of production and area under cultivation, rice se­cures the prime position.

More than 20 per cent land may be classified as rice land. In order of importance wheat is close behind rice, taking more than 10 per cent of the cultivable land. Cash crops like cotton, sugar cane and jute are the other dominant agriculture products.

iii. Average Size of Land Holdings:

All over India tiny and uneconomic land holdings are characteristic feature. Compared to other developed and developing countries, Indian land units are one of the smallest. The major reason, India is one of the most densely populated regions on earth. Besides this high density of population, high degree of dependence on agri­culture also forced the people to acquire land holdings whatever size it might be.

According to Hindu Law, after the death of a land-owner his property is equally subdivided among his successors. In this way the average size of land holdings decreases. The average size of agri­cultural land units in USA is over 148 acres, in Denmark it is 42 acres, in England it is more than 18 acres while in India it is only 5.7 acres. There is a lot of disparity visible between the different size of existing land holdings. Even less than 1 acre land is not uncommon.

iv. Pattern of Land Ownership:

The most peculiar characteristic feature of Indian farm­ing is the concentration of a large amount of land ownership to a handful of people. Only 11 per cent cultivators occupy 62 per cent of the arable land. On the other hand, at least 21 per cent of farmers still remain landless or merely marginal farmers. This mal-distribution of land among the cultivators result in stress and strain in the socio-economic life of India.

v. Fragmentation and Isolation of Land Holdings:

This is another main characteristic feature of Indian agriculture. In the early colonial period, average size of land holding was 9 to 12 acres or even more. But repeated division of land after the death of owner resulted further fragmentation of land and land holdings become tiny. Some of the holdings are so small, that these are uneconomic for further cultivation.

vi. Land Tenure System:

The Indian land tenure system was formulated during the Brit­ish period. The Permanent Settlement system, promulgated by Lord Cornwallis in 1993, assured the land ownership permanently to a handful of people. This semi-feudal system in the agrarian sector created a large number of absentee landlords. Due to imposition of this system, ownership of the cultivable land became highly concentrated to a handful of people.

In this system farmers, those who are engaged in production, were not interested to develop the quality of the land. Another characteristic feature developed in this system was the feeling of insecurity among the cultivators.

vii. Subsistence Level of Production and Heavy Dependence on Agriculture:

Agriculture is still one of the low-earning occupations. Most of the crops produced are directly consumed by the farmer himself. Nearly 45% of the products are consumed by cultivators themselves. At least 16% is given to government as revenue.

7% is to be kept as seed and only 32% may be regarded as marketable surplus. Due to low surplus, cultivators are unable to get liquid money. Due to lack of liquid money, he cannot invest more on the field. As the investment is low, it is very difficult for farmers to achieve a surplus production. Here lies the vicious circle of pov­erty as promulgated by Prof. Narks.

viii. Disguised Unemployment:

The number of agricultural labour in India is the highest in the world. On an average, 25% of the people may be classified as marginal farmers and agricultural labourers. This large number of people do not possess any land of their own. They sustain their livelihood as daily wage earner. The major part of the year they remain jobless, particularly in the lean season.

These labours are seasonal and do not have any commitment on the production. Even, as suggested by some noted economists, the contribution of these workers in the production is very low. They are known as disguised unemployed.

These dis­guised unemployed workers constitute the bulk of the labour force. As they do not contribute anything in the production, they are in reality unemployed, but as they get wage, capital outflow occurs from agriculture.

ix. Low Investment:

Low investment in Indian agriculture is another major characteris­tic feature. Low investment leads to low production and low income to the farmer. That is again the reason of low investment. This vicious circle creates a fundamental problem in In­dian agro-economics. Low inflow of capital in the agricultural sector is primarily responsible for the primitive character of our agrarian system.

x. Low Production:

Despite all efforts in recent years, average agricultural production in India per acre is still one of the lowest in the world. Compared to developed countries production per acre in India is one-fourth of USA and Canada. Production in China is even twice that of India.

xi. Organizational Deficiency:

Most of the agro-farms are governed by either individu­als or families. Most of these families belong to low income groups. So they are not able to provide sufficient capital, different inputs of agriculture, managerial ability and proper mar­keting facilities in the cultivation.

Essay # 5 . Importance of Agriculture in India:

i. Agriculture’s Share in National Income:

Agriculture and allied occupations still contribute about 34% of the national income of India. It is true that with an acceleration of the secondary and the tertiary sectors the share of agriculture has been declining.

Such decline in the percentage share of the income from agriculture indicates the degree of economic development of the country. For instance, today the share of agriculture in the national income is 13% in Australia, 7% in Canada, 5% in the U.S.A. and only 4% in the U.K.

ii. Agriculture as a Source of Livelihood:

According to Census of Population 1971, 7 out of every 10 persons in India still depend on agriculture their main source of livelihood. This proportion of 66% has remained on constant ever since 1901 and is likely to remain so for at least a few more decades.

This fact also reacts the importance of agriculture. In the developed countries, the position is just the reverse. The percentage of population dependent on agriculture is only 25% in France, 20% in New Zealand, 15% in Canada and West Germany and a little over in the U.S.A.

iii. Agriculture and Pattern of Employment:

It is often suggested that the importance of a sector can be judged from the percentage of working population (and not the total population) engaged in that sector. 66% of the working people are engaged in agriculture.

This indicates the fact that employment opportunities are greater in agriculture than in other sectors of the economy. It is of course, due to the fact that the other sectors have not yet developed. In many of the advanced countries where other sectors have developed rapidly, the percentage of employment in agriculture is negligible.

iv. Importance of Agriculture for Industrial Development:

Unless agriculture is well-developed, industries may not develop rapidly. This is because agriculture provides a number of raw materials to industries. In India, most of our leading industries depend on agriculture for their raw materials. For instance, industries like cotton textiles, jute, sugar and vanaspati depend on agriculture for their raw materials.

The plantation industries like tea, coffee, rubber etc. also depend directly on agriculture. There are a number of other industries whose dependence on agriculture is indirect. These are hand/pounding and husking of rice, crushing of oil, weaving of handloom and khadi cloth, etc.

Many others, like paper, leather and tanning, matches, chemicals, etc., depend on allied activities of agriculture like forestry, animal husbandry, factories etc. It is, of course, true that a number of modern industries like iron and steel, machine tools, engineering, aircraft etc., do not depend on agricultural for their raw materials. But these industries supply important agricultural inputs like fertiliser, farm machinery and equipment. Thus both agriculture and industry are inter-dependent.

v. Agriculture and the Foreign Trade of India:

Indian agriculture has been a net earner of valuable foreign exchange for the country. At present, about 50% of our exports are of agricultural commodities. This share goes upto 70% if we add to it the exports of manufactured goods like cotton and jute textiles which have substantial agricultural content.

Further our exports trade in agricultural commodities is well diversified over a number of countries. Whereas agricultural exports earn about 70% of foreign exchange this sector spends only about 20% of it so that it makes a net contribution of about 50% to the earrings of foreign exchange. This indeed hints at the fact that the requirement of imports for faster industrialization of the country has contributed to largely by the agricultural sector.

vi. Agriculture and the Tertiary Sector:

Tertiary sector consists of trade, transport service, etc. Agriculture contributes substantially to all these sectors. In respect of our internal trade, agriculture contributes considerably because most of the internal trade is in agricultural commodities.

Agriculture is also the main support for our transport system. Agricultural also helps manufacturing industries because when the incomes are high, their purchasing power is also high and a part of this is diverted to the purchase of manufactured goods.

vii. Agriculture and State Revenues:

Agriculture also brings about an increase in the Government’s revenues—both directly as well as indirectly.

viii. Food for Men and Fooder for Livestock:

Agriculture provides the food for her millions people and livestock. The two outstanding features of agricultural production in India are the wide variety of crops and the preponderance of food over non-food crops in as much as about 80% of the area under cultivation is devoted to cereals, pulses and small millets.

ix. Agricultural Development Essential for Economic Development:

The significance of agriculture in our country arises also from the fact that the development of agriculture is an essential condition for the development of the national economy. Nurkse argues that the surplus population in agriculture should be removed and used in the newly started industries.

Essay # 6. Factors Influencing Agriculture:

The distribution of crops and farm activities is every­where influenced by environmental controls. In some environments, farming is favoured by climate, soil or relief, so that very little effort is needed to raise crops. In others, farmers are at the mercy of nature; and great skill is required to modify the environment to obtain even the barest subsistence.

The following are some of the major geographical factors that in­fluence farmers and their work:

i. Climate:

Climatic factors exert the greatest control over the world distribution of agricultural types. It is essentially a question of climate when grapes are not grown in the tropics and date palms flourish only in the deserts. Despite all the advances made in science, Man can do little to control climate.

He cannot prevent the Siberian rivers from freezing in winter, nor is he able to lower the high tempera­ture of the Sahara. He can at best adapt himself to the climatic environment or moderate the climatic extremes by using greenhouses, central heating or irrigation.

The various climatic elements that affect agriculture are as follows:

(a) Temperature:

The degree of warmth, the dura­tion, and the intensity of sunshine, all affect crop maturity to a certain extent. For example in Britain, wheat and forage crops do better in the south where conditions are warmer; while oats and turnips can be grown in the cooler climate of the north.

Many garden crops and fruits are not able to withstand extreme diurnal temperature variations. Night frosts may damage the tender leaves of plants and protective measures must often be taken, such as burning oil lamps to raise the temperature, or ‘smudging’, i.e. creating smoke that prevents rapid ground cooling. Very low temperatures in the Arctic regions preclude any form of crop cultivation.

Sunshine not only accelerates ripening of crops but also improves the quality of the final products. In temperate farming, the length of the growing season is often an important consideration. For example, wheat requires a 90-day frost-free growing period and summer temperatures around 16°C (60°F); cotton needs summer temperatures of over 21°C (70°F) and 200 days without frost.

(b) Moisture:

Moisture, either from the atmos­phere or from the ground, is absolutely essential in plant growth. It is not only the amount of moisture that counts, but also such vital considerations as the distribution pattern during the year, the rate of evaporation and the conditions of relative humidity at the periods of sowing, growing and harvesting.

An annual precipitation (including both rain and snow) of 1 016 mm (40 inches) may be ideal for most temperate crops, but it is inadequate for agricul­ture in the tropics, where the rate of evaporation is very great. In many tropical countries there are distinct wet and dry periods following one another in a regular pattern. Crops are sown and grow through the rainy period, to be harvested in the almost per­fectly rainless conditions of the dry season.

This is the typical rhythm of rice cultivation in the Orient and of cotton farming in East Africa. In the Medi­terranean shorelands, which experience winter rain and summer drought, plant growth is almost restrict­ed to autumn and spring when both the temperature and the moisture conditions are favourable.

The long summer drought, with its low humidity conditions and excessive evaporation, poses a real threat to many plants. Cereals often require irrigation; but citrus fruits, vines and olives which have either a thick skin as protection against evaporation or long tap roots to reach moisture, are well-suited to the Mediterranean environment.

Some plants are harmed by strong winds which may accelerate evaporation or physic­ally damage the plant. For example, in West Africa or eastern Brazil, high winds may blow off fruits like cocoa pods that hang precariously on the trunks and branches of the trees. Cocoa cultivation is there­fore least suited to regions where violent winds like typhoons and hurricanes occur.

On the other hand, sea breezes and light winds are often advantageous to certain plants like coconuts and coffee. Where winds are known to attain destructive proportions, e.g. the typhoons of northern Luzon, Philippines, low-growing plants such as padi or tobacco have a better chance of survival than tall tree crops as they offer less resist­ance to the wind and are able to sway with the storm rather than snapping off.

ii. Topography:

A comparison of Fig. 3.3 with a world map of relief features will reveal that the most intensively cultivated parts of the earth are the lowlands. The levelness of the ground eases cultiva­tion and the use of machinery.

Consequently, such areas have the greatest concentrations of population. All over Monsoon Asia wet padi is grown in flooded lowland fields, coastal plains and alluvial river basins. The hills are terraced to create artificial flooded low­land conditions for wet padi cultivation.

In the New World, the rolling grasslands of the Pampas and the Prairies have been improved, by such measures as re- grassing, for large-scale livestock farming, mixed farming or extensive mechanized wheat cultivation. Some other crops like cocoa and rubber are limited to tropical lowlands. Latex yield from rubber trees decreases appreciably at altitudes above 760 metres (2,500 ft).

Not all crops prefer lowland regions, however. Crops like coffee and tea grow best on hill slopes and at altitudes up to 1 525 metres (5,000 ft) or more, as in Assam, Sri Lanka, Colombia and the Bra­zilian Plateau, where the slopes are well-drained and there is little possibility of water remaining stagnant for long to rot the roots of the shrubs.

The wetter condi­tions and higher temperatures of the lowlands do not suit these crops. With the rapid growth of human num­bers, there is an increasing need to utilize the uplands, especially in crowded Monsoon Asia. In some areas the virgin soils of the newly-cleared upland forests have proved to be some of the most productive lands in the world but steep slopes are very prone to soil erosion.

Agriculturalists are devising new strains of crops that can survive at higher altitudes and in colder cli­mates but efforts to overcome topographical restric­tions have so far affected only small areas. The moun­tainous regions, therefore, remain sparsely settled or virtually unpopulated.

Thus physical, as well as cli­matic controls over agriculture are profound and Man can do little to alter them, except in such directions as land reclamation from swamps, marshes or shallow seas. The annual increases in the world’s food produc­tion come mainly from greater intensification of farming on existing agricultural land, e.g. by use of multiple-cropping, use of higher yielding seeds and use of fertilizers, which all improve yields per hectare.

Extension of farmlands is possible only in areas where potential croplands have not yet been fully utilized.

The soil, which is composed of a variety of minerals and organic substances, forms the physical support of plants and is fundamental to any form of agriculture. As soils are so varied in their physical and chemical composition, being so closely related to their climatic and vegetational environment, their suitabi­lity for the cultivation of different kinds of crops varies tremendously.

The soil requirements for cereals, beverages, root crops and garden crops differ so much that unless the farmer has a sound knowledge of soil properties, he is not likely to gain the most from his land.

iv. Biotic Factors:

Crop cultivation may be hampered by weeds, parasitic plants, diseases, insect- pests and animals. They either compete with the sown crop for plant nutrients or destroy the crop be­fore it can be harvested. Many weeds render tilling and thinning operations more difficult, and pests such as the boll-weevil in the Cotton Belt, U.S.A. or fungus diseases like the Coffee Blight of Sri Lanka, may com­pletely exclude cultivation of certain crops in an area.

Despite all the climatic and geographical advantages that a farmer may enjoy, his efforts can be useless in the face of diseases or insect infestations.

v. Social Factors:

Social factors affect farming in a number of ways. In the first place the type of farming practised, be it shifting cultivation, subsistence farming, extensive cereal cultivation or mixed farming affects the type of crops which can be produced and the yields which can be obtained.

Intensive wheat farming in Europe, for instance, gives far greater yields than extensive wheat farming in the North American Prairies. The type of farming which is practised de­pends on the culture of the farmers concerned and to some extent on the physical and topographical charac­teristics of the area in which they live.

Social factors can also affect the type of crops that are grown. In West Africa for instance, where much farm work is done by the women, the amount of land cleared and the type of crops grown are dependent on how much work the women of a family can put in. Similarly some crops such as yams are planted by the men, while others such as vegetables are planted by the women. Tribal differences also lead to agricultural differences.

Nomadic herders such as the Fulani in West Africa or the Masai in East Africa despise settled agriculture and do not often practise it. Certain crops are traditionally grown by certain peoples so that there is a major division in Ivory Coast, for example, between peoples to the west who depend on rice as a staple food and people to the east who traditionally depend on yams.

Another way in which social factors can affect agri­culture is in the ownership and inheritance of land. In many areas, e.g. in parts of Europe and in much of Asia the land of a father is divided between his child­ren. This leads to the breaking up of already small farms into smaller and smaller units which are often uneconomic to farm.

It is difficult to introduce the use of modern tractors or harvesters in areas where the fields are too small for them to operate econom­ically. Elsewhere public or co-operative ownership of land may affect the type of crops grown or the agri­cultural methods employed.

Finally social and religious influences have pro­found effects on animal rearing. The belief that pigs are unclean, held by Muslims, Jews and Hindus, limits the rearing of pigs in many parts of Asia and Africa. Similarly the Hindu veneration of cattle, or the prestige conferred by a large herd of cattle in many parts of Africa, limits the full exploitation of the animals for meat.

vi. Economic Factors:

Besides the factors out­lined above, the farmer has constantly to take into consideration many economic factors, which may be unstable or entirely beyond his control. A peasant in Monsoon Asia practising subsistence farming where everything grown is consumed within the farm or the village boundaries may not be so seriously affected in the case of a trade recession as the wheat specialist in the Canadian Prairies whose crops are all intended for cash sales, including exports to overseas markets.

However, the peasant’s income is so meagre that in hard times he has very little to fall back on. Natural hazards such as floods, droughts or diseases that ruin his harvests pose an even greater threat to him than market fluctuations.

Three kinds of economic con­trols are, however, operative in all farming practices throughout the world, except in state-owned farms where there is no individual ownership and economic problems have to be dealt with by government agen­cies.

Essay # 7. Location of Agricultural Activities:

The distribution of different crops or livestock farming activities within a country is strongly influ­enced by physical factors of terrain, soil and climate. But economic factors are also very important, partic­ularly transport costs to markets. Crops which are ex­pensive to produce because they need skilled cultiva­tion, much costly equipment (such as milking ma­chines), or labour intensive picking, packing or pro­cessing for market are only profitable if transport costs can be kept low.

Therefore they must be grown near city markets. Crops which require less intensive farm­ing can stand higher costs in marketing, while crops or livestock produced on an extensive basis at low cost can stand higher transport costs and be grown at greater distance from markets.

This is the basis of the theory of J. H. von Thunen (1783—1850) who lived in northern Germany and published his ideas in 1826. Given the ideal condi­tions of a single market and uniform land qualities he maintained that land use would react to the economic forces of production and transport costs and would be located in a series of concentric rings around the urban market.

Von Thunen’s theory has been criticized on many counts. There is rarely an area where condi­tions are uniform and the pattern is therefore affected by physical differences; whatever the economic forces it is useless to try and grow crops in unsuitable soil or climatic conditions, though in some cases the eco­nomic forces may be such that it is profitable to modify natural conditions by the use of glass-houses, irriga­tion or other techniques which increase production costs.

Even where zones are fairly regular they may be interrupted by an area of high fertility where par­ticular crops are favoured or low fertility where noth­ing can be grown. Moreover a single market rarely exists and the land use zones around one city or town are always modified by impinging zones around other towns.

Finally farmers may not be equally well- informed about farming techniques or marketing con­ditions and this may lead to some farmers growing crops inappropriate to the zone in which they live. Some of these factors modifying the ideal von Thunen rings are illustrated in Fig. 3.2.

Von Thunen propounded his theory more than 150 years ago and since then the relative cost of trans­port has diminished, except perhaps in developing countries where there are few lines of transport. La­bour and production costs have risen by comparison and the actual cost of land has also increased.

In areas close to the city there is more competition from hous­ing and industrial uses and this pushes up the price of land. Thus only very valuable crops can be grown. The effect of these changes has not invalidated the theory, however, but has led to a change in the types of land use found close to towns.

For instance the second land use ring in von Thunen’s original model was one of forestry. This was because wood was the major fuel and building material at the time and in very great demand. It was heavy and bulky to trans­port however and was best produced fairly close to its markets.

Nowadays a typical pattern of land use rings is for market gardening producing perishable and bulky goods, especially fruit, flowers and vegetables to be closest to the city, followed by dairying which has high production costs and bulky, perishable prod­ucts.

Then comes mixed or arable farming and lastly livestock farming. Transport of animal products is fairly expensive, requiring refrigerated trucks and so on but the price of meat is high so it can stand higher transport costs.

In Peninsular Malaysia it is possible to discern a similar pattern although the crops are entirely differ­ent. Market gardening is found nearest to the towns and supplies the markets, while cash crops such as rub­ber or oil palm are grown further from the cities and towns but must have access to lines of transport so that the products, e.g. rubber sheets, can be easily transported to the towns where they are traded and processed ready for export.

Finally beyond the cash crop regions where hilly or mountainous terrain, lack of communications and distance from urban centres all combine to reduce agricultural potential the land is forested. Where the forests are relatively more accessible timber is extracted, but there is a core of ‘virgin forest’. Despite this seeming agreement with the von Thunen model, there are several ex­ceptions.

Rice is grown in distinctive regions, most of which are in fact in densely peopled regions, around Alor Star, around Kota Bharu and around Malacca, but the main reason for its location in these regions is the need for a particular set of physical conditions where fields can be flooded.

Some crops have very specific locations, e.g. pineapples in Johore where the correct peaty type of soils are found, and some market gardening takes place at a distance from the main cities in the Cameron Highlands. Here con­ditions allow the production of some temperate fruits and vegetables which command a high price and can therefore stand the high transport costs to the cities.

Essay # 8. Forms of Agriculture:

I. Simple Subsistence Farming:

This form of agriculture is widely practised by many tribes of the tropics, especially in Africa, in tropical South and Central America, and in South-East Asia. It is better known as shifting cultivation. Farming is on a self- sufficient basis and farmers grow food only for them­selves and their families. Very little ever leaves the farm and every farmer produces practically the same range of crops as his neighbour.

Some small surpluses may be either exchanged by barter (i.e. payment in kind not cash) or sold for cash. The resultant economy is thus static with little chance for improvement, but there is a high degree of rural independence because farmers are not tied to landlords or to trading centres.

Shifting cultivation is practised in the tropics by many different peoples and thus has many different names, e.g. milpa in Central America and parts of Africa, conuco in Venezuela, roca in Brazil, masole in Zaire, ladang in Malaysia, humah in Indonesia, caingin in the Philippines, taungya in Burma, tamrai in Thailand, bewar or poda in India and chena in Sri Lanka.

II . Intensive Subsistence Agriculture:

This form of agriculture is best developed in and prac­tically confined to the monsoon lands of Asia. It is found in China, Japan, Korea, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the greater part of continental South-East Asia and parts of insular South-East Asia (Java, Luzon, Visayan Islands, coastal Sumatra and Malaysia). Farm­ing in both the wet lowlands and the terraced uplands has to be very intensive to support a dense population.

Population densities in some agricultural areas in Asia are higher than those of industrial areas in the West. Many of the regions of intensive subsistence farming have a highly developed form of society and govern­ment and some such as China and India have a contin­uous history of civilization going back more than 4,000 years. The fast-growing population, almost un­checked for centuries, necessitates an ever greater in­tensity in the tillage of the lands.

A small plot of land has to support 5 or 10 times the number of people that a similar plot on an extensive corn farm in the U.S.A. could feed. The distinctive characteristics of this type of agriculture have led some geographers to call it oriental agriculture. Basically, there are two types of intensive subsistence agriculture: that domi­nated by wet padi and that dominated by other crops such as sorghum, soya beans, sugar-cane, maize, kao­liang, tubers and vegetables.

Intensive subsistence agriculture dominated by other food crops:

Due to differences in relief, climate, soil and other geographical factors, it is not practicable to grow padi in many parts of Monsoon Asia. Though methods are equally intensive and farming is on a sub­sistence basis, a very wide range of other crops is raised. In most parts of North China, Manchuria, North Korea, northern Japan and Punjab wheat, soya beans, barley or kaoliang (a type of millet) are extensively grown as major food crops.

In the Indian Deccan and parts of the Indus Basin sorghum or millet is the dom­inant crop due to the scarcity of rain and the poorer soils. In many parts of continental South-East Asia such as the Dry Zone of Burma, the Korat Plateau of Thailand and the interior regions of Indo-China, the annual precipitation is too low for wet padi cultivation, and the substitute crops are millet, maize and ground­nuts together with cotton, sugar-cane and oil-seeds.

Generally farming in these areas has very similar fea­tures to those of wet padi cultivation, including an in­tensive use of land, much manual labour, little use of farm machinery or modern implements and the use of a variety of manures and fertilizers.

Irrigation is often employed to make good the lack of moisture, though this has not yet been fully developed in many areas. With the intervention of the European colonists in India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia inten­sive subsistence farming has given way to more profit­able, large-scale cash crop cultivation on plantations.

III . Plantation Agriculture:

The specialized commercial cultivation of cash crops on estates or plantations is a very distinctive type of tropical agri­culture and is found in many parts of Asia, Africa and tropical and sub-tropical America.

Its initiation by the Europeans during the colonial period has made possible the manufacture of a wide range of modern materials. Some of the main plantation crops are rub­ber, oil palm, cotton and copra, beverages like coffee, tea and cocoa, fruits like pineapples and bananas, as well as sugar-cane, hemp and jute.

IV . Extensive, Mechanized Grain Cultiva­tion:

This is a recent development in the continen­tal lands of the mid-latitudes, which were once roamed by nomadic herdsmen. The continental position, well away from maritime influence, and the low precipita­tion (between 305 and 660 mm/12 and 26 inches) make crop cultivation a calculated risk.

It was the in­vention of farm machinery which enabled farmers to cultivate grain on a large scale, and there is a marked specialization in wheat monoculture in many areas. Communication with the outside world is mainly by railways and the bulk of the grain harvest is exported.

This is, in fact, a type of plantation agriculture in temperate latitudes. This form of large-scale grain cul­tivation is best developed in the Eurasian Steppes in regions of chernozem soil; the Canadian and American Prairies; the Pampas of Argentina, the Veld of South Africa, the Australian Downs, and the Canterbury Plain of New Zealand.

V . Nomadic Herding:

This is an extensive form of animal grazing on natural pasturage, involving con­stant or seasonal migration of the nomads and their flocks. Nomadic herding is confined to rather sparsely populated parts of the world where the natural vege­tation is mainly grass and where the rather low rain­fall has a markedly seasonal distribution so that vegeta­tion thrives at certain times of the year, necessitating seasonal movements in search of pasture. The move­ments of nomads are not random but are geared to traditional routes which take them from one area of pasture to another according to the season.

Nomadic herding has been practised since the ear­liest times and may have occupied about one-tenth of the earth’s land surface until the early twentieth cen­tury. However, the constant spread of sedentary cul­tivators into formerly marginal areas, often due to improved farming techniques or the development of irrigation, and the change to a settled form of animal ranching in most parts of the world, have combined to reduce drastically the importance of nomadic herd­ing. It is a declining type of agriculture and continues to become less and less important.

Nomadic herding is practised in many parts of Africa, especially by the Fulani of the West African savannas, by many different peoples, including the Masai, in East Africa and the Nuba in Ethiopia and Sudan, and by the Bantu and Hottentots of southern Africa in Botswana, Mozambique and South Africa.

The Bedouin of Saudi Arabia and the Tuareg of the Sahara also practise nomadic herding in the desert and semi-desert areas of North Africa and South-West Asia, but changes in the economy of most Middle East­ern countries due to the exploitation of oil resources, and the difficulties posed to nomads by the multi­plicity of political boundaries in the region, are reduc­ing the importance of this mode of livelihood.

Some herdsmen in parts of Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan still have a nomadic way of life. The whole of Central Asia from the Caspian Sea to Mongolia and northern China was also traditionally an area of no­madic herding and many sub-arctic areas in Siberia and northern Europe were also dominated by this form of livestock farming, but this pattern is rapidly changing.

Nomadism is virtually non-existent in the Soviet Union today and Mongolia and China are both taking measures to settle the Mongol herdsmen or re­duce their movements to very short distances. Groups in Central Asia such as the Kirghiz, Kazaks and Kalmuks have been brought into the state farming system and the pastures are divided into immense state cereal farms or ranches.

In the tundra lands of Siberia, Yak­uts, Samoyeds and Koriaks have also been settled on the state farms. In Scandinavia, the Lapps are tending to settle down and fewer of them nowadays have a truly nomadic way of life. Nomadic herding was never important in the Americas where bison were never domesticated.

VI . Livestock Ranching:

In the extensive tem­perate grasslands, once roamed by nomadic herdsmen or by hunters, are found permanent ranches where large numbers of cattle, sheep, goats, and horses are kept. In Siberia reindeer are also kept on ranches in the sub-Arctic lands.

VII . Mediterranean Agriculture:

Within the Mediterranean climatic region, where there is win­ter rain and summer drought, a distinctive type of agriculture has evolved. This type of farming is also found in irrigated semi-desert and desert areas in similar latitudes. Farming is intensive, highly specialized and rather varied in the kinds of crops raised. Subsistence agriculture occurs side by side with commercial farm­ing.

Many crops such as wheat, barley and vegetables, are raised for domestic consumption, while others like citrus fruits, olives, and grapes are mainly for export. The Mediterranean lands are, in fact, the ‘orchard lands of the world’, and the heart of the world’s wine industry.

The Mediterranean climate and landscape is very varied in different localities and this affects the emphasis on certain crops. Land use is dependent on such factors as the total annual amount of precipita­tion, the length of the summer drought, the availability of melting snow and mountain streams for irrigation and power supply, local soil conditions, the ability of the farmer to finance capital equipment and price fluctuations in local and world markets.

VIII . Mixed Farming:

This is one of the most im­portant forms of agriculture found in the highly de­veloped parts of the world: north-western Europe, eastern North America, parts of the U.S.S.R., and the temperate latitudes of parts of the southern continents. Farming is very intensive and sometimes highly spe­cialized. Some farms may be devoted entirely to arable farming or entirely to livestock, but traditionally farmers practise a truly mixed economy raising ani­mals and growing crops on the same farm.

Mixed farming is still the major agricultural type. The pro­portion of crops and animals at any time is dependent on many inter-related factors such as the locality of the farm, soil fertility, the animal-carrying capacity of the land, the market demand, the prevailing price of crops and animal products, as well as farm traditions and government policies.

Within the mixed farming belt of the temperate regions, a number of well-developed agricultural sub­types may be distinguished. Each is differentiated from the others by the emphasis placed on the kind of crops or animals raised, the extent of commercial­ization, the intensiveness of the farming method and the degree of specialization.

Essay # 9 . Agriculture Changes in Different Countries:

General farming types can be described but in any country a continuous process of change, sometimes rapid, sometimes very gradual, is taking place. By studying some examples, the problems facing farmers and also the government agencies responsible for farm­ing policy become clearer.

In Kenya before Independence, the over­whelming problem was of a division between the white settlers who produced cash crops on large estates and local farmers who produced subsistence crops on small farms. The first change, which took place in the 1950s, was to introduce cash crops to the African farmers and to reduce the reliance on food crops.

Coffee, tea and pyrethrum (used in making insecticides), sisal, pineapples, sugar-cane, cotton and tobacco, were in­troduced and the people adopted the new crops with such eagerness that there was overproduction of coffee and pyrethrum by 1968.

The change to the growing of cash crops has been accompanied by the introduc­tion of mixed farming, use of new hybrid seeds with higher yields and the use of chemical fertilizers essen­tial for the best use of such new varieties.

The second change occurred in the former White Highlands after Independence when white farmers left the country or sold their farms to African or Ken­yan Asian farmers. Some of the former extensive farms were taken over as large going concerns and have continued to operate in this way, either under private ownership or under cooperative control.

Others, es­pecially where the land was of high quality and capa­ble of supporting more intensive use was divided into smallholdings which were settled by African farmers.

Kenya is fortunate that its farmers are enterprising and have been able to adapt rapidly to the efficient production of a wide range of cash crops. But it has many agricultural problems still. About 80 per cent of the population of the country, some 11 million people, is dependent on agriculture. The 1.5 million smallholders in the country have on average, six de­pendents and three-quarters of them have less than 2.6 hectares (6 ½ acres) of land.

Under these circum­stances there is clearly a demand for more land, from existing farmers as well as from the many rural people without any land of their own. Farmers’ income is very much lower than that of urban Kenyans but cannot be easily increased. Moreover there is a shortage of land of high enough quality to support subsistence or cash crop farming.

Most of the land not yet fully developed is only suitable for extensive grazing and where farmers have settled and cultivated it there have been problems of soil erosion. On the other hand the ranching of livestock has not developed as rapidly or as successfully as has crop production.

This is partly due to the traditional attitudes of the Masai herders who gain prestige from the numbers of their cattle rather than from their quality and who are reluctant to slaughter their animals, or to improve their stock and moreover, degrade the land by keep­ing too many beasts.

Secondly, incentives for beef production have not been as strong, in terms of guaranteed prices, as for cereals and dairy products. Financial rewards can be adjusted to encourage various branches of agriculture but this will not over­come the land hunger of rural Kenyans who attach great importance to owning their own land. Increasing land ownership may lead to disastrous results if too much marginal land is overused.

Japanese agriculture has changed very rapid­ly, mainly in the period since the Second World War. Before the war it was essentially an oriental farming region with heavy dependence on rice and subsidiary silk production. Much of the population was engaged in farming and yields per hectare were fairly low.

As industry expanded, however, farming also changed, becoming far more efficient and far less labour-inten­sive. Only 11 per cent of the population is now engaged in agriculture and it plays only a small role in the national economy even though production is much higher and more varied.

Rice production was only 7 million tonnes in 1910, around 9 million tonnes in the inter-war period, but rose to 14 million tonnes by 1966-68. Hectareage in­creased only slightly and higher production came mainly from higher yields.

These were made possible, mainly from 1955 onwards, by land improvement and consolidation into larger fields, by the breeding of hardy and high yielding varieties, the adoption of early transplanting from nursery beds, use of fertilizers and extensive use of pesticides.

At the same time the amount of labour involved in rice production fell rapidly. Powered cultivation became common between 1965 and 1970 and rice-planting machines, combines and threshing machines were widely used after 1970. Tractors, combines and rice storage facilities have been introduced through cooperatives and are now very common. After 1967 rice was overproduced and a control policy to limit production came into force in 1971.

Horticulture has expanded rapidly and many spe­cialized forms have developed, especially since 1955 when the chemical industry provided plastic sheeting as a cheap alternative to glass. Market gardening zones around large cities were the first to develop but these are now being overtaken by city growth.

Inter-war development of transport favoured truck farming in specialized areas, e.g. strawberries at the foot of Kuno- San (Japan is the world’s second largest producer of strawberries) or cabbages and similar vegetables in greenhouses in highland regions in Nagano, Gumma and Iwate prefectures. The total area under glass and vinyl-sheeted houses is more than 20 000 hectares (49,380 acres).

Livestock numbers in Japan have increased enor­mously, particularly poultry, pigs and dairy cattle. In the past Buddhist principles limited meat consump­tion and low standards of living reduced the use of dairy products. Animals are now generally kept in stalls owing to the lack of grazing land, and milk yields are among the highest in the world (5 903 kg/13,000 lb of milk per cow per year in 1977).

As farming has been made more efficient and less labour-intensive a major feature of Japanese farming has been the change to part-time farming. Workers earn their main livelihood in factories and work only a few hours a week on their farms. Jobs that require a greater labour input are contracted out.

One group of five farmers, for example, works 53 hectares (131 acres) of padi land and a further 11 hectares (27 acres) of non-irrigated land on its own farms; in addition the group ploughs 125 hectares (309 acres) of padi, sprays 38 hectares (94 acres) and harvests 58 hectares (143 acres) on contract to other farmers.

Despite Japan’s great efficiency its small area of farming land, limited by mountains and increasingly by urban sprawl, can never hope to supply all Japan’s food requirements. Farmers therefore concentrate on the traditional staple—rice and on fruit, vegetables and milk which would be the most costly to import.

Wheat, soya beans and other crops are grown but the bulk of Japanese requirements for these as foodstuffs or fodder crops, as well as industrial raw materials like cotton and wool, has to be imported.

U.S.A. American agriculture is probably the most ef­ficient in the world in terms of its reliance on high technology equipment and low labour inputs. Produc­tion has improved so much that about one-third of all farmland in the U.S.A. is producing crops for export. Much of the credit for this lies, however, in the vast size of the available high-quality land and not in in­creasing yields per hectare as is the case in many smaller countries, e.g. Japan.

In order to maintain high production figures, and therefore profits, American farmers have to be very adaptable and ready to try every new development in crop varieties, fertilizers, pesticides, farming equip­ment and harvesting devices, and prices for farm machinery are very high indeed.

Only guaranteed prices and the hope of higher profits allow the farmers to take the calculated risk of investing in new techno­logy. Farmers must work on credit to a great extent because if they do not risk their capital in this way they cannot keep pace with their neighbours and soon find themselves unable to compete and have to sell their farms.

The number of farmers has dwindled rapidly—between 1940 and 1960 at a rate of about one million per year-and the decline in agricultural population continues. Only 4 per cent of the American population now depends on agriculture.

At the same time farm sizes have increased, from 87 hectares (214 acres) on average in 1950 to 162 hectares (400 acres) in 1978 and this is a continuing trend. Larger farm sizes, of course, give added impetus to mechanization and offer great economies of scale.

The use of machinery for so many farm operations, even the picking and sorting of fruit such as tomatoes and grapes or vegetables like lettuce which bruise very easily, has led to a sharp decline in the labour force and has made redundant large numbers of Mexican Americans who traditionally worked as fruit and vege­table pickers, just as machines forced negro labourers off the cotton fields in the 1930s and 1940s.

Farmers today employ a few, highly skilled workers, who can operate their huge tractors or electronic fruit pickers, and there may in future be a shortage of skilled men to do these jobs.

Not only are the farmlands empty of people but also of animals. Most animals are kept under cover. Chickens are almost exclusively, and pigs increa­singly, factory farmed, while cattle are fattened in feedlots rather than ranging across the fields for fodder.

This allows farmers to grow more arable crops which are mostly destined for animal feeding, either for local or overseas markets. Oil seeds, including soya beans, sunflower and peanuts, and grains, such as sorghum, are increasingly grown, as well as the tra­ditional crops of corn, wheat, cotton and tobacco.

Given the prosperity and success of American farm­ing there seem to be few problems. But in fact the large surpluses make the American farmers as depend­ent on exports as farmers in developing countries growing tropical crops. The export market fluctuates widely, since the importing countries naturally try to produce as much as they can themselves and only im­port what they cannot produce.

American grain and feedstuff markets depend therefore on annual varia­tions in climatic conditions and changing demand overseas over which they have no control. The chief importing countries are Japan, Netherlands, West Germany, Canada and the U.S.S.R. Government po­licies must therefore keep overproduction within bounds but, at the same time, because of their guaranteed price agreements with the farmers, the government agricultural agencies, and ultimately the taxpayers are liable to great expenditure when crops fail, as was the case in 1980 when widespread droughts in the U.S.A. allowed grasshoppers to multiply and eat their way through the grain fields.

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Agriculture , Economic Geography , Essay , Essay on Agriculture , Geography , World

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Essay on Climate Change and Impact on Agriculture in English for Children and Students

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The climate of a region is its geographical property. It depends on various actors like the location of the region, the amount of the sunlight falling on it, height above the sea level and distance from nearby water resources. Among all the impacts of Climate change, it greatly impacts agriculture.

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Target Exam ---

Factors of Climate Change

There are various factors that cause climate change in the region. Among them, the first and foremost is the emission of Green-House Gases. The number of Plants and Trees and also the water bodies put a great impact on climate change. Another factor causing climate change is the excess use of the non-renewable source of energy. Apart from them, there are various other factors for climate change.

Impact on Agriculture

Climate Change affects the amount of rain in that region. It also changes the amount of sunlight and brings alteration in the temperature of the region. Where excess rain can destroy the crop, the lack of rain can bring drought. The unfavorable climate change can increase the number of insects also.

Climate Change is a slow process. It can be both advantageous and also disadvantageous for agriculture and farming activities.

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Essay on Environment for Class 5

The circumstance in which earth all-natural resources adapt to live is known as the environment. The environment is created with all-natural resources of the planet like rocks, ocean, animals, human, together. The responsibility for providing living conditions for an organism is the environment.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 5 on the topic ‘Environment’ for reference.

Short Essay on Environment of 100 Words

The ecosystem of Mother Nature in which all living species survive together is known as the environment. Creatures such as human, animals, and plants are the main constituents of the environment and all of them living creatures. A significant role in the operating of the environment is played by non-living things such as rocks and minerals.

The environment is classified into two, biological and physical. The first category includes atmosphere or air, hydrosphere or water, and lithosphere or solid. The second category involves all living beings on earth, such as humans. For survival, they are dependent on each other. The whole cycle gets eroded when one creature is disturbed.

Engage your Children into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 5  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Long Essay on Environment of 150 Words

The things that enable the survival of an organism in the natural surroundings of the earth are called the environment. The living-beings such as humans, plants, and animals are the main constituents of the environment.

The air, water, and land are known as non-living entities. Their functioning is outlined by nature in such a way that everything is sustained on one another. Of all the beings, the human being is the most dominant creature who can depend on all the natural resources of the earth.

Along with human, animals, and plants also need air to breathe. There will be no life on earth without air. It is only the human being who is responsible for the destruction of the environment.

The existence of all these organisms is dependent on their constant interaction with each other. Their functioning is organized by nature and can be destroyed once being squandered. Today, the degradation of the environment has become a significant issue to be tackled by human beings.

10 Lines On Environment In English

  • For the existence of all living beings, a clean environment is essential.
  • To reduce environmental pollution, People should prompt some laws.
  • Policies should be made to minimize the activities that affect the environment by the government.
  • One of the excellent sources for spreading the importance and awareness of the environment is Electronic media.
  • Some laws should be raised against the use of plastic.
  • Everyone should encourage others to use the products that can recycle.
  • Each and everyone should give priority to the ‘save the environment and our planet’.
  • People should promote the use of renewable sources of energy, like solar energy and wind energy.
  • Everyone should reduce the usage of personal vehicles as much as possible and try to depend on public transport.
  • Organic fertilizers and pesticides are beneficial for environment protection.

Frequently Asked Questions on Environment Essay

Question: What is the definition deforestation?

Answer:   Deforestation is the cutting of trees across the world for different uses like agricultural lands, construction, and urbanization, which negatively affects the natural environment.

Question: How is the environment being degraded by human beings?

Answer:   The primary cause of degradation is the misuse of natural resources by human beings from the natural environment. The need for humans has wiped out more than half of the woods around the world. As a consequence, natural disasters like floods have become common today.

Question: What are the natural resources that are used by humans?

Answer:  The primary consumers of natural resources on planet earth are humans. They obtain food products and clothing from animals and plants.

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Class 5 :: Social Studies :: Agriculture of India (My World and I)


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Thomas Jefferson: a Legacy of Liberty and Contradiction

This essay about Thomas Jefferson explores his multifaceted contributions and enduring influence on the United States, juxtaposed against the contradictions in his character and practices, particularly regarding slavery. Jefferson is celebrated for drafting the Declaration of Independence, which set the ideological foundation of American equality and liberty. He also founded the University of Virginia, promoting a secular and broad education, and was a pioneer in both agriculture and architecture, influencing American practices and aesthetics. However, the essay does not shy away from discussing the complexities of his legacy, highlighting the stark contrast between his advocacy for human rights and his own slave ownership. This nuanced examination of Jefferson reveals the complexities of his contributions to American society, acknowledging both his visionary achievements and his personal contradictions.

How it works

Thomas Jefferson stands as a towering figure in American history, a man whose brilliance and breadth of interests helped shape the nation’s early years. His influence extends far beyond his political achievements, touching on education, architecture, agriculture, and the very core of American ideals. Yet, Jefferson was also a man of contradictions, particularly evident in his views and practices regarding slavery.

Jefferson’s most famous achievement, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, is a cornerstone of American identity. His eloquent words, proclaiming that “all men are created equal,” have been celebrated as a universal call for human rights.

Yet, this noble assertion sits uncomfortably alongside the reality that Jefferson owned hundreds of slaves throughout his lifetime, a fact that complicates his legacy.

Beyond the realm of politics, Jefferson was deeply committed to the spread of knowledge. He founded the University of Virginia, envisioning it as a place where students could learn under the guidance of professors in a range of fields, free from religious doctrine. This commitment to secular education was revolutionary at the time and set a precedent for future American universities.

Jefferson’s passions also included architecture and agriculture. He designed his beloved Monticello, a home that doubled as a laboratory for agricultural experiments. Jefferson was fascinated by botany and introduced various crops to America, which diversified American agriculture and pushed the country toward a more sustainable agricultural practice. His architectural designs, including the Virginia State Capitol, were inspired by the neoclassical style, emphasizing symmetry and functionality, which have influenced American architectural standards.

Despite these contributions, Jefferson’s record on slavery casts a long shadow. He penned many private notes expressing discomfort with the institution, yet publicly, he did little to forward the cause of abolition. This stark contradiction between his professed ideals and his actions offers a complex picture of a founding father living in a pivotal era. His life and work reflect the broader contradictions of America itself—a nation conceived in liberty but complicit in slavery.

Jefferson’s influence on America is undeniable. He helped lay the groundwork for a nation that prizes education, innovation, and individual rights. Yet, as we celebrate his contributions, we also grapple with the more troubling aspects of his legacy. Understanding Jefferson fully means acknowledging both his remarkable achievements and his profound shortcomings. This dual perspective not only gives us a fuller picture of Jefferson himself but also enriches our understanding of American history.


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    Agriculture Essay for Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and others. Find long and short essay on Agriculture in English language.

  12. Essay on Agriculture for Students

    It prepares future generations to tackle agricultural challenges and innovate for a sustainable future. A Call to Action . We all play a role in supporting agriculture. By making informed food choices, reducing food waste, and advocating for sustainable practices, we can contribute to a healthier planet. Conclusion of Essay on Agriculture

  13. Essay on Agriculture and its Importance

    The term agriculture can be defined by scientists as the science of, or practice of, farming- including cultivation of the soil for growing crops. At times, it includes rearing of animals as well ( animal husbandry) for poultry, providing help with agriculture, and providing other goods like wool, meat, etc.

  14. Essay and Paragraph on Agriculture For Students of Class 5 to 12

    Leave a Comment / essay for class 5 / By Jain Manish . Here, we are presenting long and short Essay and Paragraph On Agriculture in English for students under word limits of 100 - 150 Words, 200 - 250 words, and 500 - 600 words. ... It's critical that everyone recognizes and values the labor-intensive nature of agriculture. Essay and ...

  15. 176 Agriculture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The Agriculture, Energy, and Transportation Infrastructure: Main Threats. Thus, the purpose of the work is to analyze the food/agricultural, energy, and transport sectors of critical infrastructure in terms of physical, cyber, or natural disaster threats. The Impact of Acetamiprid on Agriculture.

  16. Essay on Agriculture for Class 5

    Here in this article we have posted Essay on Agriculture for 5th Class Std. Agriculture : Agriculture comprises of cultivation of crops for food and fodder. Agriculture plays a significant role in the Indian economy as the main source of food. Dairy, poultry, fisheries etc. come under animal husbandry, a sub-sector of agriculture.

  17. Essay on Agriculture

    The agriculture in India essay will give a sneak peek into the world of farming. Children will be able to learn how farmers ensure to keep our economy stable by producing different yields. Agriculture has existed in India for a long time, but now, the use of modern equipment and technology has given it a new meaning.

  18. Organic Farming Essay for Students in English

    Learn about Organic Farming Essay topic of english in details explained by subject experts on Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts. Courses. ... CBSE class 5. CBSE class 6. CBSE class 7. CBSE class 8. CBSE class 9. CBSE class 10. CBSE class 11. CBSE class 12. NCERT. CBSE Study Material. CBSE Sample Papers.

  19. Essay on Agriculture (For Students)

    Essay # 1. Introduction to Agriculture: The word "Agriculture" has no rigid definition. It has been explained by many people very comprehensively. Agriculture has been defined as the science and art of cultivating the soil, and this definition emphasizes the primary nature of plant production in agriculture.

  20. The Impact of the Cotton Gin on American Agriculture and Industry

    This essay is about the transformative impact of Eli Whitney's 1793 invention of the cotton gin on American agriculture and industry. It explores how the cotton gin revolutionized cotton production, making it economically viable on a large scale, which led to significant economic growth in the South.

  21. Essay on Climate Change and Impact on Agriculture in English for

    Climate Change and Impact on Agriculture Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and others. Find long and short essay on Climate Change and Impact on ...

  22. The Impact of the Columbian Exchange on Global Cuisine

    The exchange was not one-sided. The Old World brought wheat, rice, and sugarcane to the New World, which had lasting impacts on agriculture and diets. Wheat, in particular, became a cornerstone of American agriculture, leading to the widespread consumption of bread, pastries, and other wheat-based products.

  23. Essay on Environment for Class 5

    Essay on Environment for Class 5. The circumstance in which earth all-natural resources adapt to live is known as the environment. The environment is created with all-natural resources of the planet like rocks, ocean, animals, human, together. The responsibility for providing living conditions for an organism is the environment.

  24. Class 5 :: Social Studies :: Agriculture of India (My World and I)

    Oil seeds are grown in the Deccan Plateau and the dry western areas of India. [T] 3. Manure and compost are chemical fertilizers. [F] 4. Many people feel that organic farming is better for health. [T] 5.

  25. The Dust Bowl: Causes, Impact, and Lessons for the Future

    This essay is about the Dust Bowl, a severe environmental and agricultural disaster of the 1930s in the Great Plains region. It discusses how a combination of severe drought and poor farming practices led to massive dust storms that devastated the land and forced many families to migrate in search of better living conditions.

  26. Bcece Mahasangram 2024 || Physics || Gravitation Vvi Mcq || Class No-05

    In this Video I have Discussed about BCECE MAHASANGRAM 2024 || PHYSICS || GRAVITATION CLASS NO-05 || VVI MCQ || BIHAR BCECE EXAM 2024#bcece2024 #bcece2024exa...

  27. The Power and Legacy of the United Farm Workers Movement

    Essay Example: The United Farm Workers (UFW) movement stands out big-time in U.S. labor history. This grassroots effort, led by Latino and Filipino workers, totally changed how agriculture worked and showed how to fight for workers' rights. It all started back in the middle of the 20th century

  28. Ethical Insights from 1st Corinthians 5

    Essay Example: The fifth chapter of 1st Corinthians provides a thought-provoking perspective on ethical standards within early Christian communities, penned by the apostle Paul. This passage delves into a specific instance of immorality among the Corinthians, offering enduring wisdom that remains

  29. Thomas Jefferson: A Legacy of Liberty and Contradiction

    Essay Example: Thomas Jefferson stands as a towering figure in American history, a man whose brilliance and breadth of interests helped shape the nation's early years. His influence extends far beyond his political achievements, touching on education, architecture, agriculture, and the very