
The Environmental Blog

How to Write a Research Paper on Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues

The problem of environmental issues has become so urgent that many students decide to take it for their academic research paper writing. This topic is so broad that one can observe it at the interdisciplinary level. If you want to analyze this subject effectively but you cannot organize your paper without an expert’s help, these basic guidelines will make your work easier.

Method #1: Prepare for Writing

  • Learn about the Problem . It is difficult to prepare an indigenous research paper on environmental issues if you do not read about the findings of the classic authors. Some students think that their ideas and writing approach are uncommon and innovative. However, a specific ‘original’ thought can be found in the book that was published many years ago. If you want to avoid such surprises, you should read about your subject a lot. What is more, reading credible authors and their profound articles, you understand the problem much better. New ideas and concepts come into your head and you generate new solutions and categories. You absorb in the topic and catch its slightest elements. Do not forget that every source you read will be useful for writing whereas you can utilize quotations and borrow authors’ genuine ideas.
  • Choose the Best Sources and Make Notes . High-quality research papers can be written with the assistance of the credible sources. When you rely on the second-rate books, journals and the Internet articles, you accumulate dubious facts that can spoil the scientific value of your investigation. Thus, use the sources that have solid authority among the prominent scholars and teachers. You can even ask your advisor about the proper choice of the reliable authors whose ideas can be used in your paper. When you read a source, you are supposed to make notes carefully. It will help you collect more facts. Moreover, the accuracy of your notes will help you avoid accusations of plagiarism. When you cite a quotation, do not forget to note the author, the book’s title and the page.

The more books you read about environmental issues, the better your research project will be.

Method #2: Project Your Research

  • Make a Plan . You will hardly prepare a good and concise research paper if you do not plan it profoundly. Think about the categories and chosen environmental issues that will find their place in your paper. A detailed outline will be the best support for you. Write down every section and subcategory in the chronological order. Make sure, every new related problem continues the previous one. The audience should read your paper fluently and understand your point of view and intentions.

You can write a two-page text about the structure and the main idea of your investigation. It will help you construct a sound outline on the basis of this brief summary.

Method #3: Write Your Research Paper

  • Make a Good Introduction . The foremost section of every research is its introduction. Devote two pages to the brief presentation of your topic and your goals. What do you want to achieve? Why are environmental issues so relevant nowadays? What methods will you utilize to research this problem? In addition, you should invent a sound thesis statement that will illustrate the purpose of your investigation. For example, ‘Environmental issues determine our lifetime on Earth’. It means that humanity will die if we do not improve the ecological environmental.
  • Write the Main Chapters . The main body of your research paper should contain the general analysis of the existing environmental issues. It is wise to devote some place to their cause and effect. You can observe all existing ecological problems or focus on several issues and observe them in detail. Bear in mind that you should devote one paragraph to every thought. If you insert several categories into one paragraph, it will be difficult to catch your point of view. Care about the reader in this case. Finish the main body of your paper with the discussion of the enumerated issues. How can we solve them? Generate several solutions to the environmental problems and evaluate their effectiveness. Mention the factors (economic, political, social) that do not allow people to defeat the mentioned problems.
  • Make a Conclusion . Finish your research paper about environmental issues with a professional conclusion. Discuss the effectiveness of your research, evaluate your findings and focus on the most disturbing ecological problems of our time. Is it possible to solve them? What should we do to improve the current situation? Say whether your research is useful for an average person and your discipline.

You can add graphs, tables and images to improve the quality of your written research paper. The topics of this kind can be understood better with the additional visual materials.

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Writing a Paper about an Environmental Issue

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how to write a research paper on environmental issues

  • Ph.D., Wildlife Ecology, University of Maine
  • M.A., Natural Resources, Humboldt State University
  • B.S., Biology, Université du Québec à Rimouski

Are you a student tasked with writing a research paper on an environmental issue? These few tips, along with some hard and focused work, should get you most of the way there.

Find a Topic

Look for a topic that speaks to you, that grabs your attention. Alternatively, choose a topic about which you are genuinely interested in learning more. It will be a lot easier to spend time working on something of interest to you.

Here are some places you can find ideas for a paper:

  • Global warming
  • Biodiversity
  • Deforestation
  • Fossil fuels
  • Water Pollution
  • The science or environment sections of major newspapers and news organizations will feature articles about current environmental news and events.
  • Environmental news websites like Grist or Environmental News Network .

Conduct Research

Are you using internet resources? Make sure you can assess the quality of the information you find. This article from Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab is useful to help with assessing the quality of your sources.

Print resources are not to be neglected. Visit your school or city library, learn how to use their search engine, and talk to your librarian about accessing the resources available.

Are you expected to constrain your sources to primary literature? That body of knowledge consists of peer-reviewed articles published in scientific journals. Consult your librarian for help with accessing the proper databases to reach those articles.

Follow Instructions

Carefully read the handout or prompt given to you and which contains instructions about the assignment. Early in the process, make sure you choose a topic that will satisfy the assigned requirements. Once half-way through the paper, and once when it’s done, check it against the instructions to make sure you didn’t drift away from what was required.

Start With a Solid Structure

First craft a paper outline with your main ideas organized, and a thesis statement . A logical outline will make it easy to gradually flesh out ideas and eventually produce complete paragraphs with good transitions between them. Make sure all the sections serve the purpose of the paper outlined in the thesis statement.

After you have a good draft produced, put the paper down, and don’t pick it up until the next day. It’s due tomorrow? Next time, start working on it earlier. This break will help you with the editing stage: you need fresh eyes to read, and re-read your draft for flow, typos, and a myriad other little problems.

Pay Attention to Formatting

Along the way, check that you are following your teacher’s formatting instructions: font size, line spacing, margins, length, page numbers, title page, etc. A poorly formatted paper will suggest to your teacher that not only the form, but the content is of low quality as well.

Avoid Plagiarism

First, make sure you know what plagiarism is , you can then more easily avoid it. Pay especially close attention to properly attributing the work you cite.

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Disciplinary Approaches to Composing Texts

Writing in Environmental Science

by Dr. Emily Deaver

Writing is one of the primary forms of communication in Environmental Science. It is important to be able to express yourself clearly regardless of the type of writing you are doing. It is also important to understand what audience you are writing for - a scientific audience or the general public. Communicating results of research by writing papers is critical to advancing the field. You may do Nobel Prize winning work in the lab, but if you never publish a paper on that work then the research will be unknown and essentially worthless. Communicating clearly is also important and relevant to environmental regulations and protection of natural resources, both in terms of advocating for a particular position, educating the general public about natural resources or for proposing specific legislation. 

Types of writing in the field

Writing in the Environmental Science field includes a wide range of styles as well as writing geared toward different audiences. Scholarly writing published in scientific journals is the primary way that researchers communicate and is critical for exchange of information.  These journals are increasingly available online prior to publication in a print format, or even exclusively online.

Environmental writing includes investigative pieces which may focus on discussions of emerging problems, or exposing illegal or unethical practices. These pieces often include facts and data in an effort to communicate new information to the public, or may be more human interest stories that describe specific environmental problems. These stories can be published by newspapers, magazines or broadcast outlets such at National Public Radio. These may be short news style pieces or longer documentaries.

There are numerous environmental magazines like National Parks Magazine, Scientific American, Popular Science, National Geographic and Discover magazine that present news and features stories for the general public in a less technical format and typically include lots of pictures with the articles. There are also a huge number of environmental blogs on the web. Most are designed to provide information as well as encourage readers to become involved in protection and care of the environment (i.e. http://www.theenvironmentalblog.org/ ). 

An additional type of writing would be pieces written for nonprofit conservation organizations like Nature Conservancy , or the World Wildlife Fund . This type of writing often describes a particular landscape, habitat or group of organisms with the aim of getting the reader emotionally invested in the topic. Writing for research stations, such as the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, would be writing that includes reporting on technical research data for the scientific community, but also presenting research data in a less technical way to the general public, with the aim or gaining continued support for their work. 

Federal government agencies such as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), US Geological Survey (USGS) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) produce many different types of writing; very technical reports related to research projects, guidance or policy documents on regulations and protection of environmental resources, informational documents to educate the general public, and news releases. Clear written communication is so important that the EPA even has its own writing guide ( https://19january2017snapshot.epa.gov/stylebook_.html) . Much of this information is available in print form but they also have extensive websites with research reports, information on popular topics and news releases easily accessible. A good example of most of these types of writing can be found at the EPA page on Climate Change ( https://www3.epa.gov/climatechange/ ). Similar types of writing are done by state (i.e. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, MN Department of Natural Resources, MN Board of Water and Soil Resources) and local agencies (Lyon County Environmental Office) as well. Utility companies (i.e. Marshall Municipal Utilities or Duke Power) and publically owned wastewater treatment facilities produce similar information and types of documents.  

Writers may also work in some type of industry and write industry newsletters and press releases or do technical writing for equipment or consumer products writing procedural manuals, or tutorials and help pages. There are also numerous professional magazines (i.e. Chemical and Engineering News ) that report on new technologies and industry news.

A different type of writing in the environmental field would be nature writers. These works can be environmental fiction (novels or poetry) that describe nature or have plots involving environmental issues (i.e. Wallace Stegner, Wendell Berry and Annie Dillard),) or nonfiction accounts of the wilderness (i.e. Rick Bass and Sigurd F. Olson), writing as an environmental activist (i.e. Lester R. Brown) or  exploring relationships to nature and culture (i.e. Terry Tempest Williams).

Scholarly writing published in scientific journals is the primary way that environmental scientists communicate. All students in Environmental Science should be familiar with, and be able to write in this format. Reporting on scientific information in a less technical fashion to help the general public understand complex scientific issues would be the 2 nd most important type of writing. This information is increasingly important in both paper and electronic formats. 

Writing in the classroom

Depending upon which course they take, students gain experience doing technical writing such as lab reports, research proposals and research papers. These works allow students to practice writing in the style of a published journal article, which is one of the primary forms of communication in the field.  Students also learn to create annotated bibliographies, which teaches them to find and read journal articles and to summarize information from those articles for later reference. This is particularly important when gathering information for research projects. 

Many of the things Environmental Science students and scientists write are lab reports, research reports, and journal articles. A lab report (or journal article) is an example of technical writing, which is different from prose or expository writing (for an English class, for example).  The goal of a lab report is to state facts, procedures, processes, and concepts as clearly as possible. The writer’s opinions or feelings about the process are NOT included, and should be concealed in a scientific paper.

Good technical writing is: clear (not diffuse, vague, or general), accurate (data honestly gathered, accurately reported, edited and proof-read to ensure that it is error-free), concise (not wordy), conventional and consistent (following accepted patterns for reporting information consistently throughout), mechanically correct (proper grammar, spelling and usage), and interesting (has enough stylistic character to be interesting as well as informative to the reader). 

Some of the keys to good scientific writing in general are:

1. Avoid sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

2. Keep tense, person and number consistent within sections.

3. Avoid long words when short ones will do the job equally well. Avoid wordiness, redundancy, clichés, jargon (gobbledygook), overblown phrases and misused words.

4. Keep ideas together within paragraphs of moderate length and make clear transitions between paragraphs.

5. Write naturally while remaining detached from the subject (objective).

6. Concentrate on clarity and coherence.

7. Use graphs for clarity, simplification, emphasis, or summary.

8. Do not excuse, diminish or find fault with the study. Let the reader judge the quality and significance of the study. 

Parts of the Lab Report, Research Report or Journal Article

The elements of the laboratory report (or journal article) are: title (and author), introduction, methods, results, discussion and literature cited (references) sections. Occasionally a lab report may include an abstract and acknowledgments section.

The introduction describes what you planned to do and why. It includes a statement of the problem or question to be studied, and an explanation of why the knowledge gained by this research is of interest and to whom. An introduction includes a hypothesis, or educated guess, as to the process by which the phenomenon under investigation operates. Available background references are used (and cited) to indicate the importance of the research, and to provide information that allows the author to predict an outcome. You should also define any terms in the introduction section.

The methods section is a concise description, written in the past tense, of the procedures used. It describes the equipment used and how information was collected: by laboratory or field experimentation, surveys, or literature review. This section contains the most explicit (exactly described) statements of how you did the experiment or study. The methods section should contain enough detail for someone else to repeat the study based on the description in the paper. The methods section does NOT include a list of the materials used. Any equipment and materials used are described along with the procedures. 

The results section describes what you found out. This section is a presentation and organization of the information (facts, data, and measurements) collected in the study. Often the data is organized into tables and graphs. Graphs and tables are never presented alone - they are used in addition to the text, or descriptive paragraph of the results. The results section simply presents the data, but no explanations or statements about why the researcher thinks the results occurred as they did are provided (that is given in the discussion section).

The discussion section includes explicit statements of what the results mean in a logically unfolding pattern. This section includes statements about why the researcher thinks the results occurred as they did (based on literature or previous studies), and what the results reveal about the way nature works. The discussion section also contains any conclusions or recommendations. It may also include statements about particular sources of error in the study and what the next set of experiments would be to gain further information on this topic.

A laboratory report should contain all of the sections discussed above plus a title that describes the experiment or study. Following the title is the author’s name . References are used to substantiate statements made in the introduction, methods or discussion sections of the lab report. Any references used need to be cited correctly - both in the text of the report (author and year) and at the end of the report in a literature cited section (see the handout on citations for details on the format to use).

Environmental Science Disciplinary Perspective Documentation in Environmental Science Research in Environmental Science Reading in Environmental Science

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50 Best Environmental Science Research Topics

May 31, 2023

Environmental science is a varied discipline that encompasses a variety of subjects, including ecology, atmospheric science, and geology among others. Professionals within this field can pursue many occupations from lab technicians and agricultural engineers to park rangers and environmental lawyers. However, what unites these careers is their focus on how the natural world and the human world interact and impact the surrounding environment. There is also one other significant commonality among environmental science careers: virtually all of them either engage in or rely on research on environmental science topics to ensure their work is accurate and up to date.

In this post, we’ll outline some of the best environmental science research topics to help you explore disciplines within environmental science and kickstart your own research. If you are considering majoring in environmental science or perhaps just need help brainstorming for a research paper, this post will give you a broad sense of timely environmental science research topics.

What makes a research topic good?

Before we dive into specific environmental science research topics, let’s first cover the basics: what qualities make for a viable research topic. Research is the process of collecting information to make discoveries and reach new conclusions. We often think of research as something that occurs in academic or scientific settings. However, everyone engages in informal research in everyday life, from reading product reviews to investigating statistics for admitted students at prospective colleges . While we all conduct research in our day-to-day lives, formal academic research is necessary to advance discoveries and scholarly discourses. Therefore, in this setting, good research hinges on a topic in which there are unanswered questions or ongoing debates. In other words, meaningful research focuses on topics where you can say something new.

However, identifying an interesting research topic is only the first step in the research process. Research topics tend to be broad in scope. Strong research is dependent on developing a specific research question, meaning the query your project will seek to answer. While there are no comprehensive guidelines for research questions, most scholars agree that research questions should be:

1) Specific

Research questions need to clearly identify and define the focus of your research. Without sufficient detail, your research will likely be too broad or imprecise in focus to yield meaningful insights. For example, you might initially be interested in addressing this question: How should governments address the effects of climate change? While that is a worthwhile question to investigate, it’s not clear enough to facilitate meaningful research. What level of government is this question referring to? And what specific effects of global warming will this research focus on? You would need to revise this question to provide a clearer focus for your research. A revised version of this question might look like this: How can state government officials in Florida best mitigate the effects of sea-level rise?

 2) Narrow

Our interest in a given topic often starts quite broad. However, it is difficult to produce meaningful, thorough research on a broad topic. For that reason, it is important that research questions be narrow in scope, focusing on a specific issue or subtopic. For example, one of the more timely environmental science topics is renewable energy. A student who is just learning about this topic might wish to write a research paper on the following question: Which form of renewable energy is best? However, that would be a difficult question to answer in one paper given the various ways in which an energy source could be “best.” Instead, this student might narrow their focus, assessing renewable energy sources through a more specific lens: Which form of renewable energy is best for job creation?

 3) Complex

As we previously discussed, good research leads to new discoveries. These lines of inquiry typically require a complicated and open-ended research question. A question that can be answered with just a “yes” or “no” (or a quick Google search) is likely indicative of a topic in which additional research is unnecessary (i.e. there is no ongoing debate) or a topic that is not well defined. For example, the following question would likely be too simple for academic research: What is environmental justice? You can look up a definition of environmental justice online. You would need to ask a more complex question to sustain a meaningful research project. Instead, you might conduct research on the following query: Which environmental issue(s) disproportionately impact impoverished communities in the Pacific Northwest? This question is narrower and more specific, while also requiring more complex thought and analysis to answer.

4) Debatable

Again, strong research provides new answers and information, which means that they must be situated within topics or discourses where there is ongoing debate. If a research question can only lead to one natural conclusion, that may indicate that it has already been sufficiently addressed in prior research or that the question is leading. For example, Are invasive species bad? is not a very debatable question (the answer is in the term “invasive species”!). A paper that focused on this question would essentially define and provide examples of invasive species (i.e. information that is already well documented). Instead, a researcher might investigate the effects of a specific invasive species. For example: How have Burmese pythons impacted ecosystems in the Everglades, and what mitigation strategies are most effective to reduce Burmese python populations?

Therefore, research topics, including environmental science topics, are those about which there are ample questions yet to be definitively answered. Taking time to develop a thoughtful research question will provide the necessary focus and structure to facilitate meaningful research.

10 Great Environmental Science Research Topics (With Explanations!)

Now that we have a basic understanding of what qualities can make or break a research topic, we can return to our focus on environmental science topics. Although “great” research topics are somewhat subjective, we believe the following topics provide excellent foundations for research due to ongoing debates in these areas, as well as the urgency of the challenges they seek to address.

1) Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Although climate change is now a well-known concept , there is still much to be learned about how humans can best mitigate and adapt to its effects. Mitigation involves reducing the severity of climate change. However, there are a variety of ways mitigation can occur, from switching to electric vehicles to enforcing carbon taxes on corporations that produce the highest carbon emission levels. Many of these environmental science topics intersect with issues of public policy and economics, making them very nuanced and versatile.

In comparison, climate change adaptation considers how humans can adjust to life in an evolving climate where issues such as food insecurity, floods, droughts, and other severe weather events are more frequent. Research on climate change adaptation is particularly fascinating due to the various levels at which it occurs, from federal down to local governments, to help communities anticipate and adjust to the effects of climate change.

Both climate change mitigation and adaptation represent excellent environmental science research topics as there is still much to be learned to address this issue and its varied effects.

2) Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is another fairly mainstream topic in which there is much to learn and research. Although scientists have identified many forms of sustainable energy, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, questions remain about how to best implement these energy sources. How can politicians, world leaders, and communities advance renewable energy through public policy? What impact will renewable energy have on local and national economies? And how can we minimize the environmental impact of renewable energy technologies? While we have identified alternatives to fossil fuels, questions persist about the best way to utilize these technologies, making renewable energy one of the best environmental science topics to research.

3) Conservation

Conservation is a broad topic within environmental science, focusing on issues such as preserving environments and protecting endangered species. However, conservation efforts are more challenging than ever in the face of a growing world population and climate change. In fact, some scientists theorize that we are currently in the middle of a sixth mass extinction event. While these issues might seem dire, we need scientists to conduct research on conservation efforts for specific species, as well as entire ecosystems, to help combat these challenges and preserve the planet’s biodiversity.

4) Deforestation

The Save the Rainforest movement of the 1980s and 90s introduced many people to the issue of deforestation. Today, the problems associated with deforestation, such as reduced biodiversity and soil erosion, are fairly common knowledge. However, these challenges persist due, in part, to construction and agricultural development projects. While we know the effects of deforestation, it is more difficult to identify and implement feasible solutions. This is particularly true in developing countries where deforestation is often more prevalent due to political, environmental, and economic factors. Environmental science research can help reduce deforestation by identifying strategies to help countries sustainably manage their natural resources.

Environmental Science Topics (Continued)

5) urban ecology.

When we think of “the environment,” our brains often conjure up images of majestic mountain ranges and lush green forests. However, less “natural” environments also warrant study: this is where urban ecology comes in. Urban ecology is the study of how organisms interact with one another and their environment in urban settings. Through urban ecology, researchers can address topics such as how greenspaces in cities can reduce air pollution, or how local governments can adopt more effective waste management practices. As one of the newer environmental science topics, urban ecology represents an exciting research area that can help humans live more sustainably.

6) Environmental Justice

While environmental issues such as climate change impact people on a global scale, not all communities are affected equally. For example, wealthy nations tend to contribute more to greenhouse-gas emissions. However, less developed nations are disproportionately bearing the brunt of climate change . Studies within the field of environmental justice seek to understand how issues such as race, national origin, and income impact the degree to which people experience hardships from environmental issues. Researchers in this field not only document these inequities, but also identify ways in which environmental justice can be achieved. As a result, their work helps communities have access to clean, safe environments in which they can thrive.

7) Water Management

Water is, of course, necessary for life, which is why water management is so important within environmental science research topics. Water management research ensures that water resources are appropriately identified and maintained to meet demand. However, climate change has heightened the need for water management research, due to the occurrence of more severe droughts and wildfires. As a result, water management research is necessary to ensure water is clean and accessible.

8) Pollution and Bioremediation

Another impact of the increase in human population and development is heightened air, water, and soil pollution. Environmental scientists study pollutants to understand how they work and where they originate. Through their research, they can identify solutions to help address pollution, such as bioremediation, which is the use of microorganisms to consume and break down pollutants. Collectively, research on pollution and bioremediation helps us restore environments so they are sufficient for human, animal, and plant life.

9) Disease Ecology

While environmental science topics impact the health of humans, we don’t always think of this discipline as intersecting with medicine. But, believe it or not, they can sometimes overlap! Disease ecology examines how ecological processes and interactions impact disease evolution. For example, malaria is a disease that is highly dependent on ecological variables, such as temperature and precipitation. Both of these factors can help or hinder the breeding of mosquitoes and, therefore, the transmission of malaria. The risk of infectious diseases is likely to increase due to climate change , making disease ecology an important research topic.

10) Ecosystems Ecology

If nothing else, the aforementioned topics and their related debates showcase just how interconnected the world is. None of us live in a vacuum: our environment affects us just as we affect it. That makes ecosystems ecology, which examines how ecosystems operate and interact, an evergreen research topic within environmental science.

40 More Environmental Science Research Topics

Still haven’t stumbled upon the right environmental science research topic? The following ideas may help spark some inspiration:

  • The effects of agricultural land use on biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • The impact of invasive plant species on ecosystems.
  • How wildfires and droughts shape ecosystems.
  • The role of fire ecology in addressing wildfire threats.
  • The impact of coral bleaching on biodiversity.
  • Ways to minimize the environmental impact of clean energies.
  • The effects of climate change on ocean currents and migration patterns of marine species.

Environmental Justice and Public Policy

  • Opportunities to equalize the benefits of greenspaces for impoverished and marginalized communities.
  • The impact of natural disasters on human migration patterns.
  • The role of national parks and nature reserves in human health.
  • How to address inequalities in the impact of air pollution.
  • How to prevent and address the looming climate refugee crisis.
  • Environmentally and economically sustainable alternatives to deforestation in less developed countries.
  • Effects of environmental policies and regulations on impoverished communities.
  • The role of pollutants in endocrine disruption.
  • The effects of climate change on the emergence of infectious diseases.

AP Environmental Science Research Topics (Continued)

Soil science.

  • Effects of climate change on soil erosion.
  • The role of land management in maintaining soil health.
  • Agricultural effects of salinization in coastal areas.
  • The effects of climate change on agriculture.

Urban Ecology

  • How road construction impacts biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • The effects of urbanization and city planning on water cycles.
  • Impacts of noise pollution on human health.
  • The role of city planning in reducing light pollution.

Pollution and Bioremediation

  • The role of bioremediation in removing “forever” chemicals from the environment.
  • Impacts of air pollution on maternal health.
  • How to improve plastic recycling processes.
  • Individual measures to reduce consumption and creation of microplastics.
  • Environmental impacts of and alternatives to fracking.

Environmental Law and Ethics

  • Ethical implications of human intervention in the preservation of endangered species.
  • The efficacy and impact of single-use plastic laws.
  • Effects of religious and cultural values in environmental beliefs.
  • The ethics of climate change policy for future generations.
  • Ethical implications of international environmental regulations for less developed countries.
  • The impact and efficacy of corporate carbon taxes.
  • Ethical and environmental implications of fast fashion.
  • The ethics and efficacy of green consumerism.
  • Impacts of the hospitality and travel industries on pollution and emissions.
  • The ethical implications of greenwashing in marketing.
  • Effects of “Right to Repair” laws on pollution.

Final Thoughts: Environmental Science Research Topics

Environmental science is a diverse and very important area of study that impacts all aspects of life on Earth. If you’ve found a topic you’d like to pursue, it’s time to hit the books (or online databases)! Begin reading broadly on your chosen topic so you can define a specific research question. If you’re unsure where to begin, contact a research librarian who can connect you with pertinent resources. As you familiarize yourself with the discourse surrounding your topic, consider what questions spring to mind. Those questions may represent gaps around which you can craft a research question.

Interested in conducting academic research? Check out the following resources for information on research opportunities and programs:

  • Research Opportunities for High School Students
  • Colleges with the Best Undergraduate Research Programs
  • College Success
  • High School Success

Emily Smith

Emily earned a BA in English and Communication Studies from UNC Chapel Hill and an MA in English from Wake Forest University. While at UNC and Wake Forest, she served as a tutor and graduate assistant in each school’s writing center, where she worked with undergraduate and graduate students from all academic backgrounds. She also worked as an editorial intern for the Wake Forest University Press as well as a visiting lecturer in the Department of English at WFU, and currently works as a writing center director in western North Carolina.

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9 Tips on Writing a Research Paper on Environmental Issues

Writing a Research Pape

A bevy of ongoing environmental issues have become one of the most preferred topics that many people write on. Even those who work on various kinds of research topics prefer to take up these issues in order to put their point across. Since the topic is so broad, you have to be very careful while writing a research paper. In this write-up inspired by the input provided by folks at CustomWritings.com , you will get to know essential tips on writing a research paper on environmental issues effectively. 

Ask yourself questions to find out what topics inspire you the most

Writing a Research Pape

If you are looking for guidelines on writing a research paper while choosing a topic, the first thing you need to do is ask yourself questions like:

  • What kind of environmental issues do you want to address?
  • Why does a particular topic / topics appeal to you?
  • What are the different ways you can improvise and/or address the concerns of the topic/s?

Make a note of all the issues that you want to consider for your research topic. If you want to drop out any idea or add additional topics, feel free to do so.

Use the funnel method while selecting your research topic

Before you can get into the nitty-gritty of how to write a successful research paper, you have to ensure that you decide on the topic/issue you want to address. Through the funnel method, you can narrow down the list of topics you have chosen and decide on the environmental issue you want to work on.

Make a note of the different points you want to cover in your research paper

The components of a research paper play a vital role in an effective research paper. Making notes will help you to understand what kind of sub-topics you want to include in your paper. When you jot down notes, it helps you to remember the different aspects you want to highlight through your research paper. You can write it or simply copy-paste the points on a word document.

Compile a list of keywords that you can use for your research paper

Writing a Research Pape

The next thing we will cover on it are the keywords you plan to use. The keywords help to create the focal point for a particular sentence, paragraph, or topic. Using a variety of keywords or focal words will give you the additional boost you need to put your point across.

Research information through various platforms and sources

The research that you do is the essence of what you will be writing/ addressing. Tips on writing a research paper on this front is to research information based on the pointers and keywords. This will give you a better chance to cover the pointers you want to write on. You can use different sources such as scholarly articles, expert research materials, trending news, etc to find existing research or information related to your research topic.

Prepare and organize your outline

One of the biggest problems many people have on how to prepare a research paper is the lack of composing an outline. The outline of your research paper acts like the building block on the different sub topics or issues you plan to cover in your research paper. In the case of environmental issues, the outline gives you a good idea of the various problems you have to address in your paper. It also helps to create a systematic draft for your paper.

Do not forget the formatting guidelines and writing styles

In this section , we will look at the formatting guidelines and writing styles you can use for your research. The formatting guidelines help to distinguish your research paper from a normal write-up or essay.  The writing style gives research papers a kind of clarity so that anyone referring to it may know how to skim through it. A particular format helps you in identifying the subject of research and content that you have included in your paper.

Divide your research paper

Another aspect of the components of a research paper is the division of your paper. You need to ensure that you have an effective and impactful introduction and a proper and complete conclusion. The body of your research should be informative, short, precise, and crisp.

Tips on writing a research paper while creating and reviewing your research

After you have created an outline and divided your paper, the next thing that you should do is work on the first draft. The first draft is a rough copy of the type of information you want to include in your research paper. After you have created your rough draft, read your entire paper and fine-tune your sentences. Make all the necessary changes and improvise your points if possible for the final touch up.

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119 Environmental Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

The environment is facing numerous challenges today, and it is important for us to address these issues in order to create a sustainable future for our planet. In this article, we will explore 119 environmental issues essay topic ideas and provide examples to help you get started on your own essay.

  • Climate change: Discuss the causes and effects of climate change and potential solutions to mitigate its impact.

Example: The role of deforestation in contributing to climate change and the importance of reforestation efforts.

  • Air pollution: Analyze the sources of air pollution and its effects on human health and the environment.

Example: The impact of vehicle emissions on air quality in urban areas and ways to reduce pollution from transportation.

  • Water pollution: Examine the sources of water pollution and the potential consequences for aquatic ecosystems and human health.

Example: The effects of agricultural runoff on water quality and strategies to prevent pollution from entering waterways.

  • Deforestation: Discuss the causes and consequences of deforestation and the importance of preserving forests for biodiversity and climate regulation.

Example: The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and the loss of traditional knowledge and cultural practices.

  • Plastic pollution: Explore the sources and effects of plastic pollution in the ocean and ways to reduce plastic waste.

Example: The role of microplastics in marine ecosystems and the need for regulations to prevent further pollution.

  • Biodiversity loss: Analyze the factors contributing to the loss of biodiversity and the importance of protecting endangered species.

Example: The impact of habitat destruction on wildlife populations and the need for conservation efforts to preserve biodiversity.

  • Overfishing: Discuss the consequences of overfishing on marine ecosystems and sustainable fishing practices.

Example: The decline of fish stocks due to overfishing and the importance of implementing fishing quotas and marine protected areas.

  • E-waste: Examine the growing problem of electronic waste and the environmental and health risks associated with improper disposal.

Example: The challenges of recycling electronic devices and the need for better e-waste management practices.

  • Urban sprawl: Analyze the impact of urban sprawl on natural habitats and the importance of smart growth and sustainable urban planning.

Example: The loss of green spaces and farmland to urban development and the benefits of compact, walkable communities.

  • Renewable energy: Discuss the potential of renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

Example: The growth of solar and wind power as clean energy alternatives and the challenges of integrating renewables into the grid.

  • Ocean acidification: Explore the causes and consequences of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and the need for carbon emission reductions.

Example: The effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs and shellfish populations and the importance of marine conservation efforts.

  • Soil erosion: Analyze the causes of soil erosion and the impact on agricultural productivity and ecosystem health.

Example: The loss of topsoil due to deforestation and unsustainable farming practices and strategies to prevent erosion through soil conservation.

  • Wildlife trafficking: Discuss the illegal trade of wildlife and the threats to endangered species and biodiversity.

Example: The demand for exotic pets and animal products driving the illegal wildlife trade and the need for stronger enforcement of wildlife protection laws.

  • Pesticide use: Examine the environmental and health risks associated with pesticide use in agriculture and the need for sustainable pest management practices.

Example: The impact of pesticide runoff on water quality and non-target species and the benefits of organic farming methods.

  • Food waste: Analyze the causes and consequences of food waste and potential solutions to reduce waste and improve food security.

Example: The environmental footprint of food production and distribution and the benefits of composting and food rescue programs.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions: Discuss the sources of greenhouse gas emissions and the need for global action to reduce carbon pollution.

Example: The role of the transportation sector in contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and the potential for electrification and public transit to reduce emissions.

  • Climate refugees: Explore the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities and the need for adaptation and resilience measures.

Example: The displacement of communities due to sea-level rise and extreme weather events and the challenges of climate migration.

  • Land degradation: Analyze the causes of land degradation and the consequences for food security, water quality, and ecosystem health.

Example: The loss of arable land to desertification and soil erosion and the importance of sustainable land management practices.

  • Ocean pollution: Discuss the sources of ocean pollution, including plastic waste, oil spills, and chemical contaminants, and the need for marine conservation.

Example: The impact of oil spills on marine ecosystems and the challenges of cleaning up and restoring affected areas.

  • Environmental justice: Explore the intersection of environmental issues with social justice and equity, including the disproportionate impacts on marginalized communities.

Example: The siting of polluting industries in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color and the need for environmental policies that prioritize equity and inclusion.

  • Green infrastructure: Discuss

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79 Environmental Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best environmental issues topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on environmental issues, 📌 most interesting environmental issues topics to write about.

  • Current Environmental Health Issues Considering the effects these bacteria may result in the following consequences should be remembered, the production of the lethal toxins in the intestine, the development of the clinical disease and succumb to the infection, the […]
  • Contemporary Environmental Issues on Hospitality Industry To begin with, saving of energy and water resources is one of the most vital issues in the hospitality industry. Location of the building belonging to hospitality industry is one of the key factors responsible […]
  • Reflection on Global Issues: Globalization of the Environment The global conflicts, managing the post-pandemic world, and the need to navigate the social injustices to ensure equality for all are among the most pressing ones.
  • Organic Food Is Not a Cure for Environmental and Health Issues For instance, the same group of scientists claims that the moderate use of pesticides in organic agriculture is particularly important to consider while purchasing food.
  • Environmental Issues of Rwanda Extensive farming, as well as animal husbandry, is a common phenomenon in the country, hence leading to serious environmental degradation on the land. Deteriorating quality of water and extinction threat to wetlands in the country […]
  • Environmental Issue: Hunting on Whales The case study at hand presents an environmental issue involving the Makah tribe that had hunted whales over two thousand years until the 1920s when this practice had to be discontinued due to the decline […]
  • Honda Motor Company Environmental Policies and Issues It was also ranked at position six among the world’s top motor vehicle manufacturers and was the second Japanese exporter to the USA and the rest of the world trailing behind behind the Toyota motor […]
  • The Aral Sea’s Environmental Issues Prior to its destruction, the Sea was one of the biggest water bodies, rich in different species of flora and fauna; a case that is opposite today, as the sea is almost becoming extinct.
  • The International Relations Theories in Addressing of Environmental Issues The political dimension of the green theory has led to the emergence of “environmental justice, environmental democracy, environmental activism and the green states”.
  • Challenges in Integrating Environmental Issues Into Operations Management The idea of sustainability: managers are expected to integrate environmental practices into operations management.
  • Brazil Environmental Issues Brazil is one of the countries located in Southern America and is one of the emerging economies in the world given its economic performance.
  • Environmental Issue – Climate Change If the right measures are put in place, our environment will be regenerated and the continued alterations to the climate will eventually stop.
  • Environmental Issues and Management An organisation is able to evaluate the impact of its practices on the environment in a consistent manner. The standard encourages organisations to implement appropriate practices which improve the awareness of the employees of the […]
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  • Quality Issues in Ford Motors Asia Pacific: Environmental and Other Factors In the Asia Pacific region, Ford Motors has made its mark by addressing the demands of the riding public or the growing interest of customers to Ford products, including parts and servies. Social Imperative Quality […]
  • Industrial Meat Business and Environmental Issues According to Goodman, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of our food choices and their impact on animals, the environment, and society. By choosing to consume meat, individuals are complicit in the perpetuation […]
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  • Exploring Environmental Issues: Marine Ecotourism For marine ecotourism to succeed, it must thrive in a manner that accommodates the needs of both the current and future generations and safeguards the natural environment.
  • Environmental and Global Health Issues: Measles Measles is among the most contagious disease in the world and is highly frequent and densely distributed in poor developing nations of Africa and Asia.
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  • Sustainable Environmental Policy: Fight the Emerging Issues The emergence of green cities, which a sustainable environment has spawned, is a major breakthrough; however, despite the fact that the creation of green cities seems to be the solution to the current environmental issues, […]
  • Health, Internal, Environmental Issues Affecting Dewa.gov Due to the increased related issues in the water and electricity sector in the whole world, it found it right to relate the worldwide issues together with the related factors in the DEWA industry.
  • Environmental Law: Strategies and Issue of Standing The law cases related to environmental dispute that occurred over the smelter in the City of Riverside proposed by RRE International and legal standing of the organization Citizens for a Clean Future if the case […]
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  • The Information Context and the Formation of Public Response on Environmental Issues The lack of knowledge about the interaction of natural factors and the influence of humans on them, as well as the inverse effect of nature on the health of society interfere with the building of […]
  • Environmental Health Issue: Air Quality To the surprise of many people, other channels of hazardous chemicals are tobacco smoking and the beauty industry that makes use of a variety of heavy metals in its products.
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  • Sheffield Flooding and Environmental Issues Involved The agencies that were involved in the rescue mission such as the Environmental agency and the government were also concerned over the impact of the calamity on people’s lives in particular and resources in general.
  • Global Warming Issues Review and Environmental Sustainability Whether it is the melt down of Arctic ice, the damage of the Ozone layer, extra pollution in developing countries; all sums up to one thing in common and that is global warming.
  • Noise Pollution: Environmental Issue in Lagos, Nigeria The aim of the study would be to understand and evaluate the amount of noise pollution in Lagos, Nigeria and its affects on public health.
  • Environmental Issue: Whaling In the case of the Whales, their yearly migration habits are based upon the circumstances of the body of water where they reside.
  • “Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Environmental Issues” by Easton The Issue Introduction is very important as it provides the students with a proper historical background and context to each of the issues or debates before the two contrasting viewpoints are given.
  • Environmental Issue in Canada: Kyoto Protocol The ultimate name is the Kyoto Protocol, instead of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. The main cause of global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases that accumulate in the atmosphere.
  • Aboriginal Environmental Issues in Canada The main task of the global community is to persuade the global South to join in environmental protection regimes and reduce pollution.
  • Supply Chain Management’s Influence on Environmental Issues Both external factors and environmental performance have the highest Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.79. 38 was with external factors, and the lowest correlation of 0.
  • Challenges in Integrating Environmental Issues Into Operations Management Despite the fact that sustainability, the process of greening supply chains and other environmental issues are actively discussed in the context of operations management, there is still little research on challenges faced by managers on […]
  • Environmental Issues and Food Efficiency In the article under consideration, the results of the investigations organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute, the International Water Management Institute, and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization helps to clarify that more […]
  • Indonesia: Environmental and Indigenous Issues It is also noted that Indonesian officials have different views on the future of indigenous people. It is stated that the experience of indigenous people should be integrated into Western culture.
  • Environmental Perils: Climate Change Issue Many people have been lamenting over the issue of the climate crisis, For instance, Mindy Lubber, a former regional administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, delivered a speech in October 2008 at a […]
  • Environmental Issues in Business Regulation Business regulation refers to the measures that the government imposes on businesses in order to control the activities that they undertake.
  • Environmental Issues: Radiological Dispersion Device First of all, it is paramount to determine a place to serve as a shelter in case of an emergency. This is a mix of dynamite and radioactive particles.
  • Environmental Issues: The Use of Biofuel The use of biofuel can be viewed as one of the safest and the cleanest ways of improving the current environmental issues and promoting the concept of sustainability as the foundation for the change on […]
  • Hunting, Its Moral and Environmental Issues The first fact refers to the idea that there is nothing more natural than hunting, and that is why it is normal.
  • Environmental Issues: The US Aiding for Other Countries The United States has been at the forefront in supporting the activities of the CSD as a primary agency for tackling environmental issues throughput the world.
  • Port Hastings Expansion: Environmental Issues This paper analyses the issues surrounding the expansion of the Port of Hastings. The government-appointed the PDHA to act as the proponent of the project.
  • Environmental Issues of Energy Innovations This leaves much of the world disconnected from the rest of the globe, and handicapped in terms of engaging in banking or business above the most basic level.
  • Maori Health Development and Environmental Issue The problem is in the fact that the focus on farming during the 19th century and on industry during the 20th century affected the aspects of the land development, and today, Maori land resources are […]
  • Environmental Issues for Managers: UK’s Current Strategy on Renewable Energy & Technologies The renewable energy strategy of the UK entails escalating the utilization of micro-generation and lessening energy wastage. Barriers to Adoption of Renewable Energy and Technologies The main barriers to adoption of renewable technology in the […]
  • The Environmental Issues and Unsustainable Tourism Williams and Shaw allege that the growth of tourism in the developing countries has led to the countries experiencing immense environmental problems.
  • Health Issues: Designing Senior Environments In addition, the number of utilities within the facility influences the behaviour and health of seniors. This will boost their level of significance in the society.
  • Environmental Issues in Business It is necessary to define the difference between the two types of businesses to understand major peculiarities of ‘green’ products.’Green’ marketing is different from the conventional form of marketing as environmental issues are brought to […]
  • Modern State as an Impediment to Environmental Issues This created a lot of hype around the purchase of the product and thus perpetuated the growth of other industries that were insignificant. The greater the consumption levels, the higher the amount of waste produced […]
  • Environmental Issue in China Given the influence of the Chinese government on the public, it is proposed that a network of influence should be created as a public diplomacy strategy to influence the government to take action on air […]
  • Evaluate Human Resource Issues in Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Apart from training it is necessary to make personnel aware of their impact of the organization’s development. In conclusion, it is possible to state that Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has certain problems […]
  • Silent Spring and Environmental Issues Despite the credibility for both sides of the argument, this paper agrees with the message of Silent Spring by arguing that although the use of DDT has declined in modern times, the environmental destruction of […]
  • Mercury International: Macro and Micro Environmental Issues The issues of concern for the company include mainly its products and services due to the need for innovation, the value discipline based on the recommendable organizational structure, concern for the drop in the quarterly […]
  • Environmental Issue raised in the “Weather Extremes Leave Parts of U.S. Grid Buckling” In addition, the article indicated that the nuclear power plant in Illinois affects the natural attributes of the environment due to the consequences of reacting components.
  • Thailand Issues: Environment, Child Prostitution, and HIV/AIDS The intensification of child prostitution is largely associated with the growing industry in Thailand, the relegated position of women in the Thai society due to Thai Buddhism and the culture of recreational sex.
  • Environmental Issues of Yucca Mountain Nuclear Storage Facility in Nevada This Nuclear Policy Act gave the U,S Department of Defense the responsibility of finding a site and to build and operate a nuclear waste facility in the subsurface.
  • The Issue of Images and Perceptions in Corporate Environment The Rigas family is well known to be amongst the biggest violators of ethics in corporate America, these executives are a symbol of poor ethical leadership and gross incompetence.
  • Environmental Issues in Asia This paper is going to have a look at the key environmental issues in Asian countries as well as the policies put in place by various agencies to address the issues.
  • Environmental Justice Issues Affecting African Americans: Water Pollution Water pollution in the 1960s occurred due to poor sewage systems in the urban and rural areas. Unlike in the 1960s, there are reduced cases of water pollution today.
  • The Issue of Conserving the Environment in the US The United States, just like other countries in the world, is being faced with the issue of conserving the environment in order to resolve the issue of global warming.
  • Southeast Asia Human-Environment Issue Most of the gold that is mined in Indonesia is exported to other countries. This has made gold to be one of the most sought out natural resources in the country.
  • Arguing on Planet Earth – Environmental issues: Outline The concept of overpopulation is not limited to the number of people on the earths’ surface, or the size of the earth’s surface alone; it is also subject to the availability of resources that support […]
  • Impact of Environmental Issues and Laws in the Aviation Industry Limited growth Although the industry appreciates, the efforts of environmental movements like Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, and Friends of the Earth, the industry feel that the requirements of the set policies limit its […]
  • Bio Desertification and Environmental Issues in Eritrea The paper singles out the issue of desertification, among the many environmental issues in Eritrea, expounding on the Eritrean flora, the reason behind its desertification and further pointing out the major strategies that the government […]
  • “The Place of Nonhumans in Environmental Issues”. Summary In situations both large-scale and small, from the location of a building project or the wholesale extermination of pests, to the daily consumption of meat for our pleasure, he notes that we ignore the pain […]
  • Political Environment Case: Inmate Programs Issue As the director of the prison, I am charged with the responsibility of the prison’s management and providing information to the governor and the department of corrections. Response to the governor will require accurate information […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 79 Environmental Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/environmental-issues-essay-topics/

"79 Environmental Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/environmental-issues-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '79 Environmental Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "79 Environmental Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/environmental-issues-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "79 Environmental Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/environmental-issues-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "79 Environmental Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/environmental-issues-essay-topics/.

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how to write a research paper on environmental issues

55 Remarkable Environmental Topics for Research Proposal

Explore the collection of great environmental research topics from field experts.

how to write a research paper on environmental issues

Environmental Research Topics: Features, Importance & Great Ideas

Environmental investigations entail investigating the natural world’s structure and function, the association between humans and the environment, and how people’s values, beliefs, and attitudes affect that association. Environmental research topics thus cover a wide range of subjects, including climate change, biodiversity, pollution, renewable energy, and sustainability.

How to Choose Environmental Topics for Research

Environmental investigations is a very broad field that offers a wide range of areas to investigate. So how can you choose a good one for your paper? First, always pick an issue from the area you are interested in. What is environmental science direction you’d like to develop? Working on your paper will be easier since you’ll be motivated to explore something you care about. From there, sort through your environmental topics for research to determine the following:

  • Relevance – does the proposal theme address an environmental issue with significant societal implications, such as pollution or climate change?
  • Originality –  does the investigation subject offer a new perspective on existing knowledge?
  • Feasibility – are the environmental topics to research realistic and achievable based on the scope and your available resources?
  • Scope – how broad is the matter of investigation? It shouldn’t be too broad or too narrow; it should be the right size to provide a comprehensive investigation.

When choosing environmental science research paper topics, avoid those that are too complex or require more resources and time than you can provide. Remember also to consider data availability, literature, funding, time, and ethical issues involved.

environmental research topics

Environmental Topics for Research Paper Are Not Created Equal

Environmental science topics are created differently depending on your discipline, purpose, scope, and methodology. Thus, the approach used to formulate them differs as they will serve different purposes. For example, some are explanatory and will try to explain how something happens or works. Others will try to seek more knowledge about a subject(exploratory). Then, you might also encounter a few that compare and contrast two phenomena or situations.

When assessing investigation issues, carefully evaluate your goals and interests before committing to a specific one. Otherwise, you might get stuck. Luckily our research proposal writing services are always here to help you help to get out of even the most challenging situation!

The Most Actual Environmental Science Topics for an Excellent Proposal

Natural and human-made systems that shape our planet and affect its inhabitants are one of the most interesting areas to write a paper about. Check out these environmental topics for research paper to produce an engaging proposal.

1. Consequences of Climate Change Human Societies.

2. Challenges of Renewable Energy Technologies.

3. Recycling Initiatives and Their Implications on Reducing Pollution.

4. Challenges of Sustainable Management of Freshwater Resources.

5. The Impact of Low Air Quality on Human Health.

6. Effectiveness of Conservational Policies in Addressing Environmental Issues.

7. Impacts of Sustainable Transportation in Reducing Urban Ecological Footprint.

8. Effect of Marine Pollution on Marine Ecosystems.

9. Challenges Facing Sustainable Farming Practices.

10. Impacts of Electricity Generation on the Environment.

11. Ecological Hazards of Electronic Waste.

12. Tourism’s Negative Effect on Ecosystems.

Environmental science research topics are often flexible and can be broadened or narrowed down depending on the scope of your study.

Interesting Environmental Justice Topics

Environmental justice involves advocating for fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people in implementing environmental laws and policies. Here’re exciting environmental justice topics for a good proposal.

1. Effect of Hazardous Waste Facilities on Minority Communities.

2. The Influence of Air Pollution Exposure on the Health of Marginalized Populations.

3. Effect of Unequal Distribution of Parks and Green Spaces in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods.

4. Relationship Between Indigenous Communities and Conservation Efforts.

5. Influence of Climate Change on Vulnerable Communities.

6. Differential Impacts of Natural Disasters on Marginalized Populations.

7. The Importance of Environmental Education in Empowering Disadvantaged Communities.

8. Barriers to Equitable Access to Healthy and Sustainable Food Options in Marginalized Communities.

9. Geographical Inequalities in Accessing Clean Water.

10. The Intersection Between Food Justice and Ecological Concerns.

11. The Link Between Exposure to Pollutants Hazards and Adverse Health Outcomes in Socially Disadvantaged Groups.

12. Barriers to Equitable Distribution of Resources and Assistance During Post-disaster Recovery in Marginalized Communities.

The above can provide great options for a research proposal about environmental problems and how they affect specific populations.

Insightful Environmental Economics Research Topics

Environmental economics research topics aim to understand the human activities impacting on the natural environment and human welfare. So if you are looking for decent quantitative research ideas , consider the following offered by our experienced investigator.

1. Effectiveness of Economic Incentives in Promoting the Adoption of Renewable Energy Sources.

2. Effect of Pollution Regulations on Automobile Manufacturing Industry Competitiveness.

3. Factors Promoting Economic Growth in Green Industries and Sustainable Sectors.

4. The Economic Influence of Urban Sprawl on Environmental Quality.

5. Economic Implications of Water Scarcity.

6. Economic Incentives for Conserving Biodiversity.

7. Economic Benefits of Investing in Renewable Energy Technologies.

8. The Economic Viability of Strategies to Reduce Plastic Pollution.

9. Effectiveness of Carbon Pricing Mechanisms in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

10. Economic Consequences of Natural Disasters.

11. Economic Importance of Disaster Preparedness and Resilience.

12. Economic Benefits of Transitioning From a Linear to a Circular Economy Model Focused on Resource Efficiency and Waste Reduction.

13. Role of Green Finance & Sustainable Investments in Supporting Eco-Friendly Projects and Businesses.

14. Efficient Water Pricing Mechanisms to Encourage Conservation.

Captivating Environmental Biology Research Topics

Environmental biology research topics will often try to assess the interaction between living organisms and their natural or human-modified environments. Check out these interesting issues to investigate for your biology research proposal .

1. Ways in Which Climate Change Affects the Distribution and Habitat Suitability of Plants.

2. Relationship Between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health.

3. Role of Keystone Species in Maintaining Ecosystem Processes.

4. Human Factors Contributing to the Decline of Endangered Species.

5. Ecological Effect of Invasive Species on Local Ecosystems.

6. Factors Contributing to Pollinator Decline.

7. Ecological Consequences for Plant-Pollinator Interactions and Food Security.

8. Ecological Effects of Microplastics in Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems.

9. Shifts in the Timing of Seasonal Events in Animals in Response to Climate Change.

10. Ways in Which Changes in Land Use Impact Biodiversity.

11. Ways in Which Deforestation Impacts Ecological Communities.

12. Effects of Agricultural Pollutants on Ecosystems.

13. Challenges of Ecotoxicological Risk Assessments.

14. Ways in Which Wildlife Populations Adapt to Urban Environments.

15. Effects of Conservation on Human-Wildlife Interactions.

16. The Impact of Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels on Coral Reef Ecosystems.

17. The Influence of Marine Tourism on Marine Biodiversity.

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Importance of choosing the right environmental research paper topics.

Choosing the proper investigation issue is crucial for the success and impact of your paper. Topics related to environment issues tend to be complicated and demand a thorough understanding of the natural and social dimensions of the problem. But with the right choice, the writing process is much easier and gives a better chance to produce a quality paper.

Poor environmental research paper topics will waste your time, resources and even cause frustration when investigators struggle to meet the word count. So, choose your subjects of investigation wisely or request expert help if you need extra support.

new environmental research proposal topics

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Environmental Research Topics: 235 Ideas for Students

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Environmental Research Topics

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Are you looking for environmental research paper topics? With ongoing debates about global warming, air pollution, and other issues, there is no shortage of exciting topics to craft a research paper around. Whether you’re studying ecology, geology, or marine biology, developing the perfect environmental research topic to get your science research assignment off the ground can be challenging. Stop worrying – we got you covered. Continue reading to learn about 235 different ideas on environmental research topics. In this article, we will discuss environmental topics and show you how to choose an interesting research topic for your subject. We will also provide a list of various environmental topics from our research paper services . In addition, we will present you with environmental science research topics, discuss other ideas about the environment for research papers, and offer our final thoughts on these topics for research papers.

What Are Environmental Topics?

Environmental topics provide an analysis of environmental issues and their effect on people, culture, nature, or a particular place, often interdisciplinary, drawing from sciences, politics, economics, sociology, and public policy. Topics about environmental science may include environmental justice, engineering and communication, regulation, economics, and health. Environment research topics may focus on environmental sustainability, impact assessment, management systems, and resources. In addition, these areas for research papers offer a few opportunities to explore our relationship with the environment and consider how human activities influence it through climate change, pollution, or other factors such as natural resource usage as well as biodiversity loss.

What Makes a Good Environmental Research Topic? 

When choosing an environmental research topic, it is essential to consider what makes good environmental topics. Below is an expert list outlining what your topic should be like:

  • It should be interesting and relevant to your study field.
  • It's essential to consider the topic's potential implications on environment-related policies. Think about the possible positive or negative effects this topic could have when implemented in terms of protecting our environment.
  • A good topic should be specific enough to provide a focus for your research paper and allow you to explore a particular issue in depth.
  • The research topic should be feasible and manageable to ensure that you can find the necessary information and resources.
  • Environmental sciences research topics should be current and relevant to ecological developments.

How to Choose Environmental Science Topics?

When choosing research topics for environmental science, it is essential to research the available information and determine its relevance. It all depends on whether the research topic is feasible and has the potential for exploration. Environmental issue topics should be well-defined and interesting to the researcher. The reason is that the researcher should be able to provide solutions or make suggestions on improvement strategies. You can follow the below steps when choosing environmental science topics for research:

Step 1: Identify topics that are relevant to your research context. Step 2: Develop a list of research areas by extracting critical concepts from the available literature.

Step 3: Select interesting and feasible topics by considering the methods available for analysis.

Step 4: Analyze these topics to identify the gaps in current research and formulate questions for further investigation. Step 5: Review the available literature to gain insights about the chosen topic and develop a research proposal.

Step 6: Consult experts in this field to get feedback and refine the proposed research.

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List of Environment Research Paper Topics

Environmental topics for a research paper can be overwhelming to navigate due to the vast number of issues you can discuss in your article. To help narrow down your research paper search, below is a list of environmental research topics that include climate change, renewable energy, ecology, pollution, sustainability, endangered species, ecosystems, nature, and water management. You can choose one of them as a guide to writing an excellent essay

Environmental Research Topics on Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues that humanity is currently facing due to increased temperature levels. Climate change is amongst the most debated environmental research topics among researchers, policymakers, and governments. Here are critical areas related to climate change that you can use for your environmental science research paper topics:

  • Causes and effects of climate change.
  • Climate change adaptation strategies.
  • Climate change impact on rural communities.
  • Role of renewable energy sources in mitigating climate change.
  • Carbon dioxide emission policies.
  • Global warming and its impact on ocean acidification.
  • Social effects of climate change.
  • Permafrost melting and its implications.
  • Role of international organizations in climate change.
  • Climate change and forest fire: examining the role of climate change on wildfire season, frequency, and burned area.

Environmental Science Research Topics on Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is essential due to its potential to reduce ecological damage from burning fossil fuels and provides valuable topics in environmental science. You can use renewable energy technologies as a cleaner alternative for generating electricity and heating. In addition, renewable energy is crucial for cooling homes and factories in the world. The following are environmental science topics for research paper on renewable energy:

  • Renewable energy types, sources, and their impact on the environment.
  • Economic benefits of renewable energy.
  • Research on new technologies in renewable energy.
  • Role of renewable energy in protecting businesses from legal actions.
  • Hydropower and its role in renewable energy.
  • Chemical batteries for renewable energy storage.
  • Green microgrids in optimizing renewable energy usage.
  • Ocean energy and its effects on the environment.
  • Geothermal drilling and its consequences.
  • Biomass resources and their use in renewable energy.

Environment Research Topics on Ecology

Ecology studies how living organisms interact with each other and their environment. Also, it is an important area of research for understanding how the environment affects the function of various species and ecosystems. It also gives a background for one of the best environment research paper topics. Below are topics for environmental research paper on ecology:

  • Biodiversity conservation strategies.
  • Impact of pollution on ecosystems.
  • Ecological research on saving endangered species from extinction.
  • Role of environment in migrations patterns of animals.
  • Habitat fragmentation effects on the environment.
  • Ecological implications of climate change.
  • Ecology and pest control strategies.
  • Ecological effects of deforestation.
  • Ecology and conservation of marine life.
  • Ecological consequences of urbanization.

Research Topics in Environmental Science About Pollution

Pollution is an issue at the forefront of scientific research. As one of the environmental science paper topics, it offers insights into how pollution destroys the environment and its negative impact on human and animal health. Stated below are hot environmental science research topics on pollution which you can use for your article:

  • Air pollution: causes & effects.
  • Water pollution and its consequences for people and other living organisms.
  • Issue of urban & industrial pollution.
  • Noise pollution and environment-related health risks.
  • Marine plastic pollution in oceans.
  • Radiological waste disposal policies.
  • Nuclear energy, radiation & health impacts.
  • Sustainable waste management solutions.
  • Impact of pollution on biodiversity.
  • Soil pollution and its effects on agriculture.

Environmental Topics for Research Papers on Sustainability

One of the many topics for environmental research papers is sustainability. Sustainability is an important topic to explore, as it involves finding a way for humans to reduce their ecological footprint and ensure that the environment can recover from our activities. Stated below are environmental topics for research paper on sustainability which you can explore:

  • Strategies for sustainable development.
  • Renewable energy sources and their effects.
  • Environmental sustainability and its economic benefits.
  • Sustainable energy sources and their effects.
  • Implications of sustainable agriculture on the environment.
  • Ecological impacts of sustainable forestry.
  • Social implications of renewable energy use.
  • Strategies for mitigating ecological impact from unsustainable development.
  • Psychological effects of ecological awareness on sustainable practices.
  • Influence of ecological sustainability on economic growth.

Environmental Topics to Write About Endangered Species

Endangered species are one of the environmental topics of great importance to research and find solutions for their conservation. Poaching, habitat destruction, and climate change negatively impact endangered species. Also, human activities have put other species at risk of extinction by competing for resources as well as introducing invasive species. Below is a list of cool environment topics to write about endangered species:

  • Endangered species conservation.
  • Causes & effects of habitat fragmentation.
  • Wildlife conservation strategies.
  • Climate change impacts on endangered species.
  • Illegal wildlife trade and trafficking.
  • Marine protected areas for conserving marine life.
  • Ecological restoration and reintroduction programs.
  • Endangered species in developing nations.
  • Human rights & animal welfare laws .
  • Captive breeding for conservation purposes.

Environmental Research Paper Topics on Ecosystems

Ecosystems are fascinating to explore in environmental paper topics because they contain a variety of living organisms and are a complex web of interactions between species, the environment, and humans. The subject provides environmental issues topics for research paper essential in exploring the dynamics of ecosystems and their importance. Below is a list of topics for environmental science research paper:

  • Ecosystem services & their value.
  • Climate change impacts on ecosystems.
  • Hydrological cycle & effects on ecosystems.
  • Ecological restoration & biodiversity conservation.
  • Invasive species & their impact on native species.
  • Biodiversity hotspots: areas of high endemism.
  • Soil degradation & its impact on ecosystems.
  • Sustainable forestry practices.
  • Ecological restoration of wetlands.

Environmental Topics About Nature

Nature is a broad topic that includes ecological conservation, protection, and sustainability issues. Environmental research topics about nature allow us to explore areas that focus on preserving and conserving the environment. Research papers about nature can provide insight into utilizing nature as a resource, both from a practical and ecological aspect. Below is a list of environment topics that you can explore in your essays:

  • Nature conservation & preservation strategies.
  • Climate change effects on natural environments.
  • Natural resource management strategies.
  • Policies for natural resources management.
  • Impact of human development on wildlands.
  • Sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Role of ethics in nature conservation.
  • De-extinction: pros & cons of bringing back extinct species.
  • Protected areas & conservation of rare species.

Environmental Issues Topics on Water Management

Water management is an issue that has a significant impact on the environment. Exploring a topic related to water management can provide experts, among others, with insights into environmental science issues and their implications. When it's time to write your project related to water management, you can explore the following topics for environmental issues:

  • Water pollution & its control.
  • Groundwater management strategies.
  • Climate change impact on water resources.
  • Integrated water resources management.
  • Wetland conservation & restoration projects.
  • Industrial effluents role in water pollution.
  • Desalination technologies for freshwater production.
  • Urbanization impact on groundwater resources.
  • Inland & coastal water management strategies.
  • Wastewater treatment & reuse technologies.

Environmental Science Topics in Different Areas

Environmental science studies ecological processes and their interactions with living organisms. Exploring environmental science related topics can provide valuable insights into environmental science issues, their ecological implications, and conservation efforts. In addition, these topics can also be explored in different areas, providing a comprehensive understanding of how different factors impact the environment. This section delves into various environmental science topics for projects related to law, justice, policy, economics, biology, chemistry, and health science.

Environmental Law Research Topics

Environmental law governs environmental processes and their interactions with living organisms. Delving into environmental law can uncover invaluable information on environment paper topics, ranging from legal matters and their consequences to preservation initiatives. Students can use the following environmental issue topics for research papers for their essays:

  • Climate change liability & lawsuits.
  • Strategies for conservation and protection under environmental law.
  • Consequences of non-compliance with regulations on the environment.
  • Impact of trade agreements on environment protection.
  • Regulatory strategies for hazardous waste disposal.
  • Strategies for enforcement and compliance with environment-related laws.
  • International environment treaties and their implications.
  • Effects of climate change legislation on the environment.
  • Corporate environmental policies and regulations and their effects.
  • Role of law in mitigating environment-related issues.

Environmental Justice Research Topics

Environmental justice seeks to ensure equitable treatment and meaningful involvement of all people in ecological protection, regardless of their race, sex, or economic status. Environment topics related to justice can provide valuable insights into ecological issues and their impacts. Listed below are justice-related Environmental topics to research:

  • Implications of unequal access to resources.
  • Disproportionate impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations.
  • Consequences of marginalization of marginalized communities from environmental processes.
  • Links between poverty and environment degradation.
  • Effects of non-participation in environment-related decision-making.
  • Policies to ensure access to clean air and water.
  • Impact of social inequality on environment protection.
  • Intersection between gender, race, and environment justice.
  • Ecological consequences of corporate negligence of marginalized communities.
  • Disproportionate implications of climate change on vulnerable populations.

Environmental Policy Research Paper Topics

Environmental policy is a set of laws, rules, and regulations created to protect the environment as well as its resources. Studying environment-related policies provides an area for students to explore a range of subjects related to the environment, ranging from local to global. Below are potential environmental sciences research topics for your reference.

  • Environmental policy initiatives' implications on global climate change.
  • Effectiveness of carbon taxes for air pollution control.
  • Land use and development impact on the environment.
  • Water quality in the united states, focusing on natural resource governance.
  • Educational initiative's impact on public opinion and policy outcomes.
  • Social aspects of policy making and implementation on the environment.
  • Promoting sustainability from a global perspective.
  • Potential for justice initiatives in promoting equitable and effective management.
  • Rise of green economy its impact.
  • Environment policies and their potential for success.

Environmental Economics Research Topics

Environmental economics seeks to understand environmental issues from an economic perspective. Examining environmental studies topics can offer insights into ecological conservation and sustainability while connecting protection efforts with economic interests and helping inform policies. The following are creative topics about environmental science related to economics:

  • Economic impacts of regulating the environment.
  • Strategies for environmentally sustainable economic growth.
  • Consequences of non-compliance with environment-related regulations.
  • Environment conservation and protection using economic incentives.
  • Taxes and subsidies and their implications on the environment.
  • Economic implications of climate change legislation.
  • The private sector role in environment conservation and protection.
  • Green finance role in mitigating ecological issues.
  • Economics of pollution control and management.
  • Conservation and protection of the environment in the face of economic interests.

>> Learn more: Economics Research Topics

Environmental Biology Research Topics

Environmental biology is a field of science that focuses on understanding the interactions between living organisms and their environment. It covers environmental biology topics such as biodiversity, conservation, pollution, management, health, and sustainability. The following are environment research paper topics related to biology:

  • Biodiversity conservation in managing the environment.
  • Role of biotechnology in reducing air pollution.
  • Environment degradation and its consequences on wildlife.
  • Role of microorganisms in maintaining soil fertility.
  • Ecological consequences of over-exploitation of natural resources.
  • Habitat fragmentation and its role in species conservation.
  • Education's role in environment conservation.
  • Environment degradation and its effects on food security.
  • Invasive species and their impacts on ecosystem.

Keep in mind that we have a whole blog on biological topics if you need more ideas in this field.

Environmental Chemistry Research Topics

Environmental chemistry research is a complex interdisciplinary field aiming to understand the behavior of a chemical process within an environment. It involves researching the impact of pollutants in the air, soil, water, and other ecological media. Possible research topics about the environment related to this field include:

  • Effect of agricultural chemicals on water systems.
  • Air pollution control strategies and their effectiveness.
  • Climate change impacts on aquatic ecosystems.
  • Sources and implications of persistent organic pollutants.
  • Air quality monitoring for urban areas.
  • Water quality monitoring in coastal areas.
  • Characterization and fate of toxic compounds in soil and groundwater.
  • Impact of hazardous chemical waste on the environment.
  • Monitoring and remediation of contaminated sites.
  • The roles of environmental chemistry in climate change research.

Need more ideas? There is one more blog with  chemistry research topics  on our platform.

Environmental Health Science Research Topics

Environmental health is a diverse field focusing on the natural environment as well as its effects on human health. It is an interdisciplinary field that offers environment topics for research, such as environmental epidemiology, toxicology, and ecology, in addition to risk assessment. Provided below is a list of topics for an environmental science project that is suitable for your research paper:

  • Air pollution effects on human health.
  • Climate change effects on health.
  • Water pollution and public health.
  • Noise pollution effects on well-being.
  • Mental health effects of environment-related toxins.
  • Human health effects of natural disasters.
  • Urbanization's effect on human health.
  • Sustainable development and public health.
  • Role of social media in promoting environmental health and awareness.
  • Biodiversity preservation and its impact on human health.

Other Ideas & Topics About Environment for Research Papers

Ecological crisis is a key issue that has continuously affected planet earth. People are becoming more aware of environmental problems as well as their impact on health, well-being, and quality of life. As such, ecological fields for research are becoming ever more critical. This section will explore interesting environmental topics related to current ecological issues, controversial, interesting topics, easy research questions for projects, as well as unique research areas which students might study. These environmental issue project ideas below will help you develop interesting fields for research papers.

Current Issues in Environmental Science

Current ecological issues are a hot topic that has become increasingly important. They provide outstanding environmental issues to write about due to their impact on the environment and human health. The following are environmental issue topics for paper writing that are currently in discussion:

  • Global warming and how to prevent its impact.
  • Sustainable energy and its role in protecting the environment.
  • Water conservation practices.
  • Renewable energy role in global ecological protection.
  • Carbon footprint and climate change.
  • Ozone layer depletion and its effects on human health.
  • Plastic pollution and its impact.
  • Land degradation and soil erosion.
  • Energy industry activities effects on ecological health.
  • Air pollution and its impact on human health.
  • Deforestation and its consequences.
  • Effect of agricultural practices on ecological health.
  • Overuse and exploitation of natural resources.
  • Industrial waste impact on health.
  • Green technology role in ecological protection.

Controversial Environmental Topics for Research Paper

Environmental controversies constitute a significant challenge facing society today. From climate change to air and water pollution, the effects of human activity on our natural environment are increasingly becoming a focus of public debate and research. Research papers on environmental controversial topics can help inform the public as well as policymakers about the potential impacts of human activities on the environment. The following are examples of environmental controversy topics for research paper:

  • Climate change: is human activity a primary cause of global warming.
  • Deforestation: are current logging practices sustainable in the long term.
  • Air pollution: what are the health impacts of air pollution.
  • Water pollution: how is water pollution impacting biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • Geothermal energy: what potential impacts does geothermal energy extraction have on the environment.
  • Renewable energy: are wind and solar energy carbon-neutral.
  • Arctic drilling: is drilling for oil in the arctic ocean a viable option given current climate conditions.
  • Nuclear power: what health risks are associated with nuclear power plants.
  • Biodiversity loss: what steps can you take to protect biodiversity from human activities.
  • Endangered species: how protecting endangered species can impact conservation efforts and how they live.
  • GMO foods: are genetically modified organisms safe for human consumption? how does GMO food affect humans.
  • Pesticides: how does pesticide use affect our health and the environment.
  • Ocean acidification: how is ocean acidification impacting marine ecosystems.
  • Waste management: what are the most effective ways to manage waste and reduce pollution.
  • Resource exploitation: how does the exploitation of natural resources impact local communities.

Interesting Environmental Research Topics

In the context of environmental subjects, research topics explore the effects of human activities on the environment as well as the potential solutions to the identified problems. In addition to providing insight into ecological protection and conservation, research areas in this category cover social issues related to environmentalism and ecological justice. Below are interesting environmental science topics to consider when looking for a research topic in the future:

  • Effects of environment-related toxins on human health.
  • Climate change effects on coastal habitats.
  • Agricultural activities impacts on the environment.
  • Groundwater contamination and its effects on water quality.
  • Pollution from factories and its impact on the environment.
  • Waste management strategies and their impacts.
  • Consequences of water contamination on local wildlife.
  • Impacts of mining.
  • Deforestation effects on ecosystems and species diversity.
  • Industrial fishing practices effects.
  • Sustainable forestry practices and their impact on ecosystems.
  • Nuclear energy production and its consequences.
  • Reducing emissions from vehicles and their effects on air quality.
  • Landfills implications on the environment.
  • Implications of plastic pollution.

Easy Environmental Research Questions for Projects

When it comes to environmental science topics for project work, there are plenty of easy options. Research projects in this category can explore ecological issues as well as their consequences or potential solutions to these problems. The following is a list of the top fifteen most accessible environment project topics for your research project.

  • Air pollution levels impact on urban areas.
  • Agricultural practices effects on the environment.
  • Developing strategies for sustainable development.
  • Causes of water contamination.
  • Factors contributing to global warming.
  • Natural disasters effects on the environment.
  • Land use changes effects on the environment.
  • Energy consumption impacts on the environment.
  • Climate change effects on the environment.
  • Industrialization and its consequences.
  • Impact of plastic pollution.
  • Health risks associated with air pollution.
  • Deforestation impacts on the environment.
  • Soil erosion and its effects on the environment.
  • Causes and consequences of species extinction.

Unique Environmental Research Topics for Students

As environmental issues become increasingly complex, research fields for students become more varied. Unique environmental research topics for college students can range from local ecological concerns to global ones. The following are fifteen unique environmental science research topics for high school students and college students:

  • Climate change impact on water quality.
  • Acid rain and its effects.
  • Urbanization's effect on biodiversity.
  • Effects of offshore drilling.
  • Ocean acidification and its impact.
  • Impact of privatization on natural resources.
  • Effectiveness of renewable energy sources.
  • Relationship between energy consumption and the environment.
  • Potential impacts regarding genetic engineering on biodiversity.
  • Toxic waste disposal and its impacts.
  • Environment-related policies impact on water quality.
  • Deforestation and its effects on soil quality.
  • Causes and consequences of ozone layer depletion.
  • Relationship between pollution and public health issues.

Final Thoughts on Environmental Topics for Research Papers

This article has provided 235 environmental science research topics for research papers as well as project work that high school and college students can use. Topics range from local issues, such as assessing air pollution levels in an urban area, to global concerns, like examining the ecological effects of plastic pollution. Whether its health risks are associated with air pollution in an environment or the impacts of industrialization, research can help shape your understanding of how to protect as well as preserve our planet. It is up to the students to identify good environmental research topics that are interesting and relevant to them and to delve deeper to understand the earth better.


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What really matters for successful research environments? A realist synthesis

Rola ajjawi.

1 Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia

Paul E S Crampton

2 Research Department of Medical Education, University College London, London, UK

3 Monash Centre for Scholarship in Health Education (MCSHE), Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia

Charlotte E Rees

Associated data.

Table S2. MeSH terms and a selection of key terms utilised in the database searches.

Table S3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria with respect to topic, recentness and type of article.

Table S4. Refined inclusion and exclusion criteria to include contextual parameters.

Table S5. Studies by type: qualitative, quantitative and mixed‐methods.

Research environments, or cultures, are thought to be the most influential predictors of research productivity. Although several narrative and systematic reviews have begun to identify the characteristics of research‐favourable environments, these reviews have ignored the contextual complexities and multiplicity of environmental characteristics.

The current synthesis adopts a realist approach to explore what interventions work for whom and under what circumstances.

We conducted a realist synthesis of the international literature in medical education, education and medicine from 1992 to 2016, following five stages: (i) clarifying the scope; (ii) searching for evidence; (iii) assessing quality; (iv) extracting data, and (v) synthesising data.

We identified numerous interventions relating to research strategy, people, income, infrastructure and facilities (IIF), and collaboration. These interventions resulted in positive or negative outcomes depending on the context and mechanisms fired. We identified diverse contexts at the individual and institutional levels, but found that disciplinary contexts were less influential. There were a multiplicity of positive and negative mechanisms, along with three cross‐cutting mechanisms that regularly intersected: time; identity, and relationships. Outcomes varied widely and included both positive and negative outcomes across subjective (e.g. researcher identity) and objective (e.g. research quantity and quality) domains.


The interplay among mechanisms and contexts is central to understanding the outcomes of specific interventions, bringing novel insights to the literature. Researchers, research leaders and research organisations should prioritise the protection of time for research, enculturate researcher identities, and develop collaborative relationships to better foster successful research environments. Future research should further explore the interplay among time, identity and relationships.

Short abstract

This realist review shows when and why interventions related to research strategy; people; income, infrastructure and facilities; and collaboration result in positive or negative research environments. Findings indicate that protected time, researcher identities and collaborative relationships are important for fostering successful research environments.


Research environments matter. Environmental considerations such as robust cultures of research quality and support for researchers are thought to be the most influential predictors of research productivity. 1 , 2 Over 25 years ago, Bland and Ruffin 1 identified 12 characteristics of research‐favourable environments in the international academic medicine literature spanning the period from the mid‐1960s to 1990 (Box 1 ). Although these characteristics are aspirational in flavour, how they interplay to influence research productivity within increasingly complex institutional structures is not yet known. Indeed, although existing reviews have begun to help us better understand what makes for successful research environments, this research has typically ignored the contextual complexities and multiplicity of environmental characteristics 1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 and has focused on narrow markers of productivity such as the quantity of research outputs (e.g. ref. 7 ) The current realist synthesis, therefore, aims to address this gap in the research literature by reviewing more recent literature ( 1992–2016 ) and exploring the features of successful research environments in terms of which interventions work, for whom, how and in what circumstances.

Characteristics of successful research environments 1

  • Clear organisational research goals
  • Research productivity as a priority and at least equal priority to other activities
  • A robust research culture with shared research values
  • A positive group climate
  • Participative governance structures
  • Non‐hierarchical and decentralised structures
  • Good communication and professionally meaningful relationships between team members
  • Decent resources such as people, funding, research facilities and time
  • Larger group size, moderately established teams and diversity
  • Rewards for research success
  • Recruitment and selection of talented researchers
  • Research‐oriented leaders with research expertise and skill

The contextual background for understanding successful research environments

Against a backdrop of the mass production of education, reduced government funding for research and ‘new managerialist’ cultures in higher education, 8 , 9 increased scrutiny of the quantity and quality of research, the research environments in which research is produced and the impacts of research has become inevitable. 10 Indeed, in higher education institutions (HEIs) globally, research productivity is being measured as part of individual researcher and research group key performance indicators. 7 In many countries, such as Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand and the UK, 11 HEI research is measured on a national scale through government‐led research assessments. Such research measurement has contributed to the allocation of funding to universities and differentiation of universities in the competitive marketplace, with some solidifying their institutional identities as ‘research‐intensive’ and others emphasising their relative ‘newcomer‐to‐research’ status (e.g. previously ‘teaching‐intensive’ universities). 9 , 12 , 13 Such institutional differentiation also parallels that of individual academics within universities, who are increasingly encouraged to take either ‘research‐active’ or ‘education‐focused’ career pathways. 8 , 9 It is these broader national and institutional constraints that inevitably impact on research environments at the level of units, centres, departments and schools within universities (the level of ‘research environment’ that we focus on in this paper). Table S1 provides definitions of key terms.

Key features of research environments identified in previous reviews

Evans defines a research environment as including: ‘shared values, assumptions, beliefs, rituals and other forms of behaviour whose central focus is the acceptance and recognition of research practice and output as valued, worthwhile and pre‐eminent activity.’ 14 Previous reviews have tended to focus on interventions aimed at individual researchers, such as research capacity building, 4 , 5 , 7 and with individual‐level outcomes, such as increased numbers of grants or publications. 4 , 5 , 7 These reviews have typically concluded that research capacity‐building interventions lead to positive research outcomes. 4 , 5 , 7 Furthermore, the reviews have identified both individual and institutional enablers to research. Individual enablers included researchers’ intrinsic motivation to conduct research. 6 , 7 Institutional enablers included peer support, encouragement and review, 7 mentoring and collaboration, 4 , 5 research leadership, 5 , 6 institutional structures, processes and systems supporting research, such as clear strategy, 5 , 6 protected time and financial support. 5 Although these reviews have begun to shed light on the features of successful research environments, they have significant limitations: (i) they either include studies of low to moderate quality 4 , 5 or fail to check the quality of studies included, 7 and (ii) they do not explore what works for whom and under what circumstances, but instead focus on what works and ignore the influence of the context in which interventions are implemented and ‘how’ outcomes come about. Indeed, Mazmanian et al. 4 concluded in their review: ‘…little is known about what works best and in what situations.’

Conceptual framework: a realist approach

Given the gaps in the research literature and the importance of promoting successful research environments for individuals’ careers, institutional prestige and the knowledge base of the community, we thought a realist synthesis would be most likely to elucidate how multiple complex interventions can influence success. Realism assumes the existence of an external reality (a real world), but one that is filtered (i.e. perceived, interpreted and responded to) through human senses, volitions, language and culture. 15 A realist approach enables the development and testing of theory for why interventions may or may not work, for whom and under what circumstances. 16 It does this through recognising that interventions do not directly cause outcomes; instead, participants’ reactions and responses to the opportunities provided by the intervention trigger outcomes. This approach can allow researchers to identify causal links in complex situations, such as those between interventions and the contexts in which they work, how they work (mechanisms) and their outcomes. 17 Although the context–mechanism–outcome (CMO) approach is not necessarily linear, it can help to provide explanations that privilege contextual variability. 18

Aligned with the goals of realist research, this synthesis aims to address the following research question: What are the features of successful research environments, for whom, how and in what circumstances?

We followed five stages of realist synthesis: (i) clarifying scope; (ii) searching for evidence; (iii) assessing quality; (iv) extracting data, and (v) synthesising data. 19 Our methods also follow the RAMESES ( r ealist a nd m eta‐narrative e vidence s ynthesis: e volving s tandards) reporting guidelines. 20

Clarifying the scope

We first clarified the scope of our realist synthesis by identifying relevant interventions based on the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 environment assessment criteria. The REF is a national exercise assessing the quality of research produced by UK HEIs, its impact beyond academia, and the environment that supports research. The assessment criteria indicated in the REF2014 environment template included the unit's research strategy , its people (including staffing strategy, staff development and research students), its income, infrastructure and facilities (IIF), as well as features of collaboration . 21 These guided our search terms (see stage 2 below). We chose to use these quality markers as they informed the UK national assessment exercise, upon which other national exercises are often based. In addition, these criteria were explicit, considered and implementable, and were developed through consensus. Like other realist syntheses, 18 , 22 , 23 ours considered a multiplicity of different interventions rather than just one and some of the papers we reviewed combined multiple interventions.

Based on previous reviews, 1 , 4 , 5 , 7 our initial programme theory speculated that interventions aligned to having an explicit research strategy, staff development opportunities, funding and establishing research networks would be effective for creating successful research environments (Fig. ​ (Fig.1 1 gives further details of our initial programme theory).

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Initial programme theory

Searching for empirical evidence

We devised search terms as a team and refined these iteratively with the help of a health librarian experienced in searching. We split the research question into three key concepts: (i) research environment; (ii) discipline, and (iii) research indicator (i.e. positive or negative). We then used variations of these terms to search the most relevant databases including MEDLINE, ProQuest, Scopus, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) and Web of Science. Table S2 illustrates the MeSH terms and provides a selection of key terms utilised in the database searches.

We were interested in comparing research cultures across the disciplines of medical education, education and medicine for two key reasons. Firstly, the discipline of medical education consists of a rich tapestry of epistemological approaches including biomedical sciences, social sciences and education, and medicine. 24 , 25 Secondly, there have been disciplinary arguments in the literature about whether medical education should be constructed as medicine or social science. 24 , 26

We agreed various inclusion and exclusion criteria with respect to topic, recentness and type of article (Table S3 ), as well as refined criteria to include contextual parameters (Table S4 ). We chose 1992 as the start date for our search period as 1992 saw the first published literature review about productive research environments in the academic medicine literature. 1

Study selection

The first top‐level search elicited 8527 journal articles across all databases. Once duplicate results had been removed, and ‘topic’ and ‘recentness’ study parameters reinforced, 420 articles remained. The searching and selection process is summarised in a PRISMA ( p referred r eporting i tems for s ystematic reviews and m eta‐ a nalyses) diagram (Fig. ​ (Fig.2). 2 ). Three research assistants and one of the authors (PESC) initially assessed relevance by reviewing abstracts using preliminary inclusion criteria. If any ambiguities were found by any of the reviewers, abstracts were checked by one of the other two researchers (RA and CER). Where divergent views existed, researchers discussed the reasons why and agreed on whether to include or exclude. A 10% sample of these 420 abstracts were double‐checked by an additional two researchers, including a number of articles previously excluded, for quality control purposes.

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PRISMA flow diagram of the selection process

Assessment of quality

We assessed the journal articles for relevance and rigour. 20 We defined an article's relevance according to ‘whether it can contribute to theory building and/or testing’. 20 Following the relevance check and ‘type’ exclusions to original research papers, 100 articles remained, which were then assessed for rigour. Although we chose to narrow down to original research, we kept relevant articles such as systematic reviews and opinion pieces to inform the introduction and discussion sections of this paper.

We defined rigour as determining ‘whether the method used to generate the particular piece of data is credible and trustworthy’. 20 We used two pre‐validated tools to assess study quality: the Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument (MERSQI) to assess the quality of quantitative research, 27 , 28 and the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) qualitative checklist for qualitative and mixed‐method studies. 29 Both tools are used to consider the rigour of study design, sampling, type of data, data analysis and outcomes/findings, and have been employed in previous reviews. 23 , 30

Following the quality assessment, 47 articles remained and were then subjected to data extraction and synthesis. Five papers were excluded as they did not contribute to our theory building or lacked CMO configurations (CMOCs). We kept notes of the reasons for excluding studies and resolved doubts through discussion (Fig. ​ (Fig.2 2 ).

Data extraction

Two data‐rich articles containing multiple CMOCs were inductively and deductively (based on the initial programme theory) coded by all of us to ensure consistency. We then discussed any similarities and differences in our coding. As is inherent in the challenges of realist approaches, we found differences in our identifications of CMOCs, which often related to how one particular component (e.g. time) could be an outcome at one moment and a mechanism the next. This alerted us to overlapping constructs, which we then explored as we coded remaining papers. To collect data across all remaining papers, we extracted information relating to: study design, methods and sample size; study setting; intervention focus; contexts of the intervention; mechanisms generated in the results, and outcomes. The key CMOCs in all 42 articles were identified primarily from the results sections of the papers. The process of data extraction and analysis was iterative with repeated discussion among the researchers of the demi‐regularities (i.e. patterns of CMOCs) in relation to the initial programme theory and negotiations of any differences of opinion.

Data synthesis

Finally, we interrogated our data extraction to look for patterns across our data/papers. We used an interpretative approach to consider how our data compared with our initial programme theory in order to develop our modified programme theory.

Characteristics of the studies

The 42 papers represented the following disciplines: medical education ( n = 4, 10%); 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 education ( n = 18, 43%), 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 and medicine ( n = 20, 48%). 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 63 , 64 , 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 , 71 , 72 There were 26 (62%) qualitative studies, 11 (26%) quantitative studies and five (12%) mixed‐methods studies (Table S5 ). The studies were from countries across the globe, including Australia ( n = 10, 24%), the USA ( n = 7, 17%), the UK ( n = 6, 14%), Canada ( n = 4, 10%), South Africa ( n = 4, 10%), Denmark ( n = 2, 5%), Turkey ( n = 2, 5%) and others ( n = 7, 17%) (e.g. Belgium, China, Germany, New Zealand and the Philippines). The research designs varied but common approaches included qualitative interviews, surveys, documentary/bibliographic analysis, case studies and mixed‐methods studies. Study participants included academics, teachers, health care professionals, senior directors, PhD students, early‐career researchers (ECRs) and senior researchers. Table S6 lists the individual contexts, interventions, mechanisms and outcomes identified from individual papers.

Extending our initial programme theory

A key finding from our realist synthesis was that the same interventions fired either positive or negative mechanisms leading to positive or negative outcomes, respectively, depending on context. Surprisingly, the CMOCs were mostly consistent across the three disciplines (i.e. medical education, education and medicine) with local contexts seemingly interplaying more strongly with outcomes. Therefore, we present these disciplinary contexts here as merged, but we highlight any differences by disciplinary context where relevant.

Having a research strategy promoted a successful research environment when it enabled appropriate resources (including time) and valuing of research; however, it had negative consequences when it too narrowly focused on outputs, incentives and rewards. In terms of people , individual researchers needed to be internally motivated and to have a sense of belonging, and protected time and access to capacity‐building activities in order to produce research. Lack of knowledge, researcher identity, networks and time, plus limited leadership support, acted as mechanisms leading to negative research outcomes. The presence of IIF was overwhelmingly indicated as necessary for successful research environments and their absence was typically detrimental. Interestingly, a few papers reported that external funding could have negative consequences because short‐term contracts, reduced job security and the use of temporary junior staff can lead to weak research environments. 40 , 67 , 71 Finally, collaboration was crucial for successful research mediated through trusting respectful relationships, supportive leadership and belongingness. Poor communication and competitive cultures, however, worked to undermine collaboration, leading to isolation and low self‐esteem, plus decreased research engagement and productivity. Table ​ Table1 1 highlights illustrative CMOCs for each intervention extending our initial programme theory.

Positive and negative context–mechanism–outcome configurations (CMOCs) for each intervention

InterventionPositive CMOCsNegative CMOCs
Research strategyThe institution and (C) must appropriately resource ( and money), measure, (M) to support collective research engagement, team productivity and (O) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , e.g. ‘Encouraging faculty members to obtain advanced degrees as well as providing them with a conducive and enabling environment for research are important policy decisions that have to be considered by the school administration’ Within research cultures of incentives and rewards (C), narrow strategic focus on outputs (I) can operate as a demoralising disincentive (M) decreasing research productivity (O) , , , , e.g. ‘The instrumentalist emphasis on quantity of research output and compliance with quality measures operated as a demoralising disincentive that curtailed, rather than improved, productivity for many’
PeopleResearch learners, ECRs and practitioner‐researchers (C) require (M) feeling empowered, enabled in their (M); (M); incentives (M); networks (M) and access to capacity building activities (M) and (M) to increase their outputs, grant applications, and publications (O) , , , , , , , , , , , , e.g. ‘for the majority of women interviewed their high performance in research was generated by their and this was generally reported to be a far more significant motivating factor than organisational imperatives’ For practitioner researchers and academics (C) (M), limited research knowledge and skills (M), (M), lack of incentives (M) and (M), and (M) leads to reduced research engagement and productivity (O) , , , , , , , e.g. ‘Primary care practitioners lack the research skills/training and to bid for or undertake research. As one dentist stated, “There is a feeling that you have to be an academic to do research… The system is set up to deliver primary care, not to do research”’
Income, infrastructure (I) and facilitiesWithin university (C), research grants and incentives (I), research infrastructure and space (I) leads to increased (M) among faculty members and improved university status and recognition (M) leading to increased research productivity (O), more grants (O) and improved quality (O) , , , , , , , , e.g. ‘We got [income from the Research Assessment Exercise 2008]… we've been able to use that money and people have felt the benefit quite a lot…’ In university and industry settings, lack of funding and access to resources leads to lack of (M) and greater job insecurity (M), leading to weak research environments, reduced engagement, poor‐quality research (O) and reduced productivity (O) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
e.g. ‘owing to the lack of extramural funding, other important factors such as and extra funding for travel costs to scientific meetings were not provided’
CollaborationFor all researchers (C) having (M), and (M) leads to great research productivity; better quality research; involvement in research activities; sustained research careers; and thriving research cultures (O) , , , , , , , , , , , , , e.g. ‘Research networks and with others, including supervisors and research mentors, are widely regarded as essential both during and after doctoral study, particularly in the early stages of an academic career and the formation of an ’ Within universities (C), poor communication (M), competitive cultures (M), and (M), lead to (M), and (M) resulting in decreased research engagement and productivity (O) , , , , , , ,
e.g. ‘There's a sort of separation between the people that are involved in the research and it's the main part of what they do, and us that have teaching as their main responsibility… so ’

CMOCs indicated in bold highlight the three cross‐cutting themes of time, identity and relationships.

ECRs = early‐career researchers.

Key cross‐cutting mechanisms: time, identity and relationships

As Table ​ Table1 1 shows, the same intervention can lead to positive or negative outcomes depending on the particular contexts and mechanisms triggered. This highlights greater complexity than is evident at first glance. Cross‐cutting these four interventions were three mechanisms that were regularly identified as critical to the success (or not) of a research environment: time; researcher identities, and relationships. We now present key findings for each of these cross‐cutting mechanisms and discuss how their inter‐relations lead to our modified programme theory (Fig. ​ (Fig.3). 3 ). Note that although we have tried to separate these three mechanisms for ease of reading, they were often messily entangled. Table ​ Table2 2 presents quotes illustrating the way in which each mechanism mediates outcomes within particular circumstances.

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Modified programme theory. ECR = early‐career researcher

Time, identity and relationships as cross‐cutting mechanisms mediating successful research environments

Quote no.MechanismQuote
1Time: efficient use of time‘I never say I need more time because you could use that as an excuse for anything… But I think support in terms of being quite smart at aligning research activity to other activity you're involved in is quite important’
2Identity: internal motivation‘[For teacher researchers] inherent satisfaction and reward from research, rather than external praise and feedback, was certainly an indication of moving towards a research identity’
3Relationships: leadership‘From an institutional perspective, much depends on the perceived value of research and how it is actively supported by management, for example, in terms of study leave, time allocated for research and the impact of financial savings’
4Time and identity‘I say personal determination and resilience is a big factor because there are people who have been given some time and have then not delivered… I mean some of them are keen, they will say they have got no time and you know that is an interesting question about whether you make time or whether you have to wait for time to be given to you’
5Identity and leadership‘…research leadership as a “process through which academic values and identities are constructed, promoted and maintained”. Leadership is, therefore, central to establishing a healthy and vibrant research culture’
6Time and relationships‘We recognise that the sense of community developed over time would not have been possible without mutual trust and respect. This has been instrumental in creating a safe environment for both academic and personal development, and has in turn made it “possible to share problems without feeling uncomfortable”. Without a sense of trust it would also have been impossible for us to become more confident both in ourselves, as emerging academics, and in our work’

Time was identified as an important mechanism for mobilising research outcomes across our three disciplines. Time was conceptualised severally including as: protected time; workload pressures influencing time available; efficient use of time; flexible use of time; making time, and time in career. The two most commonly considered aspects were protected time and workload implications. Protected time was largely talked about in the negative across a variety of contexts and disciplines, with lack of protected time leading to lack of researcher engagement or inactivity and reduced research productivity. 32 , 35 , 37 , 41 , 44 , 47 , 49 , 61 , 62 , 63 , 67 Also across a variety of contexts and disciplines, and acting as a positive mechanism, available protected time was found to lead to increased research productivity and active research engagement. 31 , 36 , 40 , 48 , 49 , 63 , 65 With regard to workload, limitations on the time available for research imposed by excessive other workloads led to reduced research activity, lower research productivity, poor‐quality research and reduced opportunity to attend research training. 40 , 41 , 47 , 49 , 60 , 67 Juggling of multiple responsibilities, such as clinical, teaching, administrative and leadership roles, also inhibited research productivity by diminishing the time available for research. 35 , 40 , 49 The alignment of research with other non‐research work was described as driving efficiencies in the use of time leading to greater research productivity (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 1).

Identity was also an important mechanism for mobilising research outcomes across our three disciplines. Interpretations included personal identities (e.g. gender), professional identity (e.g. as a primary practitioner or a primary researcher), and social identity (e.g. sense of belongingness). Researcher identity was often referred to in relation to first‐career practitioners (and therefore second‐career researchers). Sharp et al. 48 defined these as participants recruited into higher education not directly from doctoral study but on the basis of their extensive ‘first‐order’ knowledge and pedagogical expertise. These were also practitioners conducting research in schools or hospitals. Identities were also referenced in relation to early, mid‐career or senior researchers. Academic staff working in academic institutions needed to develop a sense of researcher identity, belongingness, self‐efficacy for research and autonomy to increase their satisfaction, competence and research activity. 39 , 40 , 44 , 46 , 51 , 67 For first‐career practitioners (i.e. teachers, doctors), the research needed to be highly relevant and aligned to their primary identity work in order to motivate them. 53 , 59 , 62 , 65 This alignment was described as having a strong research–teaching nexus. 40 , 48 Linked to this concept was the need for first‐career practitioners to see the impact of research in relation to their primary work (e.g. patient‐ or student‐oriented) to facilitate motivation and to develop a researcher identity (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 2). 36 , 37 , 41 , 49 , 53 , 54 , 67 Where research was seen as irrelevant to primary identity work (e.g. English language teaching, general practice), there was research disengagement. 37 , 48 , 52 , 59 , 67


For all researchers and across our three disciplines, relationships were important in the mediating of successful research environments. 31 , 34 , 38 , 39 , 41 , 44 , 57 , 60 , 66 , 67 Positive research relationships were characterised by mutual trust and respect, 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 54 , 66 , 72 whereas others described them as friendships that take time to develop. 51 Mutually supportive relationships seemed to be particularly relevant to ECRs in terms of developing confidence, self‐esteem and research capacity and making identity transitions. 35 , 43 , 48 , 58 , 67 Relationships in the form of networks were considered to improve the quality of research through multicentre research and improved collaboration. 33 , 60 Supportive leadership as a particular form of relationship was an important mechanism in promoting a successful research environment. Supportive leaders needed to monitor workloads, set the vision, raise awareness of the value of research, and provide positive role‐modelling, thereby leading to increased productivity, promoting researcher identities and creating thriving research environments (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 3). 31 , 34 , 37 , 38 , 40 , 41 , 43 , 44 , 46 , 48 , 49 , 53 , 55 , 62 Research leadership, however, could be influenced negatively by the context of compliance and counting in current university cultures damaging relationships, creating a loss of motivation, and raising feelings of devalue. Indeed, the failure of leaders to recognise researcher identities led to negative research productivity. 36 , 37 , 38 , 43 , 46 , 48 , 49

Intersections between time, identity and relationships within successful research environments

Time and identity.

Time and identity intersected in interesting ways. Firstly, time was a necessary enabler for the development of a researcher identity. 37 , 38 , 41 , 48 , 49 , 54 , 59 , 61 , 63 , 65 , 67 , 69 Secondly, those who identified as researchers (thus holding primary researcher identities) used their time efficiently to favour research activity outcomes despite a lack of protected time. 35 , 43 Conversely, for other professors who lacked personal determination and resilience for research, having protected time did not lead to better research activity. 43 This highlights the fact that time alone is insufficient to support a successful research environment, and that it is how time is utilised and prioritised by researchers that really matters (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 4).

Identity and relationships

Interventions aimed at developing researcher identity consistently focused on relationship building across the three disciplines. The interventions that supported identity transitions into research included formal research training, 44 , 48 , 52 , 68 mentoring, 41 , 48 , 57 , 65 , 72 writing groups, 72 and collaboration with peers and other researchers, 39 , 41 , 43 operating through multiple mechanisms including relationships. The mechanisms included self‐esteem/confidence, increased networks, external recognition as a researcher, belongingness, and self‐efficacy. 35 , 41 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 52 , 57 Furthermore, our data suggest that leadership can be an enabler to the development of a researcher identity. In particular, leadership enabled research autonomy, recognition and empowerment, and fostered supportive mentoring environments, leading to researcher identity development and research productivity (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 5). 34 , 38 , 46 , 48

Time and relationships

Relationships were developed and sustained over time (Table ​ (Table2, 2 , quote 6). Across the three disciplines, the role of leaders (managers, directors, deans) was to acknowledge and raise awareness of research, and then to prioritise time for research against competing demands, leading to effective research networks, cohesion and collaboration. 31 , 34 , 38 , 43 , 46 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 53 , 55 , 70 Second‐career PhD students who did not invest time in establishing relationships with researchers in their new disciplines (as they already had strong supportive networks in their original disciplines) found that they had limited research networks following graduation. 48

Summary of key findings

Our initial programme theory was based on previous literature reviews 1 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 and on the REF2014 criteria. 10 , 21 However, we were able to develop a modified programme theory on the basis of our realist synthesis, which highlights novel findings in terms of what really matters for successful research environments. Firstly, we found that key interventions led to both positive (subjective and objective) and negative (subjective and objective) outcomes in various contexts. Interestingly, we did not identify any outcomes relating to research impact despite impact nowadays being considered a prominent marker of research success, alongside quantitative metrics such as number of publications, grant income and h‐indices. 21 Secondly, we found that disciplinary contexts appeared to be less influential than individual, local and institutional contexts. Finally, our modified programme theory demonstrates a complex interplay among three cross‐cutting mechanisms (time, researcher identity and relationships) as mechanisms underpinning both successful and unsuccessful research environments.

Key findings and comparisons with the existing literature

Our research supports the findings of earlier reviews 1 , 5 , 6 , 7 regarding the importance of having a clear research strategy, an organisation that values research, research‐oriented leadership, access to resources (such as people, funding, research facilities and time), and meaningful relationships. However, our research extends these findings considerably by flagging up the indication that a clear linear relationship, whereby the presence of these interventions will necessarily result in a successful research environment, does not exist. For example, instituting a research strategy can have negative effects if the indicators are seen as overly narrow in focus or output‐oriented. 38 , 40 , 46 , 47 , 64 Similarly, project money can lead to the employment of more part‐time staff on fixed‐term contracts, which results in instability, turnover and lack of research team expertise. 40 , 67 , 71

Our findings indicate that the interplays among time, identity and relationships are important considerations when implementing interventions promoting research environments. Although time was identified as an important mechanism affecting research outcomes within the majority of papers, researcher identity positively affected research outcomes even in time‐poor situations. Indeed, we found that identity acted as a mechanism for research productivity that could overcome limited time through individuals efficiently finding time to prioritise research through their motivation and resilience. 35 , 43 Time was therefore more than just time spent doing research, but also included investment in developing a researcher identity and relationships with other researchers over time. 37 , 38 , 41 , 48 , 49 , 54 , 59 , 61 , 63 , 67 , 69 Relationship‐building interventions were also found to be effective in supporting difficult identity transitions into research faced by ECRs and those with first‐career practitioner backgrounds. Supportive leadership, as a particular form of relationship, could be seen as an enabler to the provision of protected time and a reasonable workload, allowing time for research and for researcher identity formation. 34 , 38 , 46 , 48 Indeed, our realist synthesis findings highlight the central importance of researcher identity and thus offer a novel explanation for why research environments may not flourish even in the presence of a research strategy, resources (e.g. time) and valuing of research.

Researcher identity is complex and intersects with other identities such as those of practitioner, teacher, leader and so on. Brew et al. 39 , 73 , 74 explored researcher identification and productivity by asking researchers if they considered themselves to be ‘research‐active’ and part of a research team. Those who identified as researchers prioritised their work differently: those who were highly productive prioritised research, whereas those in the low‐productivity group prioritised teaching. 73 Interestingly, highly productive researchers tended to view research as a social phenomenon with publications, presentations and grants being ‘traded’ in academic networks. Brew et al. 39 explain that: ‘…the trading view relates to a self‐generating researcher identity. Researcher identity develops in the act of publication, networks, collaborations and peer review. These activities support a person's identification as a researcher. They also, in turn, influence performance measures and metrics.’ Although the relationships among identity, identification and productivity are clearly complex, we explored a broader range of metrics in our realist synthesis than just productivity.

Methodological strengths and limitations

This is the first study to explore this important topic using realist synthesis to better understand the influence of context and how particular interventions lead to outcomes. We followed RAMESES 20 guidelines and adopted a rigorous team‐based approach to each analytic stage, conducting regular quality checks. The search was not exhaustive as we could have ‘exploded’ the interventions and performed a comprehensive review of each in its own right (e.g. mentoring). However, for pragmatic reasons and to answer our broad research questions, we chose not to do this, as suggested by Wong et al. 20 Although all members of the team had been involved in realist syntheses previously, the process remained messy as we dealt with complex phenomena. The messiness often lies in untangling CMOCs and identifying recurrent patterns in the large amounts of literature reviewed.

Implications for education and research

Our findings suggest that interventions related to research strategy, people, IIF and collaboration are supported under the ‘right’ conditions. We need to focus on time, identity and relationships (including leadership) in order to better mobilise the interventions to promote successful research environments.

Individuals need to reflect on how and why they identify as researchers, including their conceptions of research and their working towards the development of a researcher identity such that research is internally motivated rather than just externally driven. Those who are second‐career researchers or those with significant teaching or practitioner roles could seek to align research with their practice while they establish wider research networks.

We recommend that research leaders support individuals to develop their researcher identity, be seen to value research, recognise that research takes time, and provide access to opportunities promoting research capacity building, strong relationships and collaboration. Leaders, for example, may introduce interventions that promote researcher identities and build research relationships (e.g. collaborations, networking, mentoring, research groups etc.), paying attention to the ways in which competitive or collaborative cultures are fostered. Browne et al. 75 recently recommended discussions around four categories for promoting identity transition: reflection on self (values, experiences and expectations); consideration of the situation (circumstances, concerns); support (what is available and what is needed), and strategies (personal strategies to cope with change and thrive). With the professionalisation of medical education, 76 research units are increasingly likely to contain a mixture of first‐ and second‐career researchers, and our review suggests that discussions about conceptions of research and researcher identity would be valuable.

Finally, organisations need to value research and provide access to resources and research capacity‐building activities. Within the managerialist cultures of HEIs, compliance and counting have already become dominant discourses in terms of promotion and success. Policymakers should therefore consider ways in which HEIs recognise, incentivise and reward research in all its forms (including subjective and objective measures of quantity, quality and impact) to determine the full effects of their policies on research environments.

Future research would benefit from further exploration of the interplay among time, identities and relationships (including leadership) in different contexts using realist evaluation. 77 Specifically, as part of realist approaches, longitudinal audio‐diaries 78 could be employed to explore researcher identity transitions over time, particularly for first‐career practitioners transitioning into second‐career researchers.


RA and CER were responsible for the conception of the synthesis. All authors contributed to the protocol development. RA and PESC carried out the database searches. All authors sifted for relevance and rigour, analysed the papers and contributed to the writing of the article. All authors approved the final manuscript for publication.

Conflicts of interest

Ethical approval.

not required.

Supporting information

Table S1. Definitions of key terms.

Table S6. Contexts, interventions, mechanisms and outcomes identified in individual studies.


we thank Andy Jackson, Learning and Teaching Librarian, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK, for his advice and help in developing our literature searches. We also thank Laura McDonald, Paul McLean and Eilidh Dear, who were medical students at the University of Dundee, for their help with database searches and with sifting papers for relevance and rigour. We would also like to thank Chau Khuong, Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, for her work in designing Figs ​ Figs1 1 and ​ and3 3 .

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Over the past years, global warming had slowly gotten worse and is now affecting the animals leaving them without a home to go to. Not only does climate change increases the chances of natural disaster but also destructing our natural habitat and creating an unfit environment to survive in. What's worse is the rise in temperature leading a meltdown of ice among the arctic creating an extreme difficult condition and the struggle for species to make a living. Essentially, global […]

Greenhouse Effect & Types of Pollution

Transportation, industrial, phonic, water and air are all types of pollution coming from personal cars, cruise ships and smokestacks, decreasing the clean air to breathe, homes for animals, food production, and great changes to the poles. Global warming is severely affecting our planet, and it continues to grow out of control. Global warming is the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere. This causes the greenhouse gases to increase, increasing the levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and […]

Global Warming – Rising Temperature of the Atmosphere and Ocean

Throughout earth's history, climate has fluctuated (for example ice age). However, if you take into account how many organisms have evolved, and how each one depends on their habitats to survive, fluctuations will be more harmful now, especially to humanity. The main cause of global warming is thought to be the result of human actions, for example; Carbon dioxide emissions (from cars and other transport) interfering with the Ozone layer, deforestation (from workers creating space for cattle grazing), and farming […]

Global Warming: its Causes and its Real Impact on the Earth

The steadily increasing temperature of our planet's atmosphere is known as global warming. Global warming has been a subject of much political and social controversy in recent years due to arguments questioning its legitimacy. When the facts of these arguments are seen in context, their relevance becomes apparent. The data clearly indicate that global warming is happening and that it is human-induced. The anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases negatively impacts our environment, causing an increase in global temperature. This results […]

Global Warming Affects the Natural Balance of Environment

The world climate is changing significantly day by day. What is Global Warming? Global Warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide. Climate change causes an increase in average temperature. However a worldwide temperature adjustment are caused by characteristic occasions and humans that are accepted to be an add to accretion in normal temperatures. An Earth-wide temperature boost is a difficult issue […]

Climatic Changes in Greenland

Greenland is mostly covered in ice making it susceptible to melting from warm temperatures. The reason this country is named Greenland is because when Erik the Red was banned from Iceland he discovered this icy country and gave it the name in hopes of people settling (Pandita). In July and August of this year, the number of surface melt days on the Southwestern coast of Greenland was significantly above average, which is clearly an indication that global warming has begun […]

Global Warming – a Fix for the Future

Everyone has heard the infamous words global warming, but not many understand the disaster that's happening. Terms are thrown out such as carbon emissions and greenhouse gases the list goes on, and those not scientifically savvy tend to brush off what may become the downfall of humanity. According to Nasa's official website, The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and […]

The Art of Global Warming

Mankind has felt the need to leave its mark on history since the dawn of human civilization. There is evidence of this close to home in the tallest skyscrapers of New York and as far-reaching as Neil Armstrong's footprints on the moon. But how far is too far? As we have grown, so too has our knowledge of the world and the advancements in science and technology that come with it. So much so, that we are now faced with […]

The Greenhouse Effect

Human activities have contributed to what we now know as 'Global Warming' since the 19th century. Global Warming also known as the Greenhouse Effect is the warming that happens when Earth's atmosphere traps heat, almost like the walls of a greenhouse. Sunlight shines on the Earth where it is then absorbed and radiated back into the atmosphere as heat and is then trapped by what we call greenhouse gasses. Experts warn that we only have until 2030 to stem catastrophic […]

Climate Change: Vulnerability and Responsibility

When it comes to the environment people talk about how it is important to care for the earth we live in. While it is important to discuss such issues it is more beneficial to take action rather than to just talk about it. The earth is in desperate need of aid and though to many, it may not matter that the earth has increased a few degrees it can and has had devastating impacts. Taking responsibility for our home is […]

Climate Change – Scientists and Environmentalists are Deeply Concerned

Anthropogenic climate change and global warming cannot be denied. By reducing pollution, preventing deforestation and curtailing oil drilling, we can preserve the environment and mitigate the effects of global warming. Global warming is detrimental to Earth's environment. Most people are not aware of this and do not consider it as a major threat to earth's biosphere. The purpose of the images shown here is to highlight the causes, impact and mitigation of global warming. There are ways we can mitigate […]

Global Warming and the Future of the World’s Climate

Although hard to imagine, in less than a hundred years the US East Coast and other stretches of coastline around the world could be submerged underwater. Cites such as New York, New Orleans, and Houston could be swamped off the map as the waters of the Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico overtook the previously dry land. The skyscrapers of the old downtown areas would become islands poking out of a vast sea of blue covering the roads and old infrastructure. […]

Climate Change – Critical Issue

I believe that among the numerous critical issues facing most Americans in this world today, climate change stands as one of, if not the most urgent. However, understanding and assimilating the different causes of the ever-growing environmental problems critically facing our lives today are crucial for reducing our pollution footprint. Climate change effects include major changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, as well as other frequent disastrous weather phenomenon. That said, climate change policy in the US has transformed timidly […]

Global Warming – Several Major Agrarian Concerns

For many years, researchers have focused on maintaining the availability of food sources for the ever-growing human population. There are many factors that may impact the abundance of food; this research will focus on overall increase in temperature across the world and its impact on the agricultural environment. Global warming is a major research topic that presents several major agrarian concerns. In order to combat these concerns, scientists have been trying to find the root causes of problems presented through […]

The World should Turn to Vegetarian Diet to Stop Global Warming

A vegetarian according to vegetarian society is somebody who is on a diet of fruits, seeds, grains, vegetables, legumes, nut, yeast, fungi, algae, and/or some other non-animal grounded food (e.g. salt) with or minus dairy foods, eggs and/or honey. Global warming according to live science is the continuing temperature of the ground's surface, seas and thermosphere are any of the utmost frustrating environmental matters. Normal side heats high an entire of 1.71 units Fahrenheit (0.95 unit Celsius) between 1880 and […]

Causes and Effects of Global Warming

People are arguing if global warming is caused by man or if its a natural occurrence. Well, volcanoes have contributed to global warming such as El Chichon in 1982 and Pinatubo in 1991 they have cooled the earth's temperature but this was temporary. however, the amount of carbon dioxide they reliance is small compared to humans there are other things that can cause natural temperature changes tiny wiggles in the earth's orbit can change when and where sunlight hits even […]

Is a Tax on Carbon Emission a Way to Combat Global Warming?

In today's modern world, and especially during our current political environment, there is a big question of how important environmental issues are going to be now in our changing American government. Now that things are evolving and a new generation is casting their votes, most Americans are curious to see how the votes turn out and what are politicians will do regarding getting more awareness for climate change. After the elections, the next big concern is if the people within […]

Impact of Society on Earth’s Atmosphere

Everyday society is impacting the earth's atmosphere weather it is in a good or bad way. Mostly society effects the earth's atmosphere in a negative way, although people are aware of the current situation, they still continue to do the things that effect the earth atmosphere in a negative way. These things being burning fossil fuels, deforestation, or as easy as using fertilizers. According to climate change sheet 22 last modified on 07/18/2012 nitrogen contained in many fertilizers enhances the […]

Solutions on Pollution Issue

Funding is the most important factor in order to improve the current conditions of Vietnam. Seven principles which pollution control funds should aim to follow can be drawn from the decade of experience with environment funds of various kinds in Vietnam. To be effective, EPFs should: 1.Have a clear and overriding objective of pollution reduction and prevention. 2.Work according to a comprehensive pollution control plan of government which is based on credible and systematic priority setting procedures. 3.Integrate with the […]

How Global Warming Works

There's bright blue in the past, now there is horrible gray in the future and more heat in the summers, and the winters are getting warmer than usual. The seas and oceans rising, the ice caps falling, and animals decreasing. It is time to come to a conflict that could make our planet Earth fall. Welcome to a tremendous problem EVERYONE is trying to solve global warming. Industrializing is a benefit for us and the economy. All of this falls […]

The Global Warming Taboo

It is still hard to understand that the topic of Global Warming is still being thrown under the rug as it is perceived by some that it is not a leading issue that needs to be tackled. It makes me wonder why so much of America can't see the problems that are being created just by our everyday actions. Due to the fact that the issue is still under mass controversy leads the topic of global warming to be a […]

Natural Disasters and Climate Change

Global warming is the gradual increase of temperature in the world's atmosphere. It is often caused by high levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. It may also be increased by fossil fuels and agriculture causing many severe consequences, such as: species extinction, reduced forest and coral reefs, drought increases in Africa, severe flooding in Asia, threats to small islands because of ocean levels rising, and severe weather in hurricane zones. Our society today is destroying the climate. Every time […]

Climate Change: Environmental Protection Agency

Global warming, often referred to as climate change is used to describe the rise in average surface temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth's climate. There is a great debate amongst many as to whether global warming is real( some call it a hoax). There is a broad-based agreement within the scientific community that climate change is real. The U.S Environmental Protection Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space […]

Global Warming and its Effects

Global warming has been a top discussion for a while now. Some people believe it is true based on the change in weather, more fires/floods, and severe droughts in some areas while others deny the fact that it is occurring. Recently, the topic of global warming has become more of a political topic. This is probably because a lot of the industries that are causing some of the issues would be affected financially if they were forced to take responsibility […]

The Story of Stuff

Four main issues have been discussed in the fourth chapter, "Consumption" of The Story of Stuff. The four themes are discussed below: Unhappy People, Nation, and PlanetAnnie emphasizes that many stuff doesn't make us happy but the work done out of hard work makes one satisfied thus one is happy. She goes further to say that "we can only compromise so much until no solution is reached." If one is rich, it is assumed he is happy, and those who […]

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Environmental Law Research Paper Topics

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This page presents a comprehensive collection of environmental law research paper topics , tailored for students studying law and interested in exploring the complexities of environmental issues. Environmental law is a vital field that addresses the legal aspects of protecting the environment, ensuring sustainable practices, and regulating human activities that impact the planet. From climate change and biodiversity conservation to environmental policies and international treaties, students will find a wealth of thought-provoking topics to delve into. Whether you are passionate about environmental advocacy or seeking to understand the legal implications of environmental challenges, this page is a valuable resource to expand your knowledge and refine your research skills.

100 Environmental Law Research Paper Topics

Environmental law encompasses a wide array of legal issues related to the protection and preservation of our planet’s natural resources and ecosystems. This comprehensive list of environmental law research paper topics is designed to inspire students and researchers alike to explore the intricate and ever-evolving landscape of environmental law. The topics are organized into ten distinct categories, each focusing on different aspects of environmental law and its significance in shaping environmental policies and practices.

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Environmental Policy and Regulation

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of environmental policies in achieving sustainability goals.
  • Analyzing the role of government regulations in addressing environmental challenges.
  • The impact of international environmental agreements on global conservation efforts.
  • Legal frameworks for addressing climate change and promoting renewable energy.
  • The role of public participation in shaping environmental policies and decision-making.
  • The legal implications of environmental impact assessments in policy formulation.
  • Balancing economic interests and environmental protection in policy development.
  • The role of judicial review in upholding or challenging environmental policies.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of market-based approaches in environmental regulation.
  • The impact of political ideologies on environmental policy formulation.

Biodiversity and Wildlife Protection

  • The legal implications of conserving endangered species and habitats.
  • Analyzing the role of wildlife protection laws in combating illegal trafficking and poaching.
  • Legal challenges in balancing human development with wildlife conservation.
  • The impact of habitat destruction on biodiversity and legal measures for preservation.
  • The role of international treaties in promoting cross-border wildlife protection.
  • The legal aspects of wildlife rehabilitation and reintroduction programs.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of protected areas in biodiversity conservation.
  • Legal challenges in addressing invasive species and their impact on ecosystems.
  • The role of private landowners in wildlife conservation efforts.
  • The intersection of indigenous rights and wildlife protection.

Pollution Control and Remediation

  • The legal framework for regulating air and water pollution.
  • Analyzing liability and compensation mechanisms for environmental damages.
  • Legal challenges in hazardous waste management and cleanup.
  • The role of environmental impact assessments in pollution prevention.
  • The legal implications of emerging contaminants and their regulation.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of pollution trading and offset programs.
  • Legal challenges in addressing plastic pollution and marine litter.
  • The role of corporate environmental liability in pollution prevention.
  • Analyzing the impact of industrial pollution on public health and communities.
  • The legal aspects of noise pollution and its regulation.

Water Resource Management and Conservation

  • Legal considerations in managing and allocating water resources.
  • Analyzing the impact of water pollution on ecosystems and public health.
  • Legal challenges in protecting and restoring aquatic habitats.
  • The role of water rights and agreements in transboundary water management.
  • The legal implications of water scarcity and drought management.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of water conservation and efficiency measures.
  • Legal challenges in addressing groundwater contamination and depletion.
  • The role of ecosystem-based approaches in water resource management.
  • The legal aspects of water privatization and its implications for access and equity.
  • The intersection of water law and indigenous water rights.

Land Use and Sustainable Development

  • The legal framework for sustainable land use planning and urban development.
  • Analyzing the impact of mining and extraction industries on the environment.
  • Legal challenges in regulating deforestation and promoting reforestation.
  • The role of property rights in promoting conservation and sustainable land practices.
  • The legal implications of land use conflicts and dispute resolution.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of land conservation easements in sustainable development.
  • Legal challenges in balancing agriculture and conservation on agricultural lands.
  • The role of zoning laws and land use ordinances in urban planning.
  • The legal aspects of land restoration and brownfield redevelopment.
  • The impact of climate change on land use and legal responses for adaptation.

Energy Law and Climate Policy

  • Analyzing the legal aspects of renewable energy development and integration.
  • The role of international agreements in promoting sustainable energy practices.
  • Legal challenges in transitioning to a low-carbon energy economy.
  • The impact of energy regulation on achieving climate change goals.
  • The legal implications of energy subsidies and their impact on sustainable energy.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of carbon capture and storage technologies.
  • Legal challenges in promoting energy efficiency and conservation measures.
  • The role of energy law in promoting decentralized and distributed energy systems.
  • The legal aspects of energy infrastructure development and environmental concerns.
  • The intersection of energy law and indigenous rights in energy development.

Environmental Justice and Human Rights

  • The legal implications of environmental discrimination and equitable access to resources.
  • Analyzing the role of human rights in environmental protection and advocacy.
  • Legal challenges in seeking remedies for environmental harm and social injustices.
  • The intersection of environmental justice and indigenous rights.
  • The role of environmental litigation in advancing environmental justice.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of public interest litigation in environmental cases.
  • Legal challenges in addressing environmental racism and marginalized communities.
  • The role of environmental ombudsmen and their impact on justice and accountability.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of community-based environmental monitoring and advocacy.
  • The legal aspects of citizen engagement in environmental decision-making.

Climate Change Law and Adaptation

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of climate change adaptation policies and strategies.
  • Analyzing the legal implications of carbon pricing mechanisms and emissions trading.
  • Legal challenges in implementing climate change agreements and commitments.
  • The role of litigation in holding governments and corporations accountable for climate actions.
  • The legal aspects of climate-induced migration and displacement.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of climate adaptation finance and funding mechanisms.
  • Legal challenges in promoting nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation.
  • The role of climate law in integrating climate resilience into infrastructure planning.
  • The legal implications of climate engineering and geoengineering technologies.
  • The impact of climate change on indigenous rights and legal responses for adaptation.

International Environmental Law and Governance

  • Analyzing the role of international organizations in environmental governance.
  • Legal challenges in enforcing global environmental treaties and agreements.
  • The impact of climate change litigation on international law and policy.
  • The role of soft law in shaping international environmental norms.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of international dispute resolution mechanisms in environmental cases.
  • Legal challenges in addressing environmental crimes and transnational environmental harms.
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in international environmental governance.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of international environmental impact assessments for development projects.
  • The legal aspects of trade and environmental protection in international law.
  • The intersection of human rights and international environmental law.

Emerging Issues in Environmental Law

  • Legal challenges in regulating emerging technologies and their environmental impact.
  • The role of legal frameworks in promoting circular economy practices.
  • Analyzing the legal implications of biotechnology and genetic engineering on the environment.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on environmental decision-making.
  • Legal challenges in addressing e-waste and electronic waste management.
  • The role of environmental law in governing nanotechnology applications.
  • Analyzing the legal aspects of ocean governance and marine conservation.
  • Legal challenges in addressing space debris and its impact on the environment.
  • The impact of legal principles on sustainable development in the digital era.
  • The legal aspects of protecting biodiversity in the face of emerging threats.

This comprehensive list of environmental law research paper topics provides a diverse and thought-provoking selection of themes to explore, offering valuable insights into the complex relationship between legal frameworks and environmental issues. Whether you are a student embarking on your research journey or a seasoned scholar seeking new avenues of inquiry, these topics are designed to stimulate critical thinking and foster a deeper understanding of the intricate world of environmental law.

Environmental Law: Exploring the Range of Research Paper Topics

Environmental law is a dynamic and evolving field that encompasses a wide range of legal issues concerning the protection, conservation, and management of the environment. As global concerns about climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss continue to grow, environmental law plays a crucial role in addressing these challenges and shaping policies that promote sustainability. This section delves into the vast array of research paper topics within environmental law, highlighting key areas of interest and discussing the significance of exploring these subjects to address pressing environmental issues.

Climate Change and Mitigation Strategies

One of the most pressing issues in environmental law is climate change, and researchers have a plethora of topics to explore in this domain. Some potential research paper topics include the legal framework for international climate agreements like the Paris Agreement, the role of governments and corporations in climate change mitigation, the impact of climate litigation on policy formulation, and the legal challenges in transitioning to renewable energy sources.

Biodiversity Conservation and Wildlife Protection

Preserving biodiversity and protecting wildlife are essential aspects of environmental law. Researchers can delve into topics such as the legal framework for wildlife protection, the role of national parks and protected areas in biodiversity conservation, the impact of illegal wildlife trafficking on ecosystems, and the legal challenges in regulating bioprospecting and genetic resource exploitation.

Environmental Impact Assessment and Regulation

Environmental impact assessments (EIAs) are crucial tools for evaluating the potential environmental consequences of development projects. Research papers can focus on the effectiveness of EIAs in different countries, the role of public participation in the EIA process, the legal aspects of strategic environmental assessment, and the challenges in regulating emerging technologies through EIAs.

Pollution Control and Waste Management

Pollution is a significant environmental concern, and environmental law plays a pivotal role in regulating and mitigating its impacts. Researchers can explore topics such as the legal framework for air and water pollution control, the role of liability and compensation in environmental damage cases, the challenges in regulating electronic waste and plastic pollution, and the legal aspects of hazardous waste management.

Natural Resource Management and Conservation

The sustainable management of natural resources is critical for the long-term health of the environment. Research papers can delve into topics such as the legal framework for sustainable forestry and fisheries management, the role of indigenous and local communities in natural resource conservation, the legal challenges in water resource management, and the impact of land use planning on biodiversity conservation.

Environmental Justice and Equity

Environmental law intersects with social justice and equity issues, as certain communities may bear a disproportionate burden of environmental harm. Researchers can explore topics such as environmental racism and its legal implications, the role of environmental impact assessments in addressing environmental justice, the legal challenges in ensuring access to clean water and sanitation for marginalized communities, and the impact of climate change on human rights.

Renewable Energy and Green Technology

The transition to renewable energy sources and green technologies is a critical aspect of addressing climate change. Research papers can focus on topics such as the legal framework for promoting renewable energy projects, the role of intellectual property rights in green technology innovation, the challenges in regulating offshore wind energy, and the legal aspects of carbon capture and storage.

Environmental issues transcend national boundaries, necessitating international cooperation and governance. Researchers can delve into topics such as the legal framework for transboundary pollution control, the role of international organizations like the United Nations Environment Programme, the challenges in enforcing international environmental treaties, and the impact of trade agreements on environmental protection.

Corporate Environmental Responsibility

Corporations play a significant role in environmental impact, and environmental law seeks to regulate their activities responsibly. Research papers can explore topics such as the legal framework for corporate environmental reporting, the role of sustainability certifications and eco-labeling, the challenges in holding corporations accountable for environmental harm, and the impact of green finance initiatives on corporate behavior.

Land Use Planning and Urban Environmental Law

Land use planning and urban development have a profound impact on the environment and human well-being. Researchers can focus on topics such as the legal aspects of urban planning for sustainable cities, the role of environmental zoning and conservation easements in land use regulation, the challenges in balancing urban development with environmental conservation, and the legal implications of green infrastructure projects.

The field of environmental law offers a vast and diverse range of research paper topics, each contributing to a deeper understanding of environmental challenges and the legal mechanisms to address them. From climate change to biodiversity conservation, pollution control to renewable energy, environmental law provides an avenue for researchers to explore innovative solutions and policy frameworks that safeguard the planet’s future. By delving into these research topics, students can make valuable contributions to environmental protection and contribute to a sustainable and resilient world.

How to Choose Environmental Law Research Paper Topics

Choosing the right research paper topic is crucial for a successful and fulfilling academic journey. When it comes to environmental law, selecting a relevant and engaging research topic is not only essential for earning good grades but also for making a meaningful contribution to the field. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate the process of choosing environmental law research paper topics that align with your interests, academic goals, and the current environmental challenges:

  • Identify Your Passion and Interests : Passion is the driving force behind exceptional research. Begin by reflecting on the aspects of environmental law that pique your interest the most. Consider whether you are more intrigued by climate change, wildlife conservation, pollution control, or any other specific area within environmental law. Identifying your passion will make the research process more enjoyable and motivate you to delve deeper into the topic.
  • Stay Updated with Current Environmental Issues : Environmental law is constantly evolving to address new challenges and emerging issues. Keep yourself informed about the latest environmental developments, global climate conferences, landmark legal cases, and policy changes. Staying up-to-date with current environmental issues will help you identify relevant and timely research topics that have real-world implications.
  • Consider the Practical Implications : An essential aspect of environmental law research is understanding how legal frameworks translate into practical applications. Evaluate how your chosen topic impacts communities, industries, ecosystems, and global sustainability efforts. Research topics that have tangible and practical implications are likely to generate greater interest and contribute to meaningful discussions.
  • Review Previous Research : Before finalizing your research topic, conduct a thorough literature review of existing studies in environmental law. Analyze the gaps in the literature and identify areas that require further exploration. Building upon existing research can provide a solid foundation for your own work and ensure its relevance in the field.
  • Seek Guidance from Professors and Experts : Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your professors, advisors, or other experts in environmental law. They can offer valuable insights, suggest potential research topics, and help you refine your ideas. Engaging in discussions with knowledgeable individuals can lead to fresh perspectives and help you choose a research topic aligned with current academic interests.
  • Balance Complexity and Feasibility : While it’s essential to select a research topic that challenges you intellectually, be mindful of the practical constraints of your project. Ensure that the research topic is feasible within the given time frame and resources. Striking a balance between complexity and feasibility will lead to a well-executed and comprehensive research paper.
  • Consider Comparative Studies : Comparative studies in environmental law allow you to analyze legal frameworks and their effectiveness in different countries or regions. Investigating how various jurisdictions address similar environmental issues can provide valuable insights and open doors for cross-cultural learning.
  • Emphasize Interdisciplinary Approaches : Environmental law is inherently interdisciplinary, encompassing elements of science, economics, policy, and ethics. Consider topics that allow you to explore these interdisciplinary connections. For instance, you can investigate the economic impact of environmental regulations, the ethical implications of wildlife conservation policies, or the scientific basis for climate change mitigation strategies.
  • Evaluate the Policy Implications : Environmental law research often has a policy-oriented focus. Analyze how your chosen research topic aligns with existing policies or how it can influence policy formulation. Understanding the policy implications of your research will add practical significance to your work.
  • Brainstorm and Refine : Take the time to brainstorm multiple research ideas and then refine them gradually. Discuss your potential topics with peers and instructors to get feedback and suggestions. The iterative process of brainstorming and refining will lead you to a well-defined and compelling research paper topic.

Selecting an environmental law research paper topic is an important and exciting step in your academic journey. By identifying your passion, staying updated with current environmental issues, considering practical implications, and seeking guidance from experts, you can choose a research topic that not only interests you but also contributes meaningfully to the field of environmental law. Remember to balance complexity and feasibility, explore interdisciplinary connections, and evaluate the policy implications of your chosen topic. With thoughtful consideration and dedication, you can embark on a rewarding research endeavor that advances environmental law knowledge and addresses critical environmental challenges.

How to Write an Environmental Law Research Paper

Writing an environmental law research paper requires a systematic approach and a keen understanding of legal concepts, environmental issues, and academic writing conventions. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a student new to the field, mastering the art of crafting an effective research paper is essential to convey your findings and insights convincingly. Here are ten essential tips to guide you through the process of writing a compelling and well-structured environmental law research paper:

  • Conduct Thorough Research : Begin your environmental law research paper by conducting in-depth research on your chosen topic. Utilize academic journals, books, reputable websites, and legal databases to gather relevant and credible information. Analyze previous studies, court cases, and legislation related to your topic to develop a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
  • Outline Your Paper : Creating a clear and organized outline is fundamental to the success of your research paper. Develop a well-structured outline that includes the introduction, thesis statement, main arguments, supporting evidence, counterarguments, and conclusion. A well-crafted outline will serve as a roadmap, ensuring your paper flows logically and cohesively.
  • Craft a Strong Introduction : The introduction is the gateway to your research paper. It should provide essential background information on the topic, state the purpose of the study, and present your thesis statement. A compelling introduction captures the reader’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of the paper.
  • Develop a Strong Thesis Statement : The thesis statement is the central argument of your research paper. It should be clear, concise, and specific, outlining the main point you aim to prove or discuss. Ensure that your thesis statement reflects the scope of your research and aligns with your chosen environmental law topic.
  • Use Clear and Precise Language : Environmental law research papers require clarity and precision in language. Avoid jargon and use straightforward terms to communicate complex legal concepts and environmental issues. Clearly define any legal terms or specialized vocabulary to ensure your readers understand the content.
  • Support Your Arguments with Evidence : As you present your main arguments, back them up with relevant and credible evidence. Cite case law, legislation, expert opinions, and empirical data to support your claims. Properly referenced evidence strengthens the credibility of your research and demonstrates your thorough understanding of the subject matter.
  • Address Counterarguments : Anticipate potential counterarguments to your thesis and address them in your paper. Acknowledging counterarguments and offering thoughtful responses demonstrate critical thinking and strengthen the overall argument of your research paper.
  • Analyze and Interpret Data : If your research involves data analysis, take the time to interpret the results accurately. Present your findings in a clear and organized manner, using charts, graphs, or tables if necessary. Analyze the implications of your data on environmental law and draw well-supported conclusions.
  • Discuss Policy and Practical Implications : Environmental law research often involves exploring policy implications. Discuss how your research findings can influence or inform environmental policy, regulation, or legal frameworks. Consider the practical implications of your research and offer recommendations for addressing environmental challenges.
  • Write a Convincing Conclusion : In your conclusion, summarize the key points of your research and restate your thesis statement. Emphasize the significance of your findings and how they contribute to the broader field of environmental law. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion and end with a thought-provoking final remark.

Writing an environmental law research paper demands careful research, meticulous planning, and effective communication of ideas. By following these ten tips, you can craft a compelling and well-structured research paper that not only showcases your knowledge of environmental law but also makes a valuable contribution to the field. Remember to proofread your paper thoroughly and adhere to citation guidelines to ensure academic integrity. With diligence and attention to detail, you can produce a high-quality environmental law research paper that showcases your expertise and passion for the subject.

iResearchNet’s Custom Research Paper Writing Services

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  • In-Depth Research : To provide you with a comprehensive and well-supported environmental law research paper, our writers conduct extensive research using reputable sources and up-to-date academic materials.
  • Custom Formatting : Our writers are well-versed in various citation styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard. They will format your research paper according to your preferred style or any other specified guidelines.
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how to write a research paper on environmental issues

180 Environmental Research Topics & Questions to Write about

Environment affects us all, whether we want it or not. Political leaders and students alike discuss ways to tackle environmental topics & issues. Some might argue about the role humans play in all this. The fact remains that our environment is a delicate matter. That’s why we must educate ourselves on the issues related to it.

In this article by custom writing experts, you’ll find a list of environmental research questions to scrutinize and write about. The environmental essay topics in the collection below are related to economics, health, sociology, law, and even psychology. These ideas might be helpful either for school or for college students.

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics
  • 🌡️🌍 Climate Change Topics
  • 🏭🌱 Sustainability
  • 🔬🌻 Environmental Science
  • 🌳⚖️ Environmental Law
  • 🧑🌿 Environmentalism

🔬 Top 10 Environmental Research Topics

  • 📖 Environmental Research Questions

🔝 Top 10 Environment Essay Topics

  • The life cycle of tornados
  • History of environmental studies
  • Positive impact of birdwatching
  • Drinking water and the environment
  • Christianity’s impact on the climate crisis
  • Climate’s effect on mountain ecosystems
  • How aviation contributes to global warming
  • Early commercial adaptation of thermal energy
  • What does nuclear meteorology investigate?
  • Fruitarianism’s benefits for the environment

🌡️🌍 Environmental Research Topics on Climate Change

Throughout history, the Earth’s climate always fluctuated. Ice ages were followed by warmer periods. However, the increase in temperature we perceive today is unusual. Because of this, climate change is one of today’s most pressing problems. Below we have compiled a list of 25 global warming topics. Have a look!

  • What is the difference between climate change and global warming?
  • Investigate how humans influence the climate.
  • Which regions suffer the most due to the rising sea levels?
  • How did the average weather in your region change over the past 20 years?
  • Why are coral reefs endangered?
  • How do melting glaciers impact the environment?
  • Examine what natural disasters are linked to climate change.
  • What does ocean acidification mean?
  • What are the effects of global warming?
  • Analyze the phenomenon of climate refugees.
  • How does global warming affect biodiversity?
  • Discuss the most significant causes of climate change.
  • Why are hurricanes becoming more intense?
  • What are the most significant agricultural problems caused by climate change?
  • How does the excess of CO2 impact the environment?
  • What actions lead to a CO2 increase in the atmosphere?
  • Discuss how hydraulic fracturing affects nature.
  • Explain how the greenhouse effect works.
  • What can each of us do to stop global warming?
  • How is ozone depletion related to climate change?
  • What was the purpose of the Paris Agreement?
  • Investigate how deforestation affects the climate.
  • Can we reverse global warming?
  • Examine why some people don’t believe in climate change.
  • What is the correlation between tree planting and climate change?

how to write a research paper on environmental issues

🌲 Environmental Research Topics on Ecology

Ecology is a branch of biology that investigates how organisms coexist. The environment shapes the way different species interact with each other. Essential factors can be living, such as nutrition, or nonliving, like water. Here are 25 prompts for your ecology essay:

  • Examine the ecological research methods.
  • What defines the number of organisms living in a community?
  • How does an ecosystem work?
  • Why do plants and animals go extinct?
  • Do non-native snakes threaten the U.S. ecosystem?
  • Explain the elements of population growth.
  • What would the world look like without bees?
  • How do organisms adapt to their environment?
  • Analyze how photosynthesis occurs.
  • What different relationships can organisms form with their surroundings?
  • Discuss the research methods of bird behavioral ecology.
  • How do organisms survive under extreme conditions?
  • Why do some birds migrate?
  • Investigate why some animals benefit from living alone.
  • What can humans do to prevent pandas from extinction?
  • How do plants help combat climate change?
  • What’s the correlation between water management and ecology issues?
  • How does commercial fishing affect the oceans?
  • What are the most prominent current environmental threats?
  • How does the ecological footprint method work?
  • What are the long-term consequences of plastic use?
  • Analyze how nutrient cycles work.
  • What impact does human waste have on marine ecosystems?
  • Examine the different types of healthy bacteria.
  • How do cacti grow in the desert?

🏭🌱 Sustainability Topics for an Essay

According to the UN World Commission , sustainable development “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Simply put, sustainability means fulfilling the demand without exhausting any resources. Today, it plays a vital role in protecting the environment.

  • Give an example of sustainable practice.
  • Analyze the process of recycling.
  • Investigate what sustainability wants to achieve.
  • Explore the history of the green movement.
  • What can a country do to become greener?
  • Why do we need the concept of sustainable development?
  • Examine the ways of recycling water.
  • How can you make food sources more sustainable?
  • What does zero-waste mean?
  • Talk about the issues related to eco-friendly packaging.
  • Discuss ways of saving more energy.
  • What are the greener alternatives to plastic?
  • Examine the different sources of renewable energy.
  • How can a person live more sustainably?
  • Explain the three pillars of sustainability.

Effective ways to protect the environment.

  • How does green construction work?
  • What’s the connection between sustainability and climate change?
  • What can we do to reduce water pollution?
  • Discuss the impact of globalization on sustainable agriculture.
  • What is responsible consumption?
  • Why should we not use plastic?
  • Describe how wind turbines produce electricity.
  • How can technology become green?
  • What is social sustainability?
  • What are the most critical sustainability issues today?

🔬🌻 Environmental Science Topics for an Essay

Environmental science combines various approaches to study nature. In doing so, it tries to find solutions for ecological issues. Research goes into areas such as pollution and alternative energy. If you want to write about it, have a look at our topics:

  • What are the environmental impacts of production and consumption?
  • Examine ways of improving agriculture.
  • What are the critical elements of environmental science?
  • Discuss the advantages of green engineering.
  • What are the different types of pollution?
  • Determine the primary goals of environmental science.
  • What are invasive species?
  • Investigate the benefits of reforestation.
  • Describe the Amazon rainforest and its role in the environment.
  • Explore the various types of agriculture.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of GMOs.
  • What effects does a biodiversity loss have on humanity?
  • How do dams and channels affect ecosystems?
  • What is the connection between social and environmental sciences?
  • Why is overpopulation a problem?
  • Explain the process of desertification.
  • How does mining cause environmental disasters?
  • Investigate the Gaia Hypothesis.
  • What are the causes of acid rain?
  • How is our health affected by pollution?

Franklin Roosevelt quote.

  • Explain the importance of energy efficiency.
  • Explore the link between globalization and ecological problems.
  • Why are fossil fuels harmful to the environment?
  • What are ecological niches?
  • Analyze the pros and cons of nuclear energy.

🌳⚖️ Environmental Law Topics for Papers

Environmental law aims to protect nature. It’s the legal foundation of human interaction with their surroundings. Besides, it formulates how we should utilize natural resources. Take a look at these compelling topics for your paper:

  • How is waste regulated in your community?
  • What laws address contaminant cleanup?
  • Why do we need chemical safety regulations?
  • Examine legal ways to curb hunting and fishing.
  • Describe environmental protection in the US and in the Hawaii state.
  • Discuss the Rio Declaration.
  • Why can environmental laws be controversial?
  • What are the advantages of emission certificates?
  • Investigate the process of emissions trading.
  • How does your country regulate air quality?
  • What makes the laws concerning water quality vital?
  • What are the general principles of environmental law?
  • When can a piece of land be declared a natural reserve?
  • Should there be a binding international environmental constitution?
  • Explore the history of environmental law.
  • What purposes do wildlife reserves serve?
  • Discuss the legacy of Kyoto Protocol.
  • Analyze the marine pollution prevention efforts in Australia.
  • What are environmental assessment mandates?
  • Investigate economic incentives for environmental protection.
  • Discuss why ecotourism needs to be regulated.
  • Why is it difficult for some countries to become green?
  • Establish a connection between free trade agreements and ecological problems.
  • Do businesses have to incorporate environmental law?
  • Compare several international agreements on ecological issues.

🧑🌿 Environmentalism Topics to Write About

Movements aiming to protect nature are at the core of environmentalism. The idea first gained traction in the 1960s. Notable organizations include PETA and Greenpeace. If you’re interested in environmentalism, consult this topics list:

  • Investigate the history of environmentalism.
  • Discuss the negative impacts of urban sprawl.
  • What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is celebrated worldwide on April 22.

  • Describe the key concepts of environmentalism.
  • What are the different types of green movements?
  • Compare the goals of various NGOs.
  • What does the WWF do?
  • Describe the main achievements of nature activists.
  • Explain what apocalyptic environmentalism is.
  • Who is Greta Thunberg?
  • Discuss the impact of the Fridays for Future movement.
  • Explain emancipatory environmentalism.
  • Investigate the Animal Liberation Front.
  • Analyze the central concerns of ecofeminism.
  • Why are environmental movements important?
  • Who was John Muir?
  • Explain what ecoterrorism is.
  • Does going green equal saving the environment?
  • Who were the first nature activists?
  • Discuss the influence of green political parties.
  • What is environmental justice?
  • Explain how civic environmentalism works.
  • Are the actions of Greenpeace always justified?
  • What are some examples of good nature activism tactics?
  • Analyze the effect environmentalist movements have on politics.
  • Types of marine pollution
  • Concepts of ecofeminism
  • Causes of grassland degradation
  • Advantages of hydroelectricity
  • Organic farming support in the US
  • Energy conservation in the US
  • What does photochemical smog depend on?
  • Seasonal behavior of urban heat island
  • Nuclear and radiation accident categories
  • Can baffle spray scrubbers control pollution?

📖 Top 10 Environmental Research Questions

  • What are the causes and effects of air pollution?
  • What are the most dangerous effects of climate change?
  • What are the most severe diseases caused by water pollution?
  • Is global warming real?
  • How does deforestation affect people and animals?
  • Do carbon offset programs work?
  • How to prevent and control soil pollution?
  • How does plastic pollution affect marine life?
  • What are the most threatened biodiversity hotspots?
  • What should we do about overpopulation?

We hope this article helped you decide what your paper will be about. If the topic you’ve chosen is still not perfect, feel free to customize it! Good luck, and have fun with your essay.

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🔍 References

  • Environmental Issues Guide: Giving Compass
  • Climate Change: National Geographic
  • Climate Change and Global Warming: NASA
  • What Is Ecology?: Khan Academy
  • Ecology: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • What Is Sustainability and Why Is It Important?: Environmental Science
  • Environmentalism: Learning to Give
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  1. How to Write a Research Paper on Environmental Issues

    Method #2: Project Your Research. Make a Plan. You will hardly prepare a good and concise research paper if you do not plan it profoundly. Think about the categories and chosen environmental issues that will find their place in your paper. A detailed outline will be the best support for you.

  2. 7 Steps for Writing a Paper on an Environmental Issue

    Follow Instructions. Carefully read the handout or prompt given to you and which contains instructions about the assignment. Early in the process, make sure you choose a topic that will satisfy the assigned requirements. Once half-way through the paper, and once when it's done, check it against the instructions to make sure you didn't drift ...

  3. Environmental Issues Research Paper Topics

    Writing an environmental issues research paper requires careful planning, organization, and attention to detail. It involves conducting thorough research, analyzing data, and presenting your findings in a clear and compelling manner. In this section, we provide expert advice and ten valuable tips to guide you through the process of writing an ...

  4. How to do Research on Environment

    To find research on more specific aspects of your topic, alternate one new keyword at a time with the primary keyword of your topic with "and" in between them (for example, "global warming and causes," "global warming and health," "global warming and pollution," "global warming and solutions," etc.). For additional help with ...

  5. Environmental Issues Research Paper

    This sample environmental issues research paper features: 6700 words (approx. 22 pages), an outline, and a bibliography with 39 sources. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help.

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    Increasing demands on ecosystems, decreasing biodiversity, and climate change are among the most pressing environmental issues of our time. As changing weather conditions are leading to increased vector-borne diseases and heat- and flood-related deaths, it is entering collective consciousness: environmental issues are human health issues. In public health, the field addressing these issues is ...

  8. Writing in Environmental Science

    Writing is one of the primary forms of communication in Environmental Science. It is important to be able to express yourself clearly regardless of the type of writing you are doing. It is also important to understand what audience you are writing for - a scientific audience or the general public. Communicating results of research by writing ...

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    2) Renewable Energy. Renewable energy is another fairly mainstream topic in which there is much to learn and research. Although scientists have identified many forms of sustainable energy, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, questions remain about how to best implement these energy sources.

  10. (PDF) Current Environmental Issues and Emerging Global ...

    This review collected some important reports and scientific papers on the emerging environmental problems that will feature prominently in the future. Global renewable power production (2017 ...

  11. 9 Tips on Writing a Research Paper on Environmental Issues

    In this write-up inspired by the input provided by folks at CustomWritings.com, you will get to know essential tips on writing a research paper on environmental issues effectively. Ask yourself questions to find out what topics inspire you the most. If you are looking for guidelines on writing a research paper while choosing a topic, the first ...

  12. Writing Policy Briefs and White Papers

    Problem Statement - explicitly states the issue the paper will address Background - provides the reader with the background information needed to become familiar with the issue being presented Solution - using the gathered evidence present a solution to the issue

  13. What Is an Environmental Problem?

    Abstract. This paper advances two arguments about environmental problems. First, it interrogates the strength and limitations of empiricist accounts of problems and issues offered by actor-network theory. Drawing on the work of C.S. Peirce, it considers how emerging environmental problems often lead to abductive inferences about the existence ...

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    Environmental research topics refer to conditions of the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the environment. This can include human activity, living organisms, weather and naturally occurring landmarks. Environmental research focuses largely on conservation or prevention. Many professionals may perform environmental research, such as ...

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  17. Environmental Research Paper Topics

    This comprehensive guide on environmental research paper topics is designed to assist students and researchers in the field of environmental science. It provides a broad range of potential research topics, expert advice on selecting a topic and writing a research paper, and information about the custom writing services offered by iResearchNet.

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    Here're exciting environmental justice topics for a good proposal. 1. Effect of Hazardous Waste Facilities on Minority Communities. 2. The Influence of Air Pollution Exposure on the Health of Marginalized Populations. 3. Effect of Unequal Distribution of Parks and Green Spaces in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods. 4.

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    Provided below is a list of topics for an environmental science project that is suitable for your research paper: Air pollution effects on human health. Climate change effects on health. Water pollution and public health. Noise pollution effects on well-being. Mental health effects of environment-related toxins.

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    197 essay samples found. Environmental Issues encompass the challenges posed by human activities on the natural environment, including pollution, climate change, and deforestation. An essay could explore the impacts of these issues on ecosystems and human societies, discuss policy measures to address environmental challenges, or analyze the ...

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  23. 180 Environmental Research Topics & Questions to Write about

    180 Environmental Research Topics & Questions to Write about. (30 votes) Environment affects us all, whether we want it or not. Political leaders and students alike discuss ways to tackle environmental topics & issues. Some might argue about the role humans play in all this. The fact remains that our environment is a delicate matter.