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2D Design Foundations

2D & 3D Design Foundations

Students too busy to appreciate each passing project get a sense of continuity at the end—and it shows through their writing

Fall 2008 syllabus

All first year design students (industrial, interior and visual communication) experience the same series of 2D foundation exercises to reinforce drawing skills and promote thorough ideation with multiple concepts. The next quarter they continue with a another series of foundation exercises to reinforce drawing and conceptual skills that translate to three dimensional form and space.

To expand observational drawing skills, a large sketchbook was added to the list of required materials. A series of outdoor “landscape” assignments requires students to express form, space and user interaction. The structure of the course is reflected in the syllabus.

The culmination of work from projects, drawing, exercises and vocabulary is collected in the final course documentation. It’s a chance to reflect and write about a furiously paced nine weeks. The assignment stresses organization and layout, but the document also requires attention to typography, photography and composition. The layout is intended to be both print and screen friendly. And while the students were not required to print the document, a package accompanies each turned in disc.

—Project: Exploring the five sensory modalities literally, symbolically and abstractly

—Project: Effectively communicate concepts using only points and lines (A. Wagner)

—Project: Discover and explore various two dimensional design principles with 4 squares. (K. Maeng, S. Ki)

—Project: Using lines as visual devices to translate 2D drawings into 3D representations. (K. Allen, T. Rink)

—Project: Translation of six terms into three dimensional visualizations. (N. Starrett, K. Gale, N. Fields)

—Project: Pumpkin planar tonal translations

—Project: Develop an awareness of characteristics which bring unity to a typeface or set of symbols, a.k.a. “Klingon” (J. Perin, K. Allen)

—Project: Iconic simplification of form which can then be made with a single piece of wire, a.k.a. “Liconæ (G. Goodwin, K. Allen)

—Project: Object Renderings—contour line, high contrast, dot shading, line shading and marker rendering. (G. Goodwin)

—Project: Landscape Ohio State, sketching communication, objects and environments (G. Goodwin)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

First assignment: line, no comments:, post a comment.

Studio Art Teaching Resources

Category archives: 2d design.

2d design line assignment

Visual Vocabulary

Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to list and define the 7 Elements of Art.
  • Students will be able to use each of the elements appropriately to create engaging compositions.


  • Research good typography . Examples can be found here and here . Which works are you drawn to? Why? Why do you think some of the designs are more successful than others? What makes bad design?
  • Gesture out 5 of your favorite typographical works in your sketchbook. Take notes about why you chose those 5 and also answer the questions above.
  • Research the Elements and Principles of Art and Composition using the links to the right, under “Research”.  Take notes in your sketchbook.
  • Bristol or Illustration Board
  • Ultra Fine Tip Sharpie Marker or Micron
  • Using a sheet of Bristol board, create 4, 4 inch by 4 inch boxes, arranged in a grid. Draw these with your black sharpie and make sure that you use a ruler. You will end up with 2 sheets of paper, each with 4, 4 by 4 inch boxes. 8 boxes total.
  • Find a source of inspiration. You will need to use something like a work of poetry ( example ), ideas ( example ), politician’s most used words ( example ), Your inspiration can be anything but must be related. The words you choose should idealized your source of inspiration.
  • Choose 8 words from your inspiration and illustrate each of these in one of the boxes. For example, if you choose the word “winning”, figure out a creative way to illustrate the word winning that illustrates that idea. If you choose the word “sonder”, how can you illustrate the word while also illustrating the idea.
  • Use the sharpie marker to illustrate these ideas. Your drawings may not go outside of the box.
  • Think about the design elements and principles. Are you creating too much contrast, not enough? Is it so harmonious that the work is boring (is that ok?)? Is it balanced? Should it be?
  • Hint – Do not try to draw tiny illustrations. You are NOT trying to illustrate the definition. You are trying to illustrate the word.

2d design line assignment

Verbal Landscape

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the visual element line and texture and the visual principle pattern / movement. 2. Demonstrate an exploration of graphite and appropriate use of graphite. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of detail and craftsmanship

1. Find one black and white landscape photograph and bring it in (magazines, books, internet). Describe the landscape in no less than 30 sentences. At least 5 of these sentences must be emotional descriptions. Make sure that you describe everything from number of trees to their location to their texture. Describe both the physical properties of the landscape and the emotional qualities. How does this landscape make you feel? 2. Watch at least two videos from Button Poetry


1 drawing on 18″ by 24″ white paper or larger

White drawing paper Pencil Kneaded eraser Chamois

Making artwork is taking an idea and trying to communicate that idea to the world. We do this through language. The goal of this assignment is to force you to think about how we communicate. Artwork that is rather boring in nature is like a bad dating site profile. It is bland and doesn’t really tell us anything about that person. Great artwork lets us in on all the peculiarities of that object. The bad, the good, the ugly. Great art is like great poetry; it doesn’t just capture the image, it makes us feel it.

1. Bring in the description you created and the photograph you used for your mini assignment. 2. Trade your description ( but NOT the photo ) with a partner. Do not allow them to see the photo. 3. Draw each other’s descriptions.

Artists / Resources

Florian Maier-Aichen Memory by Anish Kapoor Video of Albert Bierstadt’s Work

2d design line assignment

Assignment Learning Outcomes

  • To understand and apply the principle of unity as it relates to two-dimensional art.
  • To introduce a range of principles and methods for unifying diverse elements on the picture plane.


1. Watch and take notes on the video linked below. 2. Define the vocabulary words below in your sketchbook

“Found objects,” copying machine or camera and printer, card stock, glue stick, x-acto knife.

mark, gesture, point, line, plane, volume, space, dynamic, calligraphy, representational, non-objective, actual lines, implied lines, psychic lines, shape, form.

The ability to make order from chaos is one of the special talents of the artist and the designer. Good design is often a matter of perceiving potential patterns within fields of apparent disorder or visual complexity. There are some basic grouping or unity principles that can be applied to almost any kind of visual information.

Imagine dumping all of your possessions from your wallet or purse on a table top to create a random or chance “ composition “. How could you begin to make sense of the chaos? As we saw in one of the first assignments, a frame helps to focus attention by placing a selection of objects within clear borders or boundaries. Imagine the tabletop as your “frame”, and your possessions as art elements ripe for some organizational or compositional treatment. The frame is the first step in creating your composition – it provides “edges” to the field of chaos.

Now, what are some organizational principles we could use for the objects themselves? One of the most basic is the idea of proximity – that is, the clustering of objects. Imagine pushing all of the objects into one corner of the tabletop. Can you see how our attention follows? What if all of the objects are now clustered in the virtual center of the table except one? Our attention naturally shifts to the center of the table – then back to the isolated element. “Proximity” can be played off relative “distance” – in other words, clusters of objects can be balanced against objects that are excluded from the group.

Consider some other strategies. What if the objects were lined up, one after another, in a continuous “implied line?” Designers call this continuation or contiguity . We can use invisible pathways or other patterns (such as grids or controlling lines) to create an implied relationship between the objects.

Another solution would be to simply turn each object so that it faced the same direction -as if everything on the table were magnetized. The result of this treatment is called  unified direction . Objects can be grouped according to a whole array of other factors including shape, size, color, texture, etc. Imagine segregating all of the light colored objects from the dark colored objects for example. Or lining up all of the shiny, metallic objects one after another.

Less obvious in its application is the concept of Gestalt . Gestalt theory suggests that we perceive visual events as “wholes” – overall visual patterns – which are grasped all at once. An example would be seeing a “face” in the craters and patterns of the moon. The visual pattern of the human face is a powerful construct that emerges from the otherwise random distribution of dark and light shapes on the lunar surface.

1. Make a collection (minimum of 15) of smallish objects (1″ – 12″) that possess an interesting range of silhouettes and textures. (Flat or nearly flat objects will work best for this project.)

2. Using a copying machine, copy groupings of objects placed upon the glass of the machine to illustrate particular aspects of UNITY in composition as discussed in class and in the video / readings. You may also use a cell phone or digital camera to photograph your objects and print them out, just make sure to do so against a flat background.   The copies or prints should be done before coming to class.

We will do the next portion in class.

3. Produce at least five compositions illustrating the concepts of “Chance,” “Proximity”, “Unified Direction,” “Continuation,” “Unity with Variety.”

4. After making several compositions for each problem, cut four strips of white paper and arrange them around each copy, moving them in and out until you feel that the area left showing is a good composition. Cut the copy out in this configuration and mount the best solution to each problem separately on card stock. (You might consider using black or gray construction paper as a backing to produce a darker border.)

Challenge: You might also try to produce an “implied shape” or experiment with filling in the objects with ink or gouache to produce all black and white compositions. Try reversing the black and white relationship to create a “figure-ground reversal.”

Artists / References

https://www.widewalls.ch/magazine/photocopy-xerox-art-whitney-museum Victor Vasareley, Joseph Albers, Paolo Ucello Visual Thinking by Arnheim, Rudolph, 1980 Primer of Visual Literacy by Dondis, Donis, 1973

2d design line assignment

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of composition.

Watch both videos linked below and take notes in your sketchbook.

Find an example of good design online and print the image out. Describe why you think it is good design. How are the elements and principles used? Also find an example of bad design and print that image out. Describe why you think it is bad design.

Smartphone or digital camera

“To quote out of context is the essence of the photographer’s craft. His central problem is a simple one: what shall he include, what shall he reject? The line of decision between in and out is the picture’s edge. While the draughtsman starts with the middle of the street, the photographer starts with the frame. The photograph’s edge defines content. It isolates unexpected juxtapositions. By surrounding two facts, it creates a relationship. The edge of the photograph dissects familiar forms, and shows the unfamiliar fragment. It creates the shapes that surround objects. The photographer edits the meanings and patterns of the world through an imaginary frame. This frame is the beginning of this picture’s geometry. It is to the photograph as the cushion is to the billiard table.” –from The Photographer’s Eye by John Szarkowski, former director of the photography division of the Museum of Modern Art in New York

  • Using your phone or a digital camera, photograph objects or groups of objects that create interesting compositions. A composition is an arrangement of the elements (line, shape, form, value…) combined with the principles (movement, contrast, balance…) to create engaging works of art.
  • Switch your camera to a black and white filter. Consider what could be “framed” by your camera within your chosen scene or objects. Create 5 different compositions from the same group of objects.
  • The goal is to think about composition so that you create an interesting image. Would the object be more interesting if you zoomed in or out, cropped out part of the object, arranged the object so that it creates a diagonal across the frame of the camera. Perhaps you could play with lighting or shadows?
  • This should take fifteen minutes.  When you are done, upload your photos here .
  • As a group we will discuss what views in the room could be beautiful, interesting, well-composed, or explored further.

2d design line assignment

Scale and Proportion

  • Students will be able to utilize a grid to aid with drawing at scale.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of size, scale and proportion.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of Surrealism.
  • 1 sheet of 9″ by 12″ Bristol Board
  • Photograph, printed image or magazine image
  • Drawing materials – either graphite or colored pencils
  • Old school glue stick (not hot glue)
  • Watch videos that are linked below.
  • Take notes on vocabulary words and research links (at the bottom) in your sketchbook.
  • Brainstorm! If you made the object in your image larger, how would it change the context? What about smaller? If the object in your image was next to an ocean, riding a giant french fry or standing tall above everyone else, how would our interpretation of that image change? Feel free to pull other source material into your sketchbook. Do several quick, rough sketches to work out ideas. These don’t need to be perfect – you’re just trying to sort the meh ideas from the wow ideas. Sketches can include photos, drawings, digital work.

Overview – You will be collaging an object from a photo onto a sheet of paper and then drawing on the rest of the paper to change the scale or proportions of the original object.

This assignment is an exercise in understanding how proportion and scale can be used to inform our understanding of a work of art. Large works, particularly sculpture, can intimidate or inspire while smaller drawings may imply intimacy. I encourage you to get creative and not to be afraid of humor.

  • Check out the examples below under research and then come back. Cool? Cool.
  • Before you go looking for an image (Step 3) decide first if you want to work in color or black and white. If you have never used colored pencils before, stick with black and white and graphite. We will cover colored pencils and color theory extensively in the next assignment.
  • Find an image of a real object, person, place or thing. No images of fictional things or illustrated works. You can use something that you found online, a magazine or your own photo. Print out your image or tear it out of a magazine. If you’re working with graphite make sure to print the image in black and white. Colored pencils? Print it in color. The photographic image should account for no more than 20% of your final work. The rest will be drawing.
  • Sketchbook time! Look at number 3 in the sketchbook section above. Once you are done come back here.
  • Once you have some good ideas, cut your image as close to the object as possible. Use an exacto knife if you have one but scissors can work if you take your time. Determine where on your sheet of paper your object needs to go and using the glue stick, apply glue to the back of the image. Press it down onto your sheet of paper and make sure to get it nice and smooth. A credit card or ID wrapped in a shirt can help get it flat.
  • Now start drawing. Think about how you will move from the photograph to the section that you’re drawing. How will you make it look like one cohesive piece?
  • You will need to fill the entire sheet of paper so get creative.

Words to know – system, grid, size, relative, scale, anamorphic distortion, ratio, proportion, Surrealism.

A “ system ” is simply an orderly way of doing something. Art that seems to result from the application of a specific procedure, from repeated use of a pattern or set of patterns, or from adherence to a body of rules is sometimes referred to as “ systemic art ” or “ systems ” art.

A “ grid ” is understood, in most instances, as a system of fixed horizontal and vertical divisions. Grids are among the most adaptable and universally applicable of all systems. Any flat shape, no matter how irregular, can be conceived of in terms of what mathematicians would call X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axes. The regularity of a grid can be used as an aid in copying, in scale or proportional changes, or to reveal complicated relationships within a work of art.

“ Proportion ” is a relationship or ratio between parts of a given whole. “ Size ” is a quantitative description of an object that only makes sense in relationship to either another object or an agreed upon standard of measurement. (e.g., something is “big” only in relationship to something already agreed to be “small.”) “ Scale ” is a proportional relationship between two sets of dimensions. In general, “ scale ” refers to the mathematical relationship between an object and a measurable quantity. We say that an object is “ full-scale ” when it corresponds 1:1 with real life. If the same object is rendered such that any part of it is one-half the length of the original object, we understand this to be at “half scale” or 1:2. One quarter the length would be “quarter scale”, 1:4, or 1/4th scale.

http://www.robertlazzarini.com/ Digital Humanities (really interesting read) Anamorphic Drawing Example Scale and Proportion (Reading 1) Scale and Proportion (Reading 2) Sculpture Forum on Scale

2d design line assignment

Pseudo Landscape

1. Students will be able to demonstrate accurate color mixing and knowledge of color theory.

1. Bring in 3 8×10 color photos and all materials. 2. Watch videos on Color theory linked to the right and take notes in your sketchbook. 3. Create a color wheel and label primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Also label an analogous, complementary and split complementary color scheme.

3 8×10 Color Photos Acrylic paint Paint brushes (good quality acrylic brushes in an assortment of filberts, flats and rounds) Container for water Small plastic lid for mixing paint

Color is probably one of the most difficult elements of art to use appropriately. Color theory is the understanding of how different colors work together or oppose each other and how different color combinations can affect a work of art.

Major Assignment

Using the color photo as a guide, accurately draw the image on a sheet of Bristol Illustration board (or canvas if you so choose). Once you have the image drawn on your sheet of illustration board, work to accurately reproduce the colors in your image. Try to match the colors as accurately as possible. If you want, you can print out two copies of your photo and use one to paint on to test for color accuracy.

It is easier to paint the light areas first and then back paint the darker sections. Dark can cover light easier then trying to paint a light color over dark paint. Make sure to mix enough color to cover the entire section you are about to paint.

Laylah Ali Vija Celmins

2d design line assignment

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to create engaging compositions that work not only visually but also conceptually.  Students will demonstrate knowledge of the history of propaganda posters, their use and their creation.

Materials: Sketchbook Bristol Board (9 by 12) Prismacolor brand colored pencils

Time: 3 Class Periods

Mini Assignment: Take Notes in Sketchbook Gather all needed materials and work on compositions

1. Develop at least 3 ideas with 5 – 10 compositions each.  Research your point of view and take notes in your sketchbook.

2. Research propaganda and propaganda posters and take notes in your sketchbook.

Process: For this assignment you will be making 1 propaganda poster using colored pencil. I want to see your ideas, your beliefs. I will be grading you based on how well the idea is presented, not the idea itself. Your personal beliefs will have no bearing on your grade so please be open and honest. Stay away from popular ideas (abortion, gay marriage, gun rights) unless you have some powerful imagery and an incredible idea.

I firmly believe that making the work is the easy part; coming up with a good idea is a sign of true creativity. Spend time developing your idea and the imagery you are going to use to illustrate your ideas.

You will use one 9 by 12 sheet of Bristol board for your poster. Sketch out your poster on a 9 by 12 sheet of paper. Once you are done and I have approved your drawing, use the graphite transfer technique to get your drawing onto your Bristol board.

Use colored pencils to complete your poster.

2d design line assignment

Product Design Challenge

Students will explore the process of product design from formulating ideas to two-dimension drawings of both the finished product and packaging. Students will be able to demonstrate what they have learned thus far concerning the elements and principals of design.

Paper Sketchbook Pencil Colored Pencils Marker

See Calendar

Work out ideas in sketchbook Work with other team members outside of class to complete project Research ideas and processes using the links below

Students should come prepared to class having read both the sections on Time Management and Brainstorming. Students will be broken into groups. As a group, students will decide on a product that they want to either redesign or recreate entirely. You are encouraged to think outside of the box, however don’t try to reinvent the paperclip.

Look around you and think about the things you use everyday. How could you make your coffee cup better, mouse, shows, door handle, computer cables, baby toys, bath products, car keys, better? You may create a piece that simply makes something better or you may combine several functions into one device. The only thing you cannot try to design are electronics or electronic interfaces (think iPhone)

Once you have your object decided, start thinking about color, materials and packaging. Does the item need to be made from plastic, steel, concrete, or wood? Will your packaging focus on eco-conscious ideas or go with the mentality that “bigger is better”?

Make sure to communicate with your group. You will be earning two grades for this project; one for you individually and one as a group. There are no excuses for sitting on the sidelines.

There are several components that will be presented as the finished work. These include:

Preliminary Sketches and Ideas Rough Sketch Final Product Design presented on 1 large sheet of 18” by 24” paper, in color Final Package Design presented on 1 large sheet of 18” by 24” paper, in color

Objectified Trailer Jonathan Ive Interview Karim Rashid Apple Design Design Within Reach IKEA MoMA Architecture and Design MoMa Elastic Mind designboom Cool Hunting Colour Lovers Core77 Smart Furniture (Chattanooga)

2d design line assignment

Printmaking Propaganda

Students will be able to create engaging compositions that work not only visually but also conceptually. Students will be able to demonstrate basic relief printmaking techniques. Students will demonstrate familiarity with basic printmaking terms. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the history of propaganda posters, their use and their creation.

Sketchbook Linoleum block Linoleum cutting tools ink printmaking paper brayer spatula mixing surface burin

3 Class Periods

Take Notes in Sketchbook Gather all needed materials and work on compositions

For this assignment you will be making an edition of 5 prints that deal with the idea of propaganda. I want to see your ideas, your beliefs in print. I will be grading you based on how well the idea is presented, not the idea itself. Your personal beliefs will have no bearing on your grade so please be open and honest. Stay away from popular ideas (abortion, gay marriage, gun rights) unless you have some powerful imagery and an incredible idea.

You will use one block of 8″ by 10″ linoleum for your prints. Sketch out your poster on an 8” by 10” sheet of paper. Once you are done and I have approved your drawing, use the graphite transfer technique to get your drawing onto the linoleum block.

Using the techniques discussed in class, start carving your block. Remember, in a relief print, that what is carved away will not print. Whatever is left, or not carved away, will print. You must use at least 3 colors in your print.  Always work from light to dark.  You can use hatching techniques to get changes in value and gradations. Look closely at a dollar bill. All of the shading is created through one color. Shading is created through hatching and cross-hatching.

Using techniques discuss in class, use masking tape to create a registration grid. This will be used so that all of your prints print in exactly the same spot every time.

Once you have your block completely cut out and the little bits of trash carefully removed it’s time to print. I like to have two tables set up as I am printing, one for inking the block and a clean table for printing. Using a piece of tile, spread a layer of ink across the top. Using the brayer, grab some of the ink and pull it down. It should sound like sizzling bacon and should have an even texture of tiny little peaks. If you have streaks, you have too much ink. If the roller is not turning, you have too much ink. Use the brayer to “transfer” ink to the block. Cover the entire block with ink. The first coat will usually be absorbed by the block and therefore your first print may be light. You want a consistent spread of ink across your block. Make sure it’s smooth with no bits of trash or fingerprints. Work fast when inking the block and printing.

Once you have inked your block, place it in the middle registration grid, lay a sheet a paper on top, making sure to line it up with your masking tape and print your image. You will be creating an edition of 5 prints, however you can create more to trade with classmates. An edition of 5 prints means an edition of 5 of your best; no fingerprints, smudges, etc.


2d design line assignment

Powerline Paintings

  • Students will be able to accurately capture objects using contour drawings.
  • Students will be able to differentiate between positive and negative space.
  • Students will be able to create engaging compositions through the arrangement of shapes and lines.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of correct color mixing, basic knowledge of color theory, and correct painting techniques.
  • 2 sheets of 9″ by 12″ Bristol Board
  • Set of Acrylic Paints (Need at least Red, Yellow, Blue and White)
  • Small Acrylic Paint Brushes
  • Copy Paper or other loose paper
  • Pencil and pen
  • Tracing Paper
  • In your sketchbook or on a piece of Bristol board, create 3, 7 step monochromatic color scales. Monochromatic means one color, so you will choose one color and gradually make it lighter until you reach white.  Example
  • Using the Adobe Color website , create at least 8 different color schemes. Choose 3 of these to recreate in paint on Bristol board. Label them according to which color scheme they belong too. Try to avoid analogous color schemes.  Reference
  • Must be done before coming to class  – 10 Contour / Negative Space Drawings of architecture and / or plants. The examples below are Contour or Negative space drawings. You are combining this idea. You’re drawing the negative space as an outline but don’t need to fill it in.
  • On a piece of Bristol board, draw a sphere and a box. Try to use a real ball or box as a model so that you can see what happens when light hits the object. Choose a different color for each and paint them so that they appear three dimensional. Examples are below.

Examples of Painting a Cube and Sphere

Examples of Contour / Negative Space Drawings :

Preparing the Compositions:

  • For this assignment you will need to complete 10 contour / negative space drawings of architecture (power lines, gaps between buildings, stop light wires) or other linear objects (vines, plants, trees). These are simple line drawings so don’t spend more than 10 minutes or so on each of them. You can include the buildings themselves or if you’re doing power lines, the poles, stop lights, transformers, etc. You will need to create these contour drawings on standard 8.5 x 11 loose copy paper – not your sketchbook . Try to capture as many details as possible and remember that you are drawing the negative space, the air around the object, not the actual building or plant itself. Focus on the positive (the object itself) and the negative (the sky or air) to create your drawings. Try parking in a business parking lot that faces an intersection or visit a garden center. You can sit in your car, turn the music up, and get some really interesting drawings
  • Once you have your 10 different drawings, start looking for interesting combinations by overlapping them. If you can’t see through the paper, you can tape your drawings to a window backlit by the sun to help. You might overlap a drawing of vines with a drawing of powerlines to create a nice contrast between organic and geometric shapes. You may use certain elements more than once if that works for your composition.
  • Take a sheet of tracing paper and draw a 5″ by 8″ rectangle. Lay the sheet of tracing paper over the collection of drawings and move it around until the best part of your composition fits your rectangle. Slowly trace the lines onto the tracing paper. You don’t need to include everything – these drawings are meant to help you create a composition, not force you into one. Push your lines all the way to the edge of your 5″ by 8″ rectangle. Let me see these compositions before you go on to the next step.
  • Use a 2B or higher (3B, 4B, 6B…) to completely cover the back of your tracing paper. Once you are done, lay a sheet of bristol board underneath, making sure that your rectangle is centered, and, using a ball point pen, slowly trace your lines. Be careful not to let the paper move and don’t push down to hard. Once you are done the tracing paper drawing should have transferred to the bristol board

Once you have your 3 different compositions created, you will be painting them with acrylic paint. You will need to work out color compositions in your sketchbook before you start painting. Think analogous, complement, split complement, triadic, etc. Once you have your colors worked out you will paint your compositions with the utmost attention to detail. No white should be seen and the paint should be applied as evenly and as flat as possible. Start with your lightest colors first because it will be easier to paint over mistakes with darker colors.

A few tips – Take your time. Practice. Acrylic can be fussy because it dries really fast. You want your final paintings to almost feel like they are digital or were printed. This is not how artists typically use acrylic but it will help you better understand how to control it.

Examples of Student Work

Design Foundations I Projects & Assignments

Art 1600 / Greg Clayton

breadCrumbs("www.harding.edu/gclayton/2DDesign", "2D Design","|","index.html","bread1","bread2","bread1","0", "Site: "); kw_crouton(" | ",1,"",4,"Recent: ");

Notes on course assignments

Assignments will vary somewhat from semester to semester. Not all of these projects are assigned in every semester. Projects are introduced and linked in the main course schedule . Notes and examples may be linked here.

Quick Design: Personal Mark

Order-disorder progression series, ideal creative space, design analyses, repurpose harding, make it better - hu, tesselated fields, contemporary parable, shapes in a field, presentation of a master, nature study, resources and links, glossary | cida curriculum |.

               © 2019 Greg Clayton/ [email protected]  

Elements and Principles of Two Dimensional Design


The elements and principles of design are the building blocks from which images are made. Line, shape, texture, value and color are the basic elements of design. The principles of design are a wide range of organizational strategies such as balance; unity and variety; scale and proportion; rhythm and emphasis.

Artists and designers translate their personal insights into public communication. The ideas and emotions a professional wishes to express must engage an audience whether the encounter occurs in the silence of a museum or the chaos of a city street.

Design Elements

Picture plane: the two dimensional surface on which shapes are organized into a composition.

Positive space/shape: any shape distinguished from the background; also referred to as figure.

Negative space/shape: an area around a positive shape, a shape created by the absence of an object; also referred to as a ground.

Line: a connection between points, an implied connection between points, a point in motion.

Shape: a visually perceived area created either by an enclosing line or by color and value changes defining the outer edges.

Texture: the visual or tactile quality of a surface within a composition.

Value: the relative lightness or darkness of a surface.

Color: see previous reading. .

Design Principles

Balance: the distribution of weight or emphasis among visual elements within a composition. Balance involves - visual weight, symmetry, a symmetry, and imbalance.

Unity and Variety: elements that provide compositional cohesion; the differences that give a composition visual and conceptual interest. These include grouping, containment, repetition, proximity, continuity, closure, pattern and grid.

Scale: a size relationship between separate objects within a composition.

Proportion: the relative size of visual elements within a composition.

Rhythm: presentation of multiple units in a deliberate pattern.

Emphasis: special attention given to some aspect of a composition to increase its prominence.

(Text and definitions from: “Launching the Imagination,” 3rd Edition, by Mary Stewart)

Self Checks

Check 1: design elements.

Look at two images created for this course . Identify the primary design elements and primary design principles employed by each.

Accessibility statement . Check accessibility with WAVE .

Copyright © Charlie Curtsinger, Janet Davis, Titus Klinge, Samuel A. Rebelsky, and Jerod Weinman. Selected materials are copyright by John David Stone or Henry Walker and are used with permission .

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ARTS 113 Introduction to 2D Design

  • Course Description

An introduction to visual thinking as well as the elements and principles of design. Concentration on the elements of design through production of artwork using a variety of materials and methods. Emphasis placed on understanding the elements and principles of design and how they integrate to form fully realized works of art. Students will explore composition and selection of subject matter.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the  Academic Course Catalog .

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

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*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

Design is a visual language and a process of visual problem solving. The elements and principles of design are the building blocks used by all artists/designers to create aesthetically pleasing work. Design professionals must cultivate their ability to use these elements and principles in order to reach their creative goals and to explore the many directions an art piece can take. Any discipline that relies upon visual design and aesthetics can benefit from this course.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and lecture presentations.

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Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations , the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (2)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to post an original image followed by a response to the provided prompt for each discussion. Each thread must be at least 150 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ posts. Each reply must be at least 100 words.

Project: Emphasis and Focal Point Assignment

The student will collect 1 example of each of the 3 types of focal point/emphasis from magazines and describe how each example clearly demonstrates the specified method of creating emphasis.

Project: Balance Assignment

The student will create an original thematic set of compositions in which each piece demonstrates 1 of the 4 types of balance.

Project: Line Assignment

The student will create an original set of 4 nonobjective compositions in which each piece explores line as an emotive tool.

Project: Pattern and Texture Assignment

The student will compare pattern and texture by creating a set of 2 original compositions that juxtaposes the 2 elements.

Project: Illusion of Space Assignment

The student will create a set of 4 original compositions that tells a story or follows a narrative. Each composition must clearly demonstrate 1 of the ways of creating the illusion of space/depth.

Project: Value and Color Assignment

The student will create a value scale with 9 unique steps of value, a basic color wheel, and a study of tints and shades.

Project: Final Portfolio Assignment

The final portfolio will contain the 5 original design projects completed during the course (Line, Balance, Pattern and Texture, Space, and Value and Color).

Quizzes (7)

Each quiz will cover the Learn material for the Module: Week in which it is assigned. Each quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contain multiple-choice questions, and have a 20–minute time limit.

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01. Zines Analysis

Why are we doing this (objectives).

  • Introduces elements/principles of 2D design
  • Practice analyzing composition and visual relationships by using vocabulary
  • Explore our new Zine Archive – a brand new resource on campus!

We are going to spend some time with the zine collection at the Library’s Archives, analyzing the elements and principles of design in the zines.

  • Everyone will find and photograph examples of the elements and principles used in the zines. For example, first everyone will look for a page or spread that has good use of LINE. Then, we’ll compare everyone’s finds.
  • Students will post a photo of their finding to their personal blog, titling each post after the specific element/principle. Each blog post will contain the author/title of the zine, and will explain in a complete sentence why it is a good example of the noted element/principle. We will repeat this for each of the elements/principles. (14 total)

Late/incomplete work receives a zero. Be sure to follow the directions/used class time wisely. I’ll be checking students’ ability to use, analyze, and critique elements/principles of design throughout

14 points – 1 point per blog entry

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This course was designed in part by the UMass Dartmouth Foundations Program.

For Drawing II / Intermediate Draw

Remixing and Drawing

Elements & Principles of 4D Art & Design

Some social practice.

web analytics


  • BrightSpace


Shape & Space Compositions

Dynamic Compositions

Photography, Repetition & The Grid

Variation of Line

Directional Dominance

Texture | Midterm

Texture | Version 2

Organizing the Random

Value Self-Portrait

Color Schemes

Complementary Color Scheme

Final Project

Line Systems & Value Gradation

Elements of 2D Design


Texture Studies

Color Studies

Collaborative Practices

Design Process and Chance

Principles of Organization


  1. Elements & Principles of 2D Design

    PRINCIPLES: Balance. Balance is the equalizing of the visual weight of elements. There are three types of balance: symmetrical (one half mirrors the other), asymmetrical (dissimilar items balance each other out), and radial (elements are spread out from a central point. Symmetrical = dividing a composition into two equal halves with seemingly ...

  2. Line and Shape Inventory

    Line and Shape Inventory. Students will be able to identify basic visual and verbal vocabulary. Students will be able to demonstrate the unique power of different types of line. Students will be able to illustrate how line affects composition. For this assignment you will be using 4 words to explore compositions.

  3. PDF Points, Lines, and Planes

    %PDF-1.7 %âãÏÓ 145 0 obj > endobj xref 145 76 0000000016 00000 n 0000002725 00000 n 0000003035 00000 n 0000003118 00000 n 0000003192 00000 n 0000003224 00000 n 0000003324 00000 n 0000003351 00000 n 0000003472 00000 n 0000004080 00000 n 0000004612 00000 n 0000004884 00000 n 0000005454 00000 n 0000005732 00000 n 0000006435 00000 n 0000006462 00000 n 0000006574 00000 n 0000006688 00000 n ...

  4. Mark and Line

    1. Create 3 Photoshop documents each 500px x 500px and create 3 separate brushes, add them to your brush library and save each of the files as a .png as well. 2. Create one document that is 1600px x 2200px and using your 3 new brushes, create 5 rows of mark-making exercises. It should look something like this:

  5. PDF www.aiga.org 2D Design Basics

    what-is-design/} Line: a line is an infinite series of points. Graphically, a line is the connection between two points, or it is the path of a moving point. A line can be a positive mark or the space between two or more positive shapes. Lines appear at the edges of objects and where two planes meet. Lines can exist in many weights; the

  6. 2D Design Foundations

    2D Design Foundations. syllabus. All first year design students (industrial, interior and visual communication) experience the same series of 2D foundation exercises to reinforce drawing skills and promote thorough ideation with multiple concepts. The next quarter they continue with a another series of foundation exercises to reinforce drawing ...

  7. Elements & Principles of Design

    ELEMENTS: Line - The way we treat our lines establishes a particular/dominant mood/emotion. Shape - Flat, 2D aspects of form, as opposed to volume (think silhouette) Value/Tone - Relative lightness or darkness. Texture - Can be actual or implied. Color - (we won't use color in Beginning Drawing)

  8. Elements & Principles of 2D Design

    ELEMENTS: Line - The way we treat our lines establishes a particular/dominant mood/emotion. Shape - Flat, 2D aspects of form, as opposed to volume (think silhouette) Value/Tone - Relative lightness or darkness. Texture - Can be actual or implied. Color - (we won't use color in Beginning Drawing)

  9. 2D design- line Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like line (mathematical), line (artistic), actual line and more.

  10. 1: Introduction

    1: Introduction. Page ID. 122815. This foundational level hands-on course introduces the theoretical application of the elements and principles of two-dimensional design and the practical applications of color theory. Exercises in visual thinking and the use of traditional principles of composition and two-dimensional media are emphasized ...

  11. 2D design exam Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 5 elements of design, 3 line directions, Element of design : line and more.

  12. 2-D Design: First Assignment: Line

    First Assignment: Line. · Draw 6 rectangles of equal size on a single sheet of 14x17 Bristol Paper. · Your designs should stay as abstract as possible (you should avoid making anything representational, objective, or recognizable). · 3 of the designs should be made using a ruled rectilinear or curvilinear set of lines.

  13. Course Syllabus: Two-Dimensional Design

    Lectures / Topics / Assignments / Projects / Critiques ARTS 1311 2D Design Sample - Set your own Calendar. This list is not adequate. 1/18 flooding no class 1/23 Class orientation, syllabus, supply list,Project 1-LINE 1/25 LINE, powerpoint presentation 1/30 Critique-LINE, Project 2-SHAPE (scale, proportion) 2/1 artist, research, workday 2/6 ...

  14. 2D Design

    Assignment Learning Outcomes. To understand and apply the principle of unity as it relates to two-dimensional art. To introduce a range of principles and methods for unifying diverse elements on the picture plane. Mini-Assignments. 1. Watch and take notes on the video linked below. 2. Define the vocabulary words below in your sketchbook. Materials

  15. 2D Design Course Assignments

    Design Foundations I Projects & Assignments. Art 1600 / Greg Clayton . Notes on course assignments. Assignments will vary somewhat from semester to semester. Not all of these projects are assigned in every semester. Projects are introduced and linked in the main course schedule. Notes and examples may be linked here.

  16. Elements and Principles of Two Dimensional Design

    Line, shape, texture, value and color are the basic elements of design. The principles of design are a wide range of organizational strategies such as balance; unity and variety; scale and proportion; rhythm and emphasis. Artists and designers translate their personal insights into public communication. The ideas and emotions a professional ...

  17. ARTS 113 Introduction to 2D Design

    Project: Line Assignment The student will create an original set of 4 nonobjective compositions in which each piece explores line as an emotive tool. Project: Pattern and Texture Assignment

  18. 01. Zines Analysis

    Process. We are going to spend some time with the zine collection at the Library's Archives, analyzing the elements and principles of design in the zines. Everyone will find and photograph examples of the elements and principles used in the zines. For example, first everyone will look for a page or spread that has good use of LINE.

  19. PDF Art 140: Beginning Two-Dimensional Design

    merged.Course Student Learning OutcomesDemonstrate and apply knowledge of design elements and principles in relation to two-dimensional composition, utilizing various. two-dimensional art media and techniques. The elements are: line, sh. pe/form, color, value, texture and space. The principles of design are: unity/variety, emphasis, scale/prop.

  20. Projects

    Prof. Claudia Ferreira Jacques de Moraes Cardoso, MFA, PhD researcher BrightSpace; WCC Email; MyWCC; WCC Site; Home; Course Outline. Syllabus in PDF; Prof. Jacques ...

  21. 2D Design

    2D Design. This page provides you with resources and booklets that are here to support your use of the range of ICT programmes we have. There are more on the school system, but these are the main ones to help you in your work. 2D Design - Basic Set Up. 2D Design - Getting Started. 2D Design - Toolbars. 2DV2 Tutorial Booklet. Shop Window ...

  22. PDF 2D Design V2 Software Tutorials

    1. Start up 2D Design V2, or close any open drawings (File > Close). Choose the Open icon from the upper icon toolbar (or File > Open), and load the drawing "Car.dtd" from the. Tutorials directory. For the purposes of this tutorial only, choose Help > Restore Factory Defaults.

  23. Assignments

    Objective: To experience an image based on its formal qualities (line, shape, value, form, and space, as opposed to its recognizable imagery or conceptual content) and to experiment with various methods for abstracting an image. Assignment 2 Directions: Anatomy of a Composition. File Size: 65 kb. File Type: